All Alone... (RP)

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer
"I win again!" Cameron giggled his face lighting up as he crossed out the x's. "Tic-tac toe three in a row!" he sang dancing around.

"Okay, okay good game," Charlie chuckled, standing up.

"Where you going I wanna play another game," Cam whined pulling her arm trying to sit her back down. "I am just going to get some juice I will be back," she told him and went to the kitchen. She poured herself some fruit punch and sipped it as she looked out the window and at her nieberghood that they just moved to. But she soon saw people screaming and running for there lives. There was a wave of fire following them close behind. Charlie dropped her glass the red liquid and pieces of glass fell all over the kitchen floor. She jumped over it and ran to living room scooping up her little brother in her hands and heading down the basement. "Charlie..." was all her brother could say before the only light turned off and all hell broke loose. Charlie held her brother tight and under a table as he screamed. when everything stopped there house and everything in it was gone...


Charlie walked around, what was left of the world, her little brother on her back sleeping. It had took forever for her to settle him down and finally get him to sleep. Flashes of what happened went through her mind. Everything was jumbled in her mind and suddently the weight of her brother on her back became heavyer but she forced herself to keep moving. There had to be more people that survived... they couldn't be the only ones... right?
((It's al alone xD ))

Hunter walked down the road of what used to be his neighborhood, now ruins. He carried around a backpack with any supplies he could spare from the remains of his house, canned ham, and other canned foods, water he put into a few different containers, his bokken, a knife, his phone and his charger and he wears his kendo mask on, just so when they attack they don't rip his face off, he put some simply padding on and kept going, he takes his mask on to get a better view of his surroundings. He sneaks past one and stands looking at "it" for a moment.

Hunter: --What's happening....Where's mom and dad..--

Hunter looks at his phone to see if there are any calls, none. He makes sure his phone is set to vibrate and he keeps walking. Hoping to see someone. Someone who isn't eating others.
Jasper and His family were driving to the camp grounds, Jasper looked back at his sister "Why don't you get off that thing?!" he teased and grabbed her phone. Jessica squealed and unbuckled her seat belt, she leaned over the seat swatting a her brother for her phone back. "Jessica!" Their mother snapped angrily "Sit down!" Jasper laughed as Jessica frantically grabbed for her phone "Give it!" She yelled, Jasper caught a glimpse of a bright flame in the corner of his eye, then he shoved Jessica back into the seat, but instead she hit the floor of the car, then the car hit the breaks fast and began flipping, the metal heating fast, then he felt the cold gravel under him, and everything went black.

Jasper opens his eyes, and his hands, knees, and face were scraped with road rash, he groans loudly in pain, before trying to get up, his eyes widen as he thinks of his mom and sister "JESSICA!" He yells and stands up, his body aches with pain, his ankle, wrist, and back throb with pain, he looks around, the car had blocked the flames from getting to him, miraculously. He runs over to the car, the inside was gone everything was burnt and chard, He looks around "Jessica!" he yells, he felt like his heard was being ripped in two then he heard it "Jasper..." Jessica's voice was hoarse and quiet, He looks to his left and saw Jessica's smaller body holding someone, he limps to her quickly and drops to his knees, he could barely recognize their mother, her body bloody and burnt, she was dead. Jessica sobbed loudly, Jasper makes his sister release their mother's dead body, "Come on." he says quietly, He scoops her up in his arms, and she wails in pain "I know it hurts!" he chokes out, this throat tight from the smoke, "We have to get out of her, to some where safe, we don't know if that will happen again." He whispers and carries his younger sister, he quickly walks down the street, ignoring the pain in his ankle, tailbone and wrist.
Thirty minutes before hell broke loose...

The red alarm went off and everyone was pushing each-other, trying to get out of the barracks door. Neku was one of the last ones out of bed since he was in shock, he'd never heard the alarms actually go off, not once in his fourteen years of being a recon unit. Someone knocked into the bed and he was forced out of it, and ended up watching as some of the last people made it out the door. He began into a crawl for the door, but pulled himself together and decided he needed to pick up the pace, so he hopped up as he crawled and turned it into a full on sprint. As he got into the hallways, he left for the cafeteria, which had the destination he needed to get out of here, right beyond it. As he entered, again he was to witness the last unit get through the door, and he followed quickly behind, but as to the fault earlier, at a cost.

