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Futuristic After All, This Is Still Our World (Post-Apocalyptic RP, Open and Accepting!)

Once more, Sand felt his head become heavy. He took a deep breath through his mouth, before letting his eyes fall shut. Even though the pain of the IV, it was the best he had felt in a long time.
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Casey smiles happy the man was okay. She hears a whine come from Shay, she looks at her with a smile. "They beast is awake." She says giggling.


Shay walks over and sits down on Casey's lap curling into a little ball. Her eyes wanting to fall back asleep. "Casey it's to early, can I go back to sleep?"


"No way. We need to get moving as soon as Jack finishes with something." She knew she wasn't listening, because her eyes drop completely close. "Cant get her to stay up for nothing." she says smiling at Jack,

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MidnightStar said:
Casey smiles happy the man was okay. She hears a whine come from Shay, she looks at her with a smile. "They beast is awake." She says giggling.


Shay walks over and sits down on Casey's lap curling into a little ball. Her eyes wanting to fall back asleep. "Casey it's to early, can I go back to sleep?"


"No way. We need to get moving as soon as Jack finishes with something." She knew she wasn't listening, because her eyes drop completely close. "Cant get her to stay up for nothing." she says smiling at Jack,


Jack laughed, "God I know that feeling all too well...If you want, I can carry her...Devil, can you keep an eye on this guy? We're gonna head out...I'll leave some medical things here for you if he needs them." Jack said, and stood up to get Shay, but almost forgot to check the outside.

He looked outside, and it was just overcast, dark clouds blocked the sun, "Alright...So, you guys ready to go...where exactly?" he asked, as he was never told where they were going.

Sand again awoke, troubled by something. He let out a scream, his voice dry and weathered. He sat up, his metal-encased arm still lying against the ground. He picked it up by the end closest to his elbow, pushing it on its side with a "Thunk".

"Y-y-you..." He stuttered, a bit disoriented. He extended his index finger in the general direction of Jack. "Th... Thank you." He stumbled back a step, but his arm was able to keep him on balance for the most part. His finally regaining speech did little to help his blood loss. He glanced down at the IV in his arm, blinking a few times, before slowly removing the needle with his free hand. He glanced up at Jack once more, giving a halfhearted smile.
11254man said:
Sand again awoke, troubled by something. He let out a scream, his voice dry and weathered. He sat up, his metal-encased arm still lying against the ground. He picked it up by the end closest to his elbow, pushing it on its side with a "Thunk".
"Y-y-you..." He stuttered, a bit disoriented. He extended his index finger in the general direction of Jack. "Th... Thank you." He stumbled back a step, but his arm was able to keep him on balance for the most part. His finally regaining speech did little to help his blood loss. He glanced down at the IV in his arm, blinking a few times, before slowly removing the needle with his free hand. He glanced up at Jack once more, giving a halfhearted smile.
Jack smiled, "I'd tip a fedora,but I don't have one." He said with a chuckle as he sat down, "Nice to you're awake...Me and the group i'm in are about head out, I'm going to leave some supplies here for you, but if she allows you to come,by all means you're more than welcome." Jack said as he took his helmet off.

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"It wasn't that hard," Ette said, smirking. "Fast and sneaky are my talents." He leaned against the checkout counter, feeling strangely comfortable. He tried to see what exactly Gabriel was looking at, but no amount of squinting could help him out. Whatever, didn't really matter to him anyway. He had ducked out of there before anything could get too close. "I'm not goin anywhere special. Wanderin around, finding places to stay for a bit." Well, that wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the entire truth either. Whatever. There's no way he was going to tell this guy that he was running away from anything.

November 22nd, 2220

Abandoned City



9 Days Until Acid Winter

"Those mutants might start moving up soon so you might wanna get out of here" Gabriel said before picking up his bag. Moving to the door, the scavenger looked around. All seemed calm for now. Going outside Gabriel scurried along. That many mutants caused shiver down Gabriel's spine. He looked behind to see if Ette was following him. If he did or didn't was no concern to Gabriel. He was just out to survive this.

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Ette realized he really didn't have any clue where to go next. He tried to think it out, not realizing that he was alone for almost a minute. He made an impulsive decision, grabbed a couple of the old processed snacks off a shelf, and ran out the door. Looking around, he found that Gabriel hadn't gotten too far. He chased after the man. Ette didn't say anything when he caught up to him, but he was sure that his presence was known.

He didn't want to seem helpless, even though he was pretty close to it. He tried to convince himself that the only reason he didn't go his own way was that groups were safer when monsters were around, but that was hard. Ette was still just a teenager, and it was nice be around someone that was, well, nice.

