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Futuristic Among Gods

@ChrisClark13 @Lyrositor @Neow46

Alexander followed at a distance once the fighting had ended and the others began heading back to camp, reviewing recent events as he did so. This new land he was in had different rules for magic. His fairy friends in his wands could sense, and relayed to him, that combination magic and use of magic would come easier and no longer require the wands to be in his hand so long as they were close at hand. However, the magic was thinner here, and more of it would have to come from him. This was a problem given his weakened state and his empty engine. He had no other choice-- he would have to enact the Emergency Energy Translation Protocol.

The Emergency Energy Translation Protocol, or EETP for short, allowed him to sacrifice the deepest level of his engine to refill some of his energy reserves, but even with how vast the deepest level was and the fact that the areas of the engine tying the deepest level to the highest level would also be translated into an even split between aura and magic, he would only get a fraction of the energy that could be held there by translating the physical parts the composed those areas. Still, something was better than nothing, and with that in mind Alexander summoned the Graphic User interface that displayed the 150 levels of his engine as balls of light, plucked one of them from the array, and crushed it in his hand to invoke the EETP.

With his engine taken care of Alexander closed the EETP GUI and walked faster to catch up to the group that was heading to the Keeper's Tower. He chose to stay silent and keep his thoughts to himself for now, but Seih's outburst and some of the other remarks he had heard Alexander wondered about the chances of surviving if he stuck around. Clearly this group had internal conflicts and individual agendas within it, and it begged the question 'could this group function and survive together?' Alexander had his doubts, and wondered how he might be affected, but the answer to that and other similar questions would have to wait. For now, the most important things to know were why the Gods were attacking mortals and fighting amongst themselves, and how any mortals involved in this conflict would be affected once it was over. Still, even with the questions lingering at the front of his mind and his focus being kept on the keeper, he still spared a moment of attention to locate the person that had said something about healing.

Major update #23!

The Sun now slowly sinks further into the Western horizon as night rises in the Eastern skies....


GROUP A (MF Jaik Coils Danielle Koya Chirs Marcus Byron Alexander and Mei): After Seih's outburst, the modifier shard is left discarded on the ground...

Surprisingly, none of you go to claim it and after a moment of silence, the Keeper shrugs and walks over to the discarded crystal, bending over and reaching for it, but he hesitates for a quick second you all notice before snatching up the shard quickly and then standing back up, clearing his throat.

"Never mind him... it seems the stresses of battle have gone to his head, perhaps our friend needs some time to relax his little mind..." The Keeper says cheerfully, as he goes on to answer your questions.

It should be noted, any of you may leave at any time to explore the camp or possibly engage within other shenanigans if you so wish.

(I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things, I apologize guys!)

( @ferociousfeind ) Misfortune: "The reason, Master Misfortune, these low Gods are attacking us, and why these others are assisting us, is because of these." He waves around the Modifier shard he had in his hand, as well a pointed to the one you held in your hands. "They're essentially the, well, newest and "hippest" way to ascend into God hood, and almost without limits too." The Keeper says as he examined the blue and cyan shard he held. "They're primarily after Mistress Elijah's Modifier because its ascending her into what the Gods would consider Gods so to say, and every low and high God in the local reality clearly want a part of that or all of it for themselves. But I don't see why they wouldn't want the one you hold in your hand either though. " He said with a wink, likely hinting at you to be careful whom you trust with your own Modifier next time...

"From what I've seen, and do correct me if I am wrong, but who wouldn't desire a tool that can create anything and act as a conduit for god hood?"

( @SnakyDragon ) Jaik and Coils: "Again, do not worry about him." The ghostly Keeper says calmly. "I'm certain our small friend is just stressed from the fighting." He grins a ghastly smile, still always as formal and creepy at the same time.

"And if I recall overhearing you as you came up the steps, I Believe Mr.Vizara was in possession of this Modifier shard I now have in my hand here and was causing a bit of a stir before the Gods attacked. Your snake Coils has his heart replaced with a Modifier, correct? If his bites were able to leave some permanent damage, it's likely almost certain what you think is true, yes?"

He asks you.

( @ChrisClark13 ) Chris: After The Keeper asks Jaik a question he turns to answer yours now.

"Hrmm, I'm honestly not too sure about something like that Master Chris, Normally whenever i try something like that it ends up killing a mortal, somewhere, somehow in the local reality I think...." The think part honestly didn't settle too well with you, considering who the Keeper was....

"But, perhaps traditional training would maybe suffice?" He suggests to you with a light pat on your back.

"I am uncertain of what i would be able to teach you, but some of the marauders I bet you, perhaps along with that in your hand there." he points to your black and white modifier.

"Could perhaps bring about interesting results?"

( @Torma Ximnus ) Alexander: Upon enacting the EETP, the deepest level of the engine is immediately demolished and recycled upwards into the first levels of the Engine. This was likely extremely costly, seeing as how this Realm/Universe's properties seemed to differ form your own, but regardless you seem to have at least some power to work with now as the energy is being recycled and starting to fill the first level. You take a quick guess that maybe at least 15 levels of the Engine should be filled by the time its done, thankfully you have no need to use it immediately it seems.

As you listen to all these strange characters and creatures talk with this ghastly looking one the call
The Keeper, Looking the roof of the tower here for the one who said they were injured, you weren't sure if they actually meant it or if they've already been dealt with, since the people you followed up to here seem to only be moderately scratched up from the fight beforehand or they've split off or have been attended to it seems...

