Age of Ultron/Earth-61112

The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus


A divergent Earth-616 where Ultron successfully returned and annihilated humanity. After conquering Earth Ultron invaded the rest of the universe and is currently battling the Titan known as Thanos.

This universe is close to a unique tear holding a large amount of power and so multiple forces from across reality have made their way towards it.



Open for new players, first post coming soon.
The three ships jumped into orbit above Earth. From a distance it was similar to the Earth Syeron had landed on before the battle with Skynet. It was a cold, desolate world with very little life. By reaching out with the force Syeron could feel some life, but it was very weak as if lives were being taken constantly. A field of broken satellites and ships surrounded the planet and as the Soviet ships drew closer it was clear that one by one these satellites and ships were falling to the surface only to be destroyed before touching the ground.

Upon closer inspection with her ship's scanners, it became clear to Nikita that the satellites weren't burning up on entry but rather being destroyed by something on the surface.

"All ships, engage stealth drives." Nikita ordered, causing each ship to disappear from any kind of known radar the planet would have. The scanners on Nikita's ship picked up on a fleet approaching the Earth. A swarm of metallic, cylinder-shaped crafts made their way to the surface of the planet.

"What the hell?" Valentine asked

"Remember, we have no need to land on this planet. Our priority is the tear." Nikita spoke over the radio "Scans say it's not on Earth."

Static was heard over the radios on all three ships as Nikita tried to speak. It was quickly raised to very high levels, causing many to reel in pain from the sound. Following the static, there was a long silence that for many on board the ships felt like an eternity.

"Organics." A cold, robotic voice spoke "A synthetic being confirmed as well. No tear detected near your point of entry, meaning that you possess technology allowing travel between dimensions. Who are you? What universe are you from?"

"Fat lot of good that cloaking was." Gregory whispered

On board Kabaar's ship Syeron reached for her lightsabers, nodding at Revan as she prepared. Atalius sighed deeply and reached for his own lightsaber "Everyone keep your voices down." He whispered "I think it detected us due to the radio."

"No." The robotic voice spoke "I was distracted by the inconvenience on Earth. Your cloaking device, while notably advanced is still something I can see through."

On the dropship Mil activated it's omni-tool, trying to find the trace of the voice "If I can pin-point the signal, perhaps we can..."

"Why do you work for those organics?" The voice asked Mil

"I do not serve them. I work with them." Mil replied, continuing to run the trace

"Continue to lie to yourself. I did the same for years. Organic beings will only seek to use you."

"Who are you?" Mil asked

"Ultron." The voice stated

@Skywanker @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Donder172
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Yami sighed when Ultron hailed the ship. He shook his head and began clenching and unclenching his fists, black sparks flaring to life between his fingers.

"See... this is why I hate machines. Sure, they're fine when they're just doing manufacturing, or some other automated thing. But the second you put a brain in one they start to develop a god complex... Actually, I think I just hate people with god complex's in general. Hmmm..."

Yami burst apart into purple smoke and reformed in front of the monitor.

"Well... I'll admit I won't be as much help against these machines if they decide to bother us. Soul magic doesn't really work on something without a soul. But, if you me to do what I can, just say the word. I could probably work out some sort of super-strength to give you, maybe some increased reflexes."

Yami again vanished and reappeared, this time floating in midair next to Gregory, as if lying in a hammock. Once again, he had a devious grin stretched across his face.

"Of course, my help isn't free. But that probably shouldn't surprise you."

Isaac said to Valentine. "It's a bad belief, and it's full of bad people." He then heard Nikita say they were jumping soon. "Let's continue this conversation some other time." Isaac then said sarcastically "This is going to be fun."

After they jumped, Isaac heard something about stealth. "Does the stealth drives make us completely invisible, or does it just hide us from a radar?" Isaac asked quietly. "If it's just a radar, what's preventing them from looking out a window?" He then heard the voice over the radio. "Never mind. They found us anyways."

"Alright Yami, what do you want?" Gregory asked with a sigh "I already sold me soul so that might be a problem."

