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Futuristic All That Remains

Hearing the soft click of the door, a small smirk spreading across her face.

"He always did suck at saying goodbye."

She mused softly to herself, sitting on the ledge looking out at the city skyline. She didn't precisely want to leave, but it was for the best. Swinging her legs off the edge, Gospel tried to think of a way to get back safely. The only route she could think of was through buildings or alleyways. However she was going to get back to point B, it was going to be a pain. Popped stitches wouldn't make it anymore joyful on her part. Chewing her bottom lip she watched the zombies below, trying to come up with a game plan. Her eyes traveled to the strange woman who seemed to be obsessed with the dead. A little shocked that the women knew her name, Gospel blinked watching her head back in. Raising her hand just as the door closed once again her mouth still open. Fisting her hand up, she looked back to the ruined city.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too."

She grumbled softly to herself. Thinking about how long of a walk it was. Staring at the sun she held up her hand to it, judging that they had about five or more hours left before night time. Chewing her lip again, Gospel knew it was sufficient time. Twisting to get off the ledge, another splintering pain tore at her side. Blood pooled at her side, apparently popping another badly done stitch. Seeing stars for about her second, her body swayed backwards and if not for her hands clutching at the small wall she would have plummeted right off the edge.


Gospel ground her teeth, she couldn't do anything like this. The blood would attract unwanted guests.

Making a decision, she moved her feet down the steps passing a few open doors before finding a closed one with Zoe's voice coming from it. Knocking on the door weakly, she forced her voice out though her teeth.

"Hey Doc...are you still willing to fix my stitches?"

She asked, leaning her head on the door frame cursing to herself about the blood making her shirt stick to her skin.

((Attack on Titan fan! -fist pump-))
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"Ma ma ma mamia! You scared me...." Zoe whipped around at the sound of Gospel's voice, but the sight of her leaning in the doorframe for support stopped any farther comment. She didn't respond at first, just watched. This women not long ago, had refused her help. But Zoe surmised that it must have gotten bad enough that she needed it looked at. She nodded and gestured to the space in front of her, before unloading several tools from her pockets. It was at this exact moment that Levi decided to call something in. "Hey Shitty Glasses, we have a situation. Mikasa flipped shit and killed our subjects. I don't have sufficient authority so it's your ca-" "Dammit Levi I'm busy with something. Tell Reiner to get his ass outside and get two more." She slammed the receiver back down.

"Sorry. I'm going to nned you to come sit in front of me, and as awkward as it is, strip of all coverings over your wound. Also I need any details you can give me, so I know how to treat it." As hard as she tried and as serious as she sounded, that damn grin would not fade.

(Sorry it's so short, and yus I adore AOT!)
Gospel shut the door behind her.

"Have you ever heard of the Coyotes, Doc?"

She asked quietly, it was important that she knew what was going on. If Zoe had no clue who they were she couldn't bother herself with it and would just make up a story about how she got the injury. If she knew...then she would have to tell her the truth. Gospel wasn't one to sugar coat anything. So any possible information she could keep to herself would be welcome. She just hoped that Neil hadn't seen her limp back in. The last thing she needed was for him to come barging into the room demanding answers as to why the hell she hadn't gotten out already. Or worse, he'd come in and see the rank markings on her shoulder blade and know how high she had been elevated. Really, she didn't want him to know. Gospel didn't know how he would take it. After all, she risked her own skin to keep him from being hunted down after he left and she sure as hell wasn't going to let Henri kill him if he found out. It was one of those 'over my dead body' things. Henri didn't want her dead, especially with the state he was in she was practically running the joint. Another reason she needed to get the hell out of dodge. She thought grimly, unstrapping her Katana from her side and peeling off her leather jacket with a painful wince.

((It's cool my post wasn't very long either ^^'))
The tools laid out in front of her were mandatory for any surgical operation. Also she knew that her team wouldn't bother them. When the girl asked about the Coyotes, Zoe could only shake her head. "No, I have not. But from the way you say it, they sound rather important. I wonder, were they the ones worrying you so much earlier? Hm doesn't matter to me." She brushed her long brown bangs away from her face and readjusted her goggles. These goggles were a special gift from everyone back at the lab. Her old glasses continuously fell off her face and interrupted whatever experiment they were working on.