As he busted through the door, he noticed the lines of helicopters began to spin their propellers, he tried yelling them to wait, as he and a few others just made it, but the sound was too loud, and all the pilots one by one took off, leaving them, with a single chopper at the end of the line, still with the doors open. They all took out a sprint towards it, the others that left for the sky out of sight, something was there, a black dot in the sky, and each of them knew what it was.

Some ran for the chopper, some ran back to the tower, Neku stood speechless at the black speck falling from the sky, gaining speed and speed. He decided to try his luck, his ran for the chopper, and as the last person in, they closed the doors and lifted off, but not to their pleasure, the second they got above the height of a normal building, it was too late. The helicopter spun and spun, the light too bright from something so close, the black speck that had touched the ground in the far distance with such a shock wave, a bomb, thee bomb, that destroyed hopes of many, shook the helicopter, and caused it to spin, made it crash into a tall building in the city.

Present time, after the helicopters sad attempt at trying to survive...

Neku lay cold and breathless on 20th floor of a building, he soon regained consciousness, and to his wonderful luck, the helicopter was obviously done for, and the pilot had his stomach sheered and gashed by the front windshield as he was flung out.

" long as it been...where are the others?!"

He quickly got up, not too hurt by the crash, from only being ejected from the fine steel hull.

"I have to check things out from above..."

He quickly ran to the stairs, and just as quickly, ascended them to the roof of the tall building. As he looked down, it would scare any man, no matter the strength and courage...
Jasper looks around the neighborhood, his body throbbing with pain "Help!" he yells "Somebody!" he calls, "Anyone?" then he hears something, a groan, he looks back and sees a man staring at them "Please, help us." he calls, the man growls loudly and charges at them "Holy shit!" he yells and turns, he sprints as fast as possible, the man growls and chases him, "Go away!" he yells, looking back, "Im sorry!" he yells and keeps running, his lungs scream from air as he sprints, but he doesn't stop. the man screams and begins to slow, "Holy F*cking Shit!" he says, Right when Jasper looked back the Man attacked, Jessi screamed as they were tackles by the small, but incredibly strong man, "Get off!" Jasper yells and kicks the man, The man growls loudly then crawls for Jessi, Jasper stands up and kicks the man in the head, The man rolls onto his back and growls, Jasper the steps on the man's skull and he lays lifeless, The mans blood was dark and thick Jessi cries as Jasper picks her back up "Are you okay?" he asks and she nods slowly.
Charlie herd a voice screaming for house. She ran towrds it her brother still on her back. "Hello?!" she said her voice screamed almost despretly to see someone alive someone other than them. "Hello?!" she yelled again but couldn't find the person that came with the voice.
Jasper heard another voice, it wasn't a growl, but a woman's voice "Over here!" he yells looking frantically for the girl "We are over here!" he looks around frantically, the man's body still lies lifeless on the ground, and Jasper's stomach churns with disgust, "Hello?" he yells, Jessica sniffles and looks around from his arms, "Is anyone there?!" he yells afraid.
(You said neighborhood so I'll just check it out *If it's okay* )

Hunter keeps walking down his quiet and now ruined neighbor hood, he looked at the houses, from people he would see almost everyday on his way home but never really payed any attention too, he looked at the burnt corpse hanging from a torn wall, it's now bald head hanging down, completely limp.