Anyways, this Keeper fellow could be rather helpful to figure out what the hell is even going on

here for both you and Marcus, but neither of you have really spoken up!

Perhaps is it just better to listen mayhaps? (Make sure you're reading whats going on in the rest of the group here!)

( @Bonzo ) Danielle and Koya: After Seih's outburst and the Keeper answers a few questions, he walks up to Danielle and hands her the small, cyan and orange shard. "I Believe this would be yours and Master Koyas." He says with a bow to Danielle, before turning his attention back to the others barraging him with questions.

( @Shadow Dancer @arcaneSentinel @Seahorse ) Marcus, Byron, and Mei: None of you have posted quite yet, please refer to previous updates and read everything above please!

(Make sure you're reading whats going on in the rest of the group here too please!)


( @Lyrositor ) Seih: After cooling off a bit and walking into the camp, you begin wandering about for a bit just kind of listening into all the rather boring, meaningless thoughts and chatter of all these people's daily lives and dramas here, (OOC: Normally it'd be rather exciting but considerin' Seih's mindset right now :P ) you eventually start asking a few guards on patrol directions towards the medical tent and you find it soon enough and enter the rather musky and sterile smelling tent.

You sit on one of the waiting chairs between two rather large and bulky armored Marauders whose races you were uncertain of, but their thoughts were nothing interesting besides remembering their past lives and families it seems as you listened to moans of the wounded behind many curtain stands, both mentally and audibly.

Soon enough a Human medic in a bloodied surgeon's apron with a mechanical right arm walks from behind some of the curtains and spots you.

"What is it you need." He says non-chalantly, looking you up and down.

"You do not seem physically injured, if you're looking for our Psychologist, the Sub-Commander is tending to her other duties right now, and I'm unsure where our Alchemist is, but if you need something, go find the white salamander fellow about your size."

He says, turning to prepare some more medical equi

Wait a minute... isn't the Sub-Commander that one really crazy cat woman you keep hearing about?


( @creepingShade ) Errg: You begin flipping random buttons, switches and confusing lighty doodads at random.

One Button pops out some sort of weird tray with a circle cut out of it nearby, scaring you somewhat but continuing on pressing buttons you're suddenly sprayed with water from above suddenly!

Making you frantically push the button again repeatedly to get the sudden cold as shit water to stop spraying from small nozzles above that you now notice. That button is now smashed broken.

Another switch makes some sort of weird stick thing with a ball on it pop out with a tiny little light up display that displays some pictures and a moving thing you can control with the stick, you don't know what the fuck it is but it fascinates you for a brief moment before you go back to fiddling with the main panel....

You also find a BIG RED BUTTON with all sorts of red and yellow stickers under some sort of casing on the back side of the panel, you almost press it after lifting casing, but you decide against it and leave it alone for now.

Another button another light turns on turns off here and there... Boring boring boring, flashy flashy flashy its all starting to make your eyes hurt...

Outside the observation window though you notice the waters are starting to get darker, but you pay no mind as you look at one final, cyan colored button that glowed gently dead center of the panel.

Upon pressing it, a sudden, holographic display of lights and pictures fills the space between the console and the observation window to your surprise! Displaying all sorts of weird symbols, boxes and other things that go right through your hand when you go to grab them oddly enough.

There were some red and yellow symbols and boxes that flashed annoyingly with "WARNING: CORE MELTED DOWN, 52 ROBOTS DESTROYED, 47 IN STORAGE, 1 IDLE, SEEK REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY" But you didn't know what the fuck any of those symbols really meant anyways....

You think you start to feel the island coming to stop now though it feels like, and all the lights and buttons start to calm the fuck down now... Looking outside the window, you think you can see sand far down below in the fading sunlight...

The Little robot in your hands squirms a little bit, it really wants to be let down it seems like... But anyways, do you investigate the surface?

Because whatever this panel thing and those robots did, you think it might have brought you back out to familiar waters...

What shall you do?


( @Veles Lek @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin @Paradox Turtle ) Kalos, Maya, Adam, Coatl, Lupa, and Ged:

You all cheerfully begin making your way back to the camp, conveniently you're all on the northern side of camp and you're able to make it into the lines for the dinner that were being served.

After getting whatever it is you all eat as well as a few celebratory drinks, all of you spot Thorn and Izhane and go to join them!

Even though its a rather strange sight to see the Salamander literally sitting in the fire for some reason, it seems they were also successful in battle!

Maya: "I.. I dunno, i guess i can walk with you guys and get some food but I-i think i've had enough excitement for the day, y-you know?" Cass hesitantly says as she walks with you all. "I... I just kinda wanna go back to my boyfriend right now honestly..." They say, seems like they feel somewhat defeated, and very certainly exhausted...

Aside from that though, you notice the sun is starting to finally go down...

Ged: "This?" The more confident Marauder holds up the weapon with one of their hands as you walk with the others/Get in lines for food.

"Its called a gun, little cat guy." The marauder says as they sling it back onto their back.

"I'm assuming you come a from where they don't quite exist yet, but they work mostly on combustion and black powder, or, well, gun powder, a black powder that is very combustible. We encase a buncha this powder into these small metal casings that have a little pin to make the powder go boom and shoot metal here when this small hammer mechanism in the gun is triggered or shot. We call these bullets"

She begins explaining to you all of the sudden, pulling a rather large bullet the size of your middle finger from one of the clips on her belt, showing you where the pin on the back of it is and so on.

