the chaos to balance order
Aero got into position a couple of people behind Tristan stealing a box of pocky from a noblewoman's purse picking some out and eating it offering some to inou "I don't eat...but thanks anyway aero!" Aero shrugged and ate thinking he looked over to inou "so what exactly do you do I mean I've seen the grenades in your purse but I'm curious as to what you do" she looked at him really excited like "oo oo well I can make guns and grenades and other explosive devices and I can fight and protect and I can be sneaky and quiet and I can cook and I can clean and I can play and I can comfort you when you're stressed and I can do the same for anyone you want me too!" She smiled brightly at him@LordGowther[/URL]
Sin got dragged along by Santios after everyone was getting ready, he seemed to have lead in a different direction to the others. He didn't care but the note which was placed in his hand made him worry about how things would go down. Letting out a sigh he nodded as if agreeing with what was said on the note 'No use telling him no...' he thought to himself at the time. This time Sin was following Santios' lead.
Tristan was close to Aero, mixing himself in with the crowd...Well as much as a shirtless man could he felt some what out of place amongst both the cheering and the booing of the event. Glaring towards Alice, he seen that she went through the interrogation phase with her 'What if she told them something? I guess it doesn't matter now anyway.' getting into position, he remained quite and in eye contact radius from Aero.
@ashel darkwing