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Futuristic Among Gods

Maya grins. "See? Everything's all good." She stows her robe and mask in a backpack she was wearing underneath her robes, then stretches out. "Ffffffuck it is good to get out of that outfit... Anyways, I hear music, and that presumably means a party... Let's have some fun, huh?"

Maya immediately joins in with the revelry, drinking and generally chatting it up with the Marauders.


Kalos was, at this point, pretty damn drunk. Granted, it took him mangling the hell out of "Bugler's Holiday" for it to really hit him.

"Oh, shit, I am really out of it... Okay, uh, s'all for tonight, folks! Kinda... Really drunk... You- you've been a wonderful audience, whip your taitress..." Kalos stows away his instruments and stumbles towards Coatl, grinning.

"Hey, Coatl, listen... I know I've been kinda... Like, a huge, huge dick to you, like, with Delphi and all that... But that's okay, that's in the past. We don't need that bitch anymore. We've got each other." He frowns, mulling over his statement. "Uh, not in, like, a gay way though... Unless you want it to be..."
Marcus thought on the information given to him by the Keeper his mind focused on the modifiers out of all the bits of information given to him. He knew that there would be a point where he would need to kill a weaker god and acquire a modifier if he wanted to stand a chance to many of the enemies he would probably make. As he thought on it the less appealing the deal that the god tried to make with him became, seeing as his chance of survival in a camp with this many people and who knew how many had modifiers and experience with them. Shaking his head Marcus looked back at the Keeper. "Name's Marcus if you want to know."
Misfortune thought, "I haven't quite gotten an opportunity. If I did attack at any point, all the others that seem to surround her would strike me down before I did any major damage. This was apparent when I 'BECAME CHAOS'(If I still had the image, I would've used it xD ). The apparent power of a benevolent, chaotic being were not enough to defeat them." He then carefully examined the blocky assault rifle. Of course it was blocky and weird! If you really want something useful, you probably had to imagine all of its uses at once, or something equally difficult.

Misfortune stood up, and walked back to the camp. He looked back at the sunset, and enjoyed it for a few minutes, before scurrying back into camp once it sunk below the horizon.
Neow46 said:
( @The Reaper Of Souls ) Galmiz:

Galmiz Maneri, The Balkinain Priest.

You sigh deeply, remembering yourself in a strange way like this...

It has been nearly a day since the Faren came for you, and struck you down... But you did not feel the weapon cleave into you like you had expected... but you instead awoke somewhere else. Somewhere you knew was not your own world...

You had awoke upon a immense, hilly grassland that extended far to the east and western horizons... To the South a salt water ocean that extended along the coast, and to the North, immense, piney trees, each far taller and larger then you could ever imagine was possible, with large mountains even farther beyond them...

But exploring within them earlier within the day... there was nothing but more grass, small hills, and roots... There were distant sounds of terrible, monstrous moans and screeches deep within those woods... Terrible enough to make you stray away from them...

This world... even though it was lush and green... It was barren... you saw no animals, no plants beyond the lush grass and trees... Nothing beyond or in the water, nothing soaring freely within the air...

Only the wind conducted a subtle tune with the air and the grass... A tune so subtle, you swear you could hear voices even humming quietly along with it...

But even despite that.. you could feel several, unfathomably immense presences here as you traveled silently eastward on these long plains...

One... you could feel an almost disgusting, vile evil seeming to stir underneath the earth you walked upon...

Another... Indescribable, Powerful, yet beautiful... It was radiant and almost warming, Like the sun upon a cool summer day...

And Finally, one that was enigmatic, untouchable it felt like... Shrouded in a grey mist that you could not see through...

Between these three, there were noticeably many more different presences and even forces all around you which you could faintly sense, presences of what seemed like literally everything both possibly conceivable and inconceivable it seemed....

But regardless, you've felt yourself almost drawn to the Power and Indescribable presence as you traveled eastwards as the sun rose from the east and now sets to the west behind you as it does now...

