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Fantasy Alone Is Not An Answer

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Ruler Above All Others

Hello, and welcome to "Alone Is Not An Answer." Thank you very much for viewing this RP!

This is a Fantasy-Type RP that includes magic, monsters, possibly romance, and others. If this has any interest to you, Please read on!

  • A long tine ago, the world was peaceful. People and nature were in perfect sync and the different species/races all got along well. Those who could use magic helped those who needed it and watched over every kingdon. Each Kingdom thrived and every person had a place to call home. However, one day, that all changed. (Side comment: I had the urge to say "It all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. //shot)

    From a place unknown, monsters appeared all around the world, causing everyone to go into panic. These monsters, named "Xaes"(Singular: Xae. Pronounced "Shay"), attacked ruling kingdoms and killed the innocent with no goal in mind. Since they had never had a war, the world found itself helpless against their attacks, even the magicians were no good, but there was one last hope.

    To counter the Xaes, a special team was assembled. This team consisted of 11 magicians and qualified soldiers who specialized or could adapt to a powerful type of magic, Fusion Magic. This magic only worked if a group of more than one person were compatible in terms of physical and mental strength, but it was the only thing that could kill the Xaes. If one had a compatible partner, then their minds would connect during battle, allowing them to talk to one another with out actually speaking. This also enhanced their abilities greatly. If their bond together grew stronger, so did they. However, this also made them physically connected as well. If one partner got hurt, the other would feel the pain.

    Out of these 11, there was a single group of triplets, 2 boys named R and K and a girl named Z. These three were the only known people so far to be able to use Fusion Magic with more than 2 people, since finding 2 compatible people was hard enough. The triplets were the strongest group out of the others because of the way they fought, but the pain from one another that they felt was more intense. Their name: Team Sword

    The second strongest were Leon and Mary. From childhood friends to lovers, they were always with each other. Their bond was as solid as steel, giving them strength when they needed it most. Their name: Team Arrow

    The next group were strangers to begin with. They only met when they were recruited, but the 2 men, Harold and Chris, hit it off immediately. After only a few months of living together, they were close enough to be called brothers. Their name : Team Wolf

    Sisters May and Alexandria, who were 7 years apart, were the most advanced in magic. Neither had experience on the field, yet they managed to pull through and protect many of the kingdoms from the Xaes. Their name : Team Shield

    Lastly, the twins. The girl, Tina, and the boy, Titus, had mastered enhancement magic. This type of magic added on to Fusion Magic, making the user more powerful. However, they often bickered and fought, leading to terrible teamwork in some cases. Their name : Team Blood

    These groups put together were known as the Guardians. They were enough to fight back the Xaes. After years and years of protecting the world, the strongest group died tragically. While trying to protect the largest Kingdom, Dridas, R lost his right arm. The pain left Z and K unable to use theirs as well. Soon, they were overpowered by the Xaes. The three died long before help could arrive. This lost was a big hit for the world. Under their death, many kingdoms fell.

    The remaining teams worked even harder, hard enough to push back the Xaes. When the Xaes numbers finally decreased, the original team had become weak and old. Fearing the return of the Xaes, then originals searched for their inheritors.


  • No Godmodding, Metagaming, having OP characters, etc. It pisses me off. Don't.
  • There will be some romance if you choose to do it. However, if it gets a little steamy, fade to black. No one wants to read that.
  • I don't expect you to reply right away, but be consistent. Meaning, don't post one day, then not post for a week, then come back and post for 4 days, then leave. If you're going to be gone, notify me.
  • I will allow some cussing, I just don't want to see it everywhere.
  • Something I stress on any RP is grammar and spelling. I kind of understand if English isn't your first language, but its not mine either.
  • Have fun ~

Personal Invites :

@Kawashima Thunder



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The Kingdom of Dridas, the largest Kingdom, was a vibrant city full of color. The streets were decorated and diverse, a bit of every race showing in some way. People roamed the streets of Dridas happily as shop keepers yelled to sell their merchandise. The large castle towered over other buildings, making it obvious that the King lived there. From far away, the city view was beautiful and bright.

