An Alternate Ending (rules and character sheet)

Oh my God! So sorry. I'll fix it right away. Also congratulations on making leader. It may be by default but it's a win either way. Funny. The winning numbers were 1 and 3 but no one chose 1.
Song's a great roleplayer and we haven't heard from Cookies Need Love since she signed up.

Sure. Like Aura pointed out, we haven't heard from Cookies . . . ever. So I guess you can take his place.
Okay, cool. Would you prefer I make a new character or just use cookies? Cookies actually sounds like a character I would use for this. I mean, I'd probably change up a thing or two, but still. I can use him if you want.
I'd at least change the name. It wouldn't seem right to use his character exactly how he created it. But if your character was going to be like his, I can't see a problem with having a character based off of his.
Kay kay. I'll change him up more than just the name, but give me a little bit. I only have my iPod right now. I'll borrow my friends computer lol thanks!!

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Verjouhi Sand-Dragon

Age: Twenty-one

Race: Human

Power: Survival-He can fight, he can hunt, and he can talk to people. For years he thought he was just a fighter, but it wasn't the case. When alone, with no where to turn, he can survive on little to nothing. When in a crowd, he blends in as easily as if he were one of them, even if it were with rich nobility. He can fight with anything that comes to hand, be it his bow or a broom handle. He doesn't need another gift, but he does have one. He just doesn't use it.

Jumping-It's like teleporting but more direct. If he thinks of the place he wants to go, he's there. Normally, he'd need a picture, but his mind is better than any photo. Photographic memory. He sees it, he remembers it; walks hand in hand with his Survival.

Weapon of Choice: An oak wood bow and aspen arrows, with a rowan-bark quiver. A dagger that's about the size of a half-sword and a dagger that is a dagger. Even has a few throwing daggers for emergencies.


He wears a grey, brown, black, red cloak, so as better to blend in with his environment. It even can be flipped over to a royal blue to blend in with a crowd. His quiver stays under the cloak, same as the bow. The daggers remain hidden for the most part, and he keeps them darkened by smoke, so they won't flash in the light.

Personality: Verjouhi is cold and withdrawn. He rarely speaks unless spoken to, and even then he keeps the conversation short, unless his gift kicks in, which it normally does. He doesn't always like it, but it's saved him more than once, so he doesn't complain. He doesn't dislike them around him, but neither does he feel any positive emotion towards them. It is rare for Verjouhi to show anything but cool disinterest in the face of any situation. He is always watching the things that go on around him, and his sharp eyes often catch details others wouldn't notice. So Verjouhi is usually the one with the information. He only shares what he knows when he feels it is time for the others to find out, however, and most of the time he just sits and watches. But he fights when he must, and when he must not, he fighs his own survival instinct to fight.

History: Verjouhi used to be much warmer then he is now. He lived in a village with his twin brother, Vem. They were inseparable, both living good lives, but all must come to an end. Then, one day, Verjouhi went out to the woods to hunt. He left Vem behind, to guard the home It was then, while he was gone, that the Dragon attacked their village. By the time he returned, with a good kill, it was too late. The entire village was in ash and everyone in it was dead...including his twin. Verjouhi fell into a grief stricken spiral; he barely caught himself before he fell all the way through. When he heard of the five warriors that went to hunt the Dragon, he traveled far in order to be among the candidates. And even if he hadn't been picked, he still would have hunted. It just who he is.

Affiliation: White Knights

Other: He doesn't take orders easy, but he can work with a leader and a team. His survival helps with that alot. He likes to travel by horse, hates carriages, cars, and trains. His stallion, Sunfire, is never far.

(I'll add a pic soon, I'm still on my iPod. My friends computer has a virus or something...)
Accepted. Jump on in. I think you already know that you're under attack. Also you have a gold bracelet with a single gem with the color of your choosing.
Name: Deios Vander Zambado (Dei [pronounced: day] for short)



Carries with him 4 captured souls in mini-statuettes, he can fuse with one soul at a time to gain special powers and abilities. He also has some slight telekinesis, but it is weak compared to his true soul absorbing powers. The four souls are:

  • Terra: His armour turns dark brown, rocky and hard like a tortoise's shell and becomes near impenetrable. His skin turns light brown and harder and he becomes very heavy and super strong. He can roll into a ball to become a rolling wrecking ball. Sword becomes larger and more cleaver like.
  • Avis: His armour turns white and feathery, he gains two large white wings that allow him to fly at amazing speeds. His skin becomes very pale and he becomes faster and the feathers are sharp like metal, he can use wings as a decent shield. Sword's blade becomes shorter, more curved and becomes two swords.

  • Viper: Armour becomes green and scaley, and can change colours. His skin also becomes greenish and he can use his colour change to blend in with surroundings perfectly and become camouflaged. It's easier to see him when he moves. He gains a very long prehensible tail which he can use to poison opponents. Sword becomes thin and long like a katana.
  • Pisces: Armour becomes blue and scaley like a fish with fins sticking out of it. His skin becomes luminescent. He is able to survive under water and swim very well. He also gains bio-electric abilities, he is able to electrify his body, shoot electricity out and is immune to electricity. He can also glow for dark places. Sword becomes like rapier with a spiral wire wrapping around it.

Weapon of Choice:
Demon Sword which he carries on his back in a sheath strapped across his chest. (Changes appearance with transformations, 1st sword is it's normal form, 2nd katana sword is Viper form, 3rd set of swords is Avis form with him having two of them, 4th rapier sword is Pisces form and final giant sword is Terra form.)

View attachment 4852

Appearance: View attachment 4835

Dei is a very quite individual usually only talking to himself or his souls. He only talks to others to warn them of their own stupidity or point out their own short comings. He is very sadistic and cruel to his opponents even though he shows no enjoyment when he does it.

Dei was born a non-noble Demon, but has gotten to where he is today be being good at what he does. He is considered one of the best and most of his own race knows of his story and fears him. He is on the hunt for new souls and is considering the Dragon, as well as any others that might get in his way.


His souls are trapped within pocket sized pieces of metal face statues that look like each soul's power. (Terra is brown and rocky, Avis is white and feathery, Viper is green and scaley and Pisces is blue and has fins). They can float around him and talk to him, they can make it so only he can hear their voice or anyone can. They do whatever he says and are with him at all times.
S'ok. I'll manage... You can use the time to foreshadow my character :P

Maybe just before he comes in i can do some posts of him terrorizing some people.
Just out of curiousity who is this Lucas guy that the White Knights are following?
Ah okay, that would make sense. I thought that I had maybe just missed something since it showed up two posts in a row.
Sorry. Kevin and Lucas were twins in this other thing. : -_- : Though I don't know how I got confused. They have different personalities.
Name: (full please) Aran Ravingar

Age: 17

Race: Human

Powers: Can run 3x faster for a period of 20 seconds and can make his opponents move very slowly for 10-15 seconds

Weapon of Choice: A dark slick katana

Appearance: (anime please)

Personality: Keeps to him self and is not one to socialize he is very short tempered and has no patience

Affiliation:White Knight


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