But finally, far ahead of you, there is a large, glowing dome over what looked like a large camp and a stone tower at it's center...

All around it from afar you could see unidentifiable beings and creatures circling and flying around it... and two of them you saw were headed their way as darkness began to cast itself over the land...

Within minutes, the two figures headed towards you could be clearly seen as they stopped above you and quickly descended down in front of you....

(Unsure if Humans exsisted in Galmiz's world, for now i will assume they are not.)

Two bipedal, winged creatures, they had no fur or feather aside from the immense wings upon their back, one was female and the other was male.

The female stood almost three times your own height, donning heavy looking and shiny armor with a immense greatbow and arrows to match along their back, she didn't seem to be very amusing as she looked down at you.

The male wasn't quite as tall as his counter part, but tall enough to match the height of your staff, if not a little higher then it. He wore far lighter armor and equipment, white and grey straps of cloth and leather armor, and wielded some sort of divine looking crossbow with an automatic mechanism upon it that was holstered on his side.

Both however, had an almost divine, angelic presence about them...

"Do you think it can even understand us?" The larger female spoke to your surprise in a rather heroic sounding voice...

"It should be able to, this universe in particular allows audible cross communication between almost everything." The man spoke, his tone of voice was quite laid back and simple.

"That's not what I meant." The Woman said, turning her gaze to you now.

"Creature, or Mortal, Who are you, and what is your intent?" She questions you with an eyebrow raised.

That's a good question you think to yourself... Why are you here?

The man mentioning "This Universe" particularly confused you... You knew for certain you were no longer in your own homeland. (or home world for that matter as far as you're concerned.)

Mayhaps you should answer them and ask them some questions to figure out at where you could possibly even be?
Galmiz shifted slightly to lean upon his staff, his feathered helmet creating a hollow thump against the unyielding wood. Two intelligent eyes peered up in awe at the presence of the two guardians, his tail twitching nervously back and forth as Galmiz spoke. His voice echoed within the confines of the bone mask, full of hope and wisdom as well as fear.

" My... My name is Galmiz, healer and priest to the forgotten goddess and.... I... I'm not sure why I am here... Where... Am I?"

He bounced upon the pads of his hooves in anxiety, would they answer?... Or would they strike him down? Both had the air of warriors and their weapons weren't made to stun enemies, not to mention the godly aura that surfaced from the tower. Not only that,but that vile evil presence that saturated everything in its foul stench. Memories and emotions bubbled beneath the surface, searching through carefully ordered thoughts for a possible answer for such Angelic being before him. Suddenly the Faren's scarred face thrusted into his mind, bring chaos to his organized thoughts and smashing hope with his terrible weapon. Galmiz gulped slightly and straighten himself out, making himself taller and revealing a thickly muscled torso while his voice shook with empty hope.

" Am I.... Dead?"
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OOC: Seih didn't take the nearly-empty bottle, just two capsules from it.

Izhane's quick and decisive response had impressed Seih. Well, now. Perhaps I misjudged him; at least someone around here seems to understand priorities.

As the medic finishes his introduction, Seih then scoffs. "Is that what he told you? Yes, I imagine he would say that; it doesn't look too good for a doctor when he takes a quick glance at a potential patient, doesn't immediately see any harm on him, then turns around and tells him to bug someone else for help. You might want to double-check this Arin's qualifications. Fortunately, Izhane has already proven his competence, so I will give Arin that - he's great at delegating to his betters. And as for that poison, don't bother looking."

Seih briefly takes the poison container out of his cloak to show it, then hides it again. "I assume this is what you are talking about. I took it from the stores earlier, since I thought it might be useful. It certainly had no place in a medical storeroom, and seeing the general level of competence around this camp, I probably just saved some poor sap a terrible fate in the future. Anyway, enough of that; Izhane has offered to brew a potion, and the sooner it is finished the better for all concerned."
Izhane waves his hand and shakes his head. "Got a little roughed up but I'm fine. Some draconian god tried to incinerate me, but it obviously didn't work. He did ruin my clothes and almost everything in my bag, though. I made myself a little bonfire so I wouldn't have to take up any important resources."

