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Realistic or Modern All Grown Up

  1. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.0af99a143f74d35521aac8c5648e85d6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.0af99a143f74d35521aac8c5648e85d6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name- Shyler Wilson
  2. Age (18+)- 18
  3. Gender- Female
  4. Appearance (No anime)
  5. Sexuality- Lesbian
  6. Stereotype- Soccer player
  7. Biography- Shyler grew up in a broken home. She was abused through out her childhood, leaving her with many scars littered across her body. The most significant scar being the long scar running from her right hip to the top of he right rib cage from where her father had pushed her on to their glass table and it shattered, causing broken glass to cut her.
  8. Personality- Kind, loving, free spirited, funny, very athletic.
  9. Other- She doesn't like talking about her parents or her old home life.



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Nova Amane

Age 18

Genderfluid, biologically female



Born an only child to a typical middle class family consisting of one mother and one father, Nova had a rather uneventful childhood, until her parents split when she was fourteen. Moving was quite a shock for her, but a new area meant new friends and a new school. It wasn't long before she found her geeky gamer niche. Seeing as she has mostly spent her free time associating with guys, she's most comfortable around them. Unwilling to make the switch to male entirely, Nova remains on the fence.

Nova is a very kind and calm person. Not much can make her angry or set her off. She's very relaxed and open minded, and loves meeting new people. She makes friends easily and always sees the brighter side of things. Unfortunately, she suffers from depression, and often thinks very lowly of herself. She's made it her mission to no let other people fall into the same slumps she does, and will go out of her way for her friends.

-> Often times, Nova will put on chest binders and walk around the house in nothing but a pair of shorts.

-> She's been considering cutting her hair to look more gender neutral, but wants to wait until the color fades.

-> Nova will sometimes ask for male pronouns instead of female. The best way to tell is if she put on a chest binder that day, or simply to just ask.

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Name: Isabelle Lynn




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.bb4144325d61de1ff2b8da3ab0a34657.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.bb4144325d61de1ff2b8da3ab0a34657.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The good girl

She grew up with a family that looked picture perfect. She was always put under a lot of pressure with her school work, the way she looked. Her parents wanted her to be perfect and nothing but. This lead her to becoming rebellious towards them and sneaking out of the house just to hang out with friends. She always did want to be a doctor not because of her parents but because she wants to help people. (Will find out more through the rp)

She is kind and sweet. She hates being told what to do and is very head strong. She is loud and fun. She is willing to go just about everywhere. She is great at hiding what she is really feeling. Yet, she can read people very well. When it comes to relationships and she likes someone, she will just tell them. She thinks the whole secretive stuff is a waste of time. She can be fierce and if someone hurts (figuratively or literally) she will be after their head. She does have the times when she is quiet and wants to be alone. That doesn't mean that anything is wrong it's just she does like her alone time. She loves to read and listen to music and will often be found doing that.

None ATM



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Joseph Teaver





Sexuality: Heterosexual

Stereotype: Tough guy

Biography: He lived with his sister and mother.

Personality: Joseph is easily angered and picks fight with anyone


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Sexy McGee] [FONT=Consolas][note][/FONT][FONT=Consolas] Name:[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] Joseph Teaver[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] Age:[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] 23[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] Appearance:[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] [/FONT][IMG]http://cdn3.denofgeek.us/sites/denofgeekus/files/royharper.png[/IMG] [FONT=Consolas] Sexuality: Heterosexual[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] Stereotype:[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] Tough guy[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] Biography: TBR in RP[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] Personality: Joseph is easily angered and picks fight with anyone[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas] Other: [/FONT][URL="http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/tattoo-sleeve-ideas/full-tattoo-sleeve-biomechanic.jpg said:

If you don't mind, please but a little under bio. Just who he lived with would be fine

Zack Fowl

Age (18+)





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hoodie.jpeg.f58448b6c66868294aec3a3ab6310f83.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hoodie.jpeg.f58448b6c66868294aec3a3ab6310f83.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Demi hetero




Zack is the oldest of three. Alton his little brother and sister annoy him he wouldn't trade them for the world. When he was young his family split and he went with his mom and sister and moved away for a few years. After a few years passed they finally moved back and reunited the family. But it didn't last long when they split again. His mother went down the wrong road and Zack lived with his dad for a while until he was old enough to move out. He hasn't heard from his mom in a while but often keeps in touch with his dad.


