~Alone~ (RP)

(I will start)

Sabrina Moonshine walked down a shabby street, the breeze lifting her blonde hair. Her blue eyes darted from one place to another as she looked for....well, anything. She saw an old deserted shop, with the windows dirty and cracked and from what she could tell, no one was inside. But she hadn't met anyone new in years anyway, so how could she possibly meet someone here...?
Aiden Edger sat in the corner of the room in a deserted shop he had began to call home. He and his pet ferret Slidell had been staying there for a few months now. It was safe, it provided him with protection from the rain, and best of all, it did a good job of keeping out the cats. Aiden heard light footsteps coming toward his shops. He grabbed his katana, and tightened his grip as he slid to the shadows of the room. A cat maybe, dog, wolf? Whatever it was, Aiden didn't want it seeing him or Slidell.
Lily was walking with her pet wolf cub and found a little park and she decided to take a walk she looked at the unruly rpsed and the fountain with vines all over it
Jack pounded down the street he wiped a bead of sweat from his face. The wolfs were catching up, he loaded a bolt into his crossbow, turned around and fired hitting it square in the eye killing instantly. He loads another bolt shooting the other wolf in the leg it falls to the ground. Jack walks over to it and shoots it through the heart. HE goes around collecting his bolts "Too close" He mumbled. He grab the wolf that was shot on the eye on his back and carried it back to his little shack before skinning it and cooking it to eat.
Lily needed a place to stay for the night and was looking around, she saw a movement and her pet ran of to get somthing then she screamed, she hated being alone
Jack turned around to see something running towards him. HE loaded a bolt into his crossbow and aimed it at the animal until he saw a woman nearby. HE thought to himself "​Im hallucinating aren't I" HE ran towards what the woman. "Am I dreaming or am I not the only one left?"
She saw her cub run back and she knelt down and hugged him "Don't do that again Please!' she said not noticing anything around her, the cub licked her face and laughed
uryuuichi said:
Aiden Edger sat in the corner of the room in a deserted shop he had began to call home. He and his pet ferret Slidell had been staying there for a few months now. It was safe, it provided him with protection from the rain, and best of all, it did a good job of keeping out the cats. Aiden heard light footsteps coming toward his shops. He grabbed his katana, and tightened his grip as he slid to the shadows of the room. A cat maybe, dog, wolf? Whatever it was, Aiden didn't want it seeing him or Slidell.
Sabrina cautiously walked into the shop, and looked around. She saw some canned peaches and grabbed some off the shelves, stuffing them into her bag. Her bluejay, Jewel, flew to her and perched on her shoulder.
"I must be dreaming other wise you'd hear me" He moaned. Scratching his head and pulling his crossbow back off his back and started walking away from the woman and her cub.
The door to the shop opened and Aiden couldn't believe his eyes. There was an actual person there, a blonde. Aiden watched with caution as she walked up and down the aisles grabbing things and stuffing them into her bag. Aiden knew that he should let her continue on about her way, but her stealing his food threatened his survival. He quickly stood up out of the corner of the shop.

"Drop the Cans!" he said to her; his katana pointed directly at her face.
Sabrina looked up and almost freaked. Then she narrowed her eyes and held her ground. "What makes you the boss of me?" she asked. She looked him over, sizing him up. She hadn't seen another person in at least a year. How could it be possible?
"Well for one, this is my home you're stealing cans from." Aiden said to the girl. He kept his katana firmly pointed at her. He wasn't just going to let this girl come in and ruin his perfect spot.
She thought she heard someone talk and her head snapped up and she saw a man "H-hello" she stuttered "Is this real?" she asked
Sabrina kept her eyes trained on him. "Well, sorry, but You've got a whole shop full of food! Can't I just have a couple of cans?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips.
Turns around "So you are real then? How come you ignored me?" He puts his crossbow on his back before saying "I need to get back to the shack its getting dark. You need a place to say?"
Aiden hated to admit it, but the girl was right. He was being selfish, and to be selfish to the first person you've met in what felt like forever is just wrong. He lowered his sword, not breaking eye contact with her once.

"Alright, you can have a few, but you have to answer some questions first. Do we have a deal?" he said to her.
She tilted her head to the side a little "Ignored you? i mustn't have heard you" she concluded "Uh yeah i do need a place to stay" she blushed a little
Sabrina nodded, relaxing a little bit. She shifted her weight to her right hip and tilted her head slightly, blond bangs falling into her face. She quickly brushed them away. "Go ahead." she said.
"Alright. Who are you? Where did you come from? and uh...i guess that's it" Aiden said. he felt a little stupid for only being able to think of the two most useless questions in the world
Sabrina kept eye contact with him, but softened her glare. "Name's Sabrina. I came from California actually. We were on vaca in NY when the "disaster" happened." she replied. "What about you?"
"The name's Aiden. I'm from Georgia. I was in the process of moving to live with my Aunt here in NY when the world just about ended." He said, as Slidell climbed up his leg, and back and perched on his shoulder.
Sabrina smiled for the first time in a while. "Nice to meet ya. Who's this little guy?" she asked, nodding towards the ferret.

Jewel flapper her wings and puffed out her feathers at the strange animal.
Aiden couldn't help but notice her smile. And seeing a smile for the first time in ages also brought one to his face. "This guy here is my pet ferret, Slidell. and who's the bird that keeps following you around?" Aiden said with a slight chuckle.
Sabrina listened intently to his voice. Another voice! She wasn't alone anymore...at least for the time being... "This is my pet Bluejay, Jewel." she answered.

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