"I don't know how everything will react with exposure to god-fire, so I may have to toss most of what I have. Seih here's claiming that your brother just ignored him, but I wasn't there so I can't really say what happened. Rather not resort to using the last of my supply unless there's no way you could help him, so could you please check him out?"

And then the salamander hears about the poison. What in god's name would possess the psychic to do a thing like that?
"Wait, poison?

Izhane looks at Seih and frowns deeply.
"So not only did you rummage through my things and take my supplies, but you also stole poison? Honestly, what the hell is wrong with you that you'd think that's an okay thing to do? My head's been in some pretty dark places before, and it's not once come through my mind that stealing poison is a good idea. You're quickly starting to get on my bad side, and since I'm not a doctor there's no Hippocratic Oath binding me to take care of you. I agree that this camp has some issues, but seriously? Your attitude is pissing me off. What makes you think you're more qualified to hold onto that stuff? Give it here." The alchemist holds out his hand expectantly, and a light briefly flashes in his eyes from anger and annoyance. It almost looked like the light from a flickering candle.
Coatl smirks at the marauders, "Of course I did this before, just been a while. Too much time underground."

But before he knows it, Coatl is laughing along with them, downing drinks and competing with marauders to see who can drink faster.


A few drinks later later:

Coatl sways over and puts an arm around Kalos. "Yea that's right!"

"Don't make a sad face K. You know I'm *hic* not mad about that fight."

"And don't worry about Delphi. They'll get tired of her soon. And I think these marauders are starting to like me."
Coatl giggles drunkenly.

"Oh and...what's a gay?"
Kalos blinks. "Well, yknow how dudes generally like girls? Some dudes like dudes instead. Or sometimes both. S'weird." He frowns, waving a hand like he's trying to illustrate a point. "And... And I like both. An' I'm just saying that, like, we're totally not gay unless... Unless, like, you wanna be."
Coatl's face quickly turns red with embarrassment. "Oh. I knew that! Of course. Of course."

"I uh..I had feelings for a pretty lady one time. *Hic* but on the other hand, I also had feelings for a strong knight another time. *Hic*"

"I think we could *hic* try it out."
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Seih turns from the medic to Izhane, looking him directly in the eyes. Anger, and violence. Something else. All wrong. His eyes stray to Izhane's outstretched hand. Thief. Am I? Why did I take it? He reaches into his coat once more, and starts to pull out the poison. All wrong. No. It's mine; they do not deserve it. I know better. His arm freezes as he's about to take the box out, and he looks up at Izhane once more. Just another bully. Threatens not to heal me. "No." Just because he's bigger. Because they're bigger. Think it makes them better than me. "Everyone wants me to give up what should be mine." They need to be taught their place, starting with this creature. His hand drops the poison box back into an inner pocket, and he steps back. "I am keeping this box," he slowly enunciates, as if talking to a child, "and you are going to heal me. I don't care about any oaths. Everyone has a role. And, right now, yours is to attend to me. So, you will forget about this poison, you will brew your potion, and you will give it to me." Then, you will die.
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"Oh, really? Uh, alright, that's cool. Guess we're... I don't even know, a thing. A relationship thing. Neat..." Kalos struggles for a moment with his better, smarter nature, shortly before his inebriation beats it into unconsciousness. "Cool."
Errg wasn't all that hungry after chowing down on maybe poisonous monster meat, but he always could go for more food. He also needed something to distract him from this annoying metal spider crawling on him. After getting his meal from that infuriating line, Errg plops down his tray and sits down at a table, and he happens to arrive just in time to witness that annoying musician professing his attraction to the snake man. Errg wanted to ask about what the hell happened while he was gone, but with all the lovey dovey feelings and booze he decides against it.

