Alcott [Inactive]

- - clara brianna johnson - -

the tall girl lay on the grass in the clearing staring at the lake in front of her.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler wandered through the woods, the sun setting sweet. He walked past a few trees before he reached an open area with a lake. His eyes scattered across the lake, until he spotted Clara. Tyler sneaked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and rolling her over, until she was on top of him.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler slipped off his glasses and placed them on the bridge of her nose to see how she looked. He let out a laugh. Pushing his body up with his arms, he pressed his lips against her's. "Can I ask you a question, Clara?" he said with a smile as he pulled his lips away from the kiss.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

``i've told you a billion times that you can ask me anything.`` she replied with a smirk.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Um," he paused, "can I take you out on a date?" Tyler's hand glided down from her arm to her hip, his arm still sitting his body up.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

the brunette's face twisted into a frown and she slowly got up from him. ``flynn, do you by any chance have feelings for me or something?``
- - tyler flynn - -

"Clara," Tyler repeated, "Can I take you out on a date? Yes or no?" He completely ignored Clara's question, and a frown began to form on his face as well. Tyler grabbed onto her fingers softly, pulling her closer to him until his hand grasped on to her's fully.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

``flynn, i can't answer your question until you answer mine.`` she said, not breaking eye contact.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Yes, I do by chance have feelings for you," Tyler confessed looking down at her. "Your turn," he said with a slight smirk, slowly pullimg her body closer to his until the gap disappeared.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

Clara's eyes widened and she quickly got up. "Then my answer is no. I don't want to go on a date with you."
- - tyler flynn - -

"Clara, I'm sorry," he said, breaking the eye contact to looked down. Tyler shoved is hands in his pockets as his cheeks heated up. "I'm really sorry." He was about to walk away, back into the woods because he was so embarrassed and a bit confused. "But first," he stopped to turn around, "I have one question for you. We make out basically everyday, we saw each other damn naked for God's sake. What makes you so scared about that fact that I might just have feelings for you?"
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"Because I don't do feelings. Feelings are for people who want relationships and love. I don't. I just want to hook up and get over with it. And I can't do that with someone if that someone has feelings for me." She explained with a nod.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Why, though? Why don't you want a relationship?" Tyler asked in a confused tone.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"Because relationships always end with two people hurting and I think I've had enough emotional pain for one lifetime."
- - tyler flynn - -

"What do you mean you've had enough?" Tyler asked, his eyebrows furrowing together. "What could have possibly caused you that much pain?"
- - tyler flynn - -

"Clara, wait, I'm sorry," Tyler said, grabbing her hand. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it." He looked down at their hands then back into her eyes. "But if you do," he offered, "I'm here."
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"Flynn, I am not some pathetic little girl who talks about feelings and needs to express them all the time." She said with a frown.
- - tyler flynn - -

"At some point in our lives," he said, "we all have to be a pathetic little girl." Tyler kissed her softly, his free hand caressing Clara's cheek.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"Well I've crossed that point in my life." She said with a frown and pulled away from his kiss.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Alrighty then," he said with a shrug. "Just think about it. It doesn't make you pathetic."
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"Flynn, I told you that I don't want to date you or anything and that I don't need you, so what are you still doing here? Can't you take a hint and leave?"
- - tyler flynn - -

"Well I'm sorry for trying to help. I'm sorry for fucking caring," he said, his voice raising a little. Tyler's eyebrows furrowed, and his face twisted into a frown.

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