Hunter: I guess you only realize what you have until you lo-

Hunter hears some distant screaming, and then it fades down to nothing. Hunter still hears faint voices from the echo in the silent neighborhood, he hesitates, and then hears more voices. He starts walking to them, not making noise really, too busy in deep thinking of how screwed he is.
Maxie, or Max as she prefers, wonders around the small orphanage that she grew up in, the empty backpack swaying on her back in light moves. The screams from the other children, all different ages, that she had heard when the bomb hit made her breathing pick up slightly, tears welling up that would not fall. No one deserved to die but since they did, why didn't she? Max let out a shaky sigh continued to walk around, gathering whatever canned goods or useful items she could. She ignored the various injuries on her body, some dripping blood while others were just a throbbing pain, as she was kind of used to it by now. As she gathered materials she thought about what happened and wanted to know if there was anyone else out there now, if there was anyone else that survived. Shaking her head, she tried to get rid of her thoughts about there being no one else but they just came bouncing right back.
She ran for the voice desperetly holding on to the hope she was for sure that she herd a voice now. She ran faster and faster, her brother was now awake. "Rosy..." he mumbled on her back. "Things will be okay," she kept telling him. Then she saw the young man with what looked like his sister.
Jasper pants the collapses onto his knees, his ankle throbbing with pain, he had used his injured foot to crush the man's skull, Jessi lets him go "Jasper!" she whispers and touches his shoulder gently "Are you okay?" she asks, Jasper nods weakly and tries to stand up, his legs buckle and he barely catches himself "F*ck!" he whispers in pain, Jessi slowly stands up and looks around, "Help us!" she screams "Please! help us!!!" she screams afraid. Then she sees Rosy "Jasper!" she whisper and pulls at him "There is another one of those... things!" she whimpers afraid and stumbles back frantically, panicking, she grabbed a near by brick "Stay back!" she screams "I'm not scared to crush your skull too!" she whimpers tears blurring her eyes, Jasper looks up, and his eyes meet Rosy's
Hunter finally reaches to a viewing point and notices a dead corpse on the ground, its brains blown all over the place, he holds in the nausea he feels and looks away, he looks around for the people and notices moving around franticly, looking for a voice, he approaches slowly

Hunter: Hello..?

Hunter notices the person collapse and a girl screaming for help, he comes out behind the car he took some viewing from and runs to them

Hunter: Hey!

Hunter waves at them as he approaches
Neku saw the remains of a large city, crumbling under the shockwaves and blast of the large bomb, of an unknown sort, the red mist that covered the town and vision wasn't showing a fade anytime soon, and sure got in the way of seeing how things actually looked.

"I can't...believe this, its gone..."

He shook his head, pulling himself together.

"I'm a soldier, I have to accept things like's so hard..."

He was about to sit near the edge when he decided to stand.

"No, I can't give up, I'm still alive and that's what matters, so I can't get gloomy now! I needa scope out the area first, still see where I can get to, maybe I could find some other survivors atleast..."

He begins to look around from the top of the building, some of his vision is blocked from even taller buildings, but from what he sees, in the center of the city is the urban area from what he can see, surrounded by the rural area, and what looks like from this height is a hallowed out forest ground.

"Alright, so this segment of the city is covered, but I still can barely see anything from where I am-"

The building starts to shake as he's about to finish his sentence. Then from the floor below, the helicopter explodes, shaking it even more.

"The gas must of just hit the flames!"

The explosion destroys much of the support beams, causing the roof to slant, and hit the next floor heavily... which in turn breaks those supports, and those, and so on.

"This isn't good!"

He starts to slide as the building begins to topple, he grabs onto an antenna, but its barely much use, as the large 20 story tower begins to fall and crash into another building, meshing the two together, and throwing him in through a window in the other building, launching him through doors and glass walls, until he hits a full concrete wall.

" back..."

He notices the building tilts a bit, and instantly makes a way for the stairs with a limp, before this building falls ontop of the one he was just on, creating a huge pile of rubble.
Jessica looks back at Hunter, her eyes wide with fear "You too!" she screams "Stay back!" tears sting her bright blue eyes and make it hard to see, Jasper looks back at Hunter and then at Rosy, he desperately tries to stand, his ankle throbbing "F*ck!" he whispers again, Jessica stands in front of her brother "Ill do it!" she whimpers "Don't make me!" She sobs sadly, holding the brick tightly "Jessi.." Jasper says as he stands up slowly, She looks back at him afraid "The one that attacked couldn't speak.. i Dont think.... He can.." He says gripping her shoulder tightly then he looks back at Rosy and her little brother "And i don't think they carry kids..." he says and her face flushes bright red. Then she looks up as the largest building in the city falls and crashes into another.
Cameron hopped off of his big sis back and runs up to the girl with the stick. Charlie tried to reach for her brother but he was to fast. "We won't hurt you," he told the girl looking up at him with his big brown eyes of his, friendly and welcoming. 
((I have to go I will be back in a hour or so))
Jessi looks at the three strangers frightened, And Jasper grabs her tightly, he looks down at the little kid and smirks slightly "Thats nice to know." he says and gently ruffles the little kids hair, then looks up at Rosy "Do you have any idea on whats going on here?" he asks, looking from her to Hunter.

