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Fantasy Aetherspark IC

When Diorite and the blue mantis reached the end of the little tunnel to the throne room, they would see a gigantic throne room with an extremely high ceiling, mirrored by a rocky floor lined with a carpet that lead from the towering entrance gates to the throne itself. Instead of torches lined along the walls, a few glowing and pulsating threads of green substances that resembled glowworm silk dangled from the darkness above. Legions of bugs, consisting of the black and green humanoid-bugs and their winged variants (Dismantlers and Dive-Dismantlers), carriage-sized spiky black and green praying mantises (Cleavers), the black and green carriage-sized bugs with the seaseme-seed shaped bodies (Lungers), black carriage-sized Rhinoceros Beetles with horns sharper than spears (Impalers), a few man-sized centipedes (Abductors), and a few other variants of the Entomancer's forces had not yet had the misfortune of meeting.

All of these stood on both sides of the large carpet that lead from the entrance gates to the throne, enabling room for the mercenaries to walk the carpet once they entered. The Entomancer's brood chanted like a choir of ghouls, the Dismantlers raising each of their four arms as they screeched with the Impalers stomping their feet to create a horrifying rhythm of sorts. It was as if they did not plan on swarming the mercenaries as soon as they entered, providing more evidence that the Entomancer was waiting for them. The ceiling was so high that it wasn't even visible, with a void of black stalking the madness from above. The Entomancer's throne was black and covered with glowing green cracks that flashed on-and-off, the menacing chair spiky with two gigantic horned-prongs resembling a stag beetle's head sticking out of the top back. One extremely noticeable feature of the throne itself was that it was vacant.

Above the throne, was a massive translucent but spiky and armored chrysalis that housed the dreaded Entomancer himself. His exact appearance wasn't visible, but his pitch-black silhouette could be seen within the poisonous-green chrysalis. His eyes and mouth could be seen, as they illuminated a bright green. The chrysalis hung in the air high above the throne, tethered to the distant ceiling by dozens of threads of black and green sludge. Thousands of small beetles soon poured onto the Entomancer's chrysalis, the chrysalis soon turning from a poisonous green to mostly black as the beetles covered all of the chrysalis except for the area where the Entomancer's head could be seen, leaving space for a window of sorts that the silhouette and ghastly glowing eyes and mouth of their host could be presented to their visitors soon-to-come. The Entomancer's chrysalis was wrapped in layers, and layers of highly durable protective silk. Scattered throughout the massive throne room sat four carriage-sized green pulsating sacs with glowing yellow veins. Multiple bugs closely guarded these sacs, presumably the magical-batteries that strengthened the Entomancer's connection to his hive. The blue mantis soon hurried back to the mercenaries who waited in the cavernous hallway outside of the throne room's gates,

"The master's congregation is awaiting our arrival." Reported the insect to Denver. "There are four sacs scattered across the throne room that amplify his link to his congregation. He hides in a protective sac." Soon after, his triangular head spun to face Korro impatiently as he squinted his eyes, eagerly awaiting his name to be decided. With the power Elixen had temporarily granted Kanon, perhaps she could make physical contact with the blue mantis to read his emotions, and then create negative-colored intangible constructs from the emotions she sensed to get an idea of what the Mantis had beheld.
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Kanon had been fiddling with this new power during the wait, conjuring shapes in her hand and trying to keep them stable. Her attention went to the mantis as they returned. She had the sense that she could do more than she had thus far figured out, but as someone who had never used magic before, figuring out how was a bit complicated.
Lena would hover off seeing that someone else was helping look after war as you rested. She would stay in the middle of the group and take a count of her stock to see what she would have for the battle. She began to mix some things together while she waited, handing one of them to Aaliya. “ Here is a thank you gift for helping this fool out this will go boom at whoever you throw it at.” She would go back to her tinkering afterward messing around with a now much smaller array of colorful vials.

As Warren got patted on the head by Aaliyah he sat there for a moment, a little bit confused and embarrassed by what was happening his ears twitching all the while. He had not been treated like that since he left home after harsh lessons. But he decided to let it happen soon as she was trying to help him. When she offered to help him recover, he would agree. “I would really appreciate that after all, I wouldn’t have made it this far if I didn't have you around. “He said what a genuine look on his face as he looked up at her.

MageMantis MageMantis Noble Scion Noble Scion
The goat chuckled a bit at the wolfman's question. "Im more here to be of help." he said with a shrug, "I knew I wouldn't be much good in a fight but I couldn't turn down the opportunity to heal those who are out for a greater cause!" he said leaning against the wall "That Aetherspark could change the world!! That wish could end all the pain and suffering ever! People could live happy healthy lives!" he said clearly very passionate about this subject. the blue mantis cut him off "Thank you" he said as Dio climbed back onto his shoulder.

