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Fandom Alice In Wonderland


I want to do an Alice In Wonderland based rp. I'm looking for someone to be willing enough to play a teenage Alice. Here's the basic plot for this rp.

Hundreds of years ago wonderland was falling to ruin. The chaos attributing to the unpredictable world was eroding it. It needed help, the red queen needed to be stopped. So they summoned the girl that found her way there before, her name was Alice. Now, hundreds of years later, Wonderland is completely different. Now the White and the Black queens, twins, are at war and another Alice is needed. Gilbert G. Hatter is sent to retrieve her.

Character Sheet--

Name: Alice---





My Character--

Name: Gilbert G. Hatter

Age: 20

Personality: Dark, thoughtful, caring, loves hats but obsesses over things being askew (hates symmetry), and has fits of insanity when things are symmetrical (to the point of considering death)


Bio: He is the great great grandson of the first hatter. He is a hatter by trade but is also a knight of the Black Queen. He lives to make things slightly askew. He was given both a black sword and a black revolver when he became the knight of the Black Queen.

Gilbert hurried through the mouse door. The potion didn't last forever ya know. He climbed the ridges of the hole like a ladder. Occasionally he'd stop to check his pocket watch. He had an hour more. He was on a mission. he had to find the new Alice and bring her to help defeat the White Queen. He heard of a similar situation where this was done before. He hoped that this would solve all their problems. He had to find her. The only issue he had was he didn't know where to start. He hurried out of the hole just in time to turn normal size. He then stood and stretched. He was in a spacious garden full of white roses. He scowled. He hated white roses. He lobbed the heads of a bush off with a swift slash of his sword and started searching. The only way he could think to find an Alice was to call for an Alice.

"Alice! Alice? Alice!" he called as he kept a steady pace, hurrying through the garden. "Now where in Otherland would an Alice be?"
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Alice was earlier sitting on her terrace. She smiled, her wind shifting in the breeze that was floating though the air. Her eyes illuminated by the moonlight, there was a slight curious glint visible in those round crystal orbs of hers as she gazed over the rose garden. She bent down, her fingers slithering around the rope she usually kept hidden in her closet. She took the end of it and tied it firmly to the railing of her balcony, slipping down the smooth rope.

Alice felt a thrill run though her, feeling as if she was Rapunzel coming down from her tower. She set her foot lightly on the grass below, letting go of the rope and running though the garden. As she was running, she heard someone call her name. She turned around, peering into the darkness.
"Alice? Alice?" Gilbert stopped and sighed. At this rate he would never find her. "Oh where oh where has Alice gone, oh where oh where can she be?" he sang to the tune of the old song where has my little dog gone.

He stopped to rest against a stone. He pulled his hat down over his thin pale face. He was by far more exasperated than he'd ever been. Not only was he looking for someone he'd never met, but he was also making a ridiculous amount of noise. Noise was something he detested, but not nearly as much as he detested symmetry. He hated symmetry with all his heart and soul. If ever he caught sight of it he would make it his job to correct it promptly. Symmetry bothered him so much it made him want to shoot a melon. He leaned back. He'd run for a while, perhaps a nap was in order.
Alice went walking to the source of the noise. But where did it come form? She was alone in the garden? Or so she though. Her sense of curiosity taking over as she ventured towards the stones. She approached a rock and saw a man with dark hair sitting on a rock. Walking towards him, the grass crunched under her feet.
A crunch sounded and Gilbert immediately rose. He drew his revolver and aimed it for the intruder. He froze when he realized it was a girl. Oops! He quickly put it away. He didn't mean to be rude, but with the war raging on he had to be careful. Protecting himself was something he had to value. He was on a mission and no attempt from the White Queen would keep him from completion. He extended a hand to the girl. It was then that he noticed her hair was a beautiful golden blonde. Like Alice!

"By chance, is your name...Alice?"
Alice nodded. "My name is Alice Turner." She said, looking at him. 'And who are you?" She asked. He was and awfully strange person. Maybe that's why they call them strangers. She placed her hand in his, unsure of what to do. "And who are you and why are you in the garden of my house?" She asked.
"Gilbert G. Hatter. At your service." he then bowed with his hat in hand. "I have been looking for you, miss Alice Turner. I am in need of your courage and strength. No doubt you are a descendant of the once powerful Alice. Please, accept my invitation to Wonderland. You are needed."

He hoped he spoke well. He was wuite nervous about all this after all. He was never much good at speak. He'd also never met an Otherlander before. He wasn't quite sure what to do now. He had figured he could just swook her up and go back, but come to think of it now this may take a while.
"Wonderland? Isn't that like the place from the movie, Alice in Wonderland?" Alice said, looking at him. He had just said his last name was Hatter, as in the Mad Hatter. Alice was confused. She had always known that from somewhere in her linage there was a great adventurer with locks of gold, but never did she think it was that of Alice herself.
He looked perplexed. "Movie? What is a movie?"