Finally, Levi got fed up and made everyone pitch in to make prescription goggles that would stay on her head. She smiled at the memory and briefly, she began to worry about Reiner. Sure he was a burly man but.....ah to hell with these thoughts. She had a much more pressing problem to deal with.

"Although, Je'adore learning new things. So in return for patching you up you get to tell me something I don't know. You don't necessarily have to tell me about these Coyotes if you don't feel comfortable. Anything will do."
Gospel sighed in relief. It felt amazing to finally meet someone who wouldn't judge her because of the group she hung with. It made Gospel a little more comfortable with her in an odd way. Looking at Zoe as she suggested the trade of information Gospel paused for a moment. She had countless things she could tell the doctor. Though she tried to think of something that Zoe would be interested in- the Clickers. She wondered how much the Doctor had managed to find out about them.

Whatever she could offer, it sounded like a plan to her.


Painfully grabbing the bottom of her shirt, she peeled it away from her body leaving her in only her black sports bra. An ugly laceration ran down the right side of her body starting just below the navel, curving, before ending just above where her kidney would be located. The cut bled slowly, blood starting to clot slightly at the opening of her wound though it was too wide for any sort of scab to really manufacturer. Sitting down in the seat just in front of Zoe, she looked at her smiling face. Wondering how she could smile in a world like this. Some people, she guessed, are just able to cope in the worst possible situations and flourish.
"Woohoo!" Zoe cheered, then set to work post haste. She uncapped a mini bottle of hydrogen peroxide and cleaned the wound. She did so without warning of a sting or pain. This was meant to be done quickly and efficiently. Next she took out a small tub of numbing cream and smeared it over the wound. It was a fast acting serum and she was able to remove the bloody stiches within seconds. She looked up briefly to check up on Gospel before looking down again. She wiped away the blood and used cream before reapplying the cream and new stiches. Finally, she pulled out a swath of soft gauze and pressed it to the newly cleaned wound.

She taped it over and smoothed it down before saying, "You're all set! I added extra protection just in case! Also, get clean clothes asap." She cleaned up her tools and radio kit before turning to Gospel, an excited look in her eye and drool beginning to form. She was even breathing heavily. "So tell me this new information! I really want to hear it."
Neil started thinking about the day 'she' died. He looked at his hand the engagement ring still there. He was a sappy guy if he still had it. He remembered the day so clearly. The safe zone they had felt so at peace in..overrun just like that. A gunshot here, a scream there. and all Neil could see was her dead body and a man frozen holding a gun in her direction. The man didn't live very long. At that point though it was too late to get to her. He ran. He ran and ran. After that point somewhere along the way, after a while on his own Neil was picked up by the coyotes. He flew up there in rank but refused any role too high. He directed all the sadness and hatred over his fiancee's death and turned into a monster..his mask reflected it well. He was a merciless asshole and a drunk. It was endless killing.

Then that mission came along and Neil realized his life had taken the wrong turn. He was disgusted. He had shot, killed, tortured, but what he saw was just downright the worst. He knew of all the horrors the coyotes but that day. Despite it though Neil couldn't quit..He burned his tat off, but he couldn't turn his mask in. For some reason that idol that represented death and rage couldn't go. So he fled. Killed a few people on his way out which only added to the list. Since then he had killed other coyotes. Not many but a few. Here he was now..the safe zone reformed him. He learned to be nicer to people.

