A Tired Adult Writer
- One on One
- Off-site
-Name: A.J.
-Age: 34, so please be over 21, I want to write with someone near that age as well.
-Pronouns: She/They (personally don’t care what yours are)
-I am in the Eastern Time Zone US, but I am only online frequently.
-Please do not expect to talk to me daily, while I do try to reply to OOC daily, I am not available all the time.
-PMS over threads, Discord available as well
-Semi-Literate, 3+ paragraphs per post is my minimum. I do put a lot of effort into my writing to enjoy the story I want to have and I will not carry a roleplay. 50/50 plotting required.
- If I am feeling a plot or a setting, I will be more talkative about our roleplay, but I am not going to come up with everything for both of us.
-I do have limits though. Not conformable with Pregnancies, Vomit or the like, Yandere situations, If I say no then there is probably a reason.
-I write anywhere from 1 paragraph to 3, mood depending. I don’t expect you to match me every time, I just ask that you give me more than a few lines, and that it be something I can understand & work with.
-I do post frequently and am a fan of a lot of Out of character chat
-I am also a very private person
-Frequency of In Character posting can be a few times a week, It really depends on what is going on around my home.
- I am ditch friendly, I just ask that you drop a message stating that you are ditching. If I don't hear from you in a week, I’ll assume you ditched anyway.
-Respect my boundaries. If I say no, then it will stay a no. Unless I enthusiastically agree, it's probably a no. I have the right to change my Limits at any time without explanation.
- I do not care what kind of art you use for your characters. I use both real and drawn as well as written profiles.
- OcxCanon, CanonxCanon, OCxOC, All pairing welcome
- Don't be vague. Give as many details about things as you can. It will help me understand what you want, from plots, settings to the character you want to play. Include relationship pairing styles, any ocs and canons that you are open to play and that you want me to play for you, Settings, plot ideas that you want to try or would like me to consider, things you don't like or won't do, anything that would give insight and make my choice easier. This way no one's time is being wasted if we are not Compatible as writing partners.
-Don't Godmod, backseat control or try to control My Characters. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this. Transphobia, fatphobia, hateful remarks or imposing expectations to play a specific gender or look. This will get you immediately blocked.
- Chemistry, PLOT & Compatibility WITH Romance. No instant love, quick Romance. Pre-established relationships need to be discussed before the start of the roleplay.
- Be able to play all genders and all relationships pairing styles (mxm,fxf,fxm, NBxall, so on) my preference is MxF but I play all genders through. You should too. Side note of this, if you focus on certain Relationship types more than others, don’t be weird about it. Also if you only play certain genders exclusively (You only play female or vice versa) , I am Not the person for you either.
-Please be straightforward about your pair preference!!! PLEASE BE STRAIGHTFORWARD ABOUT IT FROM THE START.
- Doubling Required - Sorry but I do require doubling if I am being asked to play a character for you, it is only fair and courteous to be able to return the favor. Don’t ask me to play a canon character for you if you will not play one of my choices for my own Oc.
-I have every right to decline playing a character that I am looking for, there are characters in all my fandoms that I will not play.
Will NOT DO! Hard pass! NO WAY!
Subject to change on whim and communication
Currently these are:
-Instant Romance, Quick Burn romances. ( I like a mild pace, something natural and not forced.)
-Star wars
-Romanticizing mental health or disabilities! I should not have to say this, But don't ask me to do something that is trying to make this quirky or glamorized.
-Hyper-fixation on one side of pairings, doubling or Hyper-fixation of certain Relationship types (Being overly obsessive of M// or F//)
What I am looking for/ My Search
Any thing that has a
is my Current Craving,.
MY WILL NOT Play List:
Dream/Morpheus, Albert Wesker, Karl Heisenberg, Sephiroth, Montgomery Gator/Monty, Leon Kennedy. (subject to change at short notice. Will update often)
-Five Nights at Freddy's/ FNAF (selective about this, convince me)
Looking for: William,Monty gator, Moon/Sun, Micheal , Bonnie Rabbit, Roxanne Wolf.