"The tip there is what actually is a bullet as shoots out to hit things when the powder inside explodes in the case there. We usually keep the rest of the bullet to conserve ammo since we cant exactly mass produce anything in the camp here, dont pick them up though after they're shot though, the metal's pretty hot when coming out of the gun." Kim goes on as she gets her own food and joins you with the others.

"Basically though, guns make tiny bits of very deadly metal go really fast to kill things like an arrow, except faster and usually a lot more deadly. Any questions?"

The marauder asks you as the two of you sit down at a table now...

( @Thorn of Discord @creepingShade ) Thorn and Izhane: As the two of you talk, some Marauders slowly join you guys silently with their measly dinners, the smell of food emanating from the nearby kitchen tents...

The two of you also notice
[GROUP B] approaching and join you! Having gotten food it seems already as dinner is being served now! How do you greet them? and Maybe you two should quickly go and retrieve your own food as well?

(The lines seem to be getting longer, but don't hesitate to get some and then come right back to the meet n greets!)

Lupa and Adam: Neither of you have posted still, please refer to other players posts, this update, and previous updates please!

You will both be marked inactive after next update!


( @hector212121 ) Roy: Both of the angels raise their eyebrows at you as you mention the communication devices.

"We have no need for such things."

The man taps his temple a few times.

"As Gods, we only really need telepathy..."

"Really, it is us that are Eons beyond you, Mortal." The Woman says coldly, looking down at you.

Well shit. There goes that plan.

You think to yourself.

"Fortunately, or unfortunately for you, however you perceive it, we've been asked to take you over to them whether you like it or not, so please lower or put away your weapons." The man says as as he puts away his own weapon and with the woman, they come on both sides of you and grab you by the arms, and you suddenly being lifted miraculously into the air almost effortlessly by the two Angels.
And then slam dunk you into a trash can this is a joke

The three of you soar rather peacefully, and quite quickly too as you rapidly approach the immense magical barrier that surrounded the large camp.

"Once we land, you're not our problem anymore mortal." The Woman says as the three of you lower to the ground, on the other side of the shield you can see a rather large squad of soldiers in study armor, armed to the teeth seemed to glare and wait for you.

The Angels grips tighten on your arms as you land, seems like these guys are
really damn pissed considering bot the size and arms your welcoming party was carrying.

Immediately, two technician looking soldiers come up to the sides of you as the Angels keep their grips on you, and you feel them tinkering with the holsters of your weapons!

before you can protest, you hear a familiar voice speak up suddenly.

"Alright asshole, here's the deal."

You look up to see the same cat woman who ordered you to surrender earlier this morning.

"We don't trust you, especially after incapping' our guy and hospitalizing him for probably over a week during a time of War where we NEED people to make sure we all don't get slaughtered by an entire reality's worth of overconfident jackass deities."

The look on this cat-womans face was certainly not a pleased one as she tapped her foot on the grass and kept her arms crossed.

You feel the mounts of your shotguns being tugged and quickly dismantled as they also manage to force the holsters of your pistols and attempt to confiscate those as well.

"The Commander out of the good nature of her heart says to give you one chance. You can MAYBE have your shit back once we decide what to do with you and see if you're actually trustworthy and able to pull your weight around here, but by the looks of it that fancy suit of yours looks like it can do a lot already."

You also feel some of the contents of your duffel bag being rummaged through, and becomes a lot lighter once all the ammo you were lugging around is confiscated as well.

As soon as the two technician looking people disarm you and confiscate a good couple of supplies from your bag, the Cat woman turns around and and makes a hand gesture to follow.

The Angels release their grips on you and several armed guards surround you, keeping just enough distance from allowing you to reach them with your hands and they escort you past the strange barrier and into the camp itself.

"Im going to make it very clear right now for you. We're the Authority on this planet since there's basically no others, you work and pull your weight, you get to struggle to survive like the rest of us, if you don't then we either kick you out or kill you." The woman said with a piercing hiss in her tone as she led your escort towards a massive stone tower at the center of the camp. Looking all around you and past your guards though, you're almost astonished by all the kinds of species and aliens that were running around this place, all just doing their best to live and do their parts... All of them doing their chores, relaxing inside their tents, and even socializing as if this was a normal every day town... If what this bitch of a cat-woman says and those so called "Gods" were true... maybe you should consider their perspective you think to yourself... If this really isn't the world you used be in....

Your group enters into the massive and rather dark stone tower and begin ascending a rather tight spiral staircase that didn't quite allow you much room to even walk in with your suit... before you reached the top however, the Cat-Woman stopped and Turned down to look at you.

"You behave and do what you're told, and you'll live. Got it? If you have any smart-ass questions, you'd better ask them now or ask the Keeper, Since he's the only one with authority over me besides The Commander." She says with a deathly cold stare, before continuing up the stairs and onto the roof of the tower, which seems to have quite a strange cast of Characters conversing with a rather ghastly and very creepy, pale blue man in robes who was answering and asking questions it seems....

You still have an entire escort all around you, and the people here seemed very clearly capable of handling themselves considering how they seemed to deviate somewhat from most beings and people in the camp, two stories below you... and this ghostly blue guy seems to be the one they're calling "The Keeper" as questions seem to go back and forth.

(Please read above in Group A as well as other players posts to know whats going on! Giving you a chance to interact with players and help Roy with all of these issues whoohoo! (Note you are now part of Group A as well now.))