His train of thought was broken by footsteps. He looked up and got a glimpse of...Gospel? She was holding the walls. Neil slowly got up and walked into the hall seeing her walk into the room he believed the doc was in. Neil slowly moved toward the door. He hesitated. Maybe it was best not to interrupt? Maybe she was getting stitched up. He would feel embarrassed if he saw Gospel..but then again maybe it wasn't what he thought. Or maybe she didn't have to have her top off. He knocked on the wall and walked in. "Everything ok in-.." He mentally slapped himself. He knew it. He slowly turned. "Shit sorry"
Gospel kept a straight face, closing her eyes and bearing through the pain. She didn't complain, only took what she had coming to her. To be truthful the whole thing stung like a bitch. Opening her eyes, he looked at Zoe grateful to her though not really sure how to express it. She wasn't exactly good with living people and she had learned to keep her emotions hidden from the ones she was around. Living with a bunch of murderous men and some women who weren't used as sex toys or zombie chow would do that to a person. Looking down at the neat row of stitches that lined her side she smiled slightly. This was way better then anything that she could have done herself. A small smile broke out on her face, amused with how eager Zoe was to learn something new. Crossing her arms, Gospel stood up to grab her Katana about to reply to Zoe when the door opened. Her eyes connected with Neil's and for a long moment she didn't process the fact that she was only in a sports bra. Slowly, her face ignited in red blush knowing that he had seen her. Grabbing a spoon from the desk she chucked it at him, wincing as she watched it hit him in the back of the head.

"E-ever h-hear of a t-thing c-called knocking!?"

Her stutter made her more flustered. She couldn't believe herself, her heart was racing and she felt like drop kicking him in the face. Gospel never in the time she had known Neil, stuttered while giving a sassy comeback. The experience just made her reddened face go ruby still reaching for things to pelt him with. The scene would have been comical if not for the utter embarrassment and anger she was feeling piling up in her. Running out of small objects to throw at him so that she wouldn't pop the stitches again, she grabbed a pillow from the bed and slammed it into his head as well. Her mind raced a mile a minuet and she couldn't figure out if he had seen her ranking or not. She prayed he didn't it would just be another story she didn't feel like retelling. Turning to face Zoe she searched her surprised face.

"IneedanobjectthatIcanthrow,preferablyonethatmayormaynotgivethe pervertaheadinjury."

She gasped out really fast, pretty positive that no one knew what she just said besides the words 'pervert' and 'throw'.
Neil braced as objects started hitting him. He slammed the door and stood outside a bit terrified. Why had he gone in? Why did he do that? He put his face in his hand and groped his face into a beard stroke. "To be fair..I did knock" he said not even trying to be funny. He processed what he had just seen. She was probably embarrassed. Neil was too..but he was more proud and curious at once. He noticed the rank...He smiled and thought about how she knew nothing about survival back then and here she was.

He didn't feel like breaching any more personal space than he already had so he would keep the question to himself. How? She had started so small and was now one of the big fish..among the biggest even. That was something. Neil stepped to the side of the door leaned against the wall and let himself slide into a squat. The proud was washed away by fear. Neil thought as he stood up and walked to the couch in the room he chose for himself. He sat and put his hands together thinking. With her given rank..was she here to end him? or would she be hanged for not doing so? Neil put his face in his hands. He didn't know what to think now.
Seeing that he left, Gospel stood seething. Her face still dark red as she trudged over to the bed and put of her shirt and jacket. Holstering her sword to her side she looked back at Zoe. She could not believe that had just happened. Chewing on her bottom lip, she looked at the Doctor thinking of what she was going to tell her. Honoring agreements was something she always did no matter what the cost was.

"Coyotes are a group of organized bandits who kill, rape, and take whoever and whenever they feel like it. They are based in a city surrounded by dead and they have an annual 'sport' they put on every Saturday. They throw people, usually captives, into the pit where they fight off Zombies. Most of the time those people don't come out alive."

Gospel's eyes grew colder, her blush fading away a little more and it was easy to see how she could fit into a group like that.

"Every so often they fight zombies with other zombies. Just to spice things up. It's...not the prettiest thing but to the guys it's thrilling."

She stated bluntly, her usual behavior returning she smiled slightly before heading out the door leaving the Doctor to process that information. Taking a long breath, Gospel still felt the heat residing in her cheeks. Moving down the corridor she paused in front of Neil's open door. She hovered there for a long moment, not wanting to look at him in case she ended up blushing again.

"I'm not here to kill you if that's what you're worried about."