Willing to play: Micheal, Sun/Moon, Freddy, Roxanne, Chica, Bonnie Rabbit.
- Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of time/Majoria’s Mask, Twilight princess, Botw/Totk)
Looking for: Link, Ganon, Sheik (as his own character), Ashei, Dark Link/Shadow Link, Purah, Urbosa, Queen Sonia.
Willing to play: Link, Sheik (as his own person), Zelda, Din, Shadow Link, Ruto, Saria, Impa, Kass, Penn, Aveil, Ashei,Purah, Urbosa, Sonia.
- Resident Evil (1,4, 5, Operation Racoon City, 7 or Village )
Looking for: Albert Wesker, HUNK, Chris Redfield, Karl Heisenberg, Vector, Lucas Baker, Ethan Winters.
Willing to play: Hunk, Carlos, Chris, Ethan, Ada, Jill, Zoe baker.
- Final Fantasy (7,Crisis Core, 10, 15)
Looking for: Angeal, Sephiroth, Reno, Rufus Shinra, Genesis, Vincent Valentine, Aaron, Seymour, Gladio, Ignis, Prompto.
Willing to play: Angeal, Zack, Cloud, Aerith, Tsung, Rude. Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, Jet, Wakka.
- Destiny 2
Looking For: Cayde-6, Crow/Uldren, Petra Venji, Eris Morn, Shaxx, Drifter, Zavala.
Willing to play: Ikora Rey, Eris Morn, Petra, Cayde-6, Drifter.
- Bendy and the Ink Machine
Looking for: Ink Bendy, Sammy
Willing to play: Alice angel, Allison Angel, Tom, Boris, Sammy, Lost ones.
Kingdom Hearts (1, 2, chain of memories, birth by sleep, dream drop distance, 358/2 Days)
Looking for: Axel, Riku, Roxas, Ansem the Wise, Xehanort, Vanitas, Xemnas, Sephiroth, Zack, Auron, Leon,
Sora, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Naminé, Hayner, Pence, Olette, Demyx, Luxord, Roxas, Xion. Tidus, Wakka, Cloud, Yuffie, Auron, Tifa.
-low fantasy (Elves, low magic, legends,)
-science fiction (space, futuristic reality, World shifting, monsters)
-Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic science fiction
-Cthulhu Mythos
Word Bank
Slow burn, Platonic, MxF, Space, Science fiction, Apocalyptic, Mythos, Legend, Heroes and villains, Monsters, horrors, post- Apocalyptic slashers, futuristic, elves, vampires, magic, Fictional Military Operation.
Destiny 2
~ Season of the Haunted: what would your Oc Gaurdian's nightmare be? While fighting enemies on Calas’ ship, our Ocs are plagued by Nightmares, what these are varies on Oc, could be fallen friends, past selves, enemies slain.
~ Mission work: Varies drill missions with Canon leads. (where we come up with a fire-team mission based on a planet or location with our OCS and their favorite Canon characters or whatever)
Resident evil
~Oc only idea: Your Oc has come to the village in search for a missing relative when the lycans attack started, My Oc,Cordelia saves yours one night in the woods and she tries to get them to leave while they try to convince her to help them search.
(Setting would be before the game but in the same setting) Blood on the books- Cordelia is a young maiden sent to serve the Lord of House Dimitrescu but she proves to be too clever for just a modest maid. I have kind of arranged marriage to the Lord/affair with Karl Idea for Delia, if someone is open to that
~ Lost Daughter- My oc was made in a lab like Eveline but is actually Miranda's Eva reincarnated.The connection decided to hide her away so that Miranda wouldn't know about her and they let her grow up. As she got older, her powers showed just as Eveline's with some of Miranda's too. But she was curious about someone she remembered even though she'd never left the lab before. So she sneaks out to find the village and tries to find Miranda because that's who she remembers but when she gets to the village, Someone else spots her first. (Side note, we can have this be one of the other lords, or an OC that knows what's going on)[
Resident evil 5 and canon divergent plots
(1) Where Chris is paired up with an out of agency spy that was supposed to help distract him to buy Wesker time. (Myy Oc,Nate)
(2) Another agency was sent in to help the BSAA or sent in to cover up that Tri-Cell was involved and got caught in the crossfire of Chris and Wesker.
