After Death [Inactive]


Junior Member
Eshidaku submitted a new role play:

After Death - You're dead, but the fun's not over yet...

Better Description coming soon. Here's the gist of it though.
You're dead. However you died, whatever you left unfinished, whoever you were or wherever you were from doesn't seem to bare much weight in this strange new world you've found yourself in. Here, in the afterlife, everything is possible. A new beginning may be just what you need. Be prepared to travel across the infinite expanses to meet creatures you only thought existed your dreams and battle an evil force looking to harness...
Read more about this role play...

Day 1


There was no light at the end of a tunnel. There was only a sense of floating... a sense of knowing... a sense of being. Anything was possible, and anywhere she desired to go was within her reach... after all, she was dead. Images of her life flashed in her mind, like an old warped projector. She couldn't make out many memories... the accident had been too traumatic for her mind to make sense of. The girl had settled on an image of herself though, glowing slightly with the universe as her background. A rope made of light tethered her to something lost in the darkness... how curious.

As she focused on the thread, a tingling sensation began in her chest, then a steady burn as the rope suddenly pulled her down, down, down into the deep dark of nothingness. Pain shot through her body as her consciousness returned to its form, no longer spread out. She landed with a thud, or so she thought. Eyes open she had a hard time adjusting. A bluish hue clouded her vision, but she saw enough to know she was trapped. Fists pounding against the blockade, she was suddenly blinded by light as she burst though.

The first sounds she heard were screams. Eyes closed against the light, she struggled to stand up. She never had the chance to see the club closing in on her head. "Creator" the terrified whispered repeated over and over... and when the club hit, the girl knew no more.


Many Years Later

Eshi turned to look at the tree. In all her years in the afterlife, she had yet to find such a magnificent specimen of the crystal that dotted the land. The wind gently rustled her ever changing blue and green shoulder length hair back, revealing the ebony colored horns that jutted from her temples. They were short, as far as horns went, but sharp as blades. A thin band of silver wrapped around them. Turning to glare at the natives surrounding the gateway, she was going to make sure they wouldn't "welcome" another creator like how she was welcomed. Her aquamarine eyes scanned the sprouts of crystal shooting up from the roots of the great tree, if the sun hit them just right, you could see the "unborn" soul... a swirl of twinkles and transparent material... much like a galaxy. Leaning back, Eshi continued to scan the field in the early morning light... listening for the screams.
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This was not Matavanu. This was not Denik’s home. He knew that now. He now knew that this world was the “afterlife”, and that when he had died he had not joined the Ether as he should have. He also knew that in this world, he was powerless.

Denik looked down at his hand, hoping to see his typical purple energy swirl round it, but there was nothing. He silently cursed himself for believing that it would be there again after all this time. He shook his head and looked up across the grass at the Creator before him. Those horns always fascinated him. Time to see what these “Creator” could do.

Denik swiftly closed the distance, making sure to make no noise. He came up right next to the horned girl’s ear, and whispered through his mask.

“Hello, Creator.”
Eshi tried not to flinch as the silvery bands that inhibited her power sent a wave of pain coursing through her... unthinkingly, she had automatically attempted to create a shield from the earth beneath her feet. Damn... the pain was something she never quite got used to. "Native..." she growled in his direction, not giving him the satisfaction of turning around... though she wasn't stupid enough to leave her back unprotected.

The Native Counsel had deemed Eshi's abilities dangerous when she betrayed her rebel friends for what she hoped was the greater good. They had their loyal and powerful Creators craft silvery bands that were placed around her horns, effectively stopping Eshi from manipulating her surroundings... instead, they left her with a more painful way to... create.

Pretending to reach up and scratch her neck, Eshi deftly ran her open palm across a hidden blade in the seem of her coat. A thin line of blood began to seep from her skin. Scowling, she readied the image of the shield or ax in her mind. She had "drawn" her weapons so many times, Eshi was confident she could do so in time enough from any attack... even from a man who had managed to sneak up on her. It was no easy feat.

