~Alone~ (RP)

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Jewel" Aiden said jokingly in his best baby-talk voice. He was sure it was a little rusty because it's been so long since he's even hear the sound of another human.

He turned back to Sabrina. "Help yourself to what you can fit into your bag. You're welcome to stay here if you like, but sleeping here isn't too comfortable I'm afraid. If you do stay here though, just promise not to rob me in my sleep, okay?" he laughed
Sabrina laughed along, and it was funny to hear herself laugh after so long. It wasn't a bad laugh though... She thought about his offer to stay, and realized she wold like the company. "Um...I guess I could stay....I've got nowhere to go anyways." she replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
"We better get going before it gets dark, I've had my fair share of wolfs today already."
Aiden turned and pointed at the corner of the room. "You can sleep over there." he said. He went to the corner of the room in which he was when Sabrina walked in. He grabbed a few sheets and handed them to her. "Here's some cover if you want it."

Aiden then returned to his corner of the room and began to fall deep into thought. If this girl was alive, he couldn't help but wonder how many more people there could be.
Sabrina smiled. "Thanks!" she said before walking over to the corner, folding the sheets, and setting her bag on top of it. She bent down and pulled out a carved silver locket from her bag.
Before he drifted off to sleep, Aiden saw Sabrina pull out a silver locket. He wondered what was in...or rather who it was that she was missing. He also decided that he would go look for more people in the morning. There just had to be more people out there...
Sabrina opened the locket and there was a picture of her family in the left side and a picture of her old boyfriend in the right. She smiled as she looked at the pictures, remembering find memories. She then closed the locket and slipped it into the bag. She sat down and looked up at the ceiling.
Lilt smiled and nodded "Your gonna have to put up with this one" she said gestering to the cub near her feet. "His my pet and i'm not going anywhere without him" she makes sure he understands
He nods and waves his hand they walk back to his shack and opens the door he slumps down into the nearest chair and cleans his bolts
(I made a new charrie, btw)

Jasper unsheathed his dagger and it glinted in the sun. His emerald-green eyes shifted from the blade to his target, a painted on bulls-eye mark on the wall. It had holes and scratched in and around it from past practices. He narrowed his eyes at the target and pulled back his dagger, ready to throw.
Jason has his Twin Katanas out and the sound of his boots walking over the rubble could be heard has he was walking he kept his cat at a distance to make sure no harm came to him and he would notice something catch his eye from the distance he crouched down his white trench coat waving like a flag in the wind and he started to sneak up closer seeing someone and then would grip his blade tightly and would then look over seeing that this man was practicing his throwing his dagger and he would stay in the shadows waiting for him to throw his blade so he wouldn't get startled by his sudden appearance there
Jason would then sneak up closely and would keep his distance and would then lean up against the wall of the building and would then turn the corner and saw Jasper and he would then smirk " nice hit there " He said with a smirk " didn't expect to see anyone in this area..
Jason would then sleathed his blades and cross his arms " well.. im hunting for food care to join or keep practicing with that bullseye?
Jasper thought a moment about weather he could trust this newcomer. "Well, hunting sounds better than hitting a wall with a dagger." he said with a smirk then walked over to him.
Jason would nod and turn around has he started to walk towards a group of buildings hoping to find a grocery store nearby " have you found a grocery store in this area.. or do we have to walk far to go find it?
Jason would nod and unsleathed his blades not knowing if there were any hostile people that would try to fight for that food " ok... " he would make a clicking noise has a cat appeared and would then jump up on to his shoulder and stay there digging its claws into his shoulder but he ignored the pain has he started to walk towards the store
Jason continued to walk towards the grocery store looking down every alley which was completely covered by rubble and but wanted to make sure there was no ambush and he would look at the roof top of the still standing buildings always keeping his guard and would turn his head slightly also keeping his eye on his back to make sure that he could trust the guy he just met in the area..
"Sara, hurry up!!" Tamika yelled, walking into the forest, bow and arrow in hand. "God, do you want food/shelter or not?" she glared with her so-called, 'Eyes at the back of her head', which in all reality is basically her turning around. "Why does not want to live, does she?" she muttered to herself.

"I'm right behind you! OF COURSE I WANT FOOD AND SHELTER and I CAN HEAR YOU!! See your eyes are just you looking back, but I have hearing like a freaking hawk!!" she pointed out. "Y'know, you and I are in this together. You could at least try to be more compassionate!" Sara got to Tamika's side. "You happy now TimTam?"

Tamika nodded.
Jason would would sneak up to a huge hole that was made from the collapsing rubble of the building and he would walk inside seeing on one in the building and he would then grab his backpack his eyes glaring straight ahead and would start load his backpack full of canned food and would look around then would walk up to meat market and sighed " i remember when there use to be fresh meat and the meat markets .. " sighed and would then turn over looking down one isle and found batteries and flashlights.. then would walk to the pharmacy seeing if there were any antibiotics and painkillers and found some stuffing into his backpack " glad to see a few things that survived that war
Jason would nod " i got us enough canned food to last us a few days.. and medicine just in case one of us gets sick " he would turn around and started to walk near the entrance of the store and started to look out for anyone.. that would try to hurt them both and steal their supplies .

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