Amongst the Embers [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

Uriel springs to action, he has spent too long in this carriage, time for some action! He jumps out the side of the carriage that wasn t hit (with whatever) and surveys the situation.
As you emerge from the carriage, you are temporarily blinded by a flash of light. When your vision clears and your eyes readjust to the night, you catch a glimpse of a scaly tail disappear around the front of the carriage, the sound of screaming, of tearing flesh. Directly in front of you is a... a statue. A statue of a man clad in armour, raising his arms to shield his face. A very familiar statue, in fact - Stefan, one of the two guards traveling with you.
(Subject to change depending on the text I get back as there are a few elements that are new that will all be basically be brought into this post ie dice rolls, successes, modifiers etc......and I can just see this coming to bite me in the ass anyways haha)

Uriel curses under his breath, his intuition tells him that he should shield his vision from these creatures. He rips a piece of cloth from his cloak and covers his eyes so that only the bare minimum are exposed. (Very tempted to try and Perseus this if they do what I think they do.......) He then carefully takes a polished steel shield from the spilled contents of the cart. (It was transporting weapons?)

Purifier in one hand and shield in the other he stalks the side of the cart fanning out to move slightly away from it. (ie I m not creeping along the side of the wagon, also to those wondering how I m carrying a two handed weapon and shield I m walking something like a gorilla ie hand carrying the purifier is pushing against the ground with it flat against the ground while the polished shield is acting like a mirror shield)

Stealth Roll

4 Dex + 1 Stealth



As a shadow touched I have +1 in shadow, its night so everything is shadow though unsure if +1 is to result or amount of dice though I m assuming its dice (I ll edit this later)

+1 dice for Shadows



Again sorry about the amount of brackets will edit later and I prefer to be exact and have the GM know EXACTLY what I m doing in PbP
OOC: Nulli anxietas, frater
You're convinced the beast hasn't noticed you, as it rears up above the carriage with an arm dangling from its massive beak. It must be a good fifteen feet high, covered in strange featherlike scales of iridescent blue. The head is not unlike a massive cockerel, the green comb lying unusually flat back along the head. It also has a third eye in the middle of the head, though it looks blind.

It wolfs down the severed limb, glances round with the jerky, psychotic motions of poultry everywhere, and leans out of sight again.

Once again, you hear the distinct ripping of flesh and wail of torn armour.
Hmm well I won t be needing you... He removes the bandana from his eyes. If anything was going to kill him it hopefully wasn t this things gaze....hopefully. Uriel also drops (quietly) the shield he is carrying, stealthily moving back to the opposite side of the carriage (opposite to the creature). He climbs up the side of the carriage, Purifier on his back, and lies in wait at the top with just under half of his body hidden by the wall of the carriage. He slowly removes the 7 foot pike, coats the blade in poison from his claws and lies in wait hoping to make the largest piece of chicken on a stick ever made.....Just the way dad used to make them. The memory brought a slight smile to his face. Bringing his body as close to the top of the carriage as possible he takes a deep breath and lets out a bird call. Bring it on Beastie
The monster rears up, apparently not knowing which way to look, and you realise its around fifteen feet tall at the comb. Oh dear.

It fixes you with its left eye, gobbling in a manner that sounds almost interrogative. Unfortunately it's now out of reach of your spear unless you get to your feet. Fortunately, it doesn't appear to notice your dark form clinging to the top of the carriage, and returns to its meal - which it drags further along the road in an attempt to pull a thigh loose.
Uriel cursed under his breath as he moved off of the carriage. Such an opportunity would be rare indeed. He crawls under the carriage and stalks towards the beast. Now on his haunches and purifier in hand he lies only a few feet from the beast.

With a sudden burst of speed he stealthily closes the gap and jams the purifer into the fleshiest bit of underbelly he can find, (possibly on the inside of the joint?) snapping off the large poisoned blade.

The beast flailing wildly Uriel trys to roll out of harms way (succeeding) and moving to the front of the beast (on the opposite side of its now bad leg)
The beast wails and stamps, fixing you with its psychotic chicken eyes, the wounded leg shuddering under its weight. Although, you have to admit, it seems a bit more steady than you would've expected. Until it tries to take a step - and almost falls. Calling loudly, it rears back, the comb folding up and out, with a slight frill around the sides. How utterly bizarre - it fixes you with that blind eye, but does nothing else. Some kind of intimidation tactic? That frill even seems to be glowing slightly.
Throwing the purifier behind him he darts to the "healthy" side, taking a running jump onto the back of its thigh. Claws outstretched Uriel grips the armour like a bear would a salmon. Digging in the sharpened syringes into any cracks and weaknesses on the way up, releasing his toxin on the way up.

(Not sure if there is any rolls but will edit if there are)
Dex + Athletics to latch on, Fitness + Athletics to climb, Strength + Athletics if it tries to shake you off. All difficulties for this one are 7
Latching on



2 successes




3 successes



2 successes

If it shakes



3 successes
It's a struggle, and the beast attempts to throw you off - though it's a weak effort.