"What brings a Native to the gateway." Slowly turning her head to meet his gaze. She couldn't quite stop the shudder that traveled up her spine when she saw his mask. "I might be dangerous for someone like you, if an unstable creator was born." She didn't attempt a snide smile, something about the man unsettled her too much.
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"Dangerous? What could you possibly consider danger when you are dead? When you have seen death's face, laughed at it, only to be caught by it 200 years later? What then, is danger if not that? I have seen danger. But maybe this is new. I do not know. And I am no native. No. I came from a place that is not this one. Very much not this one. But you asked what might bring me here. I answer you thus: You." Denik laughed. "Odd, isn't it? But really, that is only half the truth. It was not you," Denik leaned in closer and whispered. "Rather, your power. What is it? How does it work? Why would someone as unworthy as you have it, rather then I? I know power, and it knows me. So why would it leave? What would make it leave? Besides, I should not be here. The Ether should have taken me. I should have had power that way. But no. I am here. And so are you. So, what is this power of yours? It makes me wonder..." Denik looked down at his hand, wishing once more to see the familiar energy, but to no avail.
Eshidaku had heard of people who were horribly crippled in life, but their souls showed no injury in the afterlife. It was a shame that little miracle didn't seem to cure this man's insanity... his soul must have been truly warped when he was alive. She had best not let her guard down.

Letting her blood seep down her palm, she... gathered it in her mind. Looked at it in a way that she could see all that it was... and change it. Eshi let a thin tube form slowly, hardening to a seemingly impossible degree... One of the tricky side-effects of her inhibited power was that she couldn't create something from nothing... and so if she drained too much of her own blood, she would pass out.

The trick was making sure to create a substance that could withstand blows and be incredibly thin... allowing her to make hollow weapons and shields. The result was a double sided battle ax, half Eshi's height and light. It was almost too light for her to do any impressive damage, as many weapons relied on their own weight combined with the strength of the bearer to truly be effective.

"Danger... Native, is the unbridled power of a newborn and scared creator. Most can create monsters with just a thought during their first few minutes of existence... You may know death where you're from, but you've much to learn about death here." Eshi glanced from him back to the blossoms at the gateway. Danger might also be in this insane person before her, and though she had spent centuries of her own in the afterlife, all it took was one slip up.

Fixing her gaze once again on the strange man, Eshi's ax at the ready. "If you want to see a creator's power, you should go see the counsel. I'm merely a pawn in their army, but I'm sure one of their higher members would be happy to send you through the gateway."
Denik noticed the ax, noticed how nervous this woman was, and he smiled beneath the mask.

"But it is not their power I wish to see. It is not their gate I wish to see. Your fear of me is misplaced. For now. Your power draws me. You came to where I lay, and I felt it. You have what I no longer have. And yes, I know of death. I know of more death then you will see in all of yours."
She doubted that. Eshi snorted in disgust, letting her blade shatter... it fell in bright red droplets on the ground. Leaning against a tree, she crossed her arms. "Do as you please Native." She paused a moment, regarding the sprouts. The "sun" was getting low in the sky. It was time to go. Shoving herself from the tree, Eshi turned to glare at the masked man. "What's your name Native?"
He looked at her, then back down at his hands. When he looked up again, he spoke softly. "When I lived, I was known as Denik, son of Benik. But I am no longer the same. Without my power, I am only a shadow of what I once was." He thought for a moment longer. "While I am here, I shall be known as Ladix, the changed."
Henry looked out from the mountain at the Gateway trying to understand why he was getting a strange feeling. 'Is today different?' he questioned himself expecting an answer. "Maybe" he answered aloud with an unsure tone. His feet dangling from the edge of a flat piece of the mountain stopped and pushed off the rock. Free falling he closed his eyes and created a white dragon right under him. He landed on the newly created creature's head and grasped at the rein that was being created alongside a bridle. Stabilizing himself he comforted the dragon by lightly patting its neck and explained that the bridle was only created to connect with the reins to help him not fall off. This relieved the dragon a little and it continued flying toward the giant tree. "Right here is good" Henry told the dragon above a group of beings. The dragon dived down and stopped before hitting the ground with a big flap of its wings. The dragon slowly landed and laid its head on the ground so Henry could get off. After jumping off the dragon's head he removed the bridle and reins and told the dragon it could leave. He turned to the natives while the white dragon behind him flew off towards the mountain they came from. He sat down looking up at the tree ignoring the variety of looks the natives gave him.
Ladix... something in his answer made her sure she wasn't going to find out any information on him from her peers just yet. "Well Ladix, it has been an absolute pleasure to meet you. My name is Eshi." Each word dripped in sarcasm, but the man had done nothing to warrant her hatred... only her discomfort. That was not reason enough to write him off... just yet. She would be keeping a close eye on him however.

