Ambrose A Vampire Rp ~ Reboot

@Shangri La somehow I missed that when looking back, sorry!

Slot is yours, updated to show accordingly.

Slots are filled and even!

Also, if you'd like, post the tab for the male serf, but just save/leave out your Royal Vampire info. Or just put in the vampire tab Tab = Vampire Pending with no info put in yet. Sorta like WIP with Tyra's King.

That's up to you, though. You don't have too!

After Tyra's exams Monday we should hopeful have the Royal Parent history complete

Okay, I won't be very active until Thursday I have a exams, labs and presentations Tuesday-Thursday morning.
[QUOTE="Shangri La]Okay, I won't be very active until Thursday I have a exams, labs and presentations Tuesday-Thursday morning.

Good luck,

we'll continue tagging to keep people updated.
NEWS UPDATE What a long weekend...where to start...well, long story short, my grandfather had a stroke and has been in the hospital for the past three days. I had two exams and a crap load of homework. My grandmother, who is bi-polar and manic, has been staying with us the past two days so I have gotten practically no sleep. And I was gone at college all day yesterday. So much to my dismay, I don't have the king finished... I honestly have just not had the time. I at least have the general idea of him and am working on a face claim so hopefully maybe he'll actually get done in the next few days. I'm so sorry to keep pushing back the start date! It's really killing me to be honest... Because I am super excited for this roleplay.

Also, really sad to see you go,
@Okami ! ;^; I hope everything settles down soon and really hope to roleplay with you sometime!

@Masks of Ayn @myk9ma @SpectroVector @Shangri La @Okami @PlaguedWithInsanity @Seymour
NEWS UPDATE Hey guys, I just wanted to try to give you all another update, since you've all been so unbelievably patient. Long story short, I'm taking 18 credit hours at the college, and they all decided to dump a crap load of work on me at the same time. My grandmother is still staying with us for now, and because of the sudden influx of homework, I've been up to about 8pm every night doing homework. Last night I was up 'till 3am completing a project. So I've only been averaging about 5-6 hours of sleep per night for the past week. I've also just been experiencing repercussions of my very first break up, which definitely isn't helping things. Hence, I'm going to go ahead and say that this rp is on hold until spring break, which is a little over a week from today. Hopefully the homework assigned over break will be far less, and I'll finally have the time I need to focus on this roleplay so I can make sure everyone has a great experience. c: And I know I've said this a lot, but please hold on to your horses a bit longer.
NEWS UPDATE Again, I encourage all of you with serf or noble characters to get those character sheets up if you haven't yet already! If one of your characters is a royal, just create a tab for them and either leave it blank or put WIP so you can at least work on your serfs and nobles. @Masks of Ayn has been an absolute sweetheart through this very troubling, stressful time for me, and she is glad to answer or handle any questions or suggestions you all may have in my absence. This rp will get up and running eventually, I promise!

@Masks of Ayn @myk9ma @SpectroVector @Shangri La @Okami @PlaguedWithInsanity @Seymour
@Shangri La @PlaguedWithInsanity

Shangri La: 1 female vampire, 1 Male Serf

PlaguedWithInsanity: 1 male vampire

Please post Tabs in the character sign up your characters.

Royals just put WIP for now

than post serfs if any.

I'd like to make sure the count that we have for characters in OOC here matches the Tabs in the Sign up.

Please and thank you!



I know you resigned your slot/characters, but here's to hoping all is well and to let you know you'll still have a spot if ever you wish or feel you're comfortable to rejoin!!


Seymour:1 female serf, 1 male serf, 1 female vampire

Edit: Please have these posted, if possible by 16 March 14, which will be 2 weeks and hopefully in sync with when

@Tyra spring break starts.

Again, please and thank you!!
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Masks of Ayn] [URL=" said:
@Shangri La[/URL] @PlaguedWithInsanity
Shangri La: 1 female vampire, 1 Male Serf

PlaguedWithInsanity: 1 male vampire

Please post Tabs in the character sign up your characters.

Royals just put WIP for now

than post serfs if any.

I'd like to make sure the count that we have for characters in OOC here matches the Tabs in the Sign up.

Please and thank you!



I know you resigned your slot/characters, but here's to hoping all is well and to let you know you'll still have a spot if ever you wish or feel you're comfortable to rejoin!!


Seymour:1 female serf, 1 male serf, 1 female vampire

Edit: Please have these posted, if possible by 16 March 14, which will be 2 weeks and hopefully in sync with when

@Tyra spring break starts.

Again, please and thank you!!
Wait, so I may post my character again?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

But other people have posted their royals...?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Well, since the king hasn't been done yet, there isn't much we can do. We need the king's back story to write the royal children's personality, background and lifestyle. So if your character is a royal just post it in a spoiler marked WIP that's what I did.
My character is the total advisor, by the way.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Oh than I think your good, just do like the queen did and put WIP for the info that regards your character's interaction with the king.

your character information cannot yet be put up.

You CAN, however, (which is what I want you to do)

Make the Tab with {Male Vampire}

and than WIP in the content until tld otherwise.

@Seymour please respond or show in some way you have seen the updated posts


These links can help you with any possible jobs you'd like nobles to have.

Thank you all!
NEWS UPDATE Hey guys, it's been a while. With college to thank for that.. ;-; Lol. But anyway, I've had some time to think, and since this roleplay has become so much more complex than I originally imagined, I'm going to have to put it on hold until I'm free enough to manage it. Even with one week for spring break, when school rolled back around I'd be just as busy as before and am afraid it wouldn't be fair to the members of this roleplay for me to hold everyone back. So keep an eye on this roleplay! Still keep it in your watched threads! But I'm going to wait until I have the time to manage it before I initiate it so that no one gets left behind or frustrated because they have to wait for me. I know some of you were really looking forward to this roleplay, so I'm truly sorry! But this isn't the end! I'm just putting it on hold until further notice. Thank you all for showing interest and being so patient with me. <3


@Masks of Ayn @myk9ma @SpectroVector @Shangri La @Okami @PlaguedWithInsanity @Seymour
NEWS UPDATE Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that yes, I am still alive. c: I know it's been a few months and I'm so sorry you all had to wait so long. Ever since my grandfather's stroke, my personal and family life has been insane. I got sick right after finals and now have fallen sick again, though this time worse with a 103 degree fever for almost five days in a row. I'm finally starting to recover and overall things have started to calm down. And I certainly haven't forgotten about this roleplay! Hoping to pick it up soon, finishing the king's reference sheet and posting the first objective. I've also decided there will be about three types of objectives: Free for All, Group, and 1x1. Free for All means everyone is together, such as an event like a ball. Group would be individual groups of characters interacting with each other, e.g. two vampires and their serfs during a private meeting at one's estate. 1x1 would be between solely two characters, usually a vampire and his/her serf. Thank you again for being so patient and hope you all are still interested.


@Masks of Ayn @myk9ma @SpectroVector @Shangri La @Okami @PlaguedWithInsanity @Seymour

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