(3) New World- Wesker's plan succeeded, and he survived the last fight just barely with some unknown help. He's back on top but not done with the world. (Or it didn't but he did survive)
(4) (heavily implied past relationship) Just when Natasha has recovered from her grief from Raccoon city, and started a new life working for Tri-cell under Excella. Her past walks through the doors of Excella's office, all leather covered and Sun-glass wearing. Old feelings start to show their head as she has to work with him again and watch someone else fawn over him the way she used to. (Kind of third wheel, jealousy, secret affair type. I can give a description of how their relationship was in the past or they can even start fresh like he pretended they never knew each other before that. )
~ New threats-
With Umbrella and Tri-cell gone, A new company has stepped into their shady business with a new Virus and new areas to test them. Locations of activity has B.S.A.A spread wide facing all new and some older B.o.w but they can't seem to pin-point the mastermind behind the outbreaks. It's starting to look a lot like Raccoon City all over again in several of these areas.
Resident Evil 7
~ What if: (can also apply this idea to Village)
The connection sent in a different E-type to try to recover Eveline before Chris had got there? What if that E-type was the real Eva all along? An older, more refined version of Eveline with the ability to absorb Eveline and her mold. (E type would be my oc)
~ What if a different company tried to steal Eveline during the Baker incident, a Company not connected to Umbrella or The Connection? Someone’s company that had a deep seeded past with Umbrella but hadn’t been brought to light.(Your oc could be a worker, or our Ocs can work for someone) Or just someone (My Oc)
The idea is more of a Resident evil crossover with Fnafs type thing, where our characters have lived through a localized viral infection or near-world ending event and have had to become scavengers for the most part. Maybe groups of people are able to live in more out-land camps. There is still technology and some places that are normal but these places have been a testing ground and have come to some really hard times. Maybe your character or characters are trying to help people escape it and they run across mine. (I really liked the idea of someone repurposing the animatronics of Fnafs to help them survive in a apocalyptic worlds xD )
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Joey has left the Ink machine active in his home, The cycle on loop for years now. One day he goes missing and his apartment where the machine is becomes abandoned with only a mystery man coming and going in the night to keep the ink going. Suddenly things inside the machine start to change, new characters are being added with no idea what's going on within the cycle which now has to change to make a story for these new characters. Those could be ocs, and new stories to make room for them, all leading to the great machine inside the machine.
My oc Danny was a handler(either for Monty, DJ or the daycare attendants) at the Megaplex, she was there the night Gregory snuck in (I am leaving the ending up to speculate) however she got locked in of the building before closing. She then has to navigate the building during lockdown. Danny notices the animatronic acting strangely at first but then that gets worse.
(I like Moon’s menacing creepy stalker from the game and his random antics trying to jumpscare you, and while I think Sun’s personality is cute I would like to see that sweetness turned dark lol)
Post-Sb-pre Ruin
After having a night off work, but finding out what happened at the Megaplex, Danny goes hunting for the truth which leads her into sneaking into the Plex to find her attendant. While crawling through the ruins, Danny feels like she’s being watched by something. Sometimes she thinks she hears a familiar voice as well, chasing after her from the dark. (Moon specifically)
Danny starts working at the plex, not knowing what to expect. She gets paired with the daycare attendant which isn’t bad at first, but she starts to notice them doing quirky things. Small at first, until she runs into an infected Moon, after Vannesa approaches her at closing one night. Danny has never been in the plex at Night without permission, but this isn’t the time. Thinking she’s safe in the daycare, turns into danger as the light periodically shuts off and comes back on.
