Ambrose A Vampire Rp ~ Reboot


Socially Awkward Jelly Bean
Please post all OOC and miscellaneous chatter here! Also please remember that this is NOT the place for character sheets. Anything that is posted out of its proper place will be removed.
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NEWS UPDATE Alright guys, the thread is finally up! However, DON'T POST YOUR CHARACTER SHEETS YET. Things are still under construction, but I thought I'd move our brainstorming sessions over here to the OOC chat. There's also a few things I'd like to discuss with you guys such as ranks. However, feel free to check out the roleplay tabs to get an idea of how things will go.

@Masks of Ayn, @myk9ma, @SpectroVector, @Okami, @Seymour, @Shangri La
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Oh I love love love how you got everything set up so far and it's getting me excited!

Idk if we need to claim roles but if I can claim the Vamp Queen that'd be so awesome >.>

Or just pick from people wanting it who's character seems best fit for the role works too. I just see my female rocking it lol.
NEWS UPDATE Okay so just a quick status update before I have to head to bed here. Everyone give a round of applause for my new second in command, the lovely
NEWS UPDATE @Masks of Ayn who's agreed to be my co-GM for this roleplay! We'll try to make this roleplay as fun and interesting as possible for y'all. c:
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@myk9ma, @SpectroVector, @Okami, @Seymour, @Shangri La

I hope you all are getting ready, we are planning the plans and we hope, as @Tyra said, that this will be a fun roleplay for everyone!

If you have any ideas for Objectives and Checkpoints, (refer
http://Here if you don't quite know what I am talking about) please jot down your thoughts here! We want your opinion and ideas. The door is open!

Also any questions, concerns that you may have you may also feel free to PM Tyra or myself, or both of us because why not! And one of us will try to get to you as timely as we can.

We still are hashing out details, things we expect, when we plan to begin the play, so we will be updating frequently for you all to stay in the loop. Please bear with us and be patient during this time before the play is actually up and running. But do not fear, we promise we won't make you wait for an eternity.
@SpectroVector So far I love your serf, Spectro; however, I did say not to post character sheets yet since i wanted to get details of the CS skeletons polished and post my own first to give an idea of what's expected. <D So just try to be mindful of the announcements I make here from now on, alright? These announcements could be critical in the future. I apologize if I didn't make things clear about not posting character sheets yet. So please save your cs info so I can delete it and you can post it later when it's time, kay? And btw, love love love the rose gif. <3
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Ah! So sorry! I was going to check with you and ask, but I thought I'd just jump in( :x )

I was a little confused if you meant not to post on the roleplaying thread, or if you meant the whole thread! Very sorry!
SpectroVector said:
Ah! So sorry! I was going to check with you and ask, but I thought I'd just jump in( :x )
I was a little confused if you meant not to post on the roleplaying thread, or if you meant the whole thread! Very sorry!
Yeah just as a general rule with character sheets and opening posts, the owner of the roleplay posts first, then his/her appointed admin(s), then the rest of the group, at least with detailed roleplays such as this. It's okay, misunderstandings happen. c: If you ever have a question, don't hesitate to tag me here or send me a pm! I usually reply fairly quickly unless I'm in class.
@myk9ma @Okami @SpectroVector @Shangri La @Seymour

Since we had a bit of a miscommunication earlier, before I begin my update post please note it is still not yet time to place character sheets. Work on them all the plenty! And remember, any questions concerns, ideas, post here in the OOC section or feel free to PM myself or @Tyra

If you have not done so already (some of you may have I just want to include everyone), if you intend on having vampire characters, please see the Overview Tab : Ranks. We have made a few changes. And it's a good time to see the changes so you know exactly what to put into your char-sheet for when posting is 'open'.

If you can show you are receiving messages, and / or still interested in this roleplay, a simple Like of this message (or Tyra's Overview Rank tab) will be sufficient.

