Amongst the Embers [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

The Captain examines your trophy, and shrugs.

"It is up to you, Lieutenant. Consider yourself on leave, I suppose. Until the Thiah girl is returned or turns up dead, no one is leaving the city."
"Very well Caption, I take my leave." With a bow he turns to the Sergeant "Sergeant, I am ready to give my report when you are ready?"
You give your report, in full, taking some comfort in the protocols.

And then it's just you, alone in the lobby of the embassy, having been shown your quaters for the duration and left to your own devices.
Uriel spends the better part of a week walking the grounds of the embassy, occasionaly venturing out into the city proper. While it pained him to admit it, while it was a defenceless outpost it was one pleasant on the eye, not disimilar from the women here! Mainly he rested his ribs, they took a pretty severe pounding falling from the beast, which he was now informed was a Cockatrice. With his new found talented fingers he managed to wittle the near ivory claw into a pair of curved daggers. Them he left in his pack.

He asked Garrus for some lessons in the language with some drinks in the embassy while he was off duty. Happy to obliege the two bonded over stories of traumas from their past, and for the first time since his ordeal he felt some what at ease. Uriel tried to find out more about this Lord's daughter business, as pleasent as this place was he had orders and that involved getting out of this city. He asked Garrus, who if he couldn't consider a friend was someone he respected. Someone who understood what it meant to be H'kaerian in a place like this....
Garrus explains that the local Lord, the closest thing one will find to a commanding officer here (he has also explained to you that very few people on the street are soldier, and the genuine military force in the city is known as The Watch, in the employ of this Lord Thiah. This was... disconcerting, to say the least) is searching for his kidnapped daughter. No ransom has yet been put forward, and thus far all fingers point to the Blacknives, a powerful criminal organisation in the city with a long-standing grudge against Thiah.
"Could you tell me about the black knives Garrus? Are they prevelent in the city or are they secretive and secluded?"
"Well," says Garrus, laying down the mug of spiced ale (a welcome import from home) and lighting his pipe, "from what I know, the Blacknives are powerful enough to have agents in every Kelenite city or major town. They're led by the Blacknife himself - I think it's a hereditary title, but in any case no one has ever met the Blacknife. All their work is done through proxies, and you'll only find a few men openly claiming loyalty - everyone is else is coerced or paid into their service."
"Fuuuck every city? I knew they were defenceless but enemies within their own walls?" He takes a long soothing draft of his ale, the spices tingled his throat as it went down. "Any place you can think of that we can learn more of them? Without being too conspicious even?"
"Hm. Difficult to say, really. Perhaps some of the poorer districts? Just north of here is a region where... well, where one can buy 'companionship' that certainly doesn't seem as law-abiding as this one. The south side of the city and especially the docks on the river might also be worth checking."
Garrus chuckles. "You know, I would. But I'm under orders I'm afraid, have to stay here."
"I'll speak with your superior. God knows I haven't quite gotten around this tongue of theirs, and i m sure the Consult wouldn't like me getting "Lost", now would they?" He said with a wink
Uriel clasps a hand on Garus' shoulder. " I ll be back soon. Keep my seat warm!" He rushes off in search for a superior officer.
"Sir" He does a formal salute, he was going to stick with regulations, even if the rest of them let it fall to shit. "I was hoping to do a bit of investigating regarding this Kelen woman and obviously not knowing the language or the city, I was hoping to bring Garrus with me?"
The Captain stares at you for a moment, then shrugs and sighs.

"I suppose it can't hurt, Garrus has earned some leave. And with the city on lockdown there isn't much for us to do. Just be careful where you stray - this city can be dangerous."
"For what its worth the sooner we can fix this Lord's issue the sooner food can be sent to the front line. Our armies are like a body and without food to supply its arteries it will shrivil up and die." With that Uriel returns to Garrus. "Looks like we're going hunting"
The two of you leave the embassy and stand on the streets of Illim.

You are presently on Lord's Walk, the wide, paved main street that leads from Shepherd's Gate in the west, where you arrived last week, to Cracked Moon Lake and Lucent Gardens in the east. North is Blue Avenue, leading to the Old Square and House Thiah. This district is called The Glory. Northwest is the district known as Red Lantern, and the entire southern area on this side of the river is divided into the slums of Shadyleaf and Gristling.
"A tavern in the Red Lantern district maybe? Unless you can think of somewhere more suitable? Remember if anyone questions us we re ex H'kaerian soldiers looking for work as mercenaries"
Garrus shrugs. "Good as any, I suppose. I've never been allowed beyond this part of the city before."
"Ah" Perhaps taking Garrus was a mistake but he needed to get out of this city and this was the only way he could see forward.

"Onwards then" he said with a smile, trying to hide the worry in his expression. He was walking into a situation blind, something he was unaccustomed to....
You travel to the Red Lantern district, and the change in the city is obvious. As you leave the area of town known as The Glory, the houses gradually lose their grandeur. Buildings are smaller, and less ornate. At first legitimate businesses are common - though there are plenty of armed men and women, discreet but noticable to your trained eyes.

Closer to the wall, the streets are lined by homes and an unusual number of taverns. Small, red lanterns glow outside, as they did by other taverns and inns in this district.
Looking around Uriel is glad that they came armed as they did, with the protective plates of Alarian steel semi hidden beneath robes and a biting blade on his belt, at least they fit in with the plebs. He points out a tavern along the wall and suggested they try it out.
Do you choose a tavern lit by a red lantern, or one of the others? The lantern-taverns are more common. Unusually, one discreet little place has a purple lantern hanging out front.

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