~All Around the World~


underwater gem
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You lived in an old, worn, dunky apartment. Not the worst, you thought. Not the best, either. You could afford what you needed, also some other small items. It was just a knock at your door that changed your life.

It's the year 2032. Government created a new, top-secret form of transportation known as "AATE (as some pronounce ATE, All Around The Earth). They fake your death, making it seemingly impossible for any investigation on it whatsoever, and take you, yes you, as their new experiment. After capturing you and many others, you were put aboard the AATE. The only reason is because no matter the pay, no one would be willing to step aboard something as dangerous as the AATE. Not only is there a slim chance it will stop, it moves at 200 MPH, making any kind of escape impossible and or very risky. There's several year supplies of food, much entertainment, a bed for each and every inhabitant, and you and the others have accepted your fate. No one knows why they are there, nor what they are on, yet most take it coolly. Most.

The story begins a week after everyone has been placed here. People have gotten used to their surroundings by now and they know basically everyone. New people will occasionally be brought on to the train, but no one knows how or when, even the Conductor is clueless.

The Conductor hastily woke up at 6:30 AM, not surprised to be met with the blistering sun. Someone would always wake up at 5 AM, open every last curtain, and just go back to sleep, yet he had no clue who. He popped on his glasses and rose out of bed, pulling out a small drawer connected to the worn out bed. Every bed had this installed to hold clothes. He tossed on a t-shit with grey sweatpants and slowly shuffled to the kitchen. He looked down to find a small, young 6 year old eating a bagel, who casually strolled back to the bedroom in her floral night gown. He shrugged it off and sat down at the bar, drinking a glass of orange juice quietly, considering most people didn't wake up for another hour.

Bella crept back in to the kitchen, secretly taking a seat next to The Conductor at the bar. She took a small bite out of her bagel, struggling to keep her nightgown free of any wrinkles. She was the first one on the train to take use of her surroundings accordingly, the one person who didn't freak out and took being trapped rather well. She shuffled awkwardly in her seat, trying to keep a firm grip on her stuffed bunny, Timotei. She stroked the stuffed animal once before breaking off a piece of her bagel and sliding it to The Conductor. She considered him her friend, even though she hadn't said a word to him, or anyone for that matter. She grinned as he took the chunk in to his mouth happily, his back still turned to the young girl.

Amelia tossed in her bed, reaching to grab her phone and realizing for the seventh time she didn't have it. Phones were too risky to keep on the AATE, so none were brought on. She sat up in bed, looking around at the many other people in her cart who still slept silently. She quietly sneaked out of bed, cringing after each creak on the floor. She put on a pair of slippers before heading to the TV Room, what she started her day with. She sat down in her favorite recliner in front of a small, personal TV, and flicked on MTV. She listened as the quiet melody for 16 and Pregnant began to play.

Aaron sat up in bed, rubbing at his sleepless eyes as he gazed around. His cart was "the lone cart" that only contained one bed--- his. Once more people came, they'd be added to his cart, but for the past week he slept in a room by himself. He sighed, standing up and walking to the wall mirror. He ruffled up his messy hair, walking to the men's shower room to get a shower. He walked in to the stall in the back corner, turning on the shower and locking the door. He listened as he heard music playing faintly in the background, keeping his brain occupied as he washed his hair.



Sanz relentlessly beat the sandbag in the exercise room. He had been waking up at 6 every morning to come here before most people woke up. Even if he was trapped here he would be damned if he let himself get out of shape. His long-sleeved shirt from sleep lay abandoned on a nearby bench, while sweat poured out from his bare chest, back and brow. He would continued this for about another 30 minutes before he went to the kitchen to make something. Generally steamed rice or something else carb-loaded. He wiped some sweat away from his eyes, tossing the red hair he'd tied back over his shoulder before resuming the pounding
Bella strolled out of the kitchen, and stumbled in to the work out room. She broke off a piece of her almost gone bagel, placed it on to the bench, and strolled back out just as awkwardly as she came. She walked back in to the kitchen and grabbed another bagel, taking a small bite out of it quietly.
Jenna sat up from her bed, cringing as hunger ate away at her stomach. How long has it been since I ate something...? She asked herself, the thoughts of having to talk to people in the kitchen frightened her. "I-I have to eat something..." Jenna whispered to herself, looking around at the people quietly snoring around her.