Time taken: Way too long, still trying to get into the swing of things and motivation has been 0.

Total word count: Around 3300 Words!

Total player/Character count: 19 Characters, 17 Players, Excluding Elijah

"Oh yeah, sure, never mind that I incapacitated him after he shoved a gun in my face, and even then I waited for someone to use magic to try to cut my fucking leg off. Also, this 'fancy suit' is nowhere near where it should be operating at, since, well, your men decided to shoot at me!

Where I come from, in general, if you point a gun at someone for more than five minutes and it's full of live ammunition, it means that you intend to kill them, not bring them back to your home and give them slotting soykaf and donuts or anything innocuous like that." He pauses. "Under five minutes without firing can mean that they're checking to make sure that you aren't someone else in disguise, they're having you searched for concealed weapons, or pretty much anything else. But yeah. And telling me to 'surrender' wasn't helping. 'Surrender' usually comes appended with 'and we'll make it somewhat less painful and faster'."

He fiddles with his main comlink for a moment, making a flowchart describing the exact sequence of events(as follows)

[arrival(?)>threatened with gun>disarmed and grappled threatener>tried to get superiors brought for peaceful resolution>arrival>someone tried to cut my fucking leg off with magic music>incapacitated the one who threatened me at the start>shot a few times>?]

He then sets his comlink to display it holographically in a outward direction in both English and Japanese.

"There. Have a chart. So, anyway... Wait. A WEEK? How incompetent can your doctors *be*? Stick and shock ammunition is specifically designed to not take down a target for anything over a day. If they think that it'll take a week, odds are that whatever they're trying to do is making it worse."
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(so... my sister's birthday is coming up, so as a birthday present, I'll try giving a decent response for once)

Misfortune clutched his modifier, his naive attitude had nearly cost him... whatever was on the line if he didn't satisfy that big red dragon with sixteen eyes. Something sparked in his eyes, and he ran from the scene, "I've gotta check the battlefield!" Misfortune shouts as he skids to a halt at the edge of the camp, surveying the site of the battle, but nothing other than that straitjacket Misfortune summoned before Vizara got... possessed? Whatever. Misfortune snatches up the straitjacket, and heads off away from the camp, but keeping it in sight, he tests the limits of the modifier, for whatever reason, "Alright little crystal poofy thing, what are you capable of?" He imagined an assault rifle, and touched the modifier's button.
Ooh, lets go get food, my tummy is my stomach has the rumblies only hands can satisfy. "Hey, I'll just be right back, uh, don't wait up."

Thorn ducked behind tent after tent until he was certain of being alone this time. Yo what gives? "You need to shut up, you're driving me bonkers!"

I'M driving you bonkers? You know how much you've ignored me since we got here?! That hurts. Right here....wait, is the heart on the left or the right? "Just shut the hell up for a second!" Thorn stamped the ground.

"These are the first people I've seen in....a while, I don't want to get kicked out for being insane."

Are my jokes are still funny?

"Hilarious. Look, lets eat, hang out, and be normal for once, okay?"

"You done yet? I'm starving." Thorn doggedly hopped into the line for his food. I'm so hungry I could eat a "NO." horse! Thorn moaned and hung his head; A part of him just died.
Marcus listened to the questions and answers that others presented and was quite curious on how the modifiers worked among how or why everyone was seemingly dragged from their own universes to this place. "Well now I do have questions as someone quite new to all this. First anyone know why people from seemingly random universes are dragged here? While my second question is how do these modifiers work and how could one obtain a modifier without betraying and pissing off every person in the camp?"

Marcus at this point seeing that he barely survived a giant felt like it would be one hell of an good idea to find and acquire a modifier to better stand a fraction of a chance in this new reality. He missed the simplicity of theft and evading an entire country's police and military force because you discovered the government secret that some non-mage's were never-aging and made stronger by absorbing magic.
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Chris turns around on his stool to face the whole Roy situation, "Well, honestly, it seems like to me there was some sort of culture... methodology clash of some sort? Honestly, even with his tech he was-and still is-out gunned and everyone should fucking know by now that people tend to have a habit of randomly falling out of they sky around here so the welcome got was totally uncalled for. As far as I know, things got off on the wrong foot and it turned into a retarded standoff."

He lets out a sigh of annoyance as he stands up, "We're not in super seedy land where problems are best solved by killing someone, we're more in the middle of super-zombie apocalypse land with gods fighting over Elijah, the commander, over there for extra Fun." he says as he shoots a glance towards Elijah, "Which is still pretty shit all things considered, but it at least demands that people put a little more faith in other people.... you know, before shooting them if they turn out to just plain flat-out a drain on everyone's resources."

"I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I think that what happened back there didn't need to happen, but it did." he says as he walks over to more properly be a part of the conversation, he shoots a glance at Delphi as he speaks, "And I think I can know where he might be able to help out, first of all, we're going to need to start getting proactive and on the offensive about the situation we're all in here or either the opposing gods or the Tortured, the super-zombies I mentioned," he says as he directs that aside to Roy, "Will end up killing us at some point. With the gods, that's more of a new thing we're dealing with, but with the Tortured there's most likely someone behind how they are continuing to evolve and get more deadly so they need to be taken care of as soon as possible before we get overrun by them."