Kingdom heart
I had this idea about other keyblade holders awakening in worlds, so we could have ocs that get help from or get used by the canon characters we have around? Our ocs dont have to be keyblade holder, they could also be something else that is special.
-Messages with no context, no details, or that read like this: “Hey I am interested in -Insert title- ” but have no other details will be ignored and deleted. Also asking for a character that I am looking for (without giving me one of my others) or characters on my Will Not play list, will be ignored as well.
-Name: A.J.
-Age: 34, so please be over 21, I want to write with someone near that age as well.
-Pronouns: She/They (personally don’t care what yours are)
-I am in the Eastern Time Zone US, but I am only online frequently.
-Please do not expect to talk to me daily, while I do try to reply to OOC daily, I am not available all the time.
-PMS over threads, Discord available as well
-Semi-Literate, 3+ paragraphs per post is my minimum. I do put a lot of effort into my writing to enjoy the story I want to have and I will not carry a roleplay. 50/50 plotting required.
- If I am feeling a plot or a setting, I will be more talkative about our roleplay, but I am not going to come up with everything for both of us.
-I do have limits though. Not conformable with Pregnancies, Vomit or the like, Yandere situations, If I say no then there is probably a reason.
-I write anywhere from 1 paragraph to 3, mood depending. I don’t expect you to match me every time, I just ask that you give me more than a few lines, and that it be something I can understand & work with.
-I do post frequently and am a fan of a lot of Out of character chat
-I am also a very private person
-Frequency of In Character posting can be a few times a week, It really depends on what is going on around my home.
- I am ditch friendly, I just ask that you drop a message stating that you are ditching. If I don't hear from you in a week, I’ll assume you ditched anyway.
-Respect my boundaries. If I say no, then it will stay a no. Unless I enthusiastically agree, it's probably a no. I have the right to change my Limits at any time without explanation.
- I do not care what kind of art you use for your characters. I use both real and drawn as well as written profiles.
- OcxCanon, CanonxCanon, OCxOC, All pairing welcome
- Don't be vague. Give as many details about things as you can. It will help me understand what you want, from plots, settings to the character you want to play. Include relationship pairing styles, any ocs and canons that you are open to play and that you want me to play for you, Settings, plot ideas that you want to try or would like me to consider, things you don't like or won't do, anything that would give insight and make my choice easier. This way no one's time is being wasted if we are not Compatible as writing partners.
-Don't Godmod, backseat control or try to control My Characters. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this. Transphobia, fatphobia, hateful remarks or imposing expectations to play a specific gender or look. This will get you immediately blocked.
- Chemistry, PLOT & Compatibility WITH Romance. No instant love, quick Romance. Pre-established relationships need to be discussed before the start of the roleplay.
- Be able to play all genders and all relationships pairing styles (mxm,fxf,fxm, NBxall, so on) my preference is MxF but I play all genders through. You should too. Side note of this, if you focus on certain Relationship types more than others, don’t be weird about it. Also if you only play certain genders exclusively (You only play female or vice versa) , I am Not the person for you either.
-Please be straightforward about your pair preference!!! PLEASE BE STRAIGHTFORWARD ABOUT IT FROM THE START.
- Doubling Required - Sorry but I do require doubling if I am being asked to play a character for you, it is only fair and courteous to be able to return the favor. Don’t ask me to play a canon character for you if you will not play one of my choices for my own Oc.
-I have every right to decline playing a character that I am looking for, there are characters in all my fandoms that I will not play.
Will NOT DO! Hard pass! NO WAY!
Subject to change on whim and communication
Currently these are:
-Instant Romance, Quick Burn romances. ( I like a mild pace, something natural and not forced.)
-Star wars
-Romanticizing mental health or disabilities! I should not have to say this, But don't ask me to do something that is trying to make this quirky or glamorized.