Gabriel knew the kid was there. He didn't mind, strength in numbers an all that. Up ahead he spotted two mutated dogs. Green, maggot ridden with flesh falling of to revel ea the hideous bones. He pointed ahead then ask "Got a gun?" He pulled his own rifle, silenced of course, after all you don't want to be making too much noise. That was brings the horde. The scavenger breathed aiming his shoot at one of them. On the good side that dog was dead on the other hand the other dog didn't seem to happy about it. @wirt
((Hope you don't mind that I just insert her in here :'3))



Abandoned City, In front of some small stores




Hiding behind scrap metal


Hide from mutant dogs

Interacting with:

No one


@SirGrey @wirt

Melina Herford

Ooh this wasn't good. Nope, not good at all. Without Laika to help her navigate the wastelands and abandoned cities Melina was as good as dead. Or at least, thats what her mind was screaming obnoxiously at her. Anxiously stepping her way through the streets, she felt exposed and scared, not knowing the area meant she didn't gave have hiding spots and her eyesight was too poor to find one from far away if needed. Walking past a group of slain mutants, Melina crinkled up her nose as the putrid odour of their partial decay filled her nose. It was times like this that a heightened sense of smell just made you worse off really. Steering away from them she followed a smaller road which led her to a few stores, squinting her eyes a little and adjusting her glasses to confirm what she saw. Ah, Yes, stores, placed like this was where Laika would take her for food. Finally something she was somewhat accustomed to and maybe there was even somewhere there to rest her aching body. She mentally scolded about her fragile build, it made it harder to endure the outside weather and conditions like everyone else. Edging closer to the stores she hadn't noticed the dogs, bit she had heard the gunshot. Even when silenced, her acute hearing serving her well...sort of, she heard it but still didn't know what it was exactly. It was then that she saw the second dog, who looked incredibly aggressive now. Letting a small yelp as she was caught in the dog's line of sight she scrambled to hide behind a large piece of scrap metal that had been leaning against the wall, shutting her eyes on a panic.

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Gabriel braced himself ready for the mutated dog to attack him. Instead it seemed to have the scent of someone else as it ran past. He heard some kind of yelp, alerting him to the presence of someone. Luckily for that someone Gabriel was able to reload his weapon. Shooting the mutated dog in its leg which seems to dismay its attack. "Cover me will ya Ette" Gabriel says moving towards the mutated creature. It eyes was rage filled with skin that was boiled filled and a ghastly green. Stabbing the creature in the head seemed to do the trick with green ooze coming out of the wound. Going to where the yelp came from he yells "You gonna come out now?" @Nona @wirt



Abandoned City, In front of some small stores


On edge/Slightly distrusting


Hiding behind scrap metal


Come out of hiding

Interacting with:



@SirGrey @wirt

~Melina Herford~

Behind the safety of the metal sheet she had scrambled to. She shivered a little, hearing the feet of the creature race towards her before she heard another shot and a voice. Melina froze. There was someone else there...They had saved her hide it seemed, realising that noise must've been a gunshot. Huddling in, as the voice spoke again, asking her to come out. Should she?, what if he was going to shoot her too? Or steal her stuff? She panicked. But at the same time, Its only good manners to thank someone for helping you. Hesitantly moving to the side of the sheet, she popped her head around it. Her fluffy, slightly tossled, reddish blonde hair showing first and then her terrified face. "T-That depends." She answered meekly as she adjusted her glasses "A-Are you going to shoot me too?" She continued.

"Well you don't look like you're gonna shoot me" Gabriel said with a sigh. Putting the gun back into his holster. A young seventeen year old girl wasn't exactly the most dangerous person. Still to her a tall twenty seven year old , goggle wearing man with gun mustn't be the most comforting thing to see. He let another sigh this one of pity. "Sorry for scaring ya, are you alright?" Gabriel said trying to extend the olive branch as it were. @Nano
((You tagged the wrong person :'D))



Abandoned City


Slightly Anxious but coming around


Coming out of hiding



Interacting with:




~Melina Herford~

She quickly shook her head "N-No, of course I wouldn't be shooting you! I don't even have a gun..." She said quietly as she shuffled more to the edge of the sheet, viewing the tall, disheveled looking with a gun. Pausing in her movements for a moment, she contemplated the thought of running at first, but decided against it. Maybe he was okay, he seemed like he wasn't going to hurt her anyways. As he asked was she okay and apologised, she moved out of hiding, now standing up, she dusted off her clothes a little "I'm okay, Thank you for not shooting me too, some people would" she said, shuddering at the thought.

"Yeah the worlds full of crap people, I'm Gabriel I'd say I'm pretty crap" the scavenger said with a sardonic tone. Gabriel made sure his bag was steady. "So you headed anywhere" He asks picking up his walking stick. It wasn't to help him walk, well it was but no in that way. Gabriel had no issue with walking, but to help, walking the wasteland isn't easy. @Nona



Abandoned City




Introducing herself



Interacting with:




~Melina Herford~

Melina tilted her head slightly "Pretty crap? Well Mr. Gabriel you didn't shoot me, that must count for something" In response to his next question, she frowned gently and then shrugged "No where in particular...I lost my travelling partner when we were jumped by some thugs for out things...I haven't seen her since" she said as she pulled at the sleeves of her cardigan. "Oh, and my name is Melina..." She said quietly, offering a small smile.