Sighing, She looked at the scene before her. Natives were scrambling about, scowles and panic etched on their faces. Some of the newer natives had a clear expression of awe. She knew what that meant, I creator was in the area. Eshi glanced around in time to see a great white dragon gently glide down and let off a creator.

"Exquisite..." she leaned towards Ladix... not too close mind you. "See that? That man's an uninhibited creator. He must have some intense self-control." It was hard not to be envious. Every creation required an incredible amount of concentration. You had to really understand what you were trying to make, inner workings and all. One stray thought and the results could be catastrophic... it was one of the reasons new creators were so dangerous... when someone was confused and terrified, it was hard to not think of nightmare-ish things.

She smiled in the newcomers direction. She missed having the ability to create so freely. Self-consciously, she reached up and touched the silver bands around her own ebony horns. She wondered what the new guy was doing in the gateway.
Denik, or rather Ladix, looked at the dragon and wondered why someone would want one of those if they could simply cause the ground under them to take them to their destination. But as he watched Eshi finger the bands, he knew that she was not whole. She was not full. Why, she was a shadow like him.

"You are broken." It was a simple observation, but he could hardly keep the disappointment out of his voice. He wanted a whole one. Not some cracked and useless smelting pot of power. If it was broken, he had no need for it. He needed a full one in order to regain his power. One who's horns were unmarked. One who was still one with the Ether. He looked at the newcomer with certain amount of hunger etched into his face under the mask.
Broken was a word she had never used to describe herself before, and wouldn't start now. Annoyed she mumbled something about Self-Imposed Limitation... but why was she wasting her breath. Let the crazy man be crazy some place else. Stretching, Roe brushed off the scabs on her hand, leaving unmarked skin beneath. Some types of wounds heal easily in the afterlife. She grabbed her pack on the ground, it was time for a shift change.

Part of the reason she had become a lackey of the counsel was so that she could protect new creators from the rough welcome she had received on her first day of existence here. In exchange for information on the rebels, Eshi asked if creator guards could be placed to watch the gateway... surprisingly they had agreed.

Looking towards the strange man, "Goodnight Mr. Ladix, be safe." There was no sarcasm in that statement, only a sense of weariness. She did want him to be safe... and others to be safe from him. Half-heartedly waving, Eshi turned away and went home. It was just on the other side of the clearing, small but comfortable. Passing the new creator, she nodded her head in his direction.
Laying down on the ground looking at the tree that brought him to this world long ago Henry tried to decide on what to do to pass the time. ' Maybe I can entertain these people' he thought absent minded. 'Or I could take a nap" he continued. He feels something strange and looks over in the direction of a person with horns like him. 'Strange... Her horns are different' he thought with confusion. Indecisiveness instantly started to flood his curious mind. 'Talk to the girl or stay here..Talk..Stay.(this is being repeated in his head over and over)...' Henry's head was starting to hurt from the strain.
Noting his broken friend leaving, he quickly shifted his attention to the newcomer. Denik pulled his black robes around him and rushed to greet his new quarry. As silently as before, Denik rushed up to the Creator. Slowing down as he came up he towards the Creator, Denik observed the faces around him. They were afraid. Good. When people were afraid, they left him alone. He knew that much. He also knew that peole were always afraid of him. It doesn't matter if he had killed yet. They feared. Denik moved in on the Creator, and carefully touched his horns. As he did, he spoke.