"They are waiting for us," he said to the group before giggling a bit "He wants you to name him now," he said to Korro as he reached into his bag, The goat pulled out a long silver dagger, hooking it to his waist. The goat did not want to use it but if push came to shove he would.

SilverFlight SilverFlight MageMantis MageMantis
"Heal those out for a greater cause..." Korro echoed. He listened to Denver's earnest and pure motivation. He had never heard anything like it.
It was only after a moment that Korro realized he was the one staring now. This little goat was...remarkable. He looked away quickly, trying not to seem too embarrassed. The blue mantis helped save his pride.
"Right, name." Korro considered what Denver had named the first creature...Diorite. Then he examined the other's pretty blue accents.
"Well then, how do you like...Kyanite? I will call you Ky for short."

Korro rose with the creature perched on his arm, and transferred it to his shoulder.
He took in the information the insect had given.

"Kanon, I suggest we split into five teams, one for each of these power cells, and the last for the entomancer himself. We should put most on defence, we only need one good shot at each cell to make it unusable...I hope. Once the legions are in disarray, the teams will converge with the fifth group to end our foe for good."
Korro did not believe for an instant that this would go smoothly, but, splitting the entomancer's attention might be the best chance they got, so, it was the best advice he could give.

He glanced back at Denver, something of a protective look in his eyes now. "Are you ready?"

Gummy Worm Gummy Worm MageMantis MageMantis Fangs9090 Fangs9090

Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion LustrousFox LustrousFox
Kanon looked to Korro, considering his idea. “Hm… I hesitate to divide us, but that may be best. Take out multiple targets in quick succession before the rest can be fortified. Hopefully he won’t be able to focus on all groups at once.” She nodded before looking at the rest of the group. “Right then. Everyone needs to decide what they would be best at. Take out the cells, ideally from a distance, hold the entomancer’s attention, or support one of the other groups.”
Denver took a deep breath as he nervously pulled himself up. finally able to stand without fatigue "Yes...I'm ready" he said with a smile looking up at Korro. Denver would stay close to the wolf to provide any aid, since he wasn't much of a fighter. Denver had his small dagger in hand, although he hoped that it would not be used. he looked around at the group and smiled, there were plenty here even after all the others that had been lost.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
1743010333677.pngAaliyah Sh'ahn
"Oh! thank you Lady Lena!" The sea princess would chirp back as she'd take a moment away from patting the half-elf's head to grab the concoction in her hands, though from under the hood, her face would flicker with uncertainty, primarily at the 'explosive' aspect of what she was holding on to. While she had faith in the alchemist's abilities, she was more than a little worried she might crack it and end up being on the recieving end of the detonation. So, putting in the safest place she could think of, her hand would disappear under the cloak, rise up to her chest, before returning to her side, now potion-less, blushing slightly as she'd be thankful for her cloak.

Aaliyah smugness at getting to be helpful was almost palpable as she'd take Warren's hands in her own and repeat the process she'd done with both Lena and Denver, apparently quite used to the physical contact aspect. It was apparent she'd trained the skill quite extensively, especially to someone proficient in magic like Warren. Its activation was instant, its effect was immediate, and Aaliyah herself didn't seem drained by it at all, aside from her sudden need to gulp down water returning as she'd sip away at her canteen.

"I am thankful to be in your care, sir Warren" She'd hum right back at him, radiating warmth as she'd wear her heart on her sleeve, though that ray of sunshine would disappear as Korro and Kanon would suggest splitting up the ground, worry flooding the sahagin's face. She almost wished she could stay here in safety, yet safety on her own didn't seem very safe at all.

So, shuffling closer to Warren as her head would droop, she'd wait for them to once again set off, Akila's words of betrayal all but forgotten as she'd decide to put her faith in the alchemist and her apprentice.

Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu MageMantis MageMantis
Kyanite crawled to Korro's neck and rubbed his head against the wolf-man's neck like a cat. Tonnie had situated herself in the corner left of the gates to the Entomancer's throne room, having been observing the other mercenaries as they plotted. She been internally noting their unique qualities, such as Warren's patience, Korro's military history, Denver and Aayliah's compassion, and Akila's rubbish behavior. The Witchblood's blood-red eyes analyzed the room, before they made the mistake of making eye-contact with Akila. The mummy snakefolk's bandaged face contorted into a sinister smile upon noticing the silent witch who had chosen to hide somewhere where she would receive less attention, another easy target, or so thought the snake. Akila slithered over to the witch and white wolf, her body swaying like a sidewinder. Blestare had been near Tonnie the whole time. Before Korro and Kanon had announced the plan, he had been waiting to receive his duties. He turned to Akila as she slithered towards Tonnie, a grimace upon her haughty face,

"Big nose, make yourself useful and turn the gates into feathers, or something like that and quit mucking about! Or is watching everybody else do all the work for you all you are good for?" Scolded Akila. Tonnie had visibly flinched upon being addressed as "big nose," the one feature she was the most self-conscious about being called out. Tonnie attempted a comeback, but all that left her green lips were a few stammers, as her flustered person was too stunned to conjure anything clever Blestare rushed in front of Tonnie, growling at Akila as his furry face wrinkled in anger like a guard dog,

"Hey, leave her alone!" Spoke he. Akila cackled loudly, before snapping back,

"Oooh, even bigger nose..." Begun she, mocking Blestare now. "Do you really-“ Akila was blasted from behind with a magic ice-ball from the mouth of Kyanite, freezing her solid. Where the proud snakefolk once stood, now was replaced by an icy statue of Akila, the mummy frozen with an evil grin on her face.

Kyanite looked at his goat translator, “The leaf-wrapped worm will be back to harass us in five minutes when she thaws.” Informed he. The Lyrenian knight walked to Korro, reaching out his hand to pet Kyanite,

“Good mantis-“

“MIMM!” Kyanite screamed at the Human whilst jolting his arms upwards, the knight backing off in response.

Soon after, Barracuda raised his voice. “I advise that we have one person capable of restoration arcana on each team.” Recommended the Gunslinger.

“I can provide healing to a team.” Announced Tonnie.

Blestare stepped forward, his face beaming with determination, “I’ll help distract him.” Followed he.

Barracuda then looked to the otherworldly purple Unicorn Centaur that stood amongst their ranks, “Centaur, you can turn invisible. You are invaluable to landing the finishing blow on the Entomancer.” He then turned to the others. “As I much as I detest it, we must unfreeze the mummy before any of us set foot into the throne room, we need as much aid as we can receive.” Elaborated he.
Kanon raised an eyebrow at the mantis’ display of power. “A useful ability, that. I myself will take the center path. I believe that’s where I would be of most use. Hopefully the snake will still be useful after thawing. Perhaps more quiet.”

Adelynn spoke up. “Um, I’ll stay with Kanon. My healing magic isn’t very good, but I have this shield and I can watch her back.”
Lena leaned forward, her heart racing as the plan unfolded before her. “So that’s the strategy, huh? You’ve got quite the mind for tactics, don’t you, Korro?” A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she glanced over at Denver and his pet then Korro’s pet, her unspoken thoughts teasingly evident: I wish could take you apart to see what makes you work, but not right now. She would fly over and take a small piece off of the frozen Akila’s wrapping that she figured was not important.

“Count me in!” she exclaimed, a confident grin spreading across her face. “You little friend have been an incredible help to all of us.” She stepped back, her mind already buzzing with possibilities. “I want to join one of the power cell teams. I know I can help us pick up the pace! If anyone has any last request for me to give them or make them something real fast, make it quick”. She would quickly try to accommodate whatever request she got before moving on to her own machinations.

Inspired, she scanned her collection of glittering concoctions, each potion sparking new ideas in her mind. The challenge ahead ignited a fierce determination within her, and she was ready to leap into action starting to mess with some things.

With a swift motion, Lena reached for one of her shimmering blue vials, her magic flowing through her as she encased it in a hand-sized sphere of ice. In an instant, the vial vanished, leaving only the captivating sphere floating above her. She admired her handiwork for a moment, feeling the thrill of what was to come, before moving onward with purpose and passion. She then will look at her assistant one last time before going back to her work.” I can't wait to test out more things here.”

Warren closed his eyes, surrendering to the soothing embrace of Aaliyah’s healing magic. He had experienced her gift before, and each time felt like a gentle tide washing over him, renewing his spirit and restoring his strength. ”This is a great gift you have. Thank you.”

He would listen to the plan being laid out and the wolf Korro had a great mind.” That sounds like a solid plan Korro. I guess I will be on another power cell team. It would be good to hinder the Entomancer as much as possible before we all engage him. I’m sure that Akila would want to be on the team to fight him. Once she is unfrozen, that is.” He would say in a challenging and humorous, tone. Warren would turn to Aaliyah.“ If you don't mind would you being on a team with me “.He held up his hand for a high five.