I ask only so I know that everyone is still all fine and dandy and is (as I already said, sorry for redundancy) still getting notifications properly and not left out of the loop :)
NEWS UPDATE Hey guys, thanks for being so super patient as we continue to get things sorted out. Everything is almost completely put together! So as soon as I finish tweaking the vampire CS skeleton, we'll be able to establish the characters and pair 'em up. So just be a bit more patient and I promise to have the skeletons finished by the end of this weekend, preferably by tomorrow evening.
NEWS UPDATE :) I'll send out another notification when you can post your character sheets, so just keep an eye on the thread and your notifications. Just as another quick reminder, don't forget check out the updated Overview section of the rp as many new things have been added. Ranks are first come first serve, unless two people really would like the same position, in which case I'll listen to both ideas the players have for their characters and a decision will be made on which character would better fit the part.

@Okami @Shangri La @SpectroVector @myk9ma @Seymour
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Tyra said:
Hey guys, thanks for being so super patient as we continue to get things sorted out. Everything is almost completely put together! So as soon as I finish tweaking the vampire CS skeleton, we'll be able to establish the characters and pair 'em up. So just be a bit more patient and I promise to have the skeletons finished by the end of this weekend, preferably by tomorrow evening. :) Just as another quick reminder, don't forget check out the updated Overview section of the rp as many new things have been added.
@Okami @Shangri La @SpectroVector @myk9ma @Seymour
Piggy backing on this please check out the Overview for even more updates!

And please give a like or [along the lines of] a "I'm so excited!" comment (not required, though it'd give you a smile I'm sure :3).

I tooold you we wouldn't have you waiting too too long, we're almost there!
Also wanted to move this outline over here to make sure we still have an even number of vampires/serfs and male/female:

(Since the King and Queen are pretty much a pair by themselves, I don't think I'll be pairing them with serfs unless I need to so I did not include them in the head count below)

HEAD COUNT @Tyra : 1 female serf, 1 male vampire

@Masks of Ayn : 1 male vampire

@myk9ma : 1 female serf, 1 male serf

@SpectroVector : 1 female serf

@Shangri La : 1 female vampire

@Okami : 1 male vampire

So altogether we have:

3 male vampires

1 female vampire

3 female serfs

1 male serf
So actually as of now, we're completely even! @Okami I know you said you might want more characters, if anyone would be willing to make more characters, then you could also have more. c: I would but I'm already maxed out and wouldn't be able to handle any more. Or I could possibly count the King and Queen, and if that's the case then there would be two more serf spots open, one male and one female. If you want to chat more in detail about this, please don't hesitate to send me a pm!
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@Tyra I was actually wanting to have to get the Queen a new serf! Either by death or running away etc.

So yes, we should include her

I'm a sucker for gruesome tragedy >.>
Tyra said:
I know you said you might want more characters, if anyone would be willing to make more characters, then you could also have more.
There's always later! I don't want anybody to make more characters if they don't want to, but I appreciate the thought. :)
@Okami, the Queen will actually need a serf also, her original will not be apart of the play. (Either by death or running away I'm not really quiet sure yet lol!)

so if you desire more than just one you are welcome.

But no pressure, if not I'll just leave her as is and we'll with what Tyra posted already
NEWS UPDATE Hey guys, just a quick update. I'm so so sorry for not getting to finishing the CS details like I thought I was going to. I got stuck under a mountain of homework this past weekend, and with the first wave of exams coming up soon, I've been a bit stressed out as of late. Thanks you all again for your patience and I will do my best to at least finish off my Noble vamp character so I can open up CS creation for you guys. Just hang on a bit longer!

@Masks of Ayn @Okami @Shangri La @SpectroVector @myk9ma @Seymour
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Tyra said:
Hey guys, just a quick update. I'm so so sorry for not getting to finishing the CS details like I thought I was going to. I got stuck under a mountain of homework this past weekend, and with the first wave of exams coming up soon, I've been a bit stressed out as of late. Thanks you all again for your patience and I will do my best to at least finish off my Noble vamp character so I can open up CS creation for you guys. Just hang on a bit longer!
@Masks of Ayn @Okami @Shangri La @SpectroVector @myk9ma @Seymour
I hope all goes well with school and exams for you!