Standing up silently, Jenna made her way towards the exit of her cart. The light hum of a melody filled her ears as she neared the kitchen, earning her curiosity. "Hmmm, sounds familiar..." Jenna said to herself as she ventured farther. She turned when she noticed a girl, her eyes glued to a TV screen. Shrugging, Jenna continued on until she reached the kitchen, squeaking in surprise when she noticed the Conductor and an unknown, small girl already inhabiting the small cart. Fiddling with the band on her dark black sweatpants, Jenna forced a smile onto her face. "H-hi..." She squeaked out, waving shyly to the pair.

Yawning, James arose from his deep sleep. "Man, that was good." He said to himself, smiling. The sound of soft music filled his ears, which pricked his curiosity. Following the sound, he thought to himself,
God, I miss Marie. I wonder what she's doing right now...?

"I'm sure she's fine... Maybe she even got a new boyfriend..." James muttered, clenching his fists angrily. After a few minutes of walking, he ended up in the TV Room. He scanned the rows of seats, surprised when he spotted the girl some ten feet away from him. Silently, he crept up next to the armchair the girl was sitting in and rolled his eyes. "This show scares me. I mean, how can people be so careless?" He spoke to the girl, rolling his eyes once more.
The Conductor turned around and grinned widely. "You have a hole in your pants." He laughed as he strided over to her. He brought her to a mirror in the corner and turned her body, revealing a rather large hole in her pants, showing the layer of under garmets she wore under neath. He took off his shirt and tied it around her waist casually, walking over to the coffee maker.

Amelia hopped out of her seat, delivering a chop to his gut. She covered her mouth in shock. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to! You caught me off guard! Are you okay?" She asked sadly, gently crouching down to his aid. "I watch it because my sister had a baby at 16 and got an abortion." She admitted casually.
A deep blush spread across Jenna's face at the Conductor's actions, and slightly at the sight of his shirtless body. "I-I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen... My apologies, Mr. Conductor!" The blush on Jenna's cheeks grew brighter as she rambled on, making her hands fidget with the newly acquired shirt she had tied around her. She slowly followed the Conductor, smiling slightly that she had made it this far without running away in fear. "I'm Jenna, in case you didn't know..." She whispered, sticking her shaky hand out towards the man in front of her. "It's an honor to actually get to talk to you."

James clenched onto his stomach, smiling painfully. "No, no! I'm fine, really!" He grunted in pain as he stood up. Realization struck when he stood up. "I am so sorry! I was being a complete idiot before with my rude comment. I had no idea about your sister!" A look of shock and shame spread across James' face as he looked into Amelia's eyes, somehow getting lost in them. "Really... Truly sorry..."
Opening his door to peak out into the hall way, Matthew say the boy Sage step out of his own room. Matthew has only known everyone on the train for a week, and he had to admit Sage and the Conductor where the most mysterious bunch on the train. Sage was always dressed in a button up shirt with a tie, complete with nice slacks and dress shoes. He sounded like a girl, but looks like a boy. Matthew kind of assumes that he has not gone through puberty yet. Something like that… “Sage… why do you dress like that?”

He glanced up at Matthew and gave him his usual smile,
“Oh this? It makes me feel nice. I don’t like dressing any way else.” He said, sliding one of his hands through his short blue hair. What an odd color his hair is. But who was he to judge? Sage can do whatever he wants. “Are you going to the kitchen? You should come with me.” He asked Matt.

“Ah yeah… leme get dressed.” Matt said, quickly returning inside to throw on a pair of jeans, socks and a t-shirt. Not nearly as nice as Sage always dresses. Returning to the hall way, Matt shut his door and turned to start walking with Sage.