(Okay :( Bai bai )
Hunter looks at the girl screaming at and grabbing a brick, he carries his wooden bokken but he quickly puts it away, his Japanese step-father's hated gift came to some use. He raises his hands

Hunter: I'm not going to hurt you, I have a first aid kit I can help him.

Hunter approaches slowly and notices the him talking to her and she gets calm, he finally reaches them and sighs, lowering his hands

Hunter: Sorry, I see you guys are aware of the situation...not that I have much information on it...No I don't really know what is going on...I just saw from my window a big flash, but I was just waking up from sleeping sooo...Yeah, all I know is that it's a good first clue to how these...things are here

Hunter starts taking out the small first aid kit and opens it

Hunter: Take what you need
Neku made it down, luckily the tilt was just from the original hit, which he didn't notice had happened, although he still didn't want to be in there. As he walked through the lobby of what seems he was in, a hotel, he notices another recon unit.

Laying there in a pool of his own wet blood, his arms and legs munched to pieces, chunks of meat missing, and bite marks all over. His chest was ripped open, but atleast his armor seems to have given up a fight, but nothing else did, his insides was empty, not even a lung in site. His head seem untouched, but only because of the hard metal in the helmet being the most defensive of all.

It's safe too say, many people would be scared to kingdom come, by this sight, and so was Neku. He put his back to the wall, as to avoid the corpse, and as soon as he got to the door, he split. Fast. He had no words to describe what he just saw...except...

"I see, so the human race will be going through a great time of despair, regret, and pushing forwards..."

He spoke to himself almost in an insane way, but it's true, as everybody's everyday lives are over, and they aren't coming back...
Jasper looks down at the first aid kit "Not much for a sprained or broken ankle huh?" he says and slowly lowers himself and takes out the cut and burn cleaner, he puts a little on some gos and hands it to Jessica, she gently puts it against the deep cut on her cheek and whimpers as it stings, the blood dripping onto her shirt, She blushes and looks down at Cam, Jasper cleans his bloody palms slowly and looks up at Hunter, Rosy and Cam, "Anyone else get attacked by some random person." he says, his tone almost sounds like a joke, but his eyes are stern and serious.
Neku looked all around him as he walked in random directions, giving a pound from the bottom of his fist to a wall in frustration.

"Not only was I stationed in a city I don't know, but the mist makes it hard to read basically anything, and from the density of it, it must have hit right in the center..."

After the pound, the building shook some more, and began to creek towards him.

"Eh? Do I not know my own strength?"

All of the sudden another explosion goes off inside that building, shaking it drastically, and causing it to tilt how it shouldn't, and it loses its balance, forcing neku to run or be crushed. As he dodged out of the way, landing on his a*s, he quickly bounced back up into the air for a few seconds as the building just barely missed him, but being tall and wide, the building shook the ground around the whole city to his imagination, and the sound-wave would be enormous..
Jessi looks up as another building falls and the ground shakes hard, she stumbled back and she falls into Hunter, she winces as the ground shakes hard and she hides her face in his jacket, not caring that they had only just met, but she didn't want to fall. Jasper grabbed hold of Cam quickly to be sure he didn't fall or get hit with any shards of glass in the dust that came off the ground.
Max hears some buildings crash in the distance but waves it off, picking her self up from the floor and walking out of the orphanage, in search of others. She looks around the area she is in, blood splattered on the ground in some places while in others people are burnt beyond recognition. She pushes down a bubble of panic that rose in her body and continued to walk forward. After some time wondering the unfamiliar streets she sees the silhouettes of a 5 people and hesitantly walks to them, her feet barley making a noise as they touch the ground.

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