Gospel grumbled, letting her eyes float to him lounging on the couch inside. He looked like he was pondering that exact question to her answer. It confirmed what she didn't want him to know. Crossing her arms, she stayed in his doorway looking at him before looking away once again fighting down more blush. Standing there, she really didn't know what to do or say though she did know that now that her stitches were fixed it wouldn't be long before she needed to leave. Gospel figured she would head out at dawn, less dead were active because of the poor lighting and things should be calmed down by then. If the music store holds up all night. Though the small group should probably have one person down there at all times just in case anything happens.
Zoe could tell that Gospel was grateful, by the way she was looking at her wound. Zoe had to admit, she certainly did a good job. She was practically glowing with pride. But it was smothered by amusement when Neil barged in on her recently stitched and recently topless patient. She laughed as Gospel became flustered and began to throw things at him, calling him a pervert. Zoe could only laugh harder when he escaped into the hallway and left Gospel to fume. But the humor came to an abrupt end when she began to explain the Coyotes to Zoe. The group sounded just awful, but it truly intrigued Zoe to the point where her vision became fuzzy and her face became red. She barely even noticed when Gospel left the room because she was so wrapped up in her thoughts.

She burst out of the room, damn near ran into the wall and bolted down the hall to what she considered her new friend. "Gosssppppeeellll!!!!!!!" She called as she ran, coming to a sliding stop mere inches from the woman's face. "Whenyouleaveyoumusttakemetoseethesezombiefights!" She threaded her words into one breath and looked up expectantly at the blue haired woman, her own hair slipping from its disastrous ponytail.
Neil looked into the door way a bit startled by Gospel's voice. He sighed a sigh of relief as she answered his question. So the negative thoughts could stop but now he was concerned what would happen to her if she was caught talking to him and not dragging him around like a prisoner. He looked up to her. "Despite all my concern I'm proud of of you" he said with a genuine smile. The smile faded though as he then thought a few minutes ago. "Sorry about you know...it won't happen ever again" he said fiddling with his fingers. He was pretty embarrassed but she must've taken it worse. Someone who used to be her mentor walking in on her almost topless. He couldn't imagine how that could have felt.

The good doc must've gotten a good show. Suddenly he heard her yelling Gospel's name down the hallway and running to her. The doctor god very very close. Then Neil understood three words,
me and zombie fights. Neil assumed that Gospel had mentioned something about the zombie fights back at Pawnee. Neil remembered those well. He usually went on suicide missions taking on difficult challenges with just a knife the worst experience being a Jackelope and a clicker at the same time. Neil knew that every time he stepped into the ring he was wanting to die but his survival instincts wouldn't allow for it.

"I'm gonna head downstairs and pick out some more CDs"
Neil said assuming they needed time to talk. He himself needed some space to think. He felt really bad about walking in on Gospel. He moved past the two looking down a bit and went down to the music store. The zombies had settled down and were no longer smacking the barriers to try and get in. Neil was surprised it didn't take long for them to disperse. He went over to the classic rock section and started picking out CDs. As he took a CD here or there he kept whistling tunes from each CD. He came across a Jimi Hendrix CD. It had the song All Along the Watchtower on it. Neil preferred the Hendrix version over the Bob Dylan version. He quickly looked around for anything he could pop the CD in so that he could enjoy the CD
Draven was a really patient person, but these people had been hours in this CD store, only talking to each other, and him just being there, in the corner of the tiny store.. He sighed and just left by the broken window at the right of the store. He would love a group, but not one that gets distracted so easily. He vaulted over the window, jumping on the wall of a building and climbing the ladder it had on its side. He started climbing very fast. He got on the roof, seeing all the collapsed buildings, they were no less that a meter from each other, Draven as a kid simply loved parkour, he has trained it for all his years. He leaped and flipped, all over the buildings, enjoying the sense of freedom and movement all around him.