Sage liked Matthew so far, he was one of the friendlier, but also one of the ones to react pretty badly to all this. Sage was one of the calmest, taking this as a big joke. But the biggest joke of all was telling everyone that she was a boy and a lot of other things. It was probably not going to take long before everyone scratched the surface of Sage’s jokes and lies, but she did not care. Caring would ruin the fun in it all.

When Matt and Sage reached the TV room, Sage took note of two of the others, James and Amelia. James was on the floor, writhing with pain. Sage held in a smirk, just barely catching the act of his injury. She overheard the last part of Amelia frantically apologizing and a interesting piece of information about her sister. He scrambled up to return the appoligie, make Sage shake her head.

“Would you two like some breakfast?” She asked casually. “I am just about to go to the kitchen and cook. I am thinking Pancakes or omelets. Maybe even Crapes.” She said happily.


Rhea curled up in bed. She had not left the room since she had gotten here. She was most likely the one taking the situation the worst. Occasionally people brought her food, and she would eat and drink, but that was the only interaction she has had with people. Pressing her face into the pillow, Rhea closed her eyes again, ignoring her hunger and returning back to sleep.
Sanz gave the sandbag one more good punch before stopping to catch his breath. He walked over to the end of the room, where a basin and faucet lay. He poured water over his face and slicked it back through his hair. He wiped the rest of the sweat with his discarded shirt, soaking it completely in water from the faucet before wringing it out and draping it over his right shoulder.

"Well, time for breakfast then."

Sanz walked out of the room, just as he was, shirtless (minus what was draped over his shoulder). Wake up early, work out, eat, then shower. That had been his routine for the past several years, and he saw no reason to change it because his location had changed. His torso was well-muscled, showing a couple of scars from people who had brought knives to his scuffles. He walked into the kitchen area, ignoring the other rooms on the way.


He muttered to the young man who had only introduced himself as "The conductor". Sanz had so far avoided direct contact with most of the people on this contraption, and so far that had seemed to suit them just fine. He looked inside the fridge to see what was available.
I have to edit everything in the world like omigosh

The Conductor blushed slightly, frowning and turning his back to her. "Change your pants and I'll talk to you." He laughed, fake coughed, uttered the the word whore, and fake coughed again. His eyes turned back to her, his heart stinging with pain when he saw her saddening look.

Bella softly tugged on Sanz's pants, thrusting up her stuffed rabbit happily. "This is Timotei." She squeaked, brandishing the rabbit before walking towards The Conductor. She giggled as he picked her up and placed her on his back, carrying her around piggy back style.

The Conductor smiled as people piled in. "Morning everybody!" He called out with a laugh. "God I hate mornings!" He added with a grin. "It's 7 AM." He said casually, adjusting thew child on her back.

Amelia turned to Sage and grinned widly. "What are Crapes?" She asked. All she ever had for breakfast at home were Cheerios with milk. She stod up awkwardly, swweping dust off of her pants.

Aaron walked in to the kitchen, a towell draped around his shoulders. He flipped his damp hair and sat down at the bar, sighing as the kitchen began to flood with noise.
“Oh Sage… cook pancakes!” Matt said suddenly, clapping his hands together in anticipation. He saw Sage nod as he turned to look at the other two again, “Just come in and order some pancakes if you two are hungry, I might be cooking for a bit.” Matt remembered one of the first days, Sage had made cookies and brownies. They were the most delicious sweets he had ever eaten. He made dinner as well that same day. Whenever Sage got in the kitchen, he always made the best foods Matt had ever eaten, he wish he knew where he even learned to cook like that.

When Sage and Matt entered the kitchen, Matt saw the little girl Bella quietly eating. “Belllllla!” Matt said, stretching her name out a bit to get her attention, “Do you want some pancakes? Sage is going to make some.” He asked her, smiling his goofy grin at her.


"Crapes, they are a really thin pancake that has cream of fruit sauces on the inside after you have warped them. Very nutritious." She answered casually.

Sage looked around at the small crowed in the kitchen, she remembered the majority of everyone and their names on the train so far. The only names that seemed to escape her was the girl with The Conductor’s shirt wrapped around her waist and the one that she saw only on the first day. Hearing the conductor call out the time, Sage gave a strained smile and spoke, “Thank you for the obvious TC.”