"They are scratched. You scratched them. Now why would someone with power ever want to mar what gave them power? What if they lost it? What if it never came back?"
A strange man touching his horns woke him from his episode, but instead of rolling away from him Henry listened to the man. "The scratches were made a long time ago from a nightmarish creature" he answered the stranger with a serious face. He looked at the mask with curiosity and continued "This power is just a means to find what I need to leave this place. It's great, but I don't need it".
There was long period of silence. The man behind the ever smiling mask cocked his head.

"Don't, need? Why would anyone not need what they have been given, if that thing is power. I think you will find that if you loose it, you will loose yourself as well." He looked out at the tree. "I once had power. Power that was lost. Now I am here, not in the Ether as I should be. I lost my power, my name, my purpose. My world. My life. My revenge. I lost the ability to remove those who wrong me unless I use stones." Denik looked down at his hands, which he now held before him. "I cannot feel it. The power is no longer there. It is as though the Ether died instead if me. But that is wrong. The Ether cannot die. It is fueled by death. Death keeps it strong. Makes it stronger. It cannot die as I have." He looked down at the Creator. "As you have died. How did you die, powerful one?"
As sleep became enough of her, the sun shined brightly through a hole in the roof, awakening her. Sitting up she yawned, raising her hands up stretching, she gave a sleepy smile. Jumping of the torn mattress, her hand began to move over, she picked up a old brush next to her bed, brushing out her silver hair, and braiding it the side. Standing up she walked over, undressing her self, and bginning to put new clothing on she looked in a old mirror. staring at what almost seemed as a ghost. Silver white hair, pale skin, light pink lips, her body thin, yet strangely her eyes where full of color, and this body was breath taking to her. Una knew she has been dead for years now, yet this body with no memory of the past didn't seem like hers anymore. She didn't recognize herself. Walking over to a bowl with a apple in it she reached out, gently picking it up. Pacing to the door she pushed it open hearing a loud Squeak. She thought to her self "wow, I think living in a tree might be more safer." Walking out she took a bite of her apple, as her direction moved to the he worn down stable. Entering the stable she called her friends name "Apollo" she spoke gently. Turning around she grabbed a bucket of hay, staring up she felt a nudge touch her back, she chuckled. Looking back around a huge black friesian stood, of limits 17 and a half hands. Which was huge for a horse. Apollo neighed at the sight of her, and the grain. Walking in she grabbed a brush, she motioned for Apollo to step out of the stall and he did exactly that. Standing still as a statue for her. They respected each other, and took care of each other. Even though they were different Species, they were best friends and family. Setting the grain and hay on the ground he lowered his head, beginning to eat it as she brushed his coat clean. After about ten minutes Apollo was done as well as Una. She made him I'm uncultured and span, as she always did. Walking over to face him, she handed him the rest of her apple "Good boy" she said gently. Walking over to a stone next to her little broken house, Apollo followed. Standing on it, the Frisian stood next to her as the block made her a lot taller and able to jump on his back. Putting her hands on his back she jumped up, once on used his mane as reins. "Okay boy let's go" she said. Nodding his head she knew he was excited, they began to walk. Entering a tunnel in the forest, of trees. After about a hour in the tunnel they came to a clearing. Putting a hand on his dark shoulder, he knew what she asked. Coming to a halt, the horse bowed, lowering himself to the ground as Una got of. Standing back to his full height she patted his head "Thank you Apollo" moving a way, he followers her a littles ways. Coming to a halt he watched her as she sat down in the meadow. The horse lowered his head as he began to eat. Looking back at the lean muscular horse she chuckled "Almost ten pounds of hay and you look like that? Apollo you should be fatter then a pig" she turned reaching her hand up she began to unbraid her hair, silver waves falling down her back. Laying down she watched the clouds, as they took took into shapes of bunnies and rabbits. Or at least in her dreams.
Henry furrowed his brow and thought about what he just heard not answering the question the stranger just asked. "Ether... I have never heard of such a thing, but if it is fueled by death then it should never be relied on or even used. How could losing power ever be equal to losing your purpose?" he stopped and returned to the question asked. "It has been a very long time. All I can remember is the banquet after I had been crowned king. I was killed by my uncles at the banquet. They wanted to control the kingdom. That no longer matters. All that matters is finding the missing object, lesson, person, or whatever it is I need to find to move on. What of you stranger? Is your death a tale of tragedy and woe?"
Denik stared down at the man, the smile of his mask lying unchanged. He cocked his head again.

