~Alone~ (RP)

"Oh forget it!" Tamika groaned, pulling down her bow and arrow. "There's nothing here to hunt, c'mon Sara..." she stalked off.

Sara walked to her, a deer over here shoulder. "Okay."

Tamika walked into the city, not paying attention to Sara. She saw two people on the roof. "Sara, run. Two people on the roof... and they are hot wow!"

Sara rolled her eyes, "C'mon Juliet."
Jasper looked out the window and saw two girls in the forest. "Who are...why are there so many people?" he asked himself, slowly walking to the window.
Jason kept looking around making sure no one had the jump on them and he would look back seeing Jasper at the window " hey man are you almost done here we need to move on fast.. since this store is so stocked with items people will try to come here and fast we need to hurry "
Sara screamed and hid behind Tamika. "Some guy..." she gulped loudly, hiding the deer.

Tamika rolled her eyes. But then so him too. "Why are there so many peoples?"
Jason would look over seeing the two girls and would then look at him " keep on guard " he would hold his blades tightly just incase and would start to walk towards the girls slowly sheathing his blades and calmly raised his hands to the girls showing he mean them no harm " i want you to have one of your daggers ready " he whispered
Rikko ran quickly through the empty town. Nobody in sight, what a fright! she rhymed inside her head. She grabbed a couple of cans and ran through the forest and hopped onto her small shelter. "Wind, here girl!" she called her pet falcon. "Open the can and you and I will have soup!" the Falcon pop open the can and Rikko slurped it down. "I saved some noodles for you!" she giggled.
Tamika rolled her eyes, but held her bow and arrow. "Relax, we were getting food." she gestured to Sara, with the 100 pound deer over her shoulder.

Sara took out her dagger with one hand, the rusty nails with the others. "Yeah, calm down. We are just looking for shelter and stuff. Luckily, I killed a deer with a rusty nail," she flipped her hair back and smirked. "What's your luck with food? A pack of jerky?" she guessed.
Jason would look at them and would put his hands down.. " were not here to fight for food since we got plenty of food.. we do have.. shelter down the road " he would look at them not expecting seeing more people but was kind of glad that it wasn't illusion
Tamika nodded. "Well, we don't want to be intruding any longer, we have to find our own shelter." she smiled. "Seeing how we might not meet again.I'm Tamika, my friends call me TimTam. This is my twin Sara. She's so lucky." Tamika stalked off, expecting them to disagree and allow them to stay.

Sara already knew what her sister was thinking. She mouthed, we'd have to see them changing. In return, Tamika mouthed, I don't mind. Sara rolled her eyes and waved good-bye.
A loud crash of glass breaking was heard in the city. Very shortly after a thud was heard on metal and glass then a car alarm went off. Wrath lay on the car for a few seconds wondering what he was thinking as this was quite painful for him. While laying on the car he was trying to catch his breath to move before people started moving towards the sound.
Jason would smirk and shake his head has he started to walk off towards the shelter " maybe they will listen to you Jasper " he would whisper and started to walk back to the shelter then hearing a car alarm go off he would look around trying to figure our where the noise was coming from has he started to walk in different directions trying to see where the noise was coming from and then he found where it was loudest " I'm going to find out what that noise is " he started to walk towards the noise was only being half a mile away from it
Wrath groaned in pain as he rolled off the hood of the car. He landed on the street face first however. "Never... Again.." He told himself as he winced slightly trying to use the car to help himself up. He brushed himself off and looked around for a black suitcase he carried around. "Now where did it fly off to..." He mumbled to himself as he circled around the car. Finding it on the trunk of the same car he fell on, he grabbed it and began to limp away from the scene. He was most likely moving in the same direction that others could be using to get to the noise.
"You kiddin right?" Tamika turned around. "What are we supposed to do? Stay with you guys?" she said half-joking.

Sara rolled her eyes and looked back, not making eye contact until she saw someone owned a cat. She rushed to it. "Oh my god! Eek! Who owns this cat!?"
Jason would smirk and shake his head continuing to walk towards the sound of the car alarm by himself then he would make a clicking noise has tiger came out of the shadows and would then jump on this shoulders.. " hey man lead them to the shelter if they are coming.. i will be back later " he would pull out his blades and started to walk away towards the noise of the car alarm
He sighs as he keeps walking away from that annoying car alarm. He then turns and shouts. "Oh shut up already!" He makes an irritated sigh and starts walking away again. He mumbles to himself. "Thing is giving me a headache..."
Jason would get closer to the sound and then heard someone which made him crouch and started to sneak towards the area and then he would see someone limping in the distance.. he gripped his blades tightly and would then sheathed his blades has he started he started to get closer and he would then pull out one blade " hey you!! are you ok?
After hearing the voice he immidiatly ducked down behind another car off to the side of the road. He then shouted back. "I'm fine, it's just a flesh wound!" He had to wonder why a sword was already drawn out, but then again he knew it wasn't the best of times to make friends without a little caution. He didn't say anything else, now just listening for movement.
Jason would then sheathed his blade and would start to walk towards the injured man and while walking " listen im not here to fight and take your things .. im here to help.. i got medical supplies, food and shelter.. " he said calmly has he was getting closer to the car you where you ducked down behind it
He stayed quiet for a moment and thought to himself. It's been a while since he found a decent amount of food, and in his current condition medical supplies couldn't hurt. He stood up, putting his weight on one leg. "I guess I can stop by for a little. I won't need the shelter though... Thanks though."
Jason would then walk up to him and then would look at the car " i take it you feel on that.. well im not the only one at the shelter theres people i can trust there... Need a hand or do you think you can make it there.. its about a half a mile walk " he said calmly
"Yea that was me." He smirked slightly then said calmly, "I can't stay long. I'm looking for a certain store."

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