"I think putting him on some sort of menial duties would be a gross waste of the talents and knowledge he has. For instance he could help me the issue of me needing actual combat training, see to the guy that you're reportedly doing a terrible job of healing, try to help the rest of us out by spreading his tech-which when working with anyone with a modifier, like the one I have would be able to get fast results and even repair his own suit- ...or he just be on some sort of defense or strike team among other things. I dunno..." he says, trailing off as he looks at Roy, "...where do you think you'll be able to do the most help right now?"
"Oh, of course," Seih retorts, crossing his arms. "If I seem fine, it must all be in my head. And as for this talk of psychologists, don't mock me; nobody in this camp is more qualified to dissect my mind than I am, let alone someone half the people here consider crazy." A fit of coughing interrupts his speech. No blood when I cough, at least; that's good. "I need whatever remedies you might have for internal hemorrhaging, cranial trauma and hypertension. Though, since you're obviously too busy for me right now..."

Seih reaches out to the man's mind, using his newfound familiarity with alien minds to quickly sift through the layers of nonsense crowding his thoughts (Does anybody ever try to tidy up their minds around here?) and find out where the potions are stored. Alongside this, he picks up that the locale isn't exactly in pristine condition - he'll have to be careful not to touch any non-sterile equipment. Satisfied that he has what he needs, Seih runs off before the medic can reply, heading towards the equipment store.

Psychologists. Please. I'd like to see who these Unattuned call a psychologist; should be good for a laugh. Maybe I'll seek this woman out once I feel better.
Jaik nods once to the Keeper, and gestures to Coils to follow him.

He decides to go outside of the Tower, and notices that the kitchen tents are emitting a wondrous smell.

He steps inside, and goes to eat food.
Coatl was listening to Ged and the marauder talk about guns. He was already familiar with guns before. He shadow-cloned one when fighting the tortured the first day he got here. The North in his land had constructed such technology during their war against Iania.

Coatl sets his plate down on a table next to Izahne. (I think Ged and the other marauder are there too?). On his plate is a mixed assortment of meats both white and red. He notices Izahne sitting on the fire but at this point Coatl just shrugs it off, realizing that it is most likely some weird race healing thing he has never heard of before.

He stands up and yells out loud for everyone to hear.

"That was some good fighting out there. Let's all drink to it!"

Coatl raises a glass into the air and takes a big swig out of it.

Shortly after, Coatl will silently raise his hand up against his throat because that burned! What is this evil liquid?
Byron takes a step forward, still noticably tired fom the fight. "I don't know about you, but if the gods are after the modifiers, then we still have one big problem. If we still have them, then there's not doubt that those gods are going to come back. Now they know that we can fight back so next time they're probably going to bring more gods." As he goes on, he gkeeps getting more and more frustrated with the Keeper. "We can't stay here because they know where we are now. We can't flee if we still have the modifiers, they may still be able to find use. How the hell are we going to combat them, let along survive against thm next time?" At this point, Byron began to wonder if it was a good thing that he was here and not in his own world.
In his peaceful bubble, Koyaanis collects his thoughts. The isolation is welcome for the moment, though he knows he'll return shortly in a different state of mind. This time alone will be put to good use.

The clamour in his head is silenced voice by voice. There exists a part of him that enjoys the chaos of his short-lived ferocity. He allows it to remind him that it is through experiencing emotion he can know that he's very much alive and real. Before it can suggest other equally entertaining deadly sins he mutes it. When all the parts of himself are in cohesion, he relaxes.

Questions circle his consciousness like birds. Each awaits his call to come forward one by one.

Why the loss of control?

I'm mentally exhausted from fighting and trying to guide Dani.

Is this forgiveable?

It's stupid and shows a lack of discipline.

Would I forgive someone else for doing the same thing?

Well course I would, I'd never expect anyone to... Oh right. Yeah, ok, fine, it's forgiveable. I can chill.

What is important right now?

Danielle. Oh... That's the first thing I thought, huh? At least I could apologise. The others, the marauders, everyone is under threat. Elijah most of all, probably. Me? I should do this more often. Could do with a regular clean-out in here.

What is the right thing to do now?

I can't force anyone to think like me, obviously that's evil. So it's not the solution. Diana said look to the others, she's right. Talk to Elijah... somehow. We're all set down a path to destruction. We need to change course, change our thinking... I'll need others for that.

What else?

It's not fair to rely on others for brainspace. This place isn't so bad... so far. Living between minds seems possible for the moment.

His earlier anger and guilt are burned away entirely. With restored resolve and balanced mind Koyaanis drifts back toward the camp.
Maya notices it's starting to get dark, and grins. "Oh, here we go, finally..." She reaches up and pulls off her mask, revealing her face. She's a young woman, with smooth skin and bright red eyes. With movement suggesting tons of experience, she also pulls off her form-covering robe, revealing a pair of jeans and a what seems to be a concert t-shirt for "The Bright Reds".

"Goddess DAMN it's good to be out of that!" She turns to Cass again, a grin on her face. "Look, I get where you're coming from. I'm just trying to get you to decompress a little, yknow? Take a load off 'n' all that. Hope you don't mind."


Kalos is currently getting into the celebrations. He's currently more than a little buzzed, and is playing a tune that he claims is something he whipped up but sounds suspiciously similar to "Spider Dance".

"Yknow, all things considered, that went better than I expected. I dunno, I kinda expected to get my ass beaten multiple times? Coatl, what do you think?"
Roy quirks a eyebrow at Chris. A logical person? Here?