Looking the one of the taller boys reach into the fridge, Sage made the mental note that it was one of the quieter men around, “Sanzy~” Sage called before walking to the man and hitting his back. She knew that whenever she used such girly tones, she made herself seem gay, her telling everyone she was male. But again, it was an extremely fun concept, hitting on the guys as a male. “Don’t eat, I am about to make Pancakes. Who all wants some?”

((For a small refrance... I will make Sage's Speech This color, Matt's Speech This color, and Rhea's Speech This color.))

(((Sorry I saw you edited... I also edited to fit your edit... haha.. xD )))
Sanz didn't even flinch when she smacked his back. In truth, it was entirely muscle, and any half-hearted smack would have felt like hitting an iron slab.

"Not enough carbs, no protein."

His voice made it clear just how dis-interested he was in conversation with the boy behind him. He finally settled on grabbing five eggs to scramble together with ham. That should at least last him until lunch.
Bella hopped down from The Conductor, rushing to Sage happily. She hopped on to his leg, giggling happy. "Pancakes! I like mine with syrup!" She squealed happily with a series of laughs.

Amelia gently grasped James' hand, leading him to the kitchen. She took a seat next to Aaron, laughing quietly at the loud noise.

The Conductor licked his lips, rubbing his hands together. "Pancakes! You probably make a mean pancake, Sage. I'll clean off the bar." He smirked, grabbing a clean rag and wiping off the bar. He brought out cups and plates, sighing and taking a seat. "Long ass bar." He puffed quietly, staring at Jenna, who had still merely said a word.
Jenna's cheeks grew even darker with the kitchen becoming so crowded and her newly found attire. Rushing out of the room as quickly as possible, thoughts coursed through her mind, Why does the Conductor have to hate me so?! Choking back her tears, she ran back to her cart, covering her face with her hands. "I hate it here..." Jenna whispered, collapsing onto her bed and wiping away some tears that managed to escape her tightly shut eyes. "I miss Blair. I miss my old life!" She cried out, happy that the entire cart was deserted, besides her, of course. After a few minutes of lying down and regaining her composure, Jenna got up and decided that she couldn't cower in her room for the rest of the day.

"Okay, if I'm going to be here, I might as well make the best out of it," She whispered crouching down and pulling out the drawer connected to the bottom of her small bed. Jenna untied the Conductor's shirt from her waist, and laid it down on her bed. Slipping off the sweatpants and pulling on a new pair of jeans, Jenna smiled lightly. "I will make friends. I will." She muttered, straitening the slightly worn out sweater she was currently wearing.

With a spring in her step, Jenna quickly made her way back to the kitchen, hoping to finally get some much needed food. As she entered the kitchen, she scanned the room for the Conductor. Once spotting him, she walked over to him and thrusted her arms outwards towards him. "Here. This is yours." She said, smiling happily at him. "Thanks for leting me borrow it, I really appreciate it."
(Sage has picked one of her Targets… So sorry Ixidor92 xD )

“Oh how cold Sanzy…” Sage said, mock offended at his decline of Sage’s pancakes. Sage’s opinion of Sanz was immediate; she wanted to see him mad. He was a lot like her, she had an almost unbreakable poker face, and she wanted to see how far it could go, “And there is nearly 600 calories in pancakes with the syrup and butter you know. Pretty much 5.1 Crabs. I am a pro cook.” She said jokingly, reaching through the different covered and containers to find what she needed.

Before she finished pulling things out of the covereds, the little girl ran straight to Sage and grappled her leg, wonder and excitement in her eyes.
“You can have as much syrup you want.” Sage said happily, then she leaned down and whispered to the little girl, “You know what makes pancakes better? When everyone eats one… Sanzy won’t eat one… which means the pancakes might come out bad…” Sage made a sad face at the girl, “You should convince him to eat some with you, OK? That way these can be the best pancakes ever.” She said happily, gently pushing the girl to Sanz, “Don’t forget, his name is Sanzy.

