Ambrose A Vampire Rp ~ Reboot

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Thank you.
I apologize dearly for not reading that bit of information.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

No need to apologize I did the same thing lol.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Thank you.
I apologize dearly for not reading that bit of information.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

I have my character saved, so the author of this roleplay may delete it if so necessary.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
I have my character saved, so the author of this roleplay may delete it if so necessary.
"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Good I can wait to meet your character on this Rp(^.^)


(Apologies ahead of time if I mess up) I believe you are new in the included personnel for this play! If so, hello.

If you just changed your name, please let me know so I can reconnect dots haha!

If you are new, though,

please know this is currently a closed roleplay and had its selected roleplayers. HOWEVER, myself and @Tyra were discussing including more ((so please don't take that information as "you can't join" it was just an informative so you know)) I probably should have just left this out due to the fact. So, disregard!

Please refer to the Overview section for all information on vampires, the lore, Etc I will PM you some specifics regarding your character.

However, just like Shangri La, your character will need an age and if you plan to have him appear 18 in this play he'd be 99/100 years. You can put a much older age, but while waiting to post I suggest not to surpass what the King's age will be. But this can also be up to Tyra if she agrees or not.

Otherwise he looked great :) .
@Masks of Ayn

Thank you for the info :3

I actually have been on this forum since I think April, so I am not new. I did, however, leave for 2-3 months for personal reasons, so that is probably why you haven't seen me around much.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
@Masks of Ayn
Thank you for the info :3

I actually have been on this forum since I think April, so I am not new. I did, however, leave for 2-3 months for personal reasons, so that is probably why you haven't seen me around much.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Lol I meant to this roleplay thread.

But otherwise I understand what you mean and no reason to elaborate on your personal business :)
Gosh you guys, I'm gone at college one day.... Lol! Okay so not sure what else I have to do to make sure people don't post character sheets yet. I guess the bright red, all caps, bolded "STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION! DO NOT POST YOUR CHARACTER SHEETS YET!" in the CS section isn't enough?? I cannot stress enough how paying attention to the instructions, rules, and lore in the roleplay tabs is important, else you won't have as an immersed experience in the roleplay and your cs has a good chance of NOT being accepted. So I am not opposed to a couple more players, but please please PLEASE guys, have the courtesy to ask if you can join in the OOC thread BEFORE posting character sheets, especially with roleplays that have "Closed" tags on them like this. Because you've been absent from the site a while, I'm going to give you a pass this time @PlaguedWithInsanity but just please keep this information in mind for the future.

Lol, anyway...

I'd also like to update the head count:
HEAD COUNT @Tyra : 1 female serf, 2 male vampires

@Masks of Ayn : 1 female vampire, 1 male vampire

@myk9ma : 1 female serf, 1 male serf

@SpectroVector : 1 female serf

@Shangri La : 1 female vampire

@Okami : 1 male vampire

@PlaguedWithInsanity : 1 male vampire

So altogether we have:

5 male vampires

2 female vampires

3 female serfs

1 male serf

Thus in order to make things even, we need these spots filled:

2 female serfs

1 male serf
I'd also like to extend the first pick of these new slots to @Okami since she's been patiently waiting for more openings. c:

Also please check out the Ranks tab under the Overview section of the rp, as it has been updated with more info about making a royal character! As soon as I finish homework tomorrow, I'm going to sit down and do my best to finish my character sheets. I know you all have been just so patient, I'm so sorry my college schedule is so crazy!
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Tyra said:
I'd also like to extend the first pick of these new slots to @Okami since she's been patiently waiting for more openings. c:
Thank you very much! Tentatively I'd like to say I'll make a female serf.

That said, the next couple of days might prove that I'm not really all that capable of juggling this RP with real life. I'm dealing with some personal issues (nothing that anybody needs to worry about, though!) and need some time to myself to figure it out. Hopefully I'll be back and better than ever, but I might just need to separate myself from things for a little while. I promise to let you all know!

I know, I saw that you had said not to post character sheets, but then I saw other people posting and you didn't say anything, so that's where that went.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
I know, I saw that you had said not to post character sheets, but then I saw other people posting and you didn't say anything, so that's where that went.

PlaguedWithInsanity said:

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way


Oh yes, I know. I just mean in general, with a closed roleplay you need to ask the creator of the roleplay if you can join before posting your character sheet, it doesn't matter if other people are posting or not. What matters is that it is closed to new players so you have to have permission to join.

