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Realistic or Modern After the End

For Sign-up I need basic character information. And you have a few choices to make. First off the information. I will need; Name, Age, Gender, Personality, Appearance. For personality, just a quick summary of their morality and their personal values will suffice. For appearance we only need the appearance of the character's features. Clothing is already predetermined as basic for now.

The choices you have to make are as follows:

What did you find beside you?

1-A Crowbar (Good Condition)

2-A Knife (Fair Condition)

3-A .22 Single Action Revolver, W/16 Rounds (Poor Condition)

4-A Bag with: 2 Rolls of bandages, and a bottle of alcohol.

5-A .22 Bolt-Action Rifle, W/5 Rounds (Poor Condition)

6-A large Backpack (Fair Condition)

7-Patchwork Leather Armor (Poor Condition)

Where are you waking up?

1- An empty warehouse.

2- A random store. (I will give you a store type)

3- In a park.

4- A completely random location. (This option is a crap shoot, even I make it random. Could be good, could be a nightmare.)

Finally, choose a number between 1-10. This is a mysterious choice. ;)
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