Quickly making up a large batch of pancake mix, and setting on the bar that The Conductor had cleared off, Sage nearly scoffed at his remark,
“I make a mean everything TC. Nothing in this kitchen that is made by me comes out tamed.” If there was one thing Sage knew, it was her cooking skills, she took some serious pride in it.

Reaching under the bar she pulled out a large skillet and plugged it in to let it heat up, casually listening to the chatter in the kitchen. If she was correct, nearly everyone was present in the kitchen that had been put onto this train.

When Sage was satisfied with the heat of the Skillet, she began to place small ladle full blotches onto the hot surface.
“Can someone hand me a spatula?” Sage asked while she tried to fit as many pancakes as she could onto the surface of the cookware.


Making a face when Bella completely ignored him, Matt silently sulked. After a few moments, he perked up by how happy she seemed when talking to Sage about the pancakes. Saying good morning to most of the people who had come in, Matt tried to be friendly and open. He really wanted to get off on the right foot with everyone.

@I Love Death the Kid


The Conductor blushed, gazing at her jeans. "Keep it. Just a shirt." He muttered. He knew he was lying, that was his favorite shirt, but he couldn't help himself from giving her the shirt. He turned his back to her. "Uh, sorry. For earlier." He whispered quietly, his face flushing up. He ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh, hoping she didn't hear. He stood up hastily and muttered curses as he continued to clean the bar.

Bella ran over to Sanz, grasping on to his muscular hand. "Sanzy? Pwease eat some pancakes. You're gonna ruin them!" She whimpered, rubbing at her eyes teasingly.
"Um, here," Jenna said quietly, reaching over and handing Sage the large spatula. Smiling shyly at Sage, Jenna glanced down at the batter slowly starting to rise from the base of the skillet. "I used to cook back home. My friend Blair said that I was possibly the best cook ever." She chuckled as she shared her memory with Sage. "Sorry if I'm being too open with you. To tell you the truth, I don't even think I've met you before. I'm Jenna Rose Mason, pleased to meet you." Jenna smiled a little wider, putting out her right hand to shake Sage's.
(Oh dammit Ricia . . . you know he's not going to crack easily right? :3)

"Still no protein. I prefer to cook for myself."

Sanz was no gourmet chef by any stretch of the imagination, but he had lived alone for three-and-a-half years. He refused to live off instant food, so he picked up a few things. Something softened him a little bit though. He could feel the little girl approaching from behind him before he could hear her. He always felt protective of people like her, even if they hadn't exchanged any words. It reminded him too much of his old self. He sighed as the words came from behind him.

Now that's just plain unfair . . .

"*sigh* I'll have one all right?"
Jenna tilted her head to the side and smiled. "Are you serious? I don't need it," She said, laughing slightly. She shook her head at The Conductor. "You're really easy to read, you know that, right?" She asked, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Here, take it. Thank you, though." Jenna lightly tossed the shirt onto the bar and smiled at The Conductor.
(LOL… Oh I know, but that makes Sage want to mess with him more. xD oh man… Bella is going to get told so many weird things and Sanz is going to hear about it second hand… xD )

“Thanks.” Sage said, receiving spatulas from both The Conductor and the girl who had the shirt. Placing on one the counter, she choose the bigger of the two. The Conductor walked away, obviously flushed about something. Sage must have missed something, she silently made a mental note. The girl Sage wondered about started to talk to her as Sage made a backwards glance at Sanz, grinning.

When Jenna had finished speaking, Sage had gave her back her attention and spoke almost without missing a beat, “Oh no not at all. My name is Sage.” Sage winked at her, “Forgive me, my hands are a bit dirty with cooking.”

“You sound awfully close to your friend. You can help me cook if you want. Although another time since this is almost done.” Sage said, “You seem to have TC riled up, what did you do to manage that?” Sage asked casually. Beginning to quickly flip the pancakes over, Sage gave an appreciative nod of the golden color they had turned. "Perfect." She muttered. Slowly she started to serve up some pancakes on a large plate she had set aside, "First batch is up. Someone serve Bella. After that it is a free for all."
The Conductor extending an arm furiously, searching for words to say. He laughed quietly, shaking his head. "I'll get you back." He muttered, grabbing the shirt uneasily. He grabbed a pancake hungrily, stacking 5 on to his plate. "Yum!"