MageMantis MageMantis SilverFlight SilverFlight Gummy Worm Gummy Worm Noble Scion Noble Scion
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When the stream of ice shot forth to encase the noisy serpent woman, many eyes turned with surprise to Korro's shoulder, but no eyes more surprised than Korro himself.
"Well, it's about time someone put that insulting cretin in her place." He finished with an approving smile at his little companion.
Korro took a step back as it threatened another member of their team.
"I'm going to have to teach you to direct your anger.." He added, flicking an ear impatiently.

Lena's praise came as another surprise. "I...used to lead a band of fighters, I have a little experience, yes." He offered carefully, not quite ready to reveal the whole truth. That would require him to explain the golden torque about his neck that no earthly force could remove.

As they continued to talk strategy Korro had an idea.
"I think I can provide a distraction, draw acid fire away from the cell teams."
He had not told anyone he could take more forms. His falcon form was tiny, no bigger than a pigeon, but it was fast, and with it he could reach the sensitive eyes and antennae of their foes.
It would be dangerous, but he was confident he could do it.

"On your mark Kanon." Korro nodded to her, ready to move on her command.

MageMantis MageMantis Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu
Dio climbed into Denvers bag as the ram pulled out his grimoire, reading through it before finding the spell he was looking for. It was an invisible armor spell. The book warned against going over five people but the Goat would have to stretch out his power to nine people. Setting down his book he read the spell as the windchime sound blew through, louder now as Denver drew power directly from himself as a blue haze came over the others before turning clear. "there...you'll be a little bit safer now" he said satisfied with himself, not fully drained yet but he could defiantly feel the strain on himself. "Lets finish this."

SilverFlight SilverFlight MageMantis MageMantis Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion LustrousFox LustrousFox
(( Gummy Worm Gummy Worm LustrousFox LustrousFox @HypnoFuzz Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion SilverFlight SilverFlight )

“Yes ma’am.” Responded Steel-Mage. The warforged walked to the frozen Akila, before transforming his hand into a wooden-wand. The intricate designs on his metal shell glowed brightly as the tip of his wand sparked with a large fireball. Steel-Mage moved the fireball close to the icy statue of Akila, before waving it around her entire body while circling around her. Soon, the snake folk was thawed, and her regular color returned to her body as she resumed motion like nothing had happened,

“-believe that you…” Akila had resumed her sentence, unaware of being frozen as she then noticed Blestare and Tonnie were no longer in front of her. Confused, she looked around the room. “What the…bloody-“

"We are getting ready to face the Entomancer.” Barracuda explained to the mummy, who snapped her head to face him. “You can distract him, or help eliminate a power cell charging his magic. Pick one.” Finished the gunslinger. Akila assumed a prideful pose, snobbishly lifting her bandaged snout in the air.

“Well obviously, I am the most threatening one here.” Boasted she. “I will focus on stealing his attention.”

Elixen’s eyes glowed as she lifted the magic effect she had granted on Kanon and Jamie, their voices returning to normal and the colors of their bodies returning to their normal visages. Given that casting the effect on someone costed mana, and the abilities she had granted to them temporarily weren’t too useful for battle, she figured keeping the effect active wasn’t worth it. Barracuda faced the others,

“I advise that we avoid charging in guns blazing. We will be swarmed immediately. The Entomancer is waiting for us, let’s show him our manners before we escort him to the underworld.” The Gunslinger turned to Korro. “WarWolf, can you breach the gates open?” Asked he.
Korro was absolutely ready to charge in, when Barracuda suggested tact, he made a face.
"Fine. I will follow your lead." He answered.

Walking up to the gates, he inspected them carefully for just a moment, nodding as he accounted for their build and resistance. He took a few paces back, then charged forward.

As he ran he leapt, growing in size and changing into a massive direwolf. His forepaws hit the ground just in time for Korro to slam his shoulder, and the full weight of his body into the doors. The lock gave way with a crack, and the doors swung wide.

MageMantis MageMantis
Gummy Worm Gummy Worm Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion LustrousFox LustrousFox
1743092863277.pngAaliyah Sh'ahn
Nodding along to Warren's words, she'd remain smug about her ability while listening to his plan, content to act to her heart's content as Akila would be frozen for the time-being.

It was only when he raised his hand in a strange gesture did she seem perplexed, tilting her head left, then right as she'd look at it, before awkwardly placing her hand against his and interlocking her fingers with his own, holding his hand above their heads with a pleased smile, though he'd no doubt feel the tremble in her hand.

"Of course I'll be on your team." Aaliyah would bubble back, before letting go of Warren, ready for this whole nightmare to be over as she'd watch Korro open those foreboding doors.

Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu MageMantis MageMantis SilverFlight SilverFlight

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