Alternate Locations for the empress.

Haku said:
It's actually a pile of wool... ^_^
It's certainly a pile of something.

It just looks like a parade of illegible postage stamps with no decernable meaning to me.
One looks like a mother, another is clearly a semi or fully naked woman, and the third is a bunch of wool... You're one of those crazy people, aren't you?
1) Sheep girl looks over at something.

2) 1st Age Lunars

3) Blonde, tan woman dressed as stereotypical aussie sheep-shearer

4) omgboobz

5) *Wool flies everywhere*

Lunars were "fleeced".
Or, depending on where it is in the cycle when you first see it:

  1. omgboobz
  2. *Wool flies everywhere*
  3. Sheep girl looks over at something.
  4. 1st Age Lunars
  5. Blonde, tan woman dressed as stereotypical aussie sheep-shearer

Meaning breasts, white cloudy things and first age lunars make blondes smug.
Jukashi said:
1) Sheep girl looks over at something.
2) 1st Age Lunars

3) Blonde, tan woman dressed as stereotypical aussie sheep-shearer

4) omgboobz

5) *Wool flies everywhere*

Lunars were "fleeced".
...It finally makes sense...
Not thwarted, just presented with a minor setback.

We must convert the master before we can convert the students.
alohahaha said:
She was exploring the caverns of the Imperial Mountain when the Things Below snatched her and now they are twisting her into something more vile than even the Yozis could envision.
I like that image; kinda like Gandolph and the Balgor demon.  Heh heh...  "By the glory of my empire, YOU SHALL NOT PASS"

wordman said:
She is actually just one of Kejak's resplendant destinies, with the help of a Seed of Other Lives. Now that he is approaching the end of his lifespan, he's done some prophesy work to see how he will be succeeded, and didn't like what he saw. He has disappeared to devote time to shaping fate to make the succession work the way he wants.
I like that idea too; I was thinking that she's a Different siderial who's been enjoying her resplendant identity TOO much.  I'll just direct anyone who's curious to the thread over at ... c&start=15
uh... if she was one of kejaks resplendent destinies HOW did she give birth to dragon blooded children... theirs a heartstone that would let him change his gender to be sure but ... how to make it a dragon blooded born not a star touched

also... why would the realm be in disarray?

if it was one of his resplendent destines, he likely would have had a successor picked out ahead of time, and made it work smoothly.
Not really...listen, you're 5000 years old. NO ONE knows how your mind works and oh hey! Great plan, sow dissention, weed out the ranks of the bad. BAM! You win!
Yea, "Summon Demon of the Second Circle" is her only Sapphire circle spell: She has a 5-pt artifact allowing her to do so. As well as, apparently, some other artifacts tailored to summoning (From the little summoning story in one of the fatsplats, where she has a jade summoning circle of doom).

Although I prefer the Empress as a particularly lucky, possibly super DragonBlood, it is concievable that Kejak (Or whoever) used a potent artifact to "concieve" the child, and used another to force the lineage to come from another: a powerful DB he/she had abducted.

Alternatively, the Empress may have simply gone off on sabbaticals whenever "pregnant". Same concept, without the need for an artifact or whatnot: Just get your captive pregnant and pass it off as your child.

Also, I'm sure a custom high-essence charm would withhold the power of the blood to prevent the children being Star-blessed in any case.
uh... if she was one of kejaks resplendent destinies HOW did she give birth to dragon blooded children... theirs a heartstone that would let him change his gender to be sure but ... how to make it a dragon blooded born not a star touched
also... why would the realm be in disarray?

if it was one of his resplendent destines, he likely would have had a successor picked out ahead of time, and made it work smoothly.
Why would it all be in dissarray?   The identity manufactured through astrology wore off, and can not be re-assumed.  I'm pretty sure that astorological personas are unique like that.  

Why dragonblooded children?  If fate thinks you're a wellbred dragonblood, I think everyone else does too.  Even gods of heredity and exaltation.  (Kejop or someone like him have mighty high essence scores like that).

Why not Startouched?  Because I like the 1st Ed corebook idea of "celestial exaltation can't be past on through bloodlines; it's too big".  This whole "half caste" thing is just to cover up for poorly explained gods/mortal breeding...  

Pre-planned successor: Paradox and limit break make for MIGHTY arrogent elder exalts.  

I miss anything?

uh... if she was one of kejaks resplendent destinies HOW did she give birth to dragon blooded children... theirs a heartstone that would let him change his gender to be sure but ... how to make it a dragon blooded born not a star touched
also... why would the realm be in disarray?

if it was one of his resplendent destines, he likely would have had a successor picked out ahead of time, and made it work smoothly.
Why dragonblooded children?  If fate thinks you're a wellbred dragonblood, I think everyone else does too.  Even gods of heredity and exaltation.  (Kejop or someone like him have mighty high essence scores like that).

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