"Well, I suppose that depends on what kind of resources I have. Most of the internally stored tools on my suit are still relatively functional, so if you have any busted electronics I could take a look at them. I have specs for a bunch of things on my main comlink, and even more things on datachips. I was usually involved in hostile extraction, wetwork, and so on, but my real specialty is robotics. As for the injured guy..." He pulls out one of his trauma patches, and takes a quick count of how many he has. "This should overclock his body's natural repair systems. Doesn't usually do that much, mind, but it's enough to stop someone from bleeding out. I've seen trolls with more holes in their gut than a dutch dam made of swiss cheese have one of these slapped on 'em and almost immediately stop bleeding. Of course, the self repair capacity has to be there to begin with; the frailer you are, the less it'll do, Wakarimasu-ka?" Chris would be able to pick up that that phrase meant 'do you understand'.

"If you have any sort of chem equipment around here, I can probably figure out how to synthesize some Kamikaze. Makes you move fast, react fast, and tougher. And, hell, if you get killed on Kamikaze, I can guarantee you won't feel the bullet, claw, grenade, or whatever the hell it is that did it. It's addictive if you aren't careful with it, though. I have to take a week to make sure I'm absolutely clean between missions to make sure I don't end up hooked. It doesn't compare to, say, having Wired Reflexes, or having Move by Wire installed, since you have to take a dose every so often and there are side effects, but I assume that you don't have anywhere near the level of medical tech here required to slot around in people's nervous systems, neh?"
Seih enters the supply area, looking around for the items he needs.

He sneaks past the medic when he's not looking and dodges around curtains to find a few crates of different assorted and also discarded items, many were labeled very crudely with some tape and sharpie, but hey, there wasn't too much else they could probably use around here. All he could mostly find was different sets of chemicals, herbs, and some "healing salves" amongst other modern medical equipment scattered here and there.

Seih mutters to himself, still parsing the medic's mind to find out what the names of the chemicals he needs are. Unfortunately for him, he is unable to get enough information from the medic to know how to craft a healing potion from the ingredients available here. No prepared potions. Wonderful. What a superb setup, this is. Despite this, he grabs a few items that seem like they could be useful. Determined not to leave almost empty-handed, he goes over all the labelled items a second time, looking for anything helpful, or at least interesting.

Seih's able to pick up from the medic's surface thoughts to prescribe some more of the pain killers labeled in a nearby box somewhere to some of the patients moaning around the small Keir, but he is able to snag a small, nearly empty bottle that had a few capsules in it before he heads off. But before he completely turned to go, he could see a small, sealed box with a skull and crossbones on it... Searching around the medics surface thoughts he finds nothing, but regardless, whatever was inside it was probably deadly...

Not waiting a second longer, Seih opens the painkiller bottle, quickly gauges the mass of the capsules, then gulps down two of them. As he waits for them to take effect, he turns to the strange box. Poison of some sort, surely. Hmm. Could be useful. He doesn't even seem to be aware he has this; he won't miss it. Seih reaches out to the box and inserts it into one of his many pockets, before sneaking out of the tent once more. Alright. Now, let's try to find that salamander. Hearing lots of noise coming from a nearby area, Seih focuses his thoughts on the Marauders coming from that area; a surface skim reveals that several of them have just seen the salamander, so he heads in that direction.

After a few minutes of walking, Seih spots the salamander at a distance, next to some sort of busy mess hall. He also recognizes several other of the newcomers, but decides to ignore them for the time being.

<You.> he sends out to him.


<I have need of your services.>
Izhane decides it might not be the best thing to be sitting around in an open flame while there's all these people around. Someone might freak out, or try to roast a sausage. The salamander shuts his eyes for a moment, and the flames shrink down until there's nothing left but embers. He stands up, dusts the ash from his clothes, and gives the group of strangers a friendly, but tired, smile.

"So you all were dealing with gods too? Mind if I join you? It's been an... interesting day, to say the least. My name's Izhane." The alchemist keeps smiling and holds out his hand for a shake for anyone who'll take it.

...Then there's this weird tickle in the back of his head, and he hears the voice of someone who he'd rather not deal with. He tries to not let it show outwardly that he's trying to deal with a mental conversation.

<I have a name, you know.>

<What do you need? I can't exactly do much for you, most of what I already have has been messed up by that god.>

<I'm not exactly a doctor, you know. Didn't you go to the med tent?>
Coatl smiles at Kalos and responds, "We performed almost flawlessly. Of course there were a few bumps here and there but that's why I assigned Elijah to stay behind and watch over all of us from afar. I already have her playing style all figured out. Discovering the others will not be so hard."

Now Coatl returns a cordial smile to Izahne.

"Yes come sit, you may call me Coatl."

Coatl analyzes the salamander a bit. He looked both weary and alive at the same time.

"Not quite a warrior but a resourceful adventuring type?...Oh sorry I did not mean to say that out loud. Nonetheless I am glad that fortune turned in your favor."

Coatl eats some of his food and takes another sip from his drink to wash it down.
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Still walking towards Izhane, Seih watches as the salamander is approached by a group of people. Hmm. Still no sign of Errg. And nobody I have encountered today seems to have seen him in a while. Where has he gone off to?

<I know your name, Izhane, but people here seem to consider it rude to use it before it has been offered.>

<I did go see what these people call a medical tent.>

<They had nothing in stock that could help me, and the one medic they had dismissed me because he couldn't
see any wounds on me.>

<He referred me to you, instead.>

<I need you to prepare me a healing potion.>

<A stronger one than what you gave me before.>

<I have some ingredients with me right here.>

Seih looks at the food being served and frowns.

