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Realistic or Modern All Grown Up


Too Far Gone
Hello, Thank you for your interest

in my roleplay "All Grown Up". The Character sheet is listed below, feel free to add anything you'd like. If you have any questions, please refer to the OOCC.

  1. Name
  2. Age (18+)
  3. Gender
  4. Appearance (No anime)
  5. Sexuality
  6. Stereotype
  7. Biography
  8. Personality
  9. Other

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Name: Kota Black

Age: 19

Gender: male



sexuality: homosexual

Stereotype: Eccentric Artist


Kota grew up as the only child to a single mother. His mother was a hipster who loved to have fun and stay modern so she often dragged Kota off to different activities. From pottery classes to self defense classes. It was during this time that Kota developed love for all thing's art. So while his mother moved onto a new activity he stuck to his new found hobbies. When he turned 14 he won a drawing competition and shortly after they moved. He found himself at a new school and, soon, with new friends. Since, then he has grown rather attached to his new friends as they grow together and now is happy to share a place with his new friends as he majors in art and finds a job.


Kota is not a serious person, just the opposite in fact. He is cheerful and mischievous, always on the move and pulling pranks, with a oblivious innocence about him. As he can be rather blind to some things. He has a very bright view of the world and love's to have adventures, always facing a new event with a smile and an impressive amount of braveness. However, he is also very compassionate and kind in response to being a tad strange and can be very loyal and protective of his friends.


He like's making clothes, has a large collection of butterflies and romance novels, and adores any type of music. Especially music he can dance to.

His puppy Sketches.

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Name: Alaster Cortes

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Alaster looks like the average hispanic male, tanned skin, dark brown eyes, black hair in a cessarian styled haircut. 5' 9 3/4" tall and weighs between 144-150 lbs.

Alaster is straight, though he is currently single at the moment.

Alaster is a college student on the verge of finishing his degree in marine biology, he has spent alot of time studying at the aquarium as well as doing some research on his free time. He hopes to study sharks and rays for a living as they are his most favorite marine animal. Along with his knowledge on marine biology he also excels at evolutionary biology, and a little bit at organic chemistry. On his free time he loves to hang out with friends and just go have fun with em, whether its just haning at the cafe or doing something relatively stupid. He has an almost undying loyalty and sense of protection for those he cares about.

Alaster's personality is that of someone who is rather calm and laid back, but also a bit too serious at the same time. As long as he isnt stressed and nothing is bothering him then he is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. But if something is bothering him or he is preturbed by something or someone he will openly voice his opinion without bringing into regard the feelings of the listener. He never leaves home unarmed, he carries on his belt two CK-33 karambits, really because of his fathers influence.

He always wears cargo pants that are tucked into a pair of combat boots, he loves techno music and metal, and has an unusual taste of music in sea shanties. He adores cats.

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"I don't care about a lot of stuff but if you hurt my friends. I'll kick your ass"




Tate King Isa

"Tate isn't just a boy name you know"







"What? I like vaginas not penises"



"I do not have an dick"


The Bad Girl

"I was only the bad girl for a reason."




Tate was born into an fairly wealthy family. Her parents were well known already the neighborhood as the famous doctors duo. Tate was treated well and had an older sister to protective. She and her sister never really argue and fought and they were close very close. Her parents were gone a lot and all they had was each other for company. Her sister was 1 years older then her. Her parents brought them out and show them around showing off also. Her sister was an prodigy at math and she was at Art. But she hated her parents showing them off. But blue's parents didn't care and showed them off and left the very next day. Leaving her and her sister but it didn't matter because she had her and she had her. Their nanny, Josh didn't count.....well for her

He hated Tate so much. When her parents were gone, Josh would abuse her. Hit her, punch her, and kick her but she couldn't fight back because he threaten her sister and she rather get hurt then her so she lets him hurt her and she never fought back even though she is very skilled in karate knowing that she could get her big sister hurt. Josh was an well built man with an strong sense of Christianity. Which is why he hated Tate so much, he was one of those Christians that thought that being gay is wrong. So he 'claims' to be saving her by beating the gay outta her. But she kept quiet all these years, all the way to graduation day making sure her sister doesn't find out.

That's why she doesn't really talk to her any more since she was 13 and turned bad ass, getting in trouble and getting piercings and tattoos. Josh would hit her every time she did those things but she had to. She needed to keep her sister away. So she acted like she hated her but stayed in her same group just so she can watch over her. Tate wants to protect the people she loves but that means keeping 2 feet away from them. She graduated High School and left that house. She never even looked back knowing that she would stop and keep her sister in her life. Tate thought it would be safer for her and her sister if she just left her life completely. So she never spoke to her sister again or her family. She only speaks to her mom and dad in emails.