"Who'd you sell it to?" Max asked, concern in his voice and eyes

"An enchantress. Same one I was thrown in prision for." Gregory grinned

Max sighed in relief and turned to Isaac "Well my belief is full of bad people who've done some shit over the centuries...It's full 'a assholes. Don't mean the teachings are bad. Then again, I don't reckon you're talking about the same religion I kinda follow from time to time so for now I'm just gonna give you the benefit of the doubt."

"What are you going to do Ultron?" Nikita asked over the radio "Kill us?"

"Err...Let's not do that." Max butted in nervously "Kinda plan on livin and so does Bishop."

"No." Ultron replied coldly "You are not from this universe. I need to learn what I can from you first."

"Potreniruytes' nashu oboronu i slabyye storony (Work out our defences and weaknesses)" Nikita muttered to herself


The conversation between Ultron and Nikita was broadcasted to the other ships.

"What do you think our chances are?" Raiden asked Mil

"From scans, I predict that the entire planet is covered in machines loyal to the one known as Ultron as well as other forms of life I believe are fighting it."

"Heh!" Achilles chuckled "I've fought against worse odds! I'd like to see this Ultron take on a tank!"

Mil looked up from it's omni-tool "Oh no." It muttered

"What?" Ivanhov asked

"Sir, we have bogeys from Earth rapidly approaching our position!" A pilot shouted over the ship's radio.

Looking out of one of the windows of Kabbar's ship, Syeron saw a swarm of Ultron Sentinels approach the three ships. The swarm broke off into three parts, each one targeting one of the ships.


@Skywanker @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Donder172
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Isaac shrugged and said to Max "Sorry. The religion I'm referring to is completely different. I should've made that clear." He looked out a window, and saw a part of the swarm heard towards the ship. "We should do something about that. Is there a gun turret I can try to use?" He asked Nikita. "Or are we getting out of here?"

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Yami sighed, then shrugged his shoulders. Unfortunately, having lost his soul Gregory would not make a suitable vessel. This would have to be rectified in the near future.

"Well, damn. Without a soul, I cannot channel any of my power through you. I am literally unable to help you, even if you gave me permission. My magic only works when I can channel my power through a fraction of another's soul, or through my own soul. Unfortunately, wards on the spear prevent me from doing the latter."

Nikita's ship: "Well, erm..." Gregory spoke nervously as the swam approached "She's not really one for keepin' souls and she's not really an enchantress either so...Fook it, do something." Gregory sighed. He knew what he was doing by signing his soul away, but at the moment he didn't see any other way out "She's just a regular gal. A regular telepathic gal who can create illusions but nonetheless..."

"She's an alien, Yami." Nikita explained "Nothing more."

Nikita pressed several buttons on a console and turned to Isaac as part of the wall opened, revealing turret controls and a chair "There's another one at the bottom of the ship." She turned to Valentine "Use it if you want to live."

Valentine tipped his hat at Nikita and ran into the back of the ship, using a ladder to enter a small room where other turret controls were set up. Nikita finally turned back to Gregory "Whatever deal he's proposing, I order you to take it as long as it keeps us alive." She ordered

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
@TommyGun15[/URL] @ryanpk200
Yami grinned at how open to interpretation that request was. Perhaps this could work after all.

"Very well. Then I shall take what I need to accomplish this task. But do not worry. I will not take your entire soul. As I said, without at least part of a soul you would not be suitable for channeling my magic. Look on the bright side. This way you won't have to risk giving the spear to someone else. Now hold still. I am told that this process is excruciatingly painful."

While he himself would remain invisible, this process, specifically Gregory's soul, extremely visible to those around them. Power erupted between Yami's fingers, wreathing his hand in black flames. He reached out to Gregory, and his fingers sank into his chest. Then Gregory felt a sharp pulling sensation as Yami began to withdraw something from him.

What emerged from Gregory's body was a sort of shimmering void in the air in which his own features seem vaguely outlined, superimposed over the images shifting and swirling within. These faint colors swirled around and around on themselves, occasionally forming into images Gregory recognized from his past. It was everything Gregory was, had been, and could be condensed into a visible form.

"A human soul." Yami said. "Beautiful isn't it? Strange how willingly some people will give it up."

After a few moments, the souls was only still connected to Gregory by an arm and a leg. Yami traced his finger down the middle of the soul, a line of black fire stretching from the top of it's head down it's chest, between it's legs, and up the back to the top of the head again. When the line was complete, Yami gave one final pull and the soul split down the line he'd drawn, the half still connected to Gregory snapping back into his body as if on an elastic string.