@Okami I'm sorry to hear that you're having struggles! ;^; I hope things get better soon, and just take your time. I will have to wait to start the actual rp until you're better though since this roleplay relies heavily on paired characters, not to pressure you just as information. Feel better! *snuggles*

NEWS UPDATE Alright, I've got some exciting news for you all! NOBILITY and SERF character sheets can now be submitted!! I apologize for long wait guys, things have been super crazy with college. However, ROYAL CHARACTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR SUBMISSION YET! They will be open for posting as soon as I finish the King and Mask updates her Queen to sync up our stories. Making our way closer to starting the rp, yay! After the King is done, I'll be working on objectives. After all characters have been submitted for review and accepted, Mask and I will start the pairing process. Requests can be made on who you want to be paired with; however, Mask and I will try to do our best to make sure the pairs we make are compatible. After everyone's been paired and the beginning objectives are up, we'll be able to start! Also just a reminder, we still need two more characters before we'll be able to start. If no one wants to take the rolls, I may open up the rp to one more member.

@Masks of Ayn @myk9ma @SpectroVector @Shangri La @Okami @PlaguedWithInsanity

I'd also like to update the head count:

HEAD COUNT @Tyra : 1 female serf, 2 male vampires

@Masks of Ayn : 1 female vampire, 1 male vampire

@myk9ma : 1 female serf, 1 male serf

@SpectroVector : 1 female serf

@Shangri La : 1 female vampire

@Okami : 1 female serf, 1 male vampire

@PlaguedWithInsanity : 1 male vampire

@Seymour : 1 female serf, 1 male serf, 1 female vampire

So altogether we have:

5 male vampires

3 female vampires

5 female serfs

2 male serfs

Thus in order to make things even, we need these spots filled:

1 male serf
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@Okami I hope everything is well. Take your time to center yourself and we'll be here waiting, if you need anything (someone to complain too, or talk or advise) I'm positive myself and (not to necessarily speak for her) Tyra will be more than happy to help. :) *Uses her sneaky GM powers to scribble "Tyra was here" on Masks's post.* Huehuehuehue, lol. Mask is right, of course we're here to talk if you need us! <3


This play is based off of detail. I understand what you mean by seeing others doing something but that isn't a good excuse, just for the future be more viligant in following proper steps: Reading the rules of the roleplay, the lore, reading through people's OOC conversation, and asking questions before jumping the gun.

This also goes to everyone, as a reminder!!

Happy roleplaying.

@myk9ma @SpectroVector @Shangri La

*laughs and graciously high fives the GM and her sneaky powers*


@Seymour , we have not heard from you! Are you still interested in this roleplay?

Would you like the 2 human roles needed, 1 female and 1 male serf?

or had you been wanting different?

Please let us know, either here or privately!
Oh my gosh I almost forgot all about @Seymour ! ;A; Bad GM bad! I think it was because you never specified what gender your characters were so I forgot to add you to the list! Please pinch me next time that happens alright? Tyra is a ditz brain, lol. We'd still love to have you, so let us know if you're still interested and what gender you were planning on making your characters! I know you said something about having 3 characters, two serfs and a vampire I think. And because you were one of the original interested, those positions are still open to you. c:
Okie dokie, thank ya. Updated the head count above. c: So now we just need one male serf, and we'll be all even again. I'm also going to establish a cap on character creation and say no more than three characters per person. Just cuz I don't want people getting stressed or burned out trying to handle too many scenarios at the same time.
Shangri La]I can make a male serf if you guys still need one (' :) ) [/QUOTE] [URL=" said:
@Shangri La[/URL] the male serf is yours. @Seymour glad to see you're still interested and here!


I love your character sheet, the only edit I suggest is the plantation Aristelle does not physically abuse the serf's to cause any scarring or permanent or acute possibly later damaging effects.

(Overview > Plantations )

So the history about the serf's abuse needs a
little tweaking. Otherwise it's wonderful :)
Nobility: The highest class beneath royalty. Each noble owns his/her own estate consisting of a castle or mansion and at least several acres of land.
· Council Member (0/4)

· Noble (2/infinite)

Trades: Optional. In addition to these ranks, nobles also have the option of picking a trade if they so desire. You can either pick from the open options below or suggest your own if you have an idea. Just shoot either me (@Tyra ) or@Masks of Ayn a pm to present the trade you came up with.

· Horse Breeder (1/1) @Tyra

· Leather Worker (1/1) @Masks of Ayn

· Blacksmith (0/1)

· Tailor/Seamstress (0/1)

· Jeweler (0/1)

· Carpenter/Landscaper (0/1)

· Hunter/Butcher (0/1)

· Poet/Writer (0/1)

· Farmer (0/1)
@Seymour @Okami @PlaguedWithInsanity

You all are players who wish to have Vampires.

If you have a noble pending, does anyone want a council member slot?

Nobles can be posted in character sheets selection!