Blue is an overprotective type of girl. She makes sure that the ones she cares about are ok and happy. Then she goes to beat the one who made them unhappy or not ok. She isn't one to express herself or really talk at all. She hates thinking about the past and the future. Tate doesn't really take well to be shouted at or touched because she'll flinch and that'll be an another thing to make an excuse for. She hates jerks and cocky guys. When someone tries to mess with her sister or anyone that is close to her like that, she usually let her anger get the best of her and beat them to an pulp.

Tate is an distant girl and rather not get close to someone because she'll get them hurt. She rather be the one getting hurt then the one watching the people she cares about getting hurt. Blue is very possessive and warns guys everyday to stay away from her sister but tell them if they tell her who told them to stay away from her. The guys will be road kill. She is now overprotective of her friends.


= Tate smokes when she is worried or stressed out.

= Bites her lip when she wants something

= When she is angry, she has to walk away or she'll hit somebody


+ Cigarettes

+ Candy

+ Tattoos

+ Piercings

+ Motorcycles

+ Her sister


- Josh

- Bullies

- Jerks and Cocky Guys

- Being distant with her sister and family

- Dancing

- Sprinkles

- Losing someone close to her





Or Else



Favorite Movie : ZombieLand

Favorite Book : Percy Jackson Series

Favorite Emoji : The Moon Emoji

Favorite Color : Grey and Blue

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Age: 23

Gender: Cis-Gender Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Stereotype: "UP THE PUNX"

Height: 6'2"

Body build: Muscular

Clothing Style: Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3

Click the image for some drumming action.

Faceclaim: Marc Eggers of The Casualties


At the great age of 12, Kenny was sent from South America to the U.S. with his grandmother. Despite his personality, Kenny was unable to make any companions due to his little understanding of English, but as the years passed, his English had become outstanding; able to speak it well and express his thoughts and words with out a stutter or broken sentence. In his high school years, Kenny formed a band with his best friends Marco, Troy, and Rob: The Dirty Weasels. They began to write their own music as well as do covers of songs, catching the attention of many people who were soon to become their fanbase. After their graduation together, Kenny and the boys were able to focus more on their musical careers, signing with Shock Wreckords. Their careers went well until there came constant arguments and uncalled for behavior from the members towards fans (specifically from Marco). At the age of 22, The Dirty Weasels disbanded. However, Kenny is still doing music and performs as a backup drummers for local bands. The Dirty Weasels are still well-known amongst Punk Music Connoisseurs; Kenny is hoping to bring the band back together - not including Marco.


Charming, uncouth, rowdy; Kenny is nothing short of a loose cannon. He's unpredictable in every which way but, it catches the eyes of others. A man with a undying wish for fun, adventure, and just about anything he can really get his hands on that he feels is worth his time. Kenny is a pro haggler, able to talk his way through things as well as start fights between others for no reason. A Hellraiser. Though, despite the traits, underneath all the nasty, there is something that's the complete opposite. A treasure, hidden away and afraid. He fears weakness and always will. His sarcasm gets the best of him, often making smart remarks before he really thinks about what he's saying - this gets him into a lot of trouble, but it's not like he already has something else to do. With his fun, outgoing personality, it makes sense that this young man is a drummer who can't keep still. He's always willing to make up some sort of beat whenever he can and isn't afraid to flaunt his skill. Although he seems confident in himself, Kenny is actually a self-doubting spirit who's only sure of his musical talent.


Won a drum contest in a famous music store and has won himself a set of very expensive, high quality, drums.

He has a child named Sid, but is unable to see him due to Sid living with his mother all the way in Alabama.

His album over the years:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/10954414_1541551002779919_904052421_n.jpg.d7f3fbb5970e51e9aa860a23ccf2f0e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/10954414_1541551002779919_904052421_n.jpg.d7f3fbb5970e51e9aa860a23ccf2f0e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/11881676_752076488251659_2050425633_n.jpg.0a4cb55daf7693f2fff54c67e6e34f6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/11881676_752076488251659_2050425633_n.jpg.0a4cb55daf7693f2fff54c67e6e34f6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/11899572_873976382698498_221315682_n.jpg.decc1f83d404b7ef0b7b10ec5577cb04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/11899572_873976382698498_221315682_n.jpg.decc1f83d404b7ef0b7b10ec5577cb04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/12338559_938014552940073_1921818502_n.jpg.3659ad3d50c484b5c9063ccab83a15fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/12338559_938014552940073_1921818502_n.jpg.3659ad3d50c484b5c9063ccab83a15fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Marc(Meggers).jpg.f5e1252ad36f35b700b13b8d47914fb6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Marc(Meggers).jpg.f5e1252ad36f35b700b13b8d47914fb6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Quinn Levitt

Age: 20

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Bisexual, but she prefers women

Stereotype: Fashion Geek

Biography: Quinn grew up with her aunt, uncle and brother, and her household was very artistic. Her aunt works as an acrylic painter, her uncle as a carpenter, and her brother, who is a few years older, as a musician. So it makes sense that she would also follow in their footsteps and become a fashion designer. She first learned to sew when she was 8 and got her first sewing machine when she was 13, and ever since then, she's been designing and making clothing and working with fabric. That's what she's going to college for, in fact; she's going to get a degree in fashion design.