Bella grinned happily, hugging his leg blissfully. "Thank you, Sanzy!" She beamed, hopping over to Sage. "I got him to do it, Sage, I did it!" She laughed, looking over at the pancakes. "TC! Stop!" She squealed, running to the bar. "Wait for me!"

(Dont know why everything is just a link. Awkward.)
Jenna grew a light shade of scarlet. "Uh, I don't really know, to be honest... He gave me his shirt, and... Well, he told me to go change and he called me a whore." She said, shaking her head, shrugging. "No matter, I just think that's how he is." A smile found it's way onto Jenna's lips as she watched the pancakes become beautifully golden.

"You know, not trying to be, what's the word? Awkward, maybe? Not the point. I was just going to say that you seem slightly different. I can't say i dislike that factor about you, though." Fearful of rambling on, Jenna decided to stop there, and she just sealed her mouth shut. Looking up into Sage's eyes, she tried to uncover what was so different about him.
Sanz sighed, cracking a smile hidden behind the fridge door at Bella's voice. He quickly forced it away before closing the door. He cracked the eggs into a skillet, scrambling them with small bits of ham. Even if he would given in, that didn't mean he was giving up his protein for the morning. He stretched back his shoulders, the shirt draped over his shoulder starting to dry out
Jenna tapped Sanz on the shoulder. "It's Sanz, right? Right. Well, I was just wondering... Why do you push yourself so hard? I mean, all I ever see you do is work out, so I was just kinda curious," She said, shrugging. "I know I couldn't do that."

"Are you as hungry as me, Amelia? I am
absolutely starving!" James said, laughing as him and Amelie entered the kitchen. Delicious scents over came his senses and he rushed over to the bar, grabbing as many pancakes as possible. "Come on, I got enough to share!" He cried out to Amelie, grabbing her and with his free one and rushing over to a table with her. James grinned as he set the large stack of pancakes on the table.
Sage smiled, purring another batch onto the grill, “Oh? Different?” Sage quizatively asked. “Well… I have blue hair. Also I am Bi sexual. I am ambidextrous. I am a guy who cooks? Oh, perhaps it is because my voice sound girlish isn’t? I know… it embarrasses me so…” Sage said, placing her hands on her face, sounding distressed and embarrassed.


Matt smiled the pancakes finishing. Casually listening to the conversation around him, he picked up his own stack of pancakes, about 3, and smothered them with syrup and butter. Oh man he could not wait to dig into these! Sitting down on the bar, he turned to whoever sat next to him and spoke,
“I am so excited for this!”


Rhea stirred in bed, smelling something wonderful come from the kitchen. She could tell it was pancakes. She debated getting up and going to get some, but she did not want to leave the room. She did not want to face reality of this situation, the reality that she might never see her brother again. Sitting up, Rhea pushed the blankets off her and then swung her feet off the bed. Pushing herself off the bed, she realized how weak she was from not eating the last week. Waiting a few minutes before walking out of the room, Rhea quietly opened the door and looked around the cart. It was quiet.. deserted.

Taking a few unsteady steps out of the room into the hall, Rhea looked down at her legs and noticed she had on pajama shorts and her feet where bare. She knew she only stood at 5'2 and was not very tall, so it made he feel better to wear shorts because the pants would sometimes drag on the floor when she walked. Slowly, still grasping the wall, Rhea opened the door to the next cabin, the noise radiating from the kitchen immediately. Rhea stopped, unable to make herself go any further, fear griping her chest.
Amelia laughed. "Wait, wait, we don't have syrup!" She laughed, sitting herself down as she panted quietly.

Bella attempted to climb on to the stool, pouting as she found her self slipping and falling. She tried one last time, miserably failing and falling on her back. She gasped for air, letting out loud sobs between attempts for breath. Once she had enough air she began to wail in pain, her eyes pouring with tears as the kitchen began to fall silent.

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