Zack likes to spend his time playing games. This doesn't mean he doesn't like other people and spending time with them though. He often would rather be with friends then play games but some days he just doesn't know. He hates the feeling if being alone and having no one to be there for him. He often bottles up his feelings and never tells people how he truly feels on the inside. He finds himself more depressed then happy and alone.


Owns a pet ferret named Sable.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/SY_sable_ferret1-by_Sam_Young.jpg.eb078d2215d0e6d481fb2812b69f2ede.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104334" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/SY_sable_ferret1-by_Sam_Young.jpg.eb078d2215d0e6d481fb2812b69f2ede.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tazmodo said:
Zack Fowl

Age (18+)





View attachment 232729


Demi hetero




Zack is the oldest of three. Alton his little brother and sister annoy him he wouldn't trade them for the world. When he was young his family split and he went with his mom and sister and moved away for a few years. After a few years passed they finally moved back and reunited the family. But it didn't last long when they split again. His mother went down the wrong road and Zack lived with his dad for a while until he was old enough to move out. He hasn't heard from his mom in a while but often keeps in touch with his dad.


Zack likes to spend his time playing games. This doesn't mean he doesn't like other people and spending time with them though. He often would rather be with friends then play games but some days he just doesn't know. He hates the feeling if being alone and having no one to be there for him. He often bottles up his feelings and never tells people how he truly feels on the inside. He finds himself more depressed then happy and alone.


Owns a pet ferret named Sable.

View attachment 232731
  1. Name: Owen DiLorentiz
  2. Age: 20
  3. Gender: Male
  4. Appearance:

  5. Sexuality: Hetero
  6. Stereotype: The Bad Boy
  7. Biography: He grew up with an older brother, younger sister, and a single mother. They always had to move from place to place which always left Owen with no friends and failed relationships. Because he was always the new kid, he was always picked on. During his sophomore year, his brother died of a car accident, causing Owen to become depressed. And within the vulnerable state he was in, he was introduced to a group of guys who 'changed' him and made him become what he is today.
  8. Personality: Arrogant and cocky, he isn't much of a prince charming unless someone takes the time to see pass his tattoos and dark humor. He is light hearted and somewhat a fun guy to be around if you're into taking risks and breaking rules. He stands up for what he believes in and doesn't settle for anything less. He doesn't give people a chance to see him for what he really is. He rather just be considered an a** hole.
  9. Other: None

Name: Stanley Lee Jones

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Male


Personality: 'A rebel without a cause' is a phrase that applies to Stanley very well. He'll do things without a meaning or any reason as long as it means some sort of laughter for a couple of seconds, not caring about the reaction afterwards. He is extremely against people telling him what to do. He believes that authority figures have no meaning in peoples lives and they themselves can only choose what they want to do.You'd assume with Stanley history and behavior that he is quite stupid but he is quite smart, a little too smart which is a reason he tends to get away with more than he should. He is very wild and carefree. He isn't afraid of a challenge. Extremely rebellious. People think of him as an asshole, but everyone secretly loves him. Stanley is a lost soul though. He very rarely shows his vulnerable side. After everything that happened to him, he is still very young and though he acts like he doesn't care he is lonely. He wouldn't admit that though.

Bio (optional): Stanley was set for failure ever since he was born. His parents were druggies from birth. His first few months of life, he was in hospital for heroin withdrawals and complications. Without saying anything, the doctors send him home. His father was the main problem in the household. He was extremely violent, even when sober he was still violent. His mother did have good intentions but she never fell through with them. This horrible life lasted till he was nine. The one night, his mother was out of her mind in drugs and she tried to escape with Stanley which lead in a gunshot being fired by the father and Stanley being taken away by social services. No one was hurt. But both parents are currently in jail. He hasn't seen either of them since. He was in and out of foster care most his life. He only recently got himself his own apartment, after spending past year going house to house.