Personality: Quinn is outgoing and enthusiastic, and tries to be as positive as she can. She likes to joke around and be dumb with people, and she tends to open up to people way too easily. She's very affectionate and loves giving hugs and being close with people. In addition, she loves hanging out with her friends, but she definitely enjoys the occasional time to herself where she can sketch her next design for whatever outfit she's working on. Lastly, she's very loyal and protective of the people she's close to, and will give anything and everything to make the ones she loves happy.

Other: She speaks not only English, but German as well; her uncle was born in Germany and he spoke to her and her brother in German when they were young.
Oh yeah, I actually use words to describe everything since I really don't know how to draw and stuff. So yeah, lemme get a character going:

Name: Shulamit

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Always wears a dark style jacket, blue jeans, has copper like eyes, shaggy hair, some brand of shoes and over sized headphones of black and red shades

Sexuality: Straight

Stereotype: ???

Biography: Will develop as the story goes, so you don't get a free patron to it

Personality: Friendly most of the time

(Same with biography, stereotype will develop as the roleplay follows)
Name: Chenguang' "Jenny" Tao

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance (No anime)




Stereotype: Struggling up and coming actress

Biography: Jenny was born in China to a fairly well of family, she moved in the us at aged 12 when her father found a good job there. Speaking little English early on in her stay in the us, she found it difficult making friends being a loner child until her mid teens were she shed her loner ways. She learned English by one of the teachers referring her to a new drama based English course which taught English through acting out scenarios rather than study. She enjoyed it and took up drama in school and later acting as a career. Since she had done a few comercials, some small theater roles and and bit parts in some chinese movies. He dream being an action martial artist star, however she has yet to get anywhere. She is currently attending acting classes while working as a kung fu instructer and applies for movie roles though she is having issues with the latter two.

Personality: While generally calm and quite with a reserved even shy side, she very outgoing and fun loving enjoying making jokes and sarcastic comments as well as playful banter. She is quick to help friend's but to stubborn to accept help herself. Caring to a fault about her image to her friends she keeps her troubles to herself always keeping a happy appearance even when it weighs upon her heavily.

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Name: Hello, I'm Princess Katrina Sofia Rae

Nicknames: Princess, Kat, or Bunny

Age: I'm about to turn 18

Gender: Female

Face claim: Ariana Grande

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Stereotype: The Cute Kawaii Talented one

Biography: Born as the only child and Princess of London, she wanted to have a good time as a child and teen so she asked her parents to go to normal schools and it was granted. She's a known singer and is going into acting. More to be revealed.

Personality: She's bubbly, childlike, adorable, innocent, ditzy, and very energetic.



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Noel Lindsay Adams


"I swear to god I'm legal."



"My junk is actually junk. Don't expect me to use it. "



"I don't care if you think I'm ugly. I didn't like you anyways."



"I don't do chicks, but I don't care if you do."




Geek/Photographer nerd


"Long story short, I'm here."

Noel moved to Westpoint from New York when she was 12 years old.

She was the new kid that stood out like a sore thumb at first,

but after a bit of adjustment, she fit right in with the rest of the kids there. She and her family were forced to bear her mother's depleting health for three years, before her mother was finally laid to rest. It was a bit hard on 15 year old Noel, but she was, and always would be, a tough city girl. She didn't allow her mother's sickness hold her back. In fact, she rarely told anyone aside from teachers and the therapists her father forced her unto. She took care of herself during highschool, as well as others that she believed were worthy of her attention. Now, she is off to college and starting her adulthood life surrounded by her best friends.


"Hot then cold, then warm, then kinda icey."

Noel could be described as a lot of things.

For starters, she has a big heart and accepts just about anyone for who they are. Never turning down one friend for the other, they were all equal.

She is hot headed and will quickly switch up on anyone who hurts her feelings enough, she may be a city girl, but she's still sensitive.




She was gifted two kittens upon her graduation day.





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Name -Ripley Brooke

Age -23

Personality-Ripley is extremely loyal, and will do anything to protect her friends. She hates people who tell her she can't do something, and dislikes rude

people. She isn't very social, , but enjoys talking with friends.

Gender -Female

Sexuality -Bisexual

Relationships-PM me

Stereotype-That one girl that doesn't give a fuck.

Hurt my friends and I'll slit your throat.