Don't fret too much about here, I can understand it bring disappointing, but as long as you dont forget about us ;p we'll be here. Let me know if I can do anything else.
Tyra said:
Hey guys, just a quick update. I'm so so sorry for not getting to finishing the CS details like I thought I was going to. I got stuck under a mountain of homework this past weekend, and with the first wave of exams coming up soon, I've been a bit stressed out as of late. Thanks you all again for your patience and I will do my best to at least finish off my Noble vamp character so I can open up CS creation for you guys. Just hang on a bit longer!
@Masks of Ayn @Okami @Shangri La @SpectroVector @myk9ma @Seymour
I understand school can be rough, I recently got over some big exams myself, don't worry we can wait. :3
Shangri La] [CENTER][SIZE=24px]WIP[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [tabs] [tab=Princess{Vampire}] [CENTER][/tab][tab=W.I.P If needed]Body of Tab 2[/tab] [/CENTER] (etc.) [/tabs] [/QUOTE] [URL=" said:
@Shangri La[/URL]

First off love the chatacter sheet but sorry to be the party pooper, we have not yet currently opened posting character sheets.

We placed our's to make sure we got all the skeleton info hashed out and the Royal Family Heads configured, (which due to some delays have not been completed) as well as if we needed to add more, etc etc.

So not all details are ready.

Your character's Age does not match the play. IF she is 17, she is 99, which will have her in the Coming of Age ball. She will be turning 18, or 100. Please adjust this in your character sheet accordingly.

(My characters are above the Coming of Age, age, so that is why their ages are older.)

So for now please just be patient, and look through your CS, I saw a few spelling and grammatical errors also! (not to be a nazi but since it's posted, might as well make it best as I can be :] )

Also, I saw your Tab 2,

We will be needing another male serf, as the Queen will lose hers. If @Okami , who was also offered another character, doesn't want it, you can.

I will let that be between you two.

Your lovely second in command GM, Ayn :3

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Can't give an indepth reply right now, but @Masks of Ayn is right. I did reserve the princess position for @Shangri La but the King and Queen need to be thoroughly completed first before any other royal characters can be added so as to make sure the information is connected and fits together. So again I repeat no character sheets yet, especially royals. That doesn't mean you can't work on developing them but I want you to have all the information before finishing off your character and posting for validation.
Masks of Ayn] [URL=" said:
@Shangri La[/URL]
First off love the chatacter sheet but sorry to be the party pooper, we have not yet currently opened posting character sheets.

We placed our's to make sure we got all the skeleton info hashed out and the Royal Family Heads configured, (which due to some delays have not been completed) as well as if we needed to add more, etc etc.

So not all details are ready.

Your character's Age does not match the play. IF she is 17, she is 99, which will have her in the Coming of Age ball. She will be turning 18, or 100. Please adjust this in your character sheet accordingly.

(My characters are above the Coming of Age, age, so that is why their ages are older.)

So for now please just be patient, and look through your CS, I saw a few spelling and grammatical errors also! (not to be a nazi but since it's posted, might as well make it best as I can be :] )

Also, I saw your Tab 2,

We will be needing another male serf, as the Queen will lose hers. If @Okami , who was also offered another character, doesn't want it, you can.

I will let that be between you two.

Your lovely second in command GM, Ayn :3

Ah, I am so, so so sorry! I'll take it down asap!

You can delete the post now. I apologize. I will fix everything and wait. I'm super sorry

@PlaguedWithInsanity CS posting isn't up yet. But I love your character.
Shangri La] [URL=" said:
@PlaguedWithInsanity[/URL] CS posting isn't up yet. But I love your character.
Thank you.

I apologize dearly for not reading that bit of information.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way


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