Alternate Locations for the empress.

First Age: 3500 years

Shogunate: 700 years

Scarlet Empire: 800 years
Flagg said:
I recall somewhere in 1E was a mention that most Exalts in the First Age never got past Essence 5......I think the rationale is that surpassing 5 requires a lot of effort and dedication to enlightenment. Many exalts didn't need to bother; they were powerful enough.
I don't know if 1E said anything about 5+ Essence being rare, but it seems that if any group of Exalts would spend alot of time on introspective thought and attunement of their own Essence, it would be the Sidereals.  
The 2E books mentions in the charm section that 10 motes of Essence is comparible to the Holy Grail or Excaliber(sp) and that the average Exalt has more raw power than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, so.....I would be inclined to agree with the "We can already destroy the world thrice over, why spend the time to learn to destroy it that fourth time?" kinda mindset.
Hmm' date=' I wonder where the fifteen hundred came from after all of our debates...[/quote']
It's approximately the duration of the Shogunate plus the Realm, AKA "The Second Age".
only dragon blooded in cannon with essence 6, that I know of, is Tomaru "the profane dragon" once known as Cathak Devon... (that they SAID had essence 6+ on the stat sheet, please understand...)

which means he is a walking problem for the immaculate philosophy, as his existence proves either that the immaculate order is a lie, or that the mightiest of its champions can be readily manipulated, either one compromises the order.
What Mnemon with her essence 7 doesn't count? No, she REALLY is essence 7 in the Earth aspect book. o.0

Tepet Arada is also essence 6. Air Aspect book. ^_^

Ragara Bhagwei is essence 6. Wood Aspect book.
Dracian said:
I'm not very updated in Exalted, I've never used the canon world since day one, I own the hardcover Exalted: [Exalts Type Here] books and so far all the 2nd edition stuff, but that's about it so I miss alot of the hullabaloo.
I feel that WW has already written the story and filled it with Over Powered NPCs that the PCs have no chance of defeating and restoreing any semblance of balance to the world (everyone suffers from an unbreakable curse and are doomed to screw it up for eternity) regardless of what type of Exalt they may be playing.  PCs are just on lookers in a super powered world where no matter what they do some NPC can, will, or already has thwarted their every effort.  The more I read the "Canonverse" the less appealing the game became.  So, I changed it.   :D

So at the sake of sounding like a complete fool: Has it been said exactly what did happen to the Scarlet Empress?  Didn't she marry the Ebon Dragon and have little infernal babies or something?
I based a lot of my Dawn Caste's goals on what I read about the Bull of the North.  I thought it was a neat story, unique to other RPG's if accomplishable as a PC so I did it.   Course this was early in 1E when the only info available on the Bull was that he united some northern tribes and defeated a legion.  I thought "cool, I want to do that in a game" and did.

But if you keep your PC's as low level people and don't let them do epic things then some of the NPC's will seem overpowered.   But if you let your PC's conquer empires than Ma Ha Suchi is a perfect NPC villian.

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