Likes: Stanley loves art. He would never show his artistic skills to anyone though. He enjoys everything about it. He likes a challenge. If anything is his weakness, it has to be brownies. He has a very sweet tooth.

Dislikes: Even though half the girls he has been with his no respect for themselves, he hates when girls have no self pride or respect for himself. He hates the smell of fake tan. He can't stand drugs either. He'll drink and smoke, but never touch drugs. He thinks people who think they are the best thing since slice bread because they take them are horrible people.


Name: Elizabeth 'Liz' Hazel Smith

Age: Twenty Two

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Personality: Elizabeth is a stubborn bitch. She can't take no for an answer, after years of getting what she wanted. She can manipulate others to get what she wants. But under all that bitchyness, she is actually quite nice but she doesn't like to show it. She is very protective over those she cares about, sometimes she goes too far in trying to protect them. She does have good intentions though. She tries her hardest to impress people, forgetting that she doesn't need to pretend to be something she isn't. Elizabeth does show signs of kindness sometimes, but she'll quickly push it off. She is less conceited than she shows. She can extremely emotional at times for stupid reasons, which is her inner self coming out.

Bio (optional): Elizabeth was brought up in wealth and getting what she wanted. Her father was a very popular stockbroker. She lived in the best of houses. It was a bonus for her because she was an only child, she got everything she wanted. Her mother and her had a very good relationship. Her father and her weren't very close but he did do everything for her. He was never really there because of 'work purposes' but they soon found out he had another girlfriend and was getting with other girls, many of them being hookers. Four years ago, they found out her father was apart of a penny-stock scam and fraud and related crimes in connection withstock management. Everything was gone. All the money. Everything. Her father is currently in prison after all of this. Her mother and father relationship was ruined. Her mother and Elizabeth moved back to her mothers home town which she saved up her own money and is trying her hardest to do everything for herself.

Likes: Elizabeth adores music. She loves instruments. She adores playing the piano and guitar. She has a voice of an angel but she doesn't like to show it.

Dislikes: She hates showing her real self to people, she wants this image of a person who can't be broken but she really can. She hates coffee. She can't stand the smell of ketchup either, it's a personal thing of hers.

(Sorry, I used another form but I edited most of it to fit! I'll reedit if I forget anything)
[QUOTE="Shameless Superior](If you want me to add another character to make things even, just tell me.)

If you can make another male that would be great! THank you! Accepted
irl000 said:

Name: Stanley Lee Jones

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Male


Personality: 'A rebel without a cause' is a phrase that applies to Stanley very well. He'll do things without a meaning or any reason as long as it means some sort of laughter for a couple of seconds, not caring about the reaction afterwards. He is extremely against people telling him what to do. He believes that authority figures have no meaning in peoples lives and they themselves can only choose what they want to do.You'd assume with Stanley history and behavior that he is quite stupid but he is quite smart, a little too smart which is a reason he tends to get away with more than he should. He is very wild and carefree. He isn't afraid of a challenge. Extremely rebellious. People think of him as an asshole, but everyone secretly loves him. Stanley is a lost soul though. He very rarely shows his vulnerable side. After everything that happened to him, he is still very young and though he acts like he doesn't care he is lonely. He wouldn't admit that though.

Bio (optional): Stanley was set for failure ever since he was born. His parents were druggies from birth. His first few months of life, he was in hospital for heroin withdrawals and complications. Without saying anything, the doctors send him home. His father was the main problem in the household. He was extremely violent, even when sober he was still violent. His mother did have good intentions but she never fell through with them. This horrible life lasted till he was nine. The one night, his mother was out of her mind in drugs and she tried to escape with Stanley which lead in a gunshot being fired by the father and Stanley being taken away by social services. No one was hurt. But both parents are currently in jail. He hasn't seen either of them since. He was in and out of foster care most his life. He only recently got himself his own apartment, after spending past year going house to house.

Likes: Stanley loves art. He would never show his artistic skills to anyone though. He enjoys everything about it. He likes a challenge. If anything is his weakness, it has to be brownies. He has a very sweet tooth.