"Love is good. Everyone needs love. Good for you folk."
Errg says simply and nods. He thought Kalos' wood box was annoying, but he wasn't some heartless monster that is going to shit on budding romance. Errg loved too, once, but he tries not to think about that. Bad things happen when he thinks about that too much.

It's been a quite while since Errg's tasted alcohol, years even, and he could use something to wash down this processed tasting crap he was feeding himself. He grabs a drink from wherever they were coming from, and chugs it down. What could go wrong?


The light flickers in Izhane's eyes again, and it stays there. He didn't want to be like this towards Seih, but he didn't see what else he could do. The psychic was being unreasonable, and was obviously dangerous and unstable.
"I will do nothing of the sort. How could you even twist things in your head to make it seem like this poison belongs to you now? You didn't make it, you didn't purchase it, no one gave it to you, and you aren't authorized to possess it. Your only reason seems to be that you don't trust the people here to hold onto it, but why should we trust you?"

Izhane sighs loudly and looks down. He rubs his temples, and a thin lines of smoke trail out of his nostils. This guy was seriously stressing him out. "Listen, I'm not trying to take anything that belongs to you. Problem is, this stuff doesn't belong to you. I want to help you, I really do, but you have to cooperate." Izhane looks back up and holds out his hand. "How about a compromise? You let me destroy the poison and I'll let you watch so you can see I'm not trying to trick you, and then I can see what I can do to help you. With the mental state you're in right now, I just can't trust you with this stuff and I don't want you to have to be paranoid about us keeping the poison and doing something nefarious. I'm not a fighter, so don't make me have to try taking the poison from you."
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OOH, I hope they got Chimichangas. "Chimi-whats?" Or pancakes that smell like victory. Thorn shook his head and tossed a quick glance to...Jaiky and snakey.

"It's Coils, not snakey....your....snake there. You don't happen to serve the Nightmare do you? Or the Void maybe?" Tell him you like his snake...and Coils too. Thorn tried to hold back his laughter, only doing a sub-par job. "Gross dude"
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Seih listens with growing impatience to Izhane's speech, and he is forced to admit to himself the salamander has a point. He knows he is qualified, at least moreso than others, and that he deserves better than his current lot. But what use is that if it has not been impressed upon everyone else? The poison in itself is not important; he lost interest in it the moment he took it off the shelves. What matters is that the others don't yet trust him enough not to question his actions. I need to prove myself to these people. I should not have to, but I cannot expect all of them to see as clearly as I do. Seih even feels prepared to forgive Izhane for his earlier insolence; he might have expected too much out of him.

"With the mental state you're in right now, I just can't trust you with this stuff"

His good will vanishes before Izhane can even finish his sentence. He lifts himself up into the air so that his eyes, now an intense, electric blue, are level with Izhane's.

"So that's what you all think, is it?" he hisses, his voice just above a whisper. "Poor little Seih has lost it. He's taking initiatives and not blindly following the orders we give him, so he must have become unhinged. Isn't that a convenient excuse? You don't really care about the poison, no more than I do; it's just a pretense for you to put another leash on me." A brief, racking cough interrupts his speech, before he turns once more to Izhane, wiping the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. "I won't let you. I've been a slave too many years. I couldn't care less whether you trust me or not right now; in time, you will learn to have faith in me. And in case you're thinking of doing anything rash..." Seih conjures up a small, invisible psychic dart which he throws at Izhane's head. "Remember that I may need you to heal my body, but my mind is as strong as it has ever been."
Hellfire and damnation! Xenie's been around the whole time. I knew it!

Koyaanis tries to recall if Misfortune was present when his residence in Danielle was revealed.

Might not matter so much, either way. Can't have old lizardface inserting his snout into our business, however... How can we use this to our advantage?

While pondering what dastardly plot could upset Xenoth's plans the most, Koyaanis' gaze drifts back to the camp. He sees happier minds relaxing as the burden of fear and hate lifts from them.

I picked a bad time to leave. Better not miss this.

He winds his way from the cold void into the glimmer of the party. Through the haze of emotion there are some glints of something else, something untoward happening... There's a flash of anger and vicious intent.