<I am guessing you need to eat now.>

<And the painkillers I took have at least lessened my discomfort.>

<So I will be satisfied if you can just provide me with the formula yourself.>

As he finishes his sentence, he stops, standing a few meters away from Izhane and Coatl. I saw this one before. Hmm. Can't seem to recall anything about him. No matter; there'll be time for socializing later.
<Did they really? Sorry lot of jackasses, and they call themselves healers. I'll see what I can do, but I can't just give you the formula.

<It simply isn't possible for you to make a potion by yourself, unfortunately.>

<I could tell you every last reagent and all the proper procedures, but you'd just have a bottle of nasty tasted grass juice.>

<You have to charge the mixture with arcane energies, if you want things to work out. Can't get near instant healing from just a bunch of flowers and roots and bits of ground up rocks and parts of lizards.>

<And properly charging a potion isn't an easy thing any sorcerer can do wily nilly, it's a very precise and scientific process.>

<I'm used to skipping meals for work anyways, so I'll make up an excuse and get go it.>

<Also, I don't appreciate you rooting through my supplies. At least you didn't go mucking around with the good stuff, the rare, volatile, and sensitive stuff. Then we might have an issue.>

Izhane sighs softly and nods in response to Coatl. "Definitely not much of a brawler, but I do like to think I'm pretty smart and resourceful. I was actually the de facto leader of a band of adventurers back home, trying to cut out a little kingdom for ourselves from the wild. Went pretty well, until I ended up here having people trying to make me magically fix every little bump and bruise when I'm ridiculously limited by supplies and having gods try to kill me."

Izhane sighs again, and grumbles under his breath. "I apologize, but there's something I have to go do. Slipped me mind... Nice chatting, maybe we can talk again later."

And with that Izhane goes to track down Seih, since apparently he had work to do because his co-workers were too inept to realize the seriousness of internal injuries. His world didn't even have any of this fancy tech and he knew that.


Errg heads outside to investigate what the hell his new island is doing, and lets out a relieved sigh when he sees that he's back where he started and not stranded in the middle of a dead sea that wasn't actually dead sometimes. Then he notices that his kill is about to slide away and scrambles to pull it back to safety.

It's hard to work while clutching a little metal hostage, and he had nothing to detain it with, so Errg spins around and launches the metal spider towards the mainland like a shotput. It probably made a nice splash somewhere.

Then he starts pulling this big fucker he killed back towards the center of the island. He'll try shoving it though the door of his cave, dividing up the carcass as necessary. He also hacks off some rather large chunks to take with him.

With all that settled, Errg begins the trip back to the camp. This island was almost as confusing as that camp, and the camp at least had food with a lesser risk of death. Hopefully he didn't miss anything...
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Chris nods and takes the patch, offering it to Delphi (and pocketing it if she declined). He then mulls over Roy's response, being quiet for a few seconds as he raises a hand up to his chin.

"Alright," he says after a good half a minute of thinking, "If there's anything broken, I think Delphi or someone else in the camp would know about that. Any thing relating to chemicals would probably be over with the medical stuff, as for what else we've- they've got available for you down there to possibly use, I'm not sure. Though we did recently come back from a rescue mission from a downed spaceship, yeah, spaceship, and there were some lizard-type aliens with power armor and a hell of a lot more stuff that would probably be very useful to you still sitting at the crash site. Though with the Tortured running around at night and enemy Gods running around during the day going there is probably not a very safe option;... but the best tech you can find would probably be over there, otherwise there's only standard armor like the one I'm wearing and ballistic weapons. Oh and uh..." Chris grins as he pulls his Plasma Cutter out from inside his coat, "Whatever me, or someone else with a modifier, can create. This here is a Plasma Cutter I've managed to copy-well to be honest, completely bullshited, into existence out of a video game I played called Dead Space. Despite it's name it's more of a weapon than anything and it shoots small arcs of plasma, very useful for cutting off the limbs of zombies where going for the head doesn't really work, like the Tortured out there, or just for shooting things in general." He says as he toggles the rotator on it a couple times, making the head of it go vertical and then back to horizontal, before holding it out for Roy to inspect.

"Other than that I've also managed to heal a mech with an AI in it back to working order by doing a sort of 'restore to working order' thought process while dumping energy into it, though it wasn't extremely efficient use of my modifier's energy reserve I don't think. So what I think I'm trying to say here is that if you need something, I can probably bullshit it into existence with my modifier for you, though I think the less roundabout a way I try to do something, the the less energy I'll waste doing it."

Chris looks over Roy's reaction to this, though he wasn't sure if he should let such an obvious attempt at manipulation slide as it might hamper how much he could get out of him. So he went with probably an even more obvious attempt at manipulation.

"And well... to be honest, I do want some nice power armor and whatever else your tech can get me. So it's a sort of win-win situation I guess? I'm just looking for every advantage get really. Like I said, there's things out there that want to kill us and I'm going to try and kill them instead of waiting around for them to kill us."

Only one thing left... Chris wasn't sure if Roy was going to go for his offer, but Dephi at this point could probably really mess something about this situation up at this point since he was pretty sure that she outranked him with the title of "Sub-Commander" even though he himself had somehow been put in charge of at least some of the Marauders when Elijah had gone missing for a while.
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Kalos grins at Coatl. "Well, honestly it was more you than anything. I was just kinda support." He frowns, as though he's trying to think of something, but constantly having it slip his mind. Doesn't help that he's been drinking pretty heavily. "If... If I could just get my hands on a piano... A good one, too... Damn, then I'd be set..."