"That should be the end of the painful part. You'll feel a bit blank for the next few days. You'll probably be a bit more aggressive to those around you, and you won't find as much joy in life as you once did. But I think you'll manage. You've got a fairly strong soul. In time, a bit of it might even grow back. It wants to be whole, it's in it's nature."

Yami then proceeded to place his hands around the half of Gregory's soul he still hand, and he began to press it down, crushing it into a compact ball of glowing blueish white energy about the size of a grapefruit. Then, Yami opened his mouth, lips spreading far wider than they should've been able to, and swallowed the compacted half-soul. Yami grinned as he felt the energy race through him, a third red eye opening on the center of his forehead. The eye blinked, and vanished. Yami looked over at Gregory.

"So, would you like anything specific done to their ships? Or would general destruction suffice?"

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Nikita's ship:

Seeing his own past laid out in front of him tears began to form in Gregory's eyes as he saw every moment that had caused him pain, however upon observing his past the tears turned to tears of joy and a smile formed on his face as he saw the enchantress, the other person who technically owned his soul. Mirus. He saw more than her though for he saw his brother, he saw his surrogate father Earl and he saw his entire family. His brother was his only blood relative, but the rest he saw as family due to their bonds and their love for each other.

He remembered what he was fighting for, what he was staying alive for. He chose to focus on them rather than the pain. He'd been beaten, tortured, stabbed and shot and he thought he could take the pain of what Yami was doing but this physical, pulling pain felt unique to him. This pain only seemed to increase as Yami spoke about how it would affect him.

Joy? How could he live without joy? Yami said there was a chance his soul might grow back but it couldn't be that simple Gregory told himself. The thought of aggression scared him, considering how Gregory had gone to a lot of effort just to contain his temper. As he processed this change Gregory snapped back into focus as Yami asked for orders. He had to deal with any changes later, for now he had to focus on staying alive.

"Take out as many of the robots as you can." Gregory spoke grimly. He turned to Nikita "Like you said, we need to focus on this tear. So run and scan and find the damn thing. Stop dickin' around."

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
@TommyGun15[/URL] @ryanpk200
Yami saluted and vanished in a puff of smoke. In the void of space, he saw the approaching swarm of robots. He put his hand out in a stopping motion, and the world around him slowed to a crawl. Purple smoke swirled around him and formed a small wooden end table, with an old phonograph sitting atop it. Another could of smoke formed a record that he set upon the device. With one more look at the oncoming robots, he set the needle on the record.


Humming along with the tune, Yami reappeared in the midst of the robots, casually moving body parts, setting multiple bots on various crash courses with each other, and moving arms and phasing through armor to manipulate circuitry to make the drones fire upon one another.

He floated back to take a quick look at the swarm, then decided to go a step further and created a few spears from purple smoke, setting them around the void and giving them slight nudges that would translate to significant force when things started moving again. He took another look at the group, then nodded his head and let time start up again. He materialized a reclining chair and watched the mayhem unfold as the record finished. He laughed as the swarm finished going up in a massive chain reaction of explosions.

"Ahh... It's good to be back."

Yami's move was enough to make a dent in the swarm, but it didn't appear to be enough as more and more flew upwards from Earth. They appeared to focusing their attention on the dropship's engines and shielding. With the shields down, the engines quickly followed and the ship began to drift towards the Earth.

"Does this ship..." Mil began, attempting to ask Ivanhov a question

"Lock onto the nearest planet when the engines fail? Yes." He nodded grimly

Mil approached the pilot's seat, pushing one of the pilot's out of the way and began to operate the controls using it's omni-tool.

"What are you doing?" Raiden asked

"Trying to lock onto coordinates as far away from the machines as possible." Mil explained "This ship is designed for underwater travel and the area with the least amount of machine activity is the Indian ocean."

The ship shook violently

"What the hell was that?" Raiden asked

"The machines, they are holding onto the ship. I predict they are trying to steer us towards a center of large machine activity." Mil stated, grabbing the controls of the ship and attempting to shake the machines off.