-Hyper-fixation on one side of pairings, doubling or Hyper-fixation of certain Relationship types (Being overly obsessive of M// or F//)
What I am looking for/ My Search
Any thing that has a
MY WILL NOT Play List:
Dream/Morpheus, Albert Wesker, Karl Heisenberg, Sephiroth, Montgomery Gator/Monty, Leon Kennedy. (subject to change at short notice. Will update often)
Looking for: William,Monty gator, Moon/Sun, Micheal , Bonnie Rabbit, Roxanne Wolf.
Willing to play: Micheal, Sun/Moon, Freddy, Roxanne, Chica, Bonnie Rabbit.
Looking for: Link, Ganon, Sheik (as his own character), Ashei, Dark Link/Shadow Link, Purah, Urbosa, Queen Sonia.
Willing to play: Link, Sheik (as his own person), Zelda, Din, Shadow Link, Ruto, Saria, Impa, Kass, Penn, Aveil, Ashei,Purah, Urbosa, Sonia.
- Resident Evil (1,4, 5, Operation Racoon City, 7 or Village )
Looking for: Albert Wesker, HUNK, Chris Redfield, Karl Heisenberg, Vector, Lucas Baker, Ethan Winters.
Willing to play: Hunk, Carlos, Chris, Ethan, Ada, Jill, Zoe baker.
- Final Fantasy (7,Crisis Core, 10, 15)
Looking for: Angeal, Sephiroth, Reno, Rufus Shinra, Genesis, Vincent Valentine, Aaron, Seymour, Gladio, Ignis, Prompto.
Willing to play: Angeal, Zack, Cloud, Aerith, Tsung, Rude. Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, Jet, Wakka.
- Destiny 2
Looking For: Cayde-6, Crow/Uldren, Petra Venji, Eris Morn, Shaxx, Drifter, Zavala.
Willing to play: Ikora Rey, Eris Morn, Petra, Cayde-6, Drifter.
Looking for: Ink Bendy, Sammy
Willing to play: Alice angel, Allison Angel, Tom, Boris, Sammy, Lost ones.
Kingdom Hearts (1, 2, chain of memories, birth by sleep, dream drop distance, 358/2 Days)
Looking for: Axel, Riku, Roxas, Ansem the Wise, Xehanort, Vanitas, Xemnas, Sephiroth, Zack, Auron, Leon,
Sora, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Naminé, Hayner, Pence, Olette, Demyx, Luxord, Roxas, Xion. Tidus, Wakka, Cloud, Yuffie, Auron, Tifa.
-low fantasy (Elves, low magic, legends,)
-science fiction (space, futuristic reality, World shifting, monsters)
-Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic science fiction
Word Bank
Slow burn, Platonic, MxF, Space, Science fiction, Apocalyptic, Mythos, Legend, Heroes and villains, Monsters, horrors, post- Apocalyptic slashers, futuristic, elves, vampires, magic, Fictional Military Operation.
Destiny 2
~ Season of the Haunted: what would your Oc Gaurdian's nightmare be? While fighting enemies on Calas’ ship, our Ocs are plagued by Nightmares, what these are varies on Oc, could be fallen friends, past selves, enemies slain.
~ Mission work: Varies drill missions with Canon leads. (where we come up with a fire-team mission based on a planet or location with our OCS and their favorite Canon characters or whatever)
Resident evil
~Oc only idea: Your Oc has come to the village in search for a missing relative when the lycans attack started, My Oc,Cordelia saves yours one night in the woods and she tries to get them to leave while they try to convince her to help them search.
~ Lost Daughter- My oc was made in a lab like Eveline but is actually Miranda's Eva reincarnated.The connection decided to hide her away so that Miranda wouldn't know about her and they let her grow up. As she got older, her powers showed just as Eveline's with some of Miranda's too. But she was curious about someone she remembered even though she'd never left the lab before. So she sneaks out to find the village and tries to find Miranda because that's who she remembers but when she gets to the village, Someone else spots her first. (Side note, we can have this be one of the other lords, or an OC that knows what's going on)[
Resident evil 5 and canon divergent plots
(1) Where Chris is paired up with an out of agency spy that was supposed to help distract him to buy Wesker time. (Myy Oc,Nate)
(2) Another agency was sent in to help the BSAA or sent in to cover up that Tri-Cell was involved and got caught in the crossfire of Chris and Wesker.