Dislikes: Even though half the girls he has been with his no respect for themselves, he hates when girls have no self pride or respect for himself. He hates the smell of fake tan. He can't stand drugs either. He'll drink and smoke, but never touch drugs. He thinks people who think they are the best thing since slice bread because they take them are horrible people.


Name: Elizabeth 'Liz' Hazel Smith

Age: Twenty Two

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Personality: Elizabeth is a stubborn bitch. She can't take no for an answer, after years of getting what she wanted. She can manipulate others to get what she wants. But under all that bitchyness, she is actually quite nice but she doesn't like to show it. She is very protective over those she cares about, sometimes she goes too far in trying to protect them. She does have good intentions though. She tries her hardest to impress people, forgetting that she doesn't need to pretend to be something she isn't. Elizabeth does show signs of kindness sometimes, but she'll quickly push it off. She is less conceited than she shows. She can extremely emotional at times for stupid reasons, which is her inner self coming out.

Bio (optional): Elizabeth was brought up in wealth and getting what she wanted. Her father was a very popular stockbroker. She lived in the best of houses. It was a bonus for her because she was an only child, she got everything she wanted. Her mother and her had a very good relationship. Her father and her weren't very close but he did do everything for her. He was never really there because of 'work purposes' but they soon found out he had another girlfriend and was getting with other girls, many of them being hookers. Four years ago, they found out her father was apart of a penny-stock scam and fraud and related crimes in connection withstock management. Everything was gone. All the money. Everything. Her father is currently in prison after all of this. Her mother and father relationship was ruined. Her mother and Elizabeth moved back to her mothers home town which she saved up her own money and is trying her hardest to do everything for herself.

Likes: Elizabeth adores music. She loves instruments. She adores playing the piano and guitar. She has a voice of an angel but she doesn't like to show it.

Dislikes: She hates showing her real self to people, she wants this image of a person who can't be broken but she really can. She hates coffee. She can't stand the smell of ketchup either, it's a personal thing of hers.

(Sorry, I used another form but I edited most of it to fit! I'll reedit if I forget anything)
Accepted, feel free to post


Valentina Queen



19, turning 20




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.e0f8b644f53597acfc6c67271d6b6dd4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.e0f8b644f53597acfc6c67271d6b6dd4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




band geek


Lenny was born in New York City to a family of lawyers, the Queens and Blacks. Lenny was born the fourth child to the Queen family, trailing her brothers Nik, Lyle, and Pat. Lenny’s family moved to New Orleans when she was twelve, where she learned trombone, before moving, again, to the high school she graduated from when her parents moved to take care of her ailing grandmother. She grew up in a family where education’s most important.


Lenny is an extremely prideful, blunt, and loyal person. Those three traits, unfortunately, set her up to be extremely cool, calculating, and cutting at rare moments in time. Most of the time, however, Lenny is a bubbly person, quick with a smile and a laugh. She is also the proud owner of a crude and ill-chosen humor at times. Lenny is also one to keep her dreams close to her heart - she has goals. Lenny is a History Major in college, reaching for a bachelor’s degree before she applies to law school. She wants to be a lawyer and work for the government. That being said, she’s very studious and excels academically.


Lenny is a band geek; she will, when school starts, join her university’s marching band. Along with the trombone, Lenny can play the guitar.


(If you need me to, I can make males as well.)



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redwood said:


Valentina Queen



19, turning 20




View attachment 237203




band geek


Lenny was born in New York City to a family of lawyers, the Queens and Blacks. Lenny was born the fourth child to the Queen family, trailing her brothers Nik, Lyle, and Pat. Lenny’s family moved to New Orleans when she was twelve, where she learned trombone, before moving, again, to the high school she graduated from when her parents moved to take care of her ailing grandmother. She grew up in a family where education’s most important.


Lenny is an extremely prideful, blunt, and loyal person. Those three traits, unfortunately, set her up to be extremely cool, calculating, and cutting at rare moments in time. Most of the time, however, Lenny is a bubbly person, quick with a smile and a laugh. She is also the proud owner of a crude and ill-chosen humor at times. Lenny is also one to keep her dreams close to her heart - she has goals. Lenny is a History Major in college, reaching for a bachelor’s degree before she applies to law school. She wants to be a lawyer and work for the government. That being said, she’s very studious and excels academically.


