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Amori High


One Thousand Club
A Japanese high school where the principal is testing out stuff and pairing pairs of people to have the same classes, and must sit together everywhere.
Akemi sighed softly as she wandered into the class room silently. A small barely there smile graced her face as she glanced at the clock and then at the instructor. After a moment she wander up to the desk and handed the instructor her note from the office and sat in her chair. 'I don't understand why the principal is making us do this.' she thought to herself as she stared down at the wooden desk.
"Alright, class, a new student will be attending here from now one. His name is Chris Verian. He transferred from America to here when his parents died and his aunt took him in." He looked down at the ground and waited, "since one of you don't have partners," She looked at Akemi, "Chris will be your partner Akemi." She smiled and sent Chris off next to her.
Akemi lifted her gaze to the new boy in the class room and looked him over. He didn't seem all that happy to be here. Even more so than normal students who didn't want to be in class. Akemi sighed softly and moved her bag and books out of the way so that he could sit next to her.

'That means I will have every class with this guy, i will have to sit next to him and do work with him..... I hope he's not mean or anything like my last partner was.' she thought to herself as she rubbed the back of her head.
Once he sat down, he didn't talk but sat there listening to the lecture the teacher was giving, no one bothered even looking at him in the class. He sighed putting his bag down.
Akemi watched him from the corner of her eye finding him more interesting than the lecture at hand. She still managed to take notes but her focus wasn't really there. She wasn't sure what to try and say to him to break the ice but she knew that they would have to talk sooner or later. Her wavy brown hair had blocked her face, making it easier for her to steal glances at him while she tried to assess how things might work out.
He shifted his face to the side Akemi was at to look at the clock near the door. "Twenty more minutes." He sighed, putting his head down to write several notes the teacher explained. He had seen Akemi watching him 'secretly' and asked, "Why are you looking at me." Whispering as he asked.
Her eyes widened slightly and a small blush started to form on her cheeks. "I-i'm sorry I didn't mean to stare...." she murmured out softly as she stared down at her paper feeling rather embarrassed for being caught stealing glances at him.
He didn't mind and went back to writing notes. What the heck? He thought in his mind. "It's fine." Chris said. "People do it because I'm an outcast, I understand." He whispered.
"N-no... that's not why I was looking." She stammered out softly not knowing how to explain why she was looking at him. She shuffled her feet under the desk and was about to whisper something back, when the bell for the class rang. She let out a small sigh and put her things away and stood to her feet. "I am Akemi Hiragi, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance... Since I am your partner for the semester, please fill free to come to me for anything from help with homework to just needing someone to talk to." She said softly as she tossed her bag over her left shoulder and held her hand out in hopes that he might shake it.
"I don't have much for you to know about me." Chris said picking his stuff up and leaving for the next class. Art, yes! He exclaimed in his mind, sitting down at the table in the back. (I forgot to tell you that he is attractive to others but he thinks he's ugly)
Akemi lowered her head slightly and ambled out to the next class. She took seat next to him at the back table and pulled out her sketch book. 'I'm going to have to either try hard with this guy or just give up.... Let's try hard first.' she thought to herself as she pulled out a pencil and started working on the line art for a doodle she had begun well before the class.
Chris went back to his portfolio notebook, with his wonderful Anime drawings and drawings of other people including himself with special objects in their/his hand. He took the picture of himself and started to put hair detail on to it along with the detail of the Katana he held.
Akemi glanced over at his work a smiled softly "Your art is nice." she murmured softly as she glanced up from her zen, abstract elemental orbs. Akemi had been going through an abstract doodle phase.
"Thanks...." He sighed, continuing his work. He had pretty long hair at the side where Akemi was, blocking out her view, but it was thin so she could see him. Chris started to draw his old school, him next to his girlfriend, and his friends. Chris stared at the drawn girlfriend in rage, whispering, "You couldn't even ask...."
"Gosh I'm sorry for glancing.... It's not like I was staring at it." she muttered back as she laid the side of her head upon the desk facing away from him as she continued to work on her doodle. Her once barely there smile completely gone now as her cheek rested upon the cold hard table. After a small while she stopped doodling completely and just sat there staring at the wall.
"I tried that once.... the picture never answers back." she said softly still sitting there with her head against the table. "But that person must be pretty important if you are trying that." she added softly as she lifted her head slightly and turned her gaze towards him. Her soft hazel brown eyes were fixed in his direction even though her gaze suggested that she was either looking past him or trying her hardest to look through him.
Akemi sat up and looked down at the picture leaning over to retrieve it. "She's pretty." Akemi said softly as she sat the picture back down upon the desk next to him. She glanced over at the clock and started to pack her things up to go.
"What?" He rushed to grab it back, "It-it was nothing." Chris stuttered, putting it back in his portfolio and putting it back in his bag.
Akemi tilted her head slightly a little confused by his reaction but shruged it off. "It's almost lunch time. You got yourself some food or money to buy lunch or what ever?" she asked softly as she closed up her back pack and leaned back in the chair waiting for the bell to ring.
Akemi smiled softly and nodded her head. As the bell rang she sat back and watched the students flood out of the class. "Well I'm glad that you were smart enough to bring money.... my last partner wasn't that smart and ended up having to buy her some snack just so that she would focus in class after lunch." She said softly just before she stood to her feet. "We don't have to hang out during lunch if you don't want to but try not to be late for the next class kay. " She said softly as she stood to her feet and headed for the door.

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