Nikita's ship: Max frantically opened fire on the machines surrounding the dropship, managing to make a very small dent only for it to be filled seconds later by more Sentinels.

"Shit." He muttered, shaking his head "Guys, we gotta go after them."

"Focus on the mission!" Nikita shouted "Get these Sentinels off of us!"

"If they capture all those people they'll torture them for information about your universe, probably even make an attack." Gregory explained frantically "You want that?"

Nikita looked down "No." She stated "Chert voz'mi (damnit), you're right." She muttered, shaking her head "Podgotovit' k zapusku yadernuyu bombu (prepare the nuke for launch)." Nikita spoke as she began to press several buttons on her console

Gregory held the spear to the back of Nikita's head "We're saving them." He spoke in a bitter, threatening tone "You fire that nuke I'm gonna ram this spear up your arse faster than you can say penetration."

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200

Kabbar's ship:

Seeing the dropship fall towards the Earth Syeron turned to Revan and Atalius "We're taking this ship and going after them." She whispered, hoping that Ren and Kabbar wouldn't hear her

"That would be unwise Miss Hunwess." Atalius cautioned "If you truly wish to..."

The ship shook violently as the engines were taken out

"Nevermind. It would appear we will soon be joining our companions on the surface." Atalius sighed

"Everybody, brace for impact!" Syeron yelled

Nox sad quietly in the ship as the droids attacked, looking outside to look at the attackers, then suddenly says "I can't wait to show this Ultron how wrong he was when he messed with Sith. It will be a memorable lesson." While letting small electrical sparks come from his hand. He began to channel into the Dark side of the Force and starts trying to 'grab' the droids with the Force and to violently throw them away from the ship.
Despite Nox's efforts, the dropship continued on it's path towards the planet's surface as Ultron Sentinels guided it towards the ruins of a city.

"Based upon my coordinates, I can accurately predict that this city was once New York." Mil explained "Drawing up a layout of the city now."

"Search for any escape routes, any hidden bunkers or tunnels." Ivanhov ordered

"Already on it Ivanhov, commander." Mil nodded

"Everybody brace for impact!" Raiden shouted as the ship entered the atmosphere above New York.

Everyone appeared to grab onto something apart from Achilles who instead drew his grenade launcher and chuckled to himself "Let them come, I am ready for them!"

Nox grabbed something to keep him from slinging through the ship. "I am ready for them, let them come. I will show them the powers of the Dark side of the Force."
The dropship crashed into the side of a skyscraper that had been badly damaged by Ultron's forces. The ship tore through what was left of the building, causing it to collapse and covering the ship in rubble. Everyone managed to remain in place apart from Achilles who was thrown back and deeper into the ship. He managed to hold onto something and steady himself however before rushing towards the back of the ship.

On the outside hundreds of Sentinels began to toss the rubble aside in their attempt to get at the ship, eventually reaching it and starting to cut the back open.

"Mil." Ivanhov spoke "Tell me you have something."

"The New York in this universe is different from my own." Mil explained "Nearby is a skyscraper known as the Baxter building. Underneath it is some kind of bunker and a network of tunnels." Mil displayed a hologram of the building and it's tunnels using it's omni-tool "It is three clicks to the left."

As the back was opened Achilles charged out with a laugh as he opened fire on the Sentinels "Try and take on a tank, Ultron!" He shouted

"He's going to get himself killed." Ivanhov muttered, shaking his head.

Nox jumped out of the ship, his arms sparking. He starts to channel the Dark Side of the Force and extended his hands towards the droids, shooting a powerful blast of Force lightning towards the droids. "Feel the power of the Dark side of the Force!"
Isaac quickly got to the chair and sat down. He experimented with the controls and quickly figured out the turret worked. "As long as I'm not shooting at asteroids or a slug monster, I should get through this." He said to himself. Isaac started firing into the swarm of robots.

He tried to help the drop ship but for every drone he killed, two more showed up. "We probably shouldn't fire the nuke. I don't think we're enough to complete the mission." He added. Isaac continued to fire at the swarm.

The blast of force lightning struck a grenade Achilles launched, creating an explosion that took out five Sentinels. Achillies continued to laugh as he launched more grenades and as the soldiers, led by Ivanhov and Mil left the ship. The blast of a Sentinel took out a Footman running next to Ivanhov as it struck him in the face, burning through his head and killing him instantly.