O wot. Another fire to put out?

He swoops off to investigate the ruckus in the med tent.

Danielle blinks and remembers where she is. Her hand closes over the shard, composure mostly regained.

'Koyaanis is... not here. I will keep this safe.'

The fragment makes her skin tingle. It's light is beguiling but she elects to ignore it and swiftly returns to her tent, where she goes to shut the shard in her lockbox.

This thing is what the gods want?

Blue and orange fairy lights glow within the crystal. It seems innocuous enough. More like a charged battery than a dangerous magical artefact...

She drops it in and slams the lid, spinning the combination tumblers.

Not yet.

Her pistol needs cleaning. That'll take her mind off of the shard and it's owner. It's done in short order, however. With a sigh she collects her things. Outside the tent, with a marauder jacket replacing her ruined uniform, Danielle makes her way to the party. Even the company of strangers is more comfort than not right now.
Byron scrunches his eyebrows and begins to rummage through his mind to see if he might have any worhwhile ideas for their current situation. Surely there had to be something that they could do to keep them from being relentlesly bombarded by gods. "At our current position, we are left wide open for almost any sort of attack. We need to do something that not many of our enemies would expect." His eyes light up, finally hatching an idea. "Would transferring to an underground settlement be in the realm of possibilities." He looks up at the Keeper. "I doubt they would ever expect something like that. As of right now, the gods see us as a group of fighters. I don't think that they would expect us to hide." Byron scrunches up his brows again. "As for turning the gods against each other, you make a very interesting idea. Would a kind of infiltration be possible. Send one of our own in disguised as a rouge god, in persuit of achieving elder godhood? If we could send one of us in and learn more about their group, we might be able to destroy their alliance from the inside."
"Oh yeah. Kill or be killed. Never mind that when either that cat-man thing or that human played magic music that tried to cut my fucking leg off, I still used my nonlethal weaponry. Never mind the fact that there is still no fucking way in hell that being zapped with sticknshock should ever disable someone for over a day. Would a 'crazy fuck' bother to specifically load weapons with nonlethal munitions and, when threatened, rather than immediately resort to the lethal ones, actually use the nonlethal ones? You're lucky I'm not one, by the way; I've met more 'runners than I can count who'd tear someone's throat out for less."

He rolls his eyes, glancing to Chris.

"Ya know, as long as you actually ration and record combat stim use carefully, addiction isn't something to worry about. Even if you do get addicted, well, it's a lot easier to recover from that than from a hail of gunfire, neh?

You seem like a sane enough person, at least relatively speaking. ...Then again, that's not saying much, given the welcome I got and her reaction to me defending myself. If they were planning to try to solve the hostage situation with force, the correct way to do that is to get someone to sneak up behind me, or somehow force the gun away from the hostage with magic, not try to cut off my fucking leg."
Meilikki sat by herself in a shadowy corner in the mess area. Music and celebrations had echoed around her for maybe an hour now. She had tasted what one soldier referred to as 'wisky' but she found it intolerable and since then had sat, quiet and sober, watching the activity around her.

Her own scream was still ringing in her ears. She wondered how mortal she was now. This lack of action did not suit her, it never had. Connections and friendships are a danger, she told herself as the crowd broke into another round of song, every one disappears or dies in the end. I'm still here though. It must only be a matter of time. Koya returned. I should keep my distance, remain pragmatic. I'm only good as a tool of war, that's what I was born to be. You're namesake was a provider, not a warrior. I am not my namesake.

Meilikki's dark eyes scanned the room again for the billionth time. She awaited her next fight.
Chris shrugs, "Non-lethal can still kill someone if you fire it point blank and it does sound like you had the gun pressed into the guy's back, spine even." he sighs and thinks about the rest of Roy's words, "If that's what happened, then arguing over what would've actually happened in more perfect circumstances is not really going to change it. I'm just going to chalk it up to point blank range and the guy probably getting at least some what unlucky." After all, damage like that doesn't truly break down into discrete numbers in this reality, he thought to himself.