You manage to climb the scaly back - in fact, it has almost ladder-like ridges. You manage to climb towards the head, seeing the faintly glowing, exposed brain.
So its true, even a behemoth has a weakspot. Uriel unsheathes his sword from his side and with one clawed arm clinging on for dear life he plunged the blade deep into the creatures exposed brain. Nothing stands up for long against H Kaerian steel!

(Hopeing this will kill it instantly I will blow my entire combat pool)

Hahaha oh god....

Combat Pool


Roll Willpower + Composure, if you please
The beast squeals, briefly, in agony, tossing its head back and flailing wildly with its claws. As you're flung away from the monster, a burst of light and energy explodes from the wound.
Lose 1 Health, 2 Con
The agony is beyond description. It feels like the ritual, almost. Like your soul flayed bare and scourged with fire. You fall to the ground otherwise unharmed, you think, aside from a faint sense of being burnt.

But the thing is dead. Leaving you stranded and alone in a strange land. Fortunately a map in the carriage should lead you right to this garrison of Illim.
Uriel patted down flames that weren't there for a few moments before realising that he wasn't actually on fire. This sensation of burning was happening too often for his liking.

Gathering himself together he retrieves the blade of the purifier and the spear rejoining fragments once more. How many times had it saved his life, its thick stake crippling even the mightiest of vampire's thralls. (If he can he will take some sort of small trophy from the beast?)

He gathers what supplies he can from the carriage, noting anything of value and sets off with the map and orders, even attempting to find one of the horses, before venturing off for the garison.
After a week of walking, mercifully bereft of monsters but regrettably devoid of human contact, you come to the gates of the garrison of Illim.

The city is surrounded by high, stone walls on which you can see no patrol. Sloppy.

The gate guards seem few in number, and there appears to be no traffic, though the cacaphony of the garrison reaches where you stand.
What a sorry excuse for a bastion. In Alara the walls were fifty foot tall and built of the finest granite. It was a fortress within a fortress, with all the provisions to hold out a year long siege....and it was all gone, gone within one night of Kromnian fury.

(Is there some sort of typical generic h'kaerian greeting?)

Uriel approached the guards, warily at first. He was supposed to reach this point with two armed guards and this was a new city, a new land, a new life. How would he be accepted? Would he? As an inventer he found it hard not to think of his fathers words "Embrace the new Uriel yet never forgot that which came before". The remark rang especially true for Uriel, he was the makings of Ancient magic and here he was in a world that may or may not be ready for him. Ready or not he was here at this point in time and he was going to make the most of it, for Alara, for his father.

"Gentlemen", he said with a bow, "I am a member of the H'kaerian exploratory division. My caravan was attacked not 4 four days ride from here. As the only survivor I need to speak with the H'kaerian ambassador to this city."
The men stare at you briefly, then convene in muttered conversation that you do not understand, picking out a word here and there of the foreign language but not divining the meaning.

Eventually they summon a runner, who leaves, and the pair eye you warily.

Still more waiting, and to your relief a man in the uniform of the Olive Branch arrives.

"Lieutenant Suranden! I am Sergeant Garrus. Would you mind coming with to the embassy for debriefing?"
You are led into the city proper-

And it's all so... chaotic.

Wide streets lie ahead of you, with many sidestreets, alleys, nooks and crannies around. Watch patrols are visible here and there, but for the most part everyone is in finery and no one is even armed! All the wide spaces, unfortified structures, winding multiple entrances... this is no way to conduct a defence! These people could be overrun in hours. The streets are crowded with fools in clothes of no practical value - though you have to admit, the women...

No, lack of discipline, that. Your appearance draws a few disgusted looks.

Sergeant Garrus leads you to a respectable little slice of home - a well fortified building in a tactically superior location. Banners of the H'kaerian military hang outside, and he leads you in.

You are introduced to Diplomat-Captain Sevrun in the unusually decorative interior, and the man himself is a shock. Overweight, minimal armour, no weapon beyond his dagger. What madness is this?

"Ah, Lietenant Surandan. I'm going to need a full report on your journey, but you can give that to Garrus afterwards. In the meantime, I take it you are going to need transportation out of the city?"
"Of course Caption, yes I will be needed transport to the estate of Count Kain. It is where my orders take me and so where I must go." He pauses for a second as if unsure of wheither he should ask. "Sir, if I might ask? How has this fort survived, when so many other mightier bastions of H'kaer have fallen? The men dress like women, and do not even bare arms. The walls are but a fraction in width and the buildings, why they're death traps. Completely undefendable, and yet....they prevail."
The Captain looks at you with an expression you don't recall. It dawns on you the man has gone soft, here among these foreigners. He's gone native.

"Well, Lieutenant... Here, the Kromsians cannot reach. Kelenite cities run no risk of assault by such an enemy, and plenty of warriors patrol the countryside to keep other threats down."

He appears to think for a moment, and then rolls up his sleeve revealing a horrific scar - from your days in the lab, it looks like an acid burn.

"Have you ever encountered The Flesh, Lieutenant? There are things beyond the walls of this city the equal of Vampires."

"As for transport, I'm afraid there's a small problem. Lord Thiah has placed an embargo on transit out of the city until his daughter is returned."
"No, I have fought one of these though" From his rucksack he pulls a *trophy* (What ever he took from the giant bird) "The others were not quite so lucky......What do you need me to do?"

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