Biography -Ripley was born into a musical family and was raised surrounded by it. Her singing voice is something she doesn't use very often, only a few have ever heard it.

Playing guitar is her favorite hobby and she writes random little tunes in her song book, which nobody id allowed to touch. When she was 15, her older brother, Drake was killed

by one of his "friends", who claimed Drake had threatened him. Ripley broke his nose and his arm in two places. She could have killed him, it would have been surprisingly easy,

but her father stopped her before she could. The boy who killed her brother was never sent to jail, and Ripley hates police and mostly all kinds of authority for this reason.



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Name: Lindsay Jade Daniels



appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c79699887_ScreenShot2016-02-01at7.20.03AM.png.1f60f31880f22a389d6f882841e43dab.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103805" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c79699887_ScreenShot2016-02-01at7.20.03AM.png.1f60f31880f22a389d6f882841e43dab.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Homosexual

Biography: I'm the oldest of 4 children, two girl and two boys. when I was eight, I has notice, that I fit in more with girl, than boys at school, so since, then I have been crossdressing. I live by myself, and I'm a singer. I have been looking for a boy friend, since I was 12 years old.

Personality:I am friendly,because I will hangout with anyone. I love to have fun. I'm the type of person, who loving. I will do anything for anyone. I don't like it when,people bully my friends,because when they do I will beat them up. I will be nice to people,but if they are mean to me, I will be mean back.

Other: I love all type of music, and I'm a singer. I make things.

This is my dog named, Joey. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/307262-dogs-cute-dog.jpg.3b8ba8e473b13f90a41f3e020a685fa7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/307262-dogs-cute-dog.jpg.3b8ba8e473b13f90a41f3e020a685fa7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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NikkiStevenson said:
Name: Lindsay Jade Daniels


appearance:View attachment 231545

Sexuality: Homosexual

Biography: I'm the oldest of 4 children, two girl and two boys. when I was eight, I has notice, that I fit in more with girl, than boys at school, so since, then I have been crossdressing. I live by myself, and I'm a singer. I have been looking for a boy friend, since I was 12 years old.

Personality:I am friendly,because I will hangout with anyone. I love to have fun. I'm the type of person, who loving. I will do anything for anyone. I don't like it when,people bully my friends,because when they do I will beat them up. I will be nice to people,but if they are mean to me, I will be mean back.

Other: I love all type of music, and I'm a singer. I make things.

This is my dog named, Joey. View attachment 231460
Will you be able to roleplay in 3rd person rather than first?
WinterSoul said:

View attachment 231603
Name -Ripley Brooke

Age -23

Personality-Ripley is extremely loyal, and will do anything to protect her friends. She hates people who tell her she can't do something, and dislikes rude

people. She isn't very social, , but enjoys talking with friends.

Gender -Female

Sexuality -Bisexual

Relationships-PM me

Stereotype-That one girl that doesn't give a fuck.

Hurt my friends and I'll slit your throat.

Biography -Ripley was born into a musical family and was raised surrounded by it. Her singing voice is something she doesn't use very often, only a few have ever heard it.

Playing guitar is her favorite hobby and she writes random little tunes in her song book, which nobody id allowed to touch. When she was 15, her older brother, Drake was killed

by one of his "friends", who claimed Drake had threatened him. Ripley broke his nose and his arm in two places. She could have killed him, it would have been surprisingly easy,

but her father stopped her before she could. The boy who killed her brother was never sent to jail, and Ripley hates police and mostly all kinds of authority for this reason.

JaneXJeff said:




Jade Kearrington Reigns













The model







(Sorry it's not finished! It's after midnight but I don't want to forget that I was interested so I'll finish it tomorrow when I get home)​
Are you still working on this?


Justice Damon Johnson










The glorified trouble maker


Justice doesn't have much to him. He's rather simple actually;

Two parents, a younger sister and a goldfish. Y'know, typical. Except Justice himself is far from simple. Secret dealings behind closed doors, visits to the guidance office at least twice a month to balance himself out. At school, he's known for his charismatic nature as well as the cruel jokes he sometimes pulls on others. Of course he belonged to one of the most popular friend groups in school. Why wouldn't he? In secret, he's what some would call a "coke head", finding peace with himself only when he was sniffing something, but no one knows. It's Justice's deepest and most darkest secret that he has no plans to reveal.


Justice is known for his humorous nature for the most part, but there's

more to him. He's hot headed, impatient, and rude in many situations, but knows how to keep his cool at the same time.


Lonelytaco said:
Are you still working on this?
Sorry! Every time I try to I end up getting sucked into something else! I'm gonna have to pass up the opportunity. I hope you guys have fun though
JaneXJeff said:
Sorry! Every time I try to I end up getting sucked into something else! I'm gonna have to pass up the opportunity. I hope you guys have fun though
Alrighty, Thank you!

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