When he got far enough, he jumped from the building onto the cracked, cement floor. He looked at all his sides. He felt relief at the sight of no zombies. He kept walking by the streets. Hearing horrible cries and grunts. Draven saw a grocery store. He entered it, his backpack had no food, so he wouldn't survive for much. He went in and started throwing things in a cart. Canned soup, barely eatable fruit, canned juices and energy drinks. Everything he could grab. He even found some not-so worn out shoes. He was happy at that find. He went out of the store, with luck of that there were none drooling and meat devouring beasts inside there. He started walking trough the streets again, hoping to find a group that actually would battle, and not stay in a store talking about their past and whatnot.
His response about being proud of her made her blush once again. She hadn't expected that he of all people, would be proud of her for doing anything related to the Coyotes. Face turning a darker shade of pink, she sent him a small glare as a sign not to bring up what had happened moments before. If it was anyone else, she wouldn't have cared. But, the fact that it was Neil who barged in made her want to hit him. At least hitting him might have been the logical response to what she was feeling...possibly.

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

Gospel joked slightly, though it would be perfectly fine with her if history never repeated itself. Chomping down on her bottom lip, she suddenly heard her name shouted from down the hall. Gospel had barely enough time to turn when Zoe was in her face an eager expression coated it. Furrowing her eyebrows, she tried to digest what in the world the girl had just said. Even though it took her a few seconds to break down the words floating freely out of her mouth Gospel frowned slightly. Of coarse she wanted to see the Zombie fights and she wanted Gospel to take her. Shrugging, Gospel glanced at Neil as he walked down the stairs looking like a scolded puppy.

With that image in her head, Gospel looked back to Zoe with a mild smirk of amusement.

"Why do you want me to take you? It's not like they let anyone into Pawnee ya know."

Gospel stated, placing one hand on her hip and tilting her head slightly to look at the slightly taller girl. If Gospel was going to smuggle anyone into the city she would need some serious reason and besides, it would be a pain in the ass to slide by all those guards. Placing her hands in her pockets, she stepped around Zoe heading back up to the roof. Some air might be just what she needed in order to clear her head, though she had the nagging feeling that Zoe wouldn't stop bothering her until she got what she wanted.
Zoe watched as Gospel discerned what she said and smirk. Ah, the rejection. Zoe knew what was coming next but she wasn't ready to give up. She wasn't the foremost researcher in reviving humanity for nothing. As Gospel brushed past her and back up onto the roof, Zoe followed but stopped quickly in her room to grab all her belongings. She ran up and burst out onto the roof, pockets clanging ominously. She pushed her messy hair back with her goggles and flashed that shit-eating grin at Gospel. "I figured they didn't let just anyone in! And the reason I want you to take me to see the zombies? Let's see...." She tapped her chin dramatically.

"It's a learning experience for one. It could help at my lab, two. And three I have to head that way anyhow. I need to go back to my lab before Levi goes ballistic and blows it up. It'd be hard to find another one or get a grant for it. We're the only functioning Government Workers for miles around and the lab was standard issue but it cost millions! Oh, and you don't take me, I'll just follow you and probably become one of their lady toys because I got caught, I'm a dunce ya know?" The grin grew even wider and Zoe's crystal clean goggles caught the fading sun and made it look as though she had devil horns.
Gospel looked at her with a frown, there was no point in trying to not convince her otherwise.

"Fine. BUT under one condition. You don't talk to anyone but me and as soon as you see the show you leave. And don't EVER say you want to become a toy. You won't last long, most girls never do."

Gospel said seriously, a cold edge to her voice as she looked at the other woman. At least Zoe was persistent, Gospel could give her that. Noting that she had everything packed already, she shook her head. She hadn't planned on leaving quite so fast, but it might be a brilliant idea. She had never vanished for this long before and she was sure the guys would be taking the car for a search run if Wendell didn't flip his shit about wasting gas.

Moving to the edge of the rooftop she thought for a moment, mentally debating if it was worth telling Neil goodbye. Looking at the dissipating dead below she puffed out her cheeks lightly. Thinking that maybe she should return the favor and not say goodbye. Then maybe he'd understand what it felt like to have a friend just disappear overnight. Grumbling under her breath Gospel turned and headed towards the door.

"Wait here, I'll be back in a moment."

She wasn't like that. No matter how hard she would try, she couldn't find it in her to just leave without saying goodbye.