In the middle of Dridas, Dridas Square, awaited a couple. A long blonde haired girl, Miya, and her husband, James, were waiting for the second generation of Guardians to arrive. Prior to today, they were sent a letter saying the following ;

Dear _________,

If you are reading this, one of the Guardians have recommended you to become one of the next Guardians. We understand that it is not an easy thing to ask for you to suddenly leave your home and life, but the world is at stake. If you are willing to become a Guardian and protect our world from the Xaes, then meet at Dridas Square in 3 weeks at 11:00 am.


Miya and James Kilosk,

Head of the Guardians Facility.

Hopefully, they would all accept the invitation. If even one person didn't show up, then a new Guardian would have to be chosen.

"Honey, do you think that they'll all come?"

"Of course they will. They have to."

"Oh, honey. You're so cool ~~"

The two snuggled together as they waited under the brightly lit sky.


Raine, who already lived in Dridas, spent her extra time walking around the city, her long blue hair trailing behind her as her blood red eyes scanned the streets. While walking, she found an ice cream stall. She hurriedly ran to it and bought herself ice cream. As she ate her ice cream, her eyes continued on their aimless search. Catching sight of another stall, she walked up to it to see that it was a macaron stall. They looked extremely delicious, so she bought 15 of them, leading up to an extremely pricey sum.

In time, she finished her ice cream and held the bag of macarons in her hand while popping one into her mouth. Maybe she would offer some to her soon-to-be fellow Guardians. If so, then maybe some would come to like her. Thinking this she slowly made her way to Dridas Square.


V, who also lived in Dridas, was walking around town with a map drawn onto a piece of paper. Not being able to live out in the world like a normal person, she often had trouble finding places or even purchasing things. However, today was not a day to dilly-dally and get lost. The white haired girl paced through the streets and straight to Dridas Square.

When she got there, she glanced around for anything that resembled a Guardian. Unfortunately, there wasn't any. Despite her uneasiness, she walked over to a couple who were snuggling and asked,
"E-Excuse me, I'm looking for a ... Miya.... and James... Kilosk?"

The couple smiled and pointed to themselves."Yes, that's us. Are you perhaps.... V? Chosen by Chriss of Team Wolf? We've been expecting you. You are the first to be here, so please wait somewhere," Miya said, gesturing towards no where in particular. In response, V went to sit on a nearby bench.
The next to arrive was Ryan Nevins, a young retired Soldier who spent his days as a Sports Shooter. Ever since he was sixteen, Ryan was always a good shot. What made it hard for him to get along with others is his always serious/non-joking attitude. He saw that someone else was already here. Ryan himself was a pretty open and outgoing person. He then went to meet with Miya and James, the ones who sent him the letter three weeks ago. "You two must be Mr. and Mrs. Kilosk?"
Ishiko scouted the square from distance, porched up at the roof of a nearby building since before the first trainee arrived. She felt troubled from what she saw, she could see no training facility in the square and the two send to meet them seemed more interested in each other. She was suspicious considering not to make her presence known.
Hikaru looked down at the letter that he was holding in his right hand. He looked it over one final time and sighed crumpling up the paper and throwing it away. He began walking only a block or two away from the square, his brown hair blown gently by the breeze. Hikaru had spent the last few years of his time as a soldier not really used to a bustling city environment. He didn't pay much attention as he continued walking towards the square, uninterested in things going on around him. He looked ahead to see a couple standing in the middle of the square, as he got closer he noticed a man and another girl standing to the side who he assumed were also here because of the letter. He approached the group and stood by them with his hands in his pockets.
Ishiko looked at the new figure that entered and was intrigued. The warrior looked familiar but he couldn't place his face in her memory but she knew she should be able to. Curiosity got the better of her and decided to get closer, climbing down the building and approaching the square. She supposed that she should play along with trainer.

"This is the guardian meet up?"She asked looking around, taking a closer look at Hikaru."I expected more from warriors of legend."
Vralik felt the impact of the roof beneath his feet travel up through his legs as he landed. The city buildings were harsh, cold things. Just like he remembered. The note which had broken his leave lay half-crumpled in his hand. If one was to be governed by their actions, what greater act could there be then to defend against the foe of all mankind? He leapt up again, feeling the wind beneath his wings as he floated to the city's square. Upon arrival, his eyes were greeted by six others. Four young like himself, and two slightly older. He could only assume they were the two that had sent the letter as he softly landed in their midst.
"Yes. I am James and this is my wife, Miya. We thank you for coming," James said with a polite smile towards Ryan. He stopped speaking for a moment, waiting for what appeared to be other Guardians coming, a man and woman. When they were close enough, he continued. "Once all the inheritors are together, we will move to the Guardians Facility." James glanced over at the new female, Ishiko. "We don't need Warriors of Legend. If we were going to recruit them, you wouldn't be here." His voice was cold as he explained that to her, coming off as a bit rude.

