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Realistic or Modern Ameqran


Blood of the Dragon

Pride Ameqran, is a lion pride in the African Grasslands.

Run by a powerful melanistic lion, called Baako, Pride Ameqran is a wonderful, accepting pride, for all realistic lions to join.

Male lions can be Protectors, Hunters or Caretakers.

Females can be Hunters or Caretakers.

In order of Rank, the positions are: King, Queen, (cubs of king and queen), Hunters, Caretakers and Protectors.



This is where the pride is located.

Lion prey includes:





Average Lion appearance:

On rare occasions, lions can be albino (all white) or melanistic (all black). Some also have spots. Common eye colors are anywhere in the range of yellow to brown.



(up to 230 lbs and about 5 feet in length, not including tail.)



(up to 210 lbs and about 5 feet in length, not including tail.)



(lion cubs have spots on their head and legs, known as cub spots.)


-All RPN rules.

-No godmodding

-If you want to "take over" the pried, Private message me

-Please try to keep your looks realistic, I will allow creativity, though.

-Although lions dont mate for life, and there are only about 2 males in a real pride, I will allow both these things for common interest issues.

-all talking must be in quotes.
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giraffesarebetter updated Ameqran with a new update entry:


Just about to post the starter message! *excitement ensues*
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Baako sits beneath one of the few trees in his pride lands, watching as always. His attention rests on his nephew, and he smiles as the cub plays. He misses his sister dearly, and while her son reminds him of her, he also feels that his sister would never forgive him if he did not raise the boy.
Anaki, a large spotted female trots lazily under the sun, carefully plays with a young jackrabbit within her jaws. She gently positions herself a about 30 meters away from Baako, laying in the golden high grass of the brush with playful intentions. Anaki soon releases the squirming, panicked, tiny hare into the brush, watching it dart in a haphazard line towards Baako and his nephew as it screeches noisily.
Baako snorts, standing to avoid the hare. "Anaki..." He says, a teasing warning. Shaking out his mane, he lays back down. The old lioness was constantly teasing him, playing pranks as if she were still a cub.
The lioness lets outs a low yawn, stretching her body in the sunlight "Baako..." she mimicked in the same tone "You're a young lion Baako, you need to learn how to act like it." Anaki snorted in a motherly way, enjoying her time teasing the king.
Sprawled out underneath a broad tree’s shade, Kayode licked his dry lips, feeling too lazy to go to the nearest watering hole to quench his thirst. It was already heating up, and he hated the broiling sun’s rays beating down on his skin. His bright honey eyes lazily scanned the area, sort of hoping that something would come along to entertain him.


Monifa was still quite a bit shy when it came to the other adults lions of the group, but she had steadily grown interested in Jiwe, the king’s nephew. As she laid next to her half-brother, Kayode, she spotted the other cub and had an idea. Slowly crouching down, she wove her way through a patch of long grass, trying to disguise herself as she crept up on her victim. Jiwe was only a body length or two away from Monifa before she leaped up as high as she could, and playfully pounced on his tail, hoping to incite a moment of playtime.
Baako yawns and he shifts again, in a desperate attempt to stay out of the sun that would quite literally bake his black skin and fur. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Monifa pounce at Jiwe, and he chuffs at them, amused by their playing.
Anaki made a mellow grin, glinting her large fangs in the sunlight. "Old maids need to play as well you know~ " she chuckled playfully, stridin over to the little cubs.
Pangaea suppressed a yawn as she laid sprawled in the sun, her eyes closed against the bright light of the day, long grass swaying in the slight breeze around her. Already a light sheen of sweat was collecting underneath her fur but any urgency to seek shelter in the shade beneath one of the few trees close by was absent as of yet. For now anyway she would allow herself to bask in the sun's rays, not quite peaked for the day yet. Later that night she might be needed on a hunt but that was still hours away which left her without anything to do but lay around. Not that she minded, the sun did have a way of sapping one's energy.
Shekira went down from the hill she was sleeping on and went to meet Baako. Followed by her close friend, Talon she greeted Baako. Shekira sat near him while Talon lazily went to sleep again, as if he haven't enough sleep. "Morning, Baako!" she said as she took her place beside him.
Shekira had a quick laugh at the thought of Talon, sleeping all day long. "How far is the dry season is from now?" Shekira asked, more serious.
Nearby but not too close to the others, under a tree, Akita snored as she slept in the shade of the tree. She always stayed near that tree for whatever reason; People even to call it "Akita's tree" but whatever. It didn't matter, as long as they didn't bother her when she was sleeping. Most who did that ended up with a few clumps of fur missing. She liked her sleep.
Jiwe whipped around in surprise as a sudden weight landed on his tail, He recognized Monifa, who usually stayed close to her half-brother. His eyes lit up at the thought of having a play mate. Growling playfully he batted at her ears with a paw.

Fahari was sitting as close to a small tree as possible, trying to get out of the stifling heat, or at least the sun. He would travel to the closest watering hole soon most likely, and cool off. He watched the pride going about their own business, most people were doing just what he was doing, trying to stay cool, there were two cubs playing near Baako, a few lionesses laying nearby. The pride seemd content.

Tawni watched the two cubs with joy, the sight of youngster's playing always made her spirits lift. She wanted to join in, but they were too close to everyone else, and she didn't want to embarass herself in front of the kind and everyone else. She better stay, laying where she was, for now.
Shekira watched as the cubs bumped into Talon, and he batted them of gently with one massive paw. She curled her tail around her paws and turned her head to Baako, and said, "These cubs, playing, enjoying their time while they can... I remember how Talon used to be energetic, where we were cubs..." She whipped her head to glace at Talon, sleeping, and no minding anything. 
I gtg, back in an hour an a half]]
Monifa let out a high-pitched cry of delight as Jiwe batted at her ears, excited to be playing. It was her favorite activity after all. She hadn’t noticed that Talon was close by, and bumped into him as she bounced away from the other cub, trying to get him to chase her. She was a bit scared as the big male batted them off, but the sight of Jiwe always made her smile and she quickly went back to pouncing on his tail.


Seeing as nothing was happening out on the grasslands, Kanode yawned and stretched as he stood up. It seemed that everyone but Pangaea was taking shelter in the shade of one tree or another. ‘I wonder if something’s up with her…’ he pondered to himself as he meandered over to the female in question. He unceremoniously plopped down next to her and stared. “Why do you do this? Roasting in the sun is not good for you, ya know.” he raddled off, trying not to sound patronizing. He was genuinely concerned.
Jiwe chased after Monifa but skidded out of the way when they got to close to Talon. He was pinned from moving as she pounced on his tail one more. She had excellent ballance and landed on her target exactly, she would make a good hunter sometime. "Hey!" he laughed. The young lion was happy to have a playmate. It was lonely being the only cub, especially after his mother died. He missed her.

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