"Yeah well you've known me for about five minutes" Gabriel said in a sardonic manner. He didn't normally trust people, never a good idea. Attachment wasn't a good one either, not when some can be gone in a moments notice. Probably he was being rather cold toward Melina. Still he knew the pain of loss. "I'm sorry" Gabriel said in a rather quiet voice. "I'm gonna get head up towards more civilised areas" @Nona



Abandoned City




Asking to follow Gabriel


Tag along

Interacting with:




~Melina Herford~

"Yes, But first impressions can tell a lot" she answered. Sure, he was being cold towards her and she definitely felt it too, but he had also saved her hide. Plus the fact she had seen that all before, her travelling partner was exactly the same in that respect, so it didn't necessarily drive her away. She was about to go on her own way and say her goodbyes when he spoke again, the subject matter piquing her interest. "More civilised areas?" She repeated. Ever since leaving home she had seen nothing but wastelands and somewhere civilised sounded like her cup of tea, plus the fact if Laika were alive, she'd go to the nearest town since that was the plan they put in place if they were seperatated. "If you don't mind....c-could I tag along?" She asked hesitantly, she still didn't trust this man 100%, who knows what kind of company he kept, but he seemed like he at least wouldn't hurt her and it was her best bet to get to an actual town.

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He stepped out from a Lit-up Alleyway, Corpses lined against the wall as they BURN. Their silence is not shown n their face , as the faces show them screaming in pain in their final moments.

A satisfied grin grew on Stuarts face as he looked down at the drill ,covered in blood and a large intestine tangled in the claw.
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"Right then" Gabriel walked right towards her. He pulled out a old rusty revolver, and handed it to her. "Its full up I think" Gabriel said as he moved on. Speaking of moving on Ette seemed to have done the same. With whats going on Gabriel didn't blame him. "I am putting trust in you but if you try anything I won't hesitate" Gabriel said in a monotone voice as he began to walk off. "Its a long walk so I hope your ready" . She didn't look like she would try anything, still pays to be careful. @Nona @wirt
Stuart's breath was quick, as he chuckled as he sees a Mutant Dog running across the street , apparently heading somewhere in a hurry.

He hoped it tried to attack him , his slaughter shouldn't only point at humans and infected... He relishes in the Idea of killing more, having feeling a special sense return when he does. Its not like they will survive long anyways...Humanity is doomed , now its his time to finish it off...one burning , rotting , mangled corpse at a time. Yes...that was perfect...A GREAT cover for what to tell his victims...

He sang (Weit Lasst die Fahnen wehen) loudly in his suit, the noise is transmitted from a Speaker inside a suit , it can be heard around, as if he was screaming it.

The noise should attract more...It Must! He thought as he walked with his suit, stepping over a piece of rubble.

robotic movements seemed like a constant march while walking.

A loud clank sound was generated from the metal slamming into the ground.
Melina's gaze trailed down to the revolver that was set into her hands, she had a slightly clueless expression as she stared at it. She had never used a gun in her life before, she left that to Laika, she seemed to know what she was doing in regards to that...But Laika wasn't here anymore, so she guessed shed have to learn to sooner or later. Looking at Gabriel, who had already set off on his way, she tucked the revolver into her bag hastily before quickening her step to catch up with the man. "T-Thank you" she said quietly in response before nodding in response to bring ready. Walking alongside Gabriel, her acute hearing had picked up on something, a voice screaming a song in what sounded lime German or something "....do you hear that?" She asked as she looked around, trying to pinpoint the direction the noise originated from.

Gabriel mutters to Melina "Yeah i heard it" before unsheathing his rifle and reloading it. The scavenger walks slowly looking around. That singing it carried a sinister undertone. Then another noise was heard. A metal clanking noise. Something big and coming closer. Gabriel ran ahead, signalling Melina to follow him. Coming to a corner Gabriel peaks over... an sees death given form. A metal monster with a bloody drill and a what seems like a flamethrower. "Oh shit" Gabriel mutters. He signals Melina to move back, as he backs up trying to find a hiding spot. A building covered by rubble the, door way almost impossible to get through. Still he does. Moving back into the almost pitch black store Gabriel looks through his rifle just in case. The shaking makes the aim unsteady... @Blitz @Nona
He spotted the team, turning the head and flame thrower towards them. Stuart chuckled as he turned the body towards the last location of the team (Towards the corner).

"Heeeeyyy!" "Get over here, Nothing will happen to you, I promise- (Laughter) I'm sorry-(Laughter) Im going to KILL YOU!" He chuckled as he sprinted , although it did increase the speed , it was only doubled as the heavy suit slowed him down.



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