He was getting more frustrated than before. How could he ever convince her to go with him. He took his sword and offered it to her. It was a close relative of the Vorpal Sword, the Voralex Sword. It was forge with the same steel and in the same fire as its brother the Vorpal Sword. Once she'd taken it he straightened.

"This sword was created for you." 
(going to bed now, sorry)
Alice looked at the sword for a moment before taking it in her hands. She looked at him. 'Why would they have created it for me? I can't do anything special or grand. I am just a simple village girl." She said, looking at him. He was just a tad bit mad, and she was a little lenient to trust a guy who had wandered into her garden for a second time.

(It's ok, so am I) 
"It was made for you...because the Queen willed it. We always do as the Queen says, as our Queen is just and merciful." he said with a smile. "I am certain that you can wield it. Would you come with me?" He offered his hand again, trying to be an Otherland gentleman. He needed to convince her to come with him. "Is there water nearby?"
Alice nodded and pointed to the small pond just across the way. She wondered what he would do with water as she slowly slid her hand into his. It had been such a long time since she had seen someone other than her tutors or maids or parents, it was a bit refreshing. She gazed at him, her eyes curious.
Gilbert delicately took her by the hand and led her to the pond. He searched his pockets for a blue vial that had a note on it saying, 'Pour Me.' He pulled the cork off the top, making a PLOP sound. He carefully poured two drops in. The water turned black and he started to wade in, pausing only to be sure that she was following.

"Please, Alice, trust me."
Alice slowly followed him and waded into the pool. She noticed the color of the water. 'What the heck is this stuff?" She asked as she wadded in with him. She looked at the boy, her face curious. She had never seen anything like this before and it certainly was strange. She had always thought Wonderland was a myth.
He turned sharply and grabbed her with both hands around the waist before leaping with her into the depths. They sank quickly down into the depths. It was dark for a long time before lines like stripes began to glow, illuminating walls. They were in a large room with a tiny little door. He looked around before spotting a key atop a table. He plucked it off and put it beside the door.

"This is the door to Wonderland. Certainly you've dreamed of this?"
Alice flushed as he grabbed her and jumped into the darkness. Her vision fading until a room came into view. This room looked familiar like she had dreamed of it once. "Yeah, I think I have." Alice said, looking at the large doorway to the world she had only dreamed of. "I have always wanted to visit Wonderland."
He led her through the door, and cautiously looked around. This was the ever diminishing line between the White and Black Queens' lands. It would not be long before the White had her way with Wonderland. He quickly took her hand. The safest and shortest route from here was to take her to his shop to rest and then to the castle. He led her away, keeping a quick pace.

"Is this how fast you can run? Do we need to take different travel methods."
"I can run pretty fast." Alice said, following his lead. The land was different from what she expected. There was a line down the middle, half white, half black. Her face was a bit red from holding hands. She had held hands with one boy in her life, and that boy decided to throw her down a well. That was her worst memory.
"Good." he said, leading her down the line. He followed it for at least an hour, keeping his pace up. He then suddenly veered sharply to the right and yanked her into the bushes. He put a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. A pair of white Birds went by dressed in armor. They carried big white speers. When they were gone from ear shot Gilbert pulled her back into a run. "White Queen's men."
Alice looked at them. "What is so bad about the color white here? Technically it is all the colors mixed into one to make one defining color." She said as she was yanked along again. And wasn't wonderland supposed to be full of life and color instead of a battle between black and white? But she couldn't ask as they were to busy running.
"White is the white queen's favorite color. She is your sworn enemy, much as the red queen to the former Alice." he explained, continuing to run. "Our past is our present and our future, it's so simply simple sense! Don't you understand what you are, Alice?" Gilbert was getting a bit frustrated. He led her to his hat shop, not much further away. It was a neat little place, very evenly kept. he pulled her through the door before quickly barring it. "We will rest here tonight then continue on."
Alice was very confused. This man was implying she did not know who she was! Up until an hour ago, she would have said she was a perfectly normal girl named after a fairy tale character that did not and will never exists. However, in a hour, he had dumped all of this responsibility onto her shoulders and expected her to understand. "No I do not. Explain now or I will use this thing." She said, holding up the sword.
He looked exasperated and heaved a heavy sigh. He flopped into a neat green chair that was perfectly symmetrical. He sighed again and ran a hand through his luscious black hair. He narrowed his amber eyes at her.

"Run me through then, as ya know how to use the weapon in your hands." he laughed. "I have told all I can to you. Hopefully the queen can make you understand."
Alice huffed and glared at him. "Normally I don't do this kind of thing, but this is insane. Sure, it would be fun to explore here, but save a world? I have absolutely no idea what I am doing." She said, looking around his shop. There was a lot of hat's in here, which made her a bit curious. What was she even doing here though?

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