Miya also gave a polite smile as she did a role call.
"Let's see... V, Ryan Nevins, Ishiko Miyaka, Hikaru Kurai, and....." She looked over their shoulders to see the approaching Raine coming towards them. "Raine Seriya. Three more to go." The couple had done research on all the inheritors as soon as they were recommended, so they were already familiar with their faces, names, specialties, etc. Just then, another man came floating down. Miya already knew who it was. "Vralik Estenheim. 2 more to go. Glad you all could make it."

Raine studied each person separately, wondering which one would be her partner. Meanwhile, V remained a bit further away from the group.
Ryan just sat down and started cleaning his rifle quietly. He did really know anyone around him and wondered what was going on. He retired from soldiering a little after six months ago. Why was he being called back into duty? Why now? Guess it was time to leave the quiet life. Ryan was more then happy to be partnered up with any of them really. He was a reliable teammate and acted as a moral compass for his allies, able to steer them in the right direction should things ever go wrong out in the field.
"One more to go." Celaena declared in response to the blonde woman's statement, smiling brightly at the assembled group as she arrived at the designated rendezvous point. The young magician had over heard enough of the group's conversation during her approach to deduce these were the people responsible for summoning her to Dridas under such strange circumstances. Celaena waved her letter of invitation back and forth as she glanced curiously around the assembly. "Celaena Fray, reporting for duty. I take it we are all here for the same reason?"
"Ah... yes. Glad you could join us, Celaena Fray. Indeed, only one more," James said, greeting her politely. The

Last person had yet to come, Illand Trepsur(@Stew). If he didn't come soon, he'd be left behind, since James and Miya hated waiting on others. As if to divert their attention to something else, they turned to the small group.
"While we are waiting on that one person, why don't we take this time to introduce ourselves? Let's start off with.... V."

Startled, V jumped a bit, causing the large sword on his back and the curved dagger on her hip jingle before regaining what little composure she had. One of these people would be her partner, but as she studied them, they appeared to be more intimidating than she. "U-Um... Hello. I'm..... V.... Age 22... A Soldier... Erm.,. It's nice to meet you all.." Her face turned a light shade of red as she finished speaking. Next would be Hikaru (@Sharpness).

(Maike-Senpai, when you do your introduction, be sure to choose another person to go next and tag them. Next person to go will choose the next and so on. )
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Illand comes dashing up to the group, yells of an angry ramen shop owmer ring out through the city. He trips and falls into a stop in front of the group,

"OOF!" He let's out a grunt before laying still for a couple of seconds, he finally jolts up,

"Well I'm here! Sorry I was late! I think we should go!" He says in a hurry as he glances back towards the direction from where he ran.​
Hikaru turned his head towards the group at the sound of introductions. "Well I might as well get this out of the way." Hikaru said looking at each person gathered around, "My name is Hikaru Kurai and I am 23 years old. I am a soldier from the military and that is it, nice to meet everyone". The next person would be Raine @Sayuri Tokage

(K Yu-chan right back at ya then...)
Just before Raine could speak a word, a man came, fell, and stood up once more, going on about something. In irritation of the late inheritor, James usually kind appearance changed to a bitter and partially angry one as he glared at Illand. "If this were to be an emergency sent out by one of the kingdoms, the Xaes would have long taken over. In addition, being as late as you are, you have no right to make any suggestions and/or commands. Anyway," James pointed to Raine, cueing her to continue.

With a nod, Raine went on.
"Er... well... It's a pleasure to meet all of you! I'm Raine Seriya, age 21 Magician." Her introduction was a bit relaxed as she looked at those who had just introduced themselves and those who had yet to do so. Her eye caught on to the next person, Vralik. @Ixidor92

(Maike-Senpai is a bully,
:P )
Vralik's gaze calmly matched that of the young woman who had just introduced herself. Raine, as she had said.

"My name is Vralik. That's all you need to know."