(3) New World- Wesker's plan succeeded, and he survived the last fight just barely with some unknown help. He's back on top but not done with the world. (Or it didn't but he did survive)
~ New threats-
With Umbrella and Tri-cell gone, A new company has stepped into their shady business with a new Virus and new areas to test them. Locations of activity has B.S.A.A spread wide facing all new and some older B.o.w but they can't seem to pin-point the mastermind behind the outbreaks. It's starting to look a lot like Raccoon City all over again in several of these areas.
Resident Evil 7
~ What if: (can also apply this idea to Village)
The connection sent in a different E-type to try to recover Eveline before Chris had got there? What if that E-type was the real Eva all along? An older, more refined version of Eveline with the ability to absorb Eveline and her mold. (E type would be my oc)
~ What if a different company tried to steal Eveline during the Baker incident, a Company not connected to Umbrella or The Connection? Someone’s company that had a deep seeded past with Umbrella but hadn’t been brought to light.(Your oc could be a worker, or our Ocs can work for someone) Or just someone (My Oc)
The idea is more of a Resident evil crossover with Fnafs type thing, where our characters have lived through a localized viral infection or near-world ending event and have had to become scavengers for the most part. Maybe groups of people are able to live in more out-land camps. There is still technology and some places that are normal but these places have been a testing ground and have come to some really hard times. Maybe your character or characters are trying to help people escape it and they run across mine. (I really liked the idea of someone repurposing the animatronics of Fnafs to help them survive in a apocalyptic worlds xD )
Joey has left the Ink machine active in his home, The cycle on loop for years now. One day he goes missing and his apartment where the machine is becomes abandoned with only a mystery man coming and going in the night to keep the ink going. Suddenly things inside the machine start to change, new characters are being added with no idea what's going on within the cycle which now has to change to make a story for these new characters. Those could be ocs, and new stories to make room for them, all leading to the great machine inside the machine.
My oc Danny was a handler(either for Monty, DJ or the daycare attendants) at the Megaplex, she was there the night Gregory snuck in (I am leaving the ending up to speculate) however she got locked in of the building before closing. She then has to navigate the building during lockdown. Danny notices the animatronic acting strangely at first but then that gets worse.
(I like Moon’s menacing creepy stalker from the game and his random antics trying to jumpscare you, and while I think Sun’s personality is cute I would like to see that sweetness turned dark lol)
Post-Sb-pre Ruin
After having a night off work, but finding out what happened at the Megaplex, Danny goes hunting for the truth which leads her into sneaking into the Plex to find her attendant. While crawling through the ruins, Danny feels like she’s being watched by something. Sometimes she thinks she hears a familiar voice as well, chasing after her from the dark. (Moon specifically)
Danny starts working at the plex, not knowing what to expect. She gets paired with the daycare attendant which isn’t bad at first, but she starts to notice them doing quirky things. Small at first, until she runs into an infected Moon, after Vannesa approaches her at closing one night. Danny has never been in the plex at Night without permission, but this isn’t the time. Thinking she’s safe in the daycare, turns into danger as the light periodically shuts off and comes back on.
Kingdom heart
I had this idea about other keyblade holders awakening in worlds, so we could have ocs that get help from or get used by the canon characters we have around? Our ocs dont have to be keyblade holder, they could also be something else that is special.
-Messages with no context, no details, or that read like this: “Hey I am interested in -Insert title- ” but have no other details will be ignored and deleted. Also asking for a character that I am looking for (without giving me one of my others) or characters on my Will Not play list, will be ignored as well.
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