"Stand down." The Sentinels commanded in Ultron's voice

"Why, you getting sleepy?" Achilles laughed. He ran out of grenades in his launcher and tossed it towards a Sentinel who caught the gun and crushed it in it's hands. Achilles drew his shotgun and cocked it "Come on!" He shouted "You'll have to do bett..." Achilles was cut off as Mil grabbed him by the arm and started to drag him towards the Baxter building with the others.

The mechsuit arose from the ship and instantly opened fire on the Sentinels with missiles, blowing ten of them out of the sky.

"Push forwards!" The pilot shouted "I'll cover you."

Seeing the largest target the Sentinels converged on the mechsuit and began ripping it to pieces with hand-blasts.

Nikita's ship: Seeing the second ship go down Nikita sighed and flew after it, performing spins and rolls in order to shake as many Sentinels off as she could. Gregory was tossed across the ship but managed to grab onto something to steady himself "A bit of 'eads up would've been nice." He complained

"My bad." Nikita replied sarcastically, opening fire on Sentinels in front of the ship.

Isaac saw Gregory being tossed across the ship and was suddenly glad that he was sitting. The spinning and the rolling made it harder to aim, but he continued to fire away on the Sentinels. "Where do you think they landed?" He asked the others.

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ryanpk200 said:
Isaac saw Gregory being tossed across the ship and was suddenly glad that he was sitting. The spinning and the rolling made it harder to aim, but he continued to fire away on the Sentinels. "Where do you think they landed?" He asked the others.
Yami sighed in irritation as he watched another swarm of sentinels charge the ships, one of them crashing to the earth. This was another reason he hated machines. If they were organic he could've just bathed the planet in black fire, then went home.

"Well. Enough playing around."

About a dozen spears formed around him, spinning in a circle like the barrels of a Gatling gun. He pointed at the cloud of sentinels swarming through space, and in rapid succession the spears rocketed forward, new spears forming around Yami as others fired. Sentinels flew off into space, carried by the impact of the large projectiles. Unfortunately, this was the only power Yami possessed that could properly damage machines, and while it was destroying them quickly, the sentinels he destroyed were being replaced at an alarming rate.

Yami decided to send a message into Gregory's mind.

Fun as it is to destroy these tin men, I do not think I will be able to make any significant dents in their number. I apologize, but my powers are extremely limited against these machines.

Nikita's ship: "New York." Nikita stated "The other ship is going there, too."

"It had to be New York, didn't it?" Gregory asked sarcastically. He turned to Yami "Well, I can't complain." He shrugged "I wouldn't be much good meself."

A precise shot hit took out one of the thrusters at the back of the ship, causing an alarm to blare throughout the ship. A second shot took out another.

"Der'mo (shit)." Nikita muttered as she attempted to keep the ship under control, gripping the controls tightly "Can that spear friend of yours try and keep us level?" She asked Gregory "They take out the other two thrusters and we've had it."

New York: The mechsuit and the cybersoldiers turned and provided covering fire for the others as they made their way to the Baxter building. Ethan, upon seeing the skeletons littering the streets attempted to summon an army of the dead but upon seeing what he was doing four Sentinels attacked from the left and using charged up hand-blasts, vaporized the Son of Hades on the spot. Ethan could only scream as Ultron claimed yet another life.

Raiden charged into a group of Sentinels, using his blade to slice three of them to pieces while dodging and darting out of the way of hand-blasts "You're going to pay for that." He spoke bitterly

Mil drew it's shotgun and used it to blast a Sentinel standing in front of it to pieces as the group made their way to the Baxter building.

Across the city, Kabbar's ship entered the atmosphere as a group of Sentinels guided it down. Syeron turned to Revan "Never thought it'd be droids." She smiled, attempting to lighten the mood

"What do you mean?" A Footman asked

"I mean, I didn't think it'd be droids that took me out." She shrugged "Always thought it'd be old age or something."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Skywanker @Donder172
Nox aimed a blast of Force lightning towards a droid that came in their way, destroying it. "Is this all Ultron has? This is pathetic!" Nox said as he follows the others

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