His tone was even, blunt, and perhaps a bit apathetic as well when compared to the others.

Me next!" Celaena cheered as her turn rolled around, gesturing to herself with a flourish. "I'm Celaena Fray, but everybody calls me Laena. Or Fray. Actually, the villagers in the Northern Mountains call me... ah, well, that's a story for another time!" Celaena trailed off with a self conscious laugh, fidgeting nervously under the less than amused gaze of her peers.

"What was I saying again? Oh, right! Celaena Fray. Nineteen years old. Defense oriented magician hailing from the Northern Mountains. Rambles under pressure."
Celaena gestured to the man cleaning his slightly intimidating rifle, glad to have the group's collective attention off of her for the time being. "Next!" @Kawashima Thunder
When he was called upon, Ryan seemed nervous. He then turned his attention away from his Rifle and towards the rest of the group. Where to start, he wondered. "My name's Ryan Nevins. I used to be in Special Forces for the Dridas Military. I served for about six to seven years, from eighteen all the way up until six months ago. Now I'm twenty-six. I was going to go into Retirement, but well, that's out of the question now seeing that I am here. I'm a very Precise Marksman, so I never miss my targets. If I wanted, I can blow an enemy's head from at least a thousand yards away. Yeah, I'm that good. If you don't believe me, we can put that theory to the test, I've been sharpshooting ever since I was ten...So...Yeah...Well, that's all about me."

He then looked around at his peers, wondering who would go next. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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(@Kawashima Thunder Please tag the next person to introduce themselves. It makes things neater and not so overlapping, if you get what I mean.)
[QUOTE="Sayuri Tokage](@Kawashima Thunder Please tag the next person to introduce themselves. It makes things neater and not so overlapping, if you get what I mean.)

(Okay, I tagged someone ^^)
"Boy, have you grown Hikaru. This could prove interesting after all."She commented knowingly smirking under her mask. She noted it was her turn to be introduced and sighed finding the whole practice childish." What is this first day of kids school? Ishiko Miyaka, sword for hire and assassin of both monster and humans. Sorry my record is private for obvious reason, lets just say i had a hand in setting up the royal succession as it is. Infiltration and stealth is the name of my game, targets don't know i am there until they are already dead and often not by a blade. Though I am no slouch in a stand up fight. Now, lets pass the torch to the late arrival." @Stew

Illand pauses for a moment before speaking, as if he ne eded to collect his thoughts,

"I am Illand Trepsur, 23. I am an angel sent from Heaven." He finishes his awkward sentence before looking at Raine,

"You are a demon, yes?" He stares at her emotionlessly as he waits for her to answer.

@Sayuri Tokage
"Yes, but that shouldn't matter now," Raine said, not caring about whether or not he was an angel. Since they were all apart of the sqme team, races didn't matter to her as long as the Xaes were the ones to die.

With a somewhat pleased look upon their face despite getting irritated from Ishiko's introduction, the couple decided to show them the Guardians Facility.
"Now that introductions are done and we've collected a bit of data on your personalities, we will now head to the Guardians Facility. Please take note that the entrance we are going in is only one of the many that are scattered around the city," Miya explained while she linked arms with her husband, who had begun walking towards a rather small tunnel. On the side of the tunnel was a door cloaked with magic. Those who were magicians could see it clearly, while the soldiers struggled to even catch a glimpse. With a hand on the door, the magician Miya uncloaked the door long enough to open it for the rest of the group. V followed first, but Raine stayed back a bit.

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Hikaru was walking towards the back of the group, not to sure what to think of his team thus far. They all seem like they got a lot of problems in the head if you ask me. He thought to himself as the couple leading them stopped at the end of the tunnel. He sighed as the woman revealed a door hidden by magic and glanced around one more time before following the rest of the group through the door.

Illand did not like the fact that he was working with a demon, but despite that he was eager to work with a team of potential friends. He follows them down the tunnel, Illand thinks about all of their adventures that they would have together,

"Do we only kill Xaes?" He asks as he walks behind the couple who apparently lead the group.​
"What is it, pigeon, to high and mighty for Xaes? Maybe we should just send you against let the rest of us have a long rest."Ishiko commented to Illand, as they walked down the tunnels looking unimpressed for most of the group or the show of magic."Almost lost a target due to one of these doors, i stress the word "almost.""

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