Especially with him.
Neil broke into a back room he hadn't been in before. There was a whole system dedicated to playing music in the store. Neil flipped a switch on and the thing turned on. He cranked it down all the way to make sure no music started blasting. He hit eject and a CD came out. He placed it down. He put the Jimi Hendrix CD in turned up the volume and then fiddled around with the settings so the speakers in the store would play the music too. He put it to a decent volume. Not too loud not too silent. Neil was about to leave the room when he spotted something. There was rolled up jacket. He unrolled it revealing an unopened bottle of Jack daniels and...weed? He laughed. He hadn't seen weed in forever. He didn't even see it when he was in the coyotes. The last time he saw some was before shit went down. He saw some pot heads doing it and that was the last time. He took the Jack Daniels in hand and packed the weed into his pocket, not to use later, but to keep in his "collection of old world things" back home. He had a shelf dedicated to stuff he hadn't seen since before the apocalypse back in the safe zone.

He walked out into the store, plopped down by the cashier's desk and leaned against it sitting with his legs spread out like a bum. He unscrewed the Jack Daniels and took a swing from it. "There must be some way out of here...said the joker to the thief." Neil sang along with the lyrics, downing the Jack Daniels every so often. He stared at a shelf of CDs labeling what he liked and what he didn't what he loved and what he hated on the shelf. This was nice. He wished he could stay here forever. Music was his life before the apocalypse. Sometimes it still was but usually when he was in complete safety. Sadly in this world you had to keep your ears open to the outside, something he didn't enjoy. Music was his only escape.
Walking down the steps, Gospel heard music playing as she ventured closer to the store. Slowly moving out of the door she saw Neil sitting in a chair with his back to her. She recognized the song and smiled slightly to herself, carefully moving behind him so he wouldn't know she was in the room. She watched him take a sip of a bottle of Jack, instantly envious of the liquor but not enough to have a craving for a drink.

"There are many here among us

Who feel that life is but a joke

But you and I we've been through that

And this is not our fate

So let us not talk falsely now

The hour's getting late."

Gospel sang softly to the lyrics, hopping up on the counter so she had her back to him. Blocking his view, a smirk coming to her face knowing that it would piss her off. Glancing at him she gave him a cheeky smile giving no clue that she was planning to move.
"Heeey" Neil finished the line of lyric and broke into a grin as she walked in and started air-guitaring the solo that started. He turned to see that Gospel had her back to him. It was only fair that he deserved that. He was already washing the thought out with his old friend Jack but sadly he still remembered and felt the embarrassment all over again. Neil rolled closer in the chair.

"Surprised you came down. Was expecting you to leave without a goodbye. I wouldn't blame you" He said examining the bottle of Jack Daniels. He leaned back as far as he could to try and be face to face with her but failed. "I'm gonna miss ya shrimp" he said with a smile. She was one of his only friends anymore. Sure he had a few people who he talked to back at the safe zone but he had really, three real friends in the post apocalypse. Gospel was one of them and the other two were probably dead by now so she might've been the only one. Neil took another swing from the Jack Daniels and placed it on the counter in between them offering it to her.
Gospel turned, swinging her legs over the side so now she was facing him. Leaning towards him she gave him a small smirk.

"I'm not like you, Cheif. I say goodbye to people I care for."

She mused, grabbing the bottle and looking at it. He had already had at least a fourth of the bottle. Slightly surprised that he wasn't that drunk already. Jack was a hard liquor to stomach not that she knew much having never tasted a drop of alchol in her life. She didn't drink it was one of those nagging noble vertues of hers. Placing the bottle back on the counter she gave him a weird look. If he was going to miss her that much...well, there are ways to get a message to someone. She gave him a soft smile, watching him for a moment taking in every detail of him that she could.