However, it is STILL NOT TIME to post Royal Character Sheets. I Repeat Please Do Not Post Royal Character Sheets.

Now that that has reiterated:

IF you plan to place your vampire as a Royal in the character sheet it is okay for more than one of you to put up for an available spot (prince or royal advisor) do not worry about if you are not the only one wishing to have the spot. (For example sake say myself and
@Shangri La both wanted the Princess slot) in which case @Tyra will than do a very detail oriented review of each characters before selection. (end example) So that means Myself and Tyra will review both character's fairly and without bias and want you to know everyone wanting a slot has an opportunity for it.

Also, we still have plenty of Trade slots! If you don't want a Royal Slot feel free to keep in mind the open Council Member and Trade slots.

A council member can still have a Trade if they so desire!!

Once again:

Please Do Not Post Royal Character Sheets. We are not quite ready for them, the Queen and King history is still in the works!

/end update, just for if anyone had been curious about what we would do if more than one character wanting a role.
I would personally request the royal advisor position

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way


That is fine!

I was more or less informing everyone with a vampire character who didn't already have a slot selected, what we would do in the circumstance of more than one roleplayers wanting a slot.

More out of fairness and courtesy.

Please if you haven't already look over the overeview ranks/trades spot as for the Royal Advisor slot you will need to do a little extra work in your character sheet!
NEWS UPDATE Hey sorry I've been kinda absent the past few days guys. Been crazy studying for exams and doing college projects. Haven't forgotten about this! Got one out of the way today and have one more exam on Monday but hopefully things will calm down after that and I will have some more time to complete the King. But make sure to get working on posting those
NEWS UPDATE noble and serf character sheets! The faster we get all the sheets up, the faster we'll be able to start! I have a basic idea for the King in mind so he'll be up soon and then royals will be able to be posted. Even though they can't be posted now, you can still work on the basics of your character sheet for your royal, e.g. appearance, personality, etc.


Please place Serf and Noble character sheets when you have them completed / the time.

(At Okami I know you said earlier that you are taking a slight break, do not worry not trying to rush you, keeping you in the loop of things. Hope all is well, let myself and Tyra know if you need anything )
Hey all,

I hate to do this, but it looks like I'm gonna have to pull out of this one. I won't bore anyone with the long explanation but the short version is that I just can't dedicate the time that a good group RP requires. I know this is probably going to complicate things for some of you and I do apologize for that.

I wish you all the best of luck, and moving forward, hopefully I'll get another chance to RP with some of you.

Again, I'm sorry, but I hope you all enjoy yourselves.
Okami said:
Hey all,
I hate to do this, but it looks like I'm gonna have to pull out of this one. I won't bore anyone with the long explanation but the short version is that I just can't dedicate the time that a good group RP requires. I know this is probably going to complicate things for some of you and I do apologize for that.

I wish you all the best of luck, and moving forward, hopefully I'll get another chance to RP with some of you.

Again, I'm sorry, but I hope you all enjoy yourselves.


I am sorry to hear you need to go, but I can completely understand when dedication and personal time cannot match up.

I hope what ever is going on gets easier/ better soon. It may be hard today, but it will get better, maybe not today but eventually.

I will be sure to keep you in mind for another Roleplay in the future, and I am sure
@Tyra will as well, even if together for another play!

Be well, don't let this disappoint you. You be you and do what's best. We wouldn't want you where didn't feel at your 100%.

Take care, until next time,

Happy Roleplaying



I'd like to update the headcount:

HEAD COUNT @Tyra : 1 female serf, 2 male vampires

@Masks of Ayn : 1 female vampire, 1 male vampire

@myk9ma : 1 female serf, 1 male serf

@SpectroVector : 1 female serf

@Shangri La : 1 female vampire, 1 Male Serf!

Okami : 1female serf, 1 male vampire

@PlaguedWithInsanity : 1 male vampire

@Seymour : 1 female serf, 1 male serf, 1 female vampire

So altogether we have:

4 male vampires

3 female vampires

4 female serfs

3 male serfs

Thus in order to make things even, we need these spots filled:

1 male serf.

If no one wants the serf slot than as co-GM I'll make another character, becuase it wouldn't be fair to make someone just drop a female vampire "becuase we aren't even"

But before I make the character I want all involved to have the option to pick!

@Seymour you are at the character limit of Three, so you cannot be the one to volunteer to make the serf.

@Shangri La @SpectroVector @PlaguedWithInsanity You have the chance for a second character and @myk9ma a third character, if you so desire!

Please let us know below. Thank you!

Ayn, Co-GM

Update: All slots are even!
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I would really like to concentrate on just one character for this roleplay, so I can put my all into it. I hope that's okay?

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