He shakes his head, then takes a gulp of the drink next to him, turning to the gatherer Marauders. "Alright! This... This is a violin cover of, uh... Oh, right! Violin cover of 'Null Moon', let's do this thing." Kalos begins playing, and despite his inebriation and the general complexity of the song, it sounds pretty good.
Roy blinks at Chris and decides to take what he said at face value. "So in other words, I assume the safest time to go out would be at night. These... uh, 'tortured'. They can't fly, right? If not..." He mentally activates the sniper drones as he opens his bag and lifts them into the air. He orders them to reveal the sniper rifles but keep them pointed straight downwards, then conceal them again. "Even if they could fly, they'd have to see or hear the drones, and these babies are silenced. Of course, I would want the rest of my gear back if I did go out to this 'crash site' since you say it's so dangerous."
"Always wanting to use different instruments Kalos. That music magic is...interesting. I would like to see the effects of different instruments."

Then Coatl realized that Kalos was not even next to him anymore and was playing music for all to hear. Damn he is pretty good at that, Coatl thinks.
Chris shrugs, "I dunno, it is likely that a one, or even a few flying ones would show up at some point, just to spite you. And there's already giant sized ones out there as well, not to mention that when we were there there was a giant one that assaulted us with sound. I wouldn't try going out at night more than a couple times at max. "

Major update #24!

(Holy hell this one is massive, so be prepared for a red this time around! And if i have forgotten ANYONE please feel free to call me a moron and throw rocks and sticks at me for my sin of missing someone.)


( @The Reaper Of Souls ) Galmiz:

Galmiz Maneri, The Balkinain Priest.

@ferociousfeind[/URL] ) Misfortune: (You very deffinitely have a LOT of locations mixed up here and there, but don't worry too much about ti right now, i'll guide yah through.)

Remembering the straight jacket which was left back out on the battle field, you immediately excuse yourself from the roof of the safe house tower and head on down the stairs, now entering the large camp around the stone tower and scuttling your way west-wards. Passing by lots of strange creatures and beings that were all part of the Marauders, you eventually make it to the outside of the camp and bass the Keeper's immense magical barrier out into the outskirts of the camp.

The orange sunset ahead of you was indeed quiet beautiful but it was about to get very dark soon, but you didn't plan to be out here for very long, and you were close enough to the camp that the Allied low gods all flying around in the air would leave you alone knowing you came from it...

Anyways, after a bit of searching you find the straight jacket that failed to restrain Vizara immediately after he was possessed and pick it up.

The latches on it were broken, but otherwise it was still more or less an ordinary straight jacket.

Onto the next point of business, you raise your Modifier upwards and let it flash it's red and yellow colors to create yourself a simple assault rifle!

Although... it didn't quite come out as you expected..

The Assault rifle that was now in your hands was really blocky and kinda crude in design almost... There also wasn't a clip of ammo or any bullets in it you observe as you flip around the block thing, but otherwise it looked functional you think?

Looking at your Mod, it's dimmed itself about 25% from what you assume was full charge...

You're honestly not too sure why you came out here and did this... and you think you're missing dinner as you saw a bunch of Marauders in the camp eating or finishing up their food on your way out here...

So, what else was it you had in mind here then?

Some of the Allied low gods paroling the skies and area around you seemed to look at you funny.. and it made you rather uncomfortable....


You hear a voice suddenly say, sounding very demonic and close by, almost startling you.

"Idiot... why are you... Have you done what I have asked of you?"

You suddenly recognize the voice... it was the one that sent you here.

Looking at your Modifier, you could see a feint image of a certain dragon's eye staring at you and looking around you.

"Don't speak aloud. Those fools are watching and listening in... Speak only with your mind... They cannot see my eye as you do."

How do you respond, if you wish to respond at all that is...?


( @Bonzo ) Danielle and Koya: As Danielle remains silent upon the top of the tower/the safe house...

Spirit form Koya starts making his way backwards from where he came in the physical world...

But before you can even enter into the Keeper shield dome however...

You sense a familiar, and extremely nasty, and chaotic presence nearby....

Peeking out as far as you can into your limited view of the physical world... You spot Misfortune outside the camp for some strange reason...

But what caught your attention was his modifier...

There was an eye within it. A familiar, backstabbing, yellow, asshole, Dragon eye... it was.. communicating almost with the naive spider fiend....


"Idiot... why are you... Have you done what I have asked of you?"

"Don't speak aloud. Those fools are watching and listening in... Speak only with your mind... They cannot see my eye as you do."

You could hear his voice quietly say from afar...

Oh no...

If that's who you think it is... it's entirely possible that everyone within the entirety of reality was possibly in a LOT of trouble now...

Do you think you'll attempt to listen in further... or assume the worst, and hurry back to Danielle?


( @Veles Lek @Paradox Turtle )Lupa and Adam: (The Two of you have been marked inactive!

If you wish to be back in, please refer to previous updates and message me if you wish to rejoin so i may re-situate you and get you oriented.)

Time taken: +8 hours over 2 days that were actually being focused, planning, revising, and writing. Why do i even do this statistic anymore i cant even keep count of the hours anymore it takes me

Total word count: Roughly 5500 Words *Weezes nervously*

Total player/Character count:
18 Characters, 16 Players, Excluding Elijah (This count may not be accurate, i will double check at a later time.)

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