Akizuki High School, a comedy/school RP [Inactive]

Tyri Gunvald looked around her new school. She had just moved here from Sweden and she felt very out of place. Blonde, blue-eyed and pale skin. She held her books tightly to her chest and walked to class, looking at the floor.
Tristan Genes walked around at the new school, it was simply awesome seeing his friends again. He headed over to his locker, and grabbed his books for his first class and started to walk over to his first class (obviously). He got to the class and sat down as he started to talk to some classmates.
Brit arrived the day before the her new school began and was given her schedual in the mail. As she walked through the hallway to her first period, she bumped into some strange guy, dropping all her books.
Tyri sat in the back of her class. She looked around at all the students. Most were in groups talking with each other. She sighed. She took her long, blonde hair and started to braid it, just like she always did before class started.
Tristan got bored of sitting in the classroom and waiting so he walked over to another area to get something to drink or eat because he still had at least 30 minutes before class. He walked over to a vending machine and got a pack of Oreos out and started to eat them.
"I'm sorry...excuse me" Brit said in a shy, low tone while trying to pick up her things and dropping her sketch/music book when she hurried away. Brit found an empty seat near the middle window.
Strangely enough. Touma then saw Brit sitting down his first hour classroom. He then was told by the teacher that his seat was right next to her.
Brit thought to herself, "please not notice me. I'm just an organism." and looking to the guy she bumped into and looking out the window.
As it being the first day of school, our teacher said, "For the first 10 to 15 minutes, I'd like all of you to be paired up into 2 and learn about each other. Tomorrow, you will take a few minutes to introduce your partner to the class." Then, put us into pairs and when her name was called, Brit was paired up with the guy next to her, his name was Touma.
Nora ran to school. She woke up late and was now late for her school on the first day "stupid alarm" clock she muttered. She sighed, in 5 minutes she made to school and she went to her locker quickly took out her things for biology and math. She slammed the locker shut and ran to her class she bare made it. She opened the door and closed it. She huffed "made it..." and went and sat near the window.
Pounding footsteps grew louder outside the door.

Finally Cain whipped open the door, panting and sweating.

"Teacher!" he gasped out of breath as he walked in and closed the door behind him "I'm late, so sorry."

He leaned on his teacher's desk for support "Some seniors told me you were holding class outside today."

The teacher gave him a calm smile, "Mr. Masterson, I'd love for you to sit down."

Cain was confused "I thought you'd be more upset by-"

A yardstick smacked the teacher's desk with the power of the thirteenth sun.

"Mr. Masterson," The teacher still smiled "Sit down."

Cain was in his seat at a velocity of 390, casting a nervous gaze towards the yardstick.
Nora relaxed, she made it to her first class! She was humming to herself until the teacher walked in. "Morning class" the teacher said. Everyone in the class replied back.

Tristan heard the bell and dashed towards his class, he ended up tripping and falling into his seat but he didn't care. He just smiled and asked "Sorry, What was the question again?".
"I..I'm s..or..ry to cause any trouble, lets just get this over with okay." Brit said to Touma, "My name is Brittany, but call me Brit. You?"
Tristan paired up with some random guy and sighed, looking around the room and talking as he were listening. He was just plain old bored, nothing better than that.
Nora introduced herself to the girl after she introduced herslef. "My name is nora kisuke. I like to sing, draw, do martial arts and play video games. I also like to take wakes" she said with a smile and went and sat down in her seat and continue to look out the window.

Cain gulped at the sound of such an assignment. Instantly somebody's voice rang out.

"Cain and I could make an excellent team!"

Cain turned around stiffly to see the girl who had plagued his presence since his freshman years, Mandy.

Cain froze in shock as Mandy got up and sat next to him, the horror of the situation only momentarily flashing through his mind.
While was still introducing themselves nora took out her drawing book and started to draw.

Cain shook himself out of his stupor "Mandy!?! I thought you moved to a new school!?!"

Mandy gave him obiously fake puppy dog eyes "How could I ever move to someplace where I couldn't be with you, my little Candy Cain."

Cain's eyes shot to their classmates, indeed there were a fine number of snickers and whispers.

"My fresh start... ruined in minutes."

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