the chaos to balance order
Inou tackles aero right as the bullet blasts into the last of the crowd that was fleeing the stadium killing them and leaving the assassins and the guards inou and aero stand up and inou reached in her purse and pulled out a nine barrel flintlock aiming it at Isaac and aero aimed one pistol at megumi and one at Alexander he spoke over his shoulder without taking his eyes off the two "thanks inou" she was starring down the top middle barrel "no problem" she looked majorly pissed off at IsaacLeo Radomir]also if you accept my char [URL=" said:Kayzo[/URL] i'll jump right in and help you also i forgot to add marksmen is that ok i add that and one more minus if it will balance it out?
(sorry for not useing the ooc hope the post is ok)
Issac whips out his gun from the shadows taking aim at the assassins that was about to catch the two guns"i'm a messenger to be love to be hated to be misunderstood but i'm my own being that enjoys the work of killing damned" The gun starts to quickly power up and after just over a thirty seconds it's ready and he pulls the trigger the ammo swiftly cutting through the air like a torpedo.