"As for the drugs, I'd only make enough for you and a few other people. If you just hand them out there's going to be dumbfucks who OD on it since going out that way would probably seem better then trying to face the odds that keep building up against us... and really, this place just seems to be a bunch of random people pulled from many different universes, so they're not professionals or anything; and I don't think they're called the 'Marauders' for nothing either, just a ragtag band of random people or something like that. In fact, when I first got here there was a dumbfuck who tried to steal Elijah's modifier, ran off with it, and ended up getting killed by some some pre-god type being. Anyhow, I don't think the vast majority of the people here would have the discipline needed to actually use combat drugs correctly..." he looked over the camp, pondering what he was going to do next, "...so it seems like the combat drugs idea is a bust.. wanna go see what you can figure out from the alien tech that did actually make it here... or do you want to stay here and keep trying to talk to someone," he glances over at Delphi, "who's not in the mood to listen to literally anything you have to say? I'm getting a headache listening to you two go at it."
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Major update #25!

Darkness now settles acrossed the western horizon, bringing Night time with it, and leaving only the lights of the surrounding allied Gods, the camp, and the starry, unfamiliar sky... But no sign of the planet's moon currently this night...

(OOC: If you feel lost or feel like you have nothing to do or nothing to really respond to, please dont be afraid to let me know and I can get that fixed for you ASAP!)


( @Space Face ) Galmiz: The two beings look you up and down with raised eyebrows.

"Well, you certainly dont look to be dead or deceased." The man points out the obvious.

"Eh, Forget the bad joke. But you're within another Universe entirely, if you understand what one of those is anyways, one of which with this specific world that you're standing on right now is now the center of a reality wide spanning God war, and it's probably like your god-"

"Is Dead, or has abandoned you." The woman blatantly says, interrupting the man, making him give a sort of scolding glare at her.

"While... those are definitely possibilities, it's also possible the connection between you and your god has either been severed or their power is extremely limited here just like ours."

Like... "Ours"?

You wonder to yourself.

"Anyways..." He continues on.

"If you were dead, you'd be taking upon whatever afterlife, or lack of, your universe or your governing god grants upon you. But, this clearly isn't the case, as you're here now, both in body and in spirit into an almost singular plain. The Rules of.." He stops himself to think a little bit.

"Well... literally everything can change sometimes depending on what Universe you visit but... well, I wouldn't really worry about it if I were you. Don't seem to be exploding anyways..." The man shrugs to you as he speaks.

"This one is Naive, but also brave to stand up to Gods such as ourselves... Unlike that previous idiot..." The Woman says, still looking down suspiciously at you...

That'd definitely explain their presences... You think to yourself...

Their Aura's were obvious and different, but they seemed to be connected in some sense amongst the divinity they radiated...

The man was clearly more calm and soft overall, The woman though far more powerful and feisty...

Granted you could tell this from their personalities alone but...

The man slowly approaches you and begins circling around you and examining you for some sudden reason..., but after making a few full circles around you...

"Take it easy, it's definitely mortal, dont detect any sort of tricks or offensive magics that could harm us..." The man says to the woman, she only crosses her arms and keeps her eyes on you as you stood there.

The Man then offers his hand to you, palm outwards.

"Sorry, but, that was only just to be sure... Again, this place is kind of a hotzone, especially amongst Low gods trying to... well... You see that large magical dome and the camp underneath it waaaaaay over there behind me?"

He points to the said magical dome towards the east behind him, lighting up the night like a large, soft bulb of a luminescent plant in the night...

"We're part of an entire order of Gods to protect a VIP within that dome there from all the others who are stupid enough to come here after our Goddess's power, and to sate their own greeds and agendas..." There was definitely a certain sort of hatred in his own voice at the mention of other gods who seemed to be after this VIP of theirs...