"They found me. I had just finished wiping out the great city of Ramanu. After 500 years, they found me. They sent in their armies, but no one stood a chance against me." Despite the things the man was saying, he seemed oddly... Sane.

"The armies came round, trying to flank me in Gevinan Canyon. They had the survivors of Ramanu were on the Eastern wall, and a collection of other cities I had burned on the West. They had gathered the Gate Guard in front of me, towards the path of the Gate. Behind me were the elite guard of the greater kingdom. Right as the sun rose, they all swept down the canyon at me. But it wasn't me.

"They all came down, and as they killed the screaming man in the canyon, someone realized it wasn't me. The East and West armies were furious. They began to search for how I escaped. On either side of the canyon, they found tunnels. Quickly, they sent in large search parties, leaving only half the army outside! HALF!" Denik was getting excited. "I made the tunnels collapse, and some big rocks to fall on the outside ones! And even as the tunnels collapsed, a gas came out, killing everyone that was left!" Denik was breathing hard now.

"The two other armies watched in horror. But when they started to move, the ground split open and the elite guard were swallowed by the hungry earth. Many men joined the Ether that day, and their thoughts and imagination made it stronger." Denik looked at the man. "You do know that all the Ether is, is imagination, yes? No matter. That is what it is." Denik looked back to the tree, and continued his death's story.

"The Gate Guard were in shock. Thousands of thousands of men just died, and they were afraid. If I could do that, what could they do? But someone realized something: If I wan't here, and they were, who was guarding the Gate? And where was I? They rushed to the Gate, and found me. I had touched it. I had power. I could finally do what I had always wanted to do. I turned and simply wished them dead. And they were. They all just died. It was beautiful. I could do almost anything. Everything but end the retched world I was on. So I reached into the gate once more so that I could rip the world in two, and woke up here." Denik looked at the man below him. "I had died. And now I have no power. it is all gone." He looked up at the tree once more. All that power. He had been so close. So close to ending what he had started. So close to ending what was his fault. "The universe was almost whole again."
"That.. is a story that confuses me." Henry confessed while sitting up. "You are intelligent, yet you wanted to destroy a world that hosted sentient beings. Perspective is a strange thing." he explained while making a small rotating sphere of rock in his hands. "Life and death should be activated by the maker or individual. That is what I believe which I'm sure differs from your philosophy." The sphere had water flow through its cracks and depressions. The 'continents' shaded themselves with hues of green, yellow, and white. "Isn't it nice to see a place thriving with symbiotic life?" Henry stared up at the smiling mask and spoke with genuine curiosity "how would destroying a planet make a(an?) universe whole?"
Standing up from the dirty earth, Una brought her hands down, brushing at the old ripped up cloak. Deciding on leaving her hair down, she reached back grabbing her hood, gently bringing it forwards. Her hair parted on each side, silver white waves at each side of her. Moving over to Apollo he looked up, still chewing on a mouth full of grass. Touching his shoulder he bowed for her as she moved on. Standing to his full height, her bare small pale feet dangled of each side. Pushing her foot on his side softly he moved forwards, breaking to a canter. The cloak blowed behind her, her hood still up, as his mane seemed as it was its own sail. Blowing in the wind. She thought "To town we go"

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"Because I had ruined it." Denik looked down at him. "Matavanu was my fault. We were never supposed to do those things. We were never supposed to be that great." For such a topic, Denik's voice was disturbingly calm. "We were never supposed to have the Gate. We were never supposed to be gods." Denik sat there for a while, then laughed a quiet, but almost insane laugh. "And I had almost fixed it. We were almost small again. The Ether would haev taken us. We would have made it strong, but no one would ever use it like we did again. And now all that I worked for, is gone!"

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