Was all she said looking down at her hands not really knowing what to say. She didn't move, her legs deciding that they wanted to stay put for more than a moment.
Neil was happy that she swung around so she was facing him however that faded with her joke. He smiled but he felt a bit bad. "Well with a bullet wound in my hip your place wasn't exactly the closest place to go" he joked. He had offered the day before for her to leave with him but with the way he ended up leaving maybe it was best he didn't string her along. His side, face and left leg all seemed to tingle in sync remembering that night in a quick beat. He had really gotten messed up that night and should've died. So many days he should've died in this apocalypse but something always picked him up and kept him going. He started recounting all the times he had come so close to death or situations like it.

He looked at her and smiled starting to feel the buzz of the daniels, but luckily not enough to say something dumb.
"Safe Zone B its toward the east. Not so far from the police station. Coyotes should have the station mapped. You should visit sometime" he said. He honestly didn't believe she would do anything with this information but he had to say it. Maybe it was the booze. It was better than him paying her a visit home. Neil would be beaten shot the..he took one more swing of the Daniels.
Gospel smiled, looking at him with mild interest.

"Sure Neil, I'll just swing by and make sure not to have anything that screams Coyote."

She mused softly before hopping off the counter standing next to his chair. Gospel watched him take another swig. With a sigh, she leaned down a little and kissed his cheek pushing down her blush as she did so.

"Take care of yourself, Neil."

She said with an unusual softness in her voice. With that said, Gospel turned towards the stairs trying to keep her blush from consuming her poor face. She had to get going before the others actually found them. She just hoped that there weren't any trucks heading this way. Chewing her lip in thought she carried herself up the stairs before finding herself on the roof. Looking to Zoe she smirked slightly.

"Ready to go Doc?"
Neil sat there and laughed a bit harder than normal at her joke. The booze was starting to take full swing. He was a bit surprised when she stood near him. He was ready to go in for a hug when he felt her kiss his cheek. He was a bit dazed but he heard her say to take care of himself.


That was all he could muster up. And like that she was gone. Neil looked at the bottle and decided that was enough. He went into the the aisles of CDs and started looking. He looked and looked and thanks to his luck found what he needed. He quickly went to the back. He popped the Jimi Hendrix CD out and popped the new disk in. He then went back to his chair and sat. He listened as Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Part 2 by My Morning Jacket started playing. Neil bobbed his head with the beat and lost himself in the music. Hopefully with all the booze he consumed and the music he would soon forget and regret later.
"Am I ready to go? Boy am I ever! I'm so excited, I feel like I just down like sixteen shots!"

She bounced in her tennis shoes, rubber rubbing against the rough textures of the rooftop. She fiddled with the pockets on her lab coat making sure everything was there and when she was sure the flashed a devious smile at Gospel.

"Thanks for agreeing kiddo. Oh and I soo get to call you that because I am 97.4% sure that I am like five or more years older than you. Actually, I could go into detail and describe how your facial structure and the way your stature give away that you are between the ages of 20 and 23 but that would take to long and I am to amped up to actually think straight."

She started chuckling to herself, an almost dark chuckle and her eyes took on a wild quality. Of course she knew somewhere in that frenzied mind of hers that she would have to take the utmost care not to screw this up, or else all research and effort up to this point would be fruitless. She walked over to Gospel and that stupid manic smile made itself known.

"Lets go watch some zombie fights! Yahoo!"
Gospel put her hand to her forehead looking annoyed with her babbling though she didn't say anything. Unclipping her mask from her belt she placed it on her face hiding the ever so present irritation that coated her features.

"Don't call me kiddo when other people are present."

She grumbled, moving towards the fire escape. Her eyes held a sort of amusement when she tried guessing her age. She had to admit it was a good guess. Twenty one was almost perfectly in the middle of her guess. Not that she would ever tell Zoe that, she wished to keep some things to herself.

"Just try to keep up, grandma."

Gospel mused softly, climbing down the fire escape with ease. When her booted feet touched the cracked pavement below she was instantly on guard. Looking for the slightest bit of movement or harm that may come their way. Stepping away from the later she turned, waiting for the good Doctor to climb on down. She would have yelled up to ask if she was coming, but being cannibalistic dead people walking around....she wasn't sure that would be a smart choice. Holding back any and all thoughts about staying longer, she took a step away from the building making her resolve even more solid.

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