"But... would you like us to take you over there? There's plenty of... well, other mortals of all sorts of races and species that are also protecting and serving under the VIP there too... Its well, alright if you don't wish to go immediately and if you have more questions for us...." She shrugged once again rubbing the back of his head.

"This is just a waste of time and you know it." The Woman says to the man bluntly.

"There's others of the Order who are far better suited for patrolling for wandering mortals all the way out here instead of us, why are we wasting our time with this?"

The man sighs as he turns to his companion.

"I. Don't. Know. Rohkuul just assigned us to this, but we're doing it anyway, so might as well just do it as we're told..."

They start to bicker a little bit, kind of like a couple almost for a few minutes, completely ignoring you for a few minutes...

"Urgh, just forget it please..." The man tells the woman as he turns back to you...

"Anyways, you wanna know anything else or would you rather walk all the way over to the camp back there?" He asks you, seeming a little heated at his partner....

How shall you respond?


( @ferociousfeind ) Misfortune:

"You're going to need to, Wait, No No wait! Fool! Stop! Immediate-" The voice is cut off as soon as you pass the barrier around the camp and the eye is completely gone from your modifier as you wander farther off in the camp to go and try to get the last of whats being served for dinner, and you see all of what's going on in group B.... (Read above in Kalos, maya, Coatl, Ged, Mei, Errg, Thorn, and Jaik!)

(I do apologize, im afraid i honestly dont have much for you this update, sorry :C )


( @Bonzo ) Danielle and Koya:

As Koya starts to see the fight erupting in the med tent (read above in Izhane and Seih.)

Danielle's able to lock up the shard in her lock-box amongst with whatever else was in it... hopefully nobody saw or realized she had it on hand, let alone stored it here, as she walks off towards the northern side of camp to pick up last minute food for herself... As she exits the line with whatever they were last serving and you mosey your way on over to the fun bunch of characters you fought with Earlier...

That fish man is drinking and is looking a little sickly...

The snake man and that musician seem to be getting really buddy buddy with each-other... Rather drunkenly and gayly...

Some Girl with a t-shirt and jeans is talking to that one small gay boy marauder and his dark ass origins...

The small cat man seems to be experimenting with gun powder and eyeing The Sub-Commadner up and down...

aaaaand it looks like Marauders are trying to get Mei involved into a fight nearby.

Oddly enough though, the reclusive white wolfess is out here eating with everyone for once. You knew plenty about Delphi, but the Supreme commander herself was a different story entirely, either always out on a mission or up in her tent on top of the Keeper's tower there, and making the occasional rounds to provide for the camp with that Modifier and gauntlet of hers...

That thing is apparently sooooo damn powerful that now an entire war of the gods if basically after it, and she's using it to make fucking condiments for her well done steak on her plate there while you've got what's comparable to deep space "nutrient" tubes on your own.

You sigh deeply and go to join them... Make any sort of conversation with them? (Read Above in group b!)

Time taken: Around 7-8 hours excluding planning for another 7 hours!

Total word count: About 4700 words!

Total player/Character count: 20 Characters, 18 Players, Excluding Elijah and Duo pairs.
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Maya frowns. "Earth? Like, the element? Odd, you don't look anything like an elemental... Uh, anyways... I basically come from this world, Demarus. I'm a member of this church, the Burning Sun, and our entire deal is we hunt down evil monsters and we kill 'em. Though, uh, some of our members have a problem with remembering the "evil" part..."

She frowns, taking a moment to think. "Anyways, I'm one of the church's most elite members, the Burning Ray. I'm an expert in the use of firearms." She takes the Guiding Light from her pocket and twirls it, as if to demonstrate. "I was hunting down a magically adept creature, and I'm pretty sure it sent me here in a desperate attempt to save its own hide." She snorts derisively. "It probably died from the Poison shots I filled it with, though."