Lenny is a band geek; she will, when school starts, join her university’s marching band. Along with the trombone, Lenny can play the guitar.


(If you need me to, I can make males as well.)

Accepted, I would appreciate one male if you can. :)


Nikolas Queen







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.11691ae083ccda030f8a93c074b3d2f2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.11691ae083ccda030f8a93c074b3d2f2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Black sheep of the family, Nik trails his brothers Lyle and Pat, though he is older than his sister, Lenny. He’s the black sheep because he isn’t a Queen by birth; his birth mother was a single mother. When she passed away when Nik was two, his godparents adopted him, and legally changed his surname to Queen to avoid bullying by neighborhood children while the family lived in Manhattan. Nik, now twenty-two, considers the Queens his parents, and his adoptive siblings his full-blooded siblings. When he was brought into the family, Pat and Lyle were seven and eight, so he had a difficult time becoming close to them, but he was only three when the baby, Lenny, was born. Lenny never new a time when Nik wasn’t her brother, so the two bonded quickly.


Nik is a very outgoing person; charismatic, quick with a joke, smart, leadership skills - no one was surprised when Nik majored in Political Science. He can make a friend quickly, but he’s not afraid to cause a debate - a very close minded one, anyway - if someone disagrees with his views. Prideful, blunt, stubborn, and horrifically stuck in the mindset that honor’s everything, he’s lost a lot of the friends when he disagrees with something they say. But Nik is still an approachable person, always happy to tell a joke or brighten someone’s day with a story.


Even though much of Nik’s time is taken up by student government, speech and debate, and various other clubs, he always makes time for his friends, who he values most important.



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redwood said:


Nikolas Queen







View attachment 237713




Black sheep of the family, Nik trails his brothers Lyle and Pat, though he is older than his sister, Lenny. He’s the black sheep because he isn’t a Queen by birth; his birth mother was a single mother. When she passed away when Nik was two, his godparents adopted him, and legally changed his surname to Queen to avoid bullying by neighborhood children while the family lived in Manhattan. Nik, now twenty-two, considers the Queens his parents, and his adoptive siblings his full-blooded siblings. When he was brought into the family, Pat and Lyle were seven and eight, so he had a difficult time becoming close to them, but he was only three when the baby, Lenny, was born. Lenny never new a time when Nik wasn’t her brother, so the two bonded quickly.


Nik is a very outgoing person; charismatic, quick with a joke, smart, leadership skills - no one was surprised when Nik majored in Political Science. He can make a friend quickly, but he’s not afraid to cause a debate - a very close minded one, anyway - if someone disagrees with his views. Prideful, blunt, stubborn, and horrifically stuck in the mindset that honor’s everything, he’s lost a lot of the friends when he disagrees with something they say. But Nik is still an approachable person, always happy to tell a joke or brighten someone’s day with a story.


Even though much of Nik’s time is taken up by student government, speech and debate, and various other clubs, he always makes time for his friends, who he values most important.


Name: Trevor Lee Anderson

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Stereotype: Gamer


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_n2uqguG9th1siolruo1_250.jpg.3b455f5420c55f29f20b0d6458887698.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_n2uqguG9th1siolruo1_250.jpg.3b455f5420c55f29f20b0d6458887698.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






Biography: He come from a modern family with a younger sister, a sick mom who spends most of his time at the hospital and a workaholic father. . He is smart, being capable of hacking into anyone computer or things, but really doesn't wanna know what he wants to do in the future. He doesn't look like your typical run in the mill gamer, he would look more like someone those type of people who smoke and drink anywhere they go, which he doesn't do. From 6pm to 8pm he won't be found at his apartment, deciding to visit his mom and praying for her to get better even though he is an atheist.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Other: always seem playing on some type of handheld game counsel. Can be found on the stairs most of the times if he can't be found on his room. Has a ferret named Spike who he always carries around.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/700a2a46b95fdd753695d168661d8598.jpg.bff6e12dc0613130b74adc8afae6c470.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/700a2a46b95fdd753695d168661d8598.jpg.bff6e12dc0613130b74adc8afae6c470.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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