She frowns again. "Also, even though I'm not a vampire, I will burst into flames if I remove my robe and mask when I'm outside and the sun is up. Our goddess is very jealous of those that would attempt to imitate her Light."
Seih looks on in surprise at how much his dart made Izhane stumble. He's even weaker than I thought. Good, maybe we can still do this peacefully then. He turns to look at Vizara. Though he certainly didn't look like much of a threat, Seih recalls the magic the lizard was able to throw at them during their chase. Seeing all the strange magical artifacts surrounding Vizara, and hearing Vizara's determination, Seih decides to take no chances, not knowing what the machines were doing. With two quick hand motions, several other invisible darts fly out, severing the tubes and wires connecting the lizard wizard to his healing totems - or whatever they actually were. "I knew we would have been better off leaving you behind. Stay where you are, lest you force me to do more."

Turning back to look at Izhane, while still keeping an eye on Vizara, Seih realizes Izhane hasn't quite learned his lesson yet. He floats up higher and farther away from the salamander, and begins to ready a psychic assault. Thinking Izhane will be expecting this, Seih decides to focus on the parts of the brain Izhane will have less control over. Specifically, he targets his sense of sound and sight, trying to overwhelm them with faked high-pitch noise and brilliant flashes of light. "Kneel, Izhane, and you won't have to find out why we became the dominant species back home." Suddenly, remembering the cards Vizara was used, Seih quickly exerts some additional energy (though his mind is starting to feel the strain of remaining vigilant on two fronts) to try to make hand movement harder for Vizara, while still focusing the core of his efforts on Izhane.
Misfortune looks at his modifier with a distressed face, and essentially wanders the encampment until he finds the canteen-like area where most of the Marauders appear to be situated. He looks back towards the horizon, admiring and fearing the dark horizon, he could swear he saw a few pairs of stereotypical red eyes, or something, deep in the nearest woods. He joins the large group, taking a share of food, and sitting down at an empty table... if there really was any. He looked down at his plate. There was some beef, broccoli, a strange meat he was not very interested in, and some foreign orange, tough roots cut into small sections. He ate one of the sectioned roots. It was very saturated in various oils, but otherwise had no real taste. He took a bite out of the beef, and found it rather dry, but otherwise good. Taking a bite of the other meat caused Misfortune to reach for the glass of liquid he had also grabbed, as it was covered in hot spices. After drinking some liquid, then immediately spitting the alcohol out, he looked out towards the rest of the group. (oshit a big post)
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At this point Coatl's face was beet-red with embarrassment. The whole situation was so absurd to him. He just got into his first relationship and others were already flirting with him? He was so flustered that he didn't even get a word out until Delphi showed up.

"N-nothing happened here!" He blurts out and takes a quick and nervous sip from his cup, his face still red with embarrassment.
Errg squints at the bottle and looks over the symbols over and over again, trying to puzzle out what they said. He wracks his brain trying to figure it out, but he just can't get it. A name? Whose name? My name? What's my name? How do you forget your name? No... Not my name... Who? Whose name? Is it a name? Yes, a name, but what name? Name name name name name name name...

"Name name name name name name name name name name name..." Errg starts mumbling out loud to himself and thumps himself in the head to try to get his brain to work. He gets frustrated and throws the bottle to the ground, but then it clicks.

"Aurae...No... Not her name... Anything but her name... Don't want to remember... Please..." Errg wishes it didn't click. Memories rush back into his mind. Amazing ones, bad ones, and one that's particularly horrible. He feels... Different in the memories, like he wasn't the monstrous beastial looking figure that he was now. He was under the ocean, his ocean, and in a city. A city full of brilliant lights and coral spires and so many people. And there was a woman... "Not her... Please not her..."

Errg's body morphs under the sudden rush of memories and emotions. His scales take on a bluish hue, and his body seems to be a bit smaller, frailer looking. His face is less beastial, but still far from human. His teeth become smaller, less prominent. The claws at the ends of his fingers become little more than normal nails, and those deadly looking fins sticking out his arms shrink as well. They still look sharp, and they're still large enough to help swim, but it'd be more difficult to cut at something now.

Errg throws his head on the table and wails loudly, tears streaming down his face. He didn't like to remember.

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