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Fantasy Aetherspark IC

As the attack started back up Denver shuddered. watching Korro rip the centipede's head off before he watched the wolf get slashed. acting quickly the goat pulled out his staff "Korro wait a second" he said as the keys on his staff jingled. He had enough mana stored up for at least a flash heal. focusing on the wolf a quick sensation is sent into Korro. The wounds healed up but only in a scarred matter. Flash heal would stop the damage not cover it up. The goat planted his staff into the ground to steady himself. "There! Good as new" he said before turning his head to the side and coughing a bit.

As they made there way down into the tunnel his mantis friend started making frantic sounds. "What is it, friend?" he asked as the mantis climbed onto his shoulder "I remember!!" he said triumphantly as the goat looked confused "Remember what?" he asked as the mantis excitedly fluttered his wings "In the throne room! that's where the master keeps his power!" he said as Denver looked around "what...does it look like?" he asked as the mantis groaned a bit "I-I don't know...Ive never seen it..." she said begrudgingly Denver chuckled "don't worry, Im sure we'll recognize it when we see it!" he said before helping the mantis back into his bag.

SilverFlight SilverFlight MageMantis MageMantis
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Aaliyah wouldn't give the undead snake a response outside of an annoyed click of her tongue, but her drooping ears and sullen expression would be more than enough of an answer as she'd fidget with the inside of her cloak, her heart thumping in her chest as she'd remain alert, her eyes flickering around the walls of the cave and the ground beneath them in terror and preparation like a walking idol of anxiety.

Klythren pitching in with his spiteful song, while appreciated, wouldn't do much to ease Aaliyah either, finding his tune and the accompanying laughs distracting and crude as she'd do her best to remain watchful. They were allies, even if they weren't on good terms, and right now they were in enemy territory.

"N-now.. isn't the time." The princess would hum to the two of them, yet no sooner had she said her words would the onslaught begin, starting with the slight tremble of the earth beneath Klythren. She didn't even have the time to warn him, only able to step away as the ward would be replaced with a fountain of blood, one which Warren thankfully blocked with his rock umbrella.

Though it would soon become her rock umbrella as he'd had her the heavy stone tool and tell her how to use it, her arms lowering slightly as she'd get used to its weight, though doing as he said and trying to use her magic on it, wouldn't work, to her confusion. Not having the time to figure out why, she'd take her new weapon and take to barbarically clubbing any centipedes that got too close with all the force of a hefty almost-200lb sahagin, including all the strength and muscle it entailed that would've been quite strange on any other kingdom's princesses.

"I'll try-" Aaliyah would answer back to Warren as she'd crush a segment of insect, flustered and breathing heavily from the stress, but surprisingly to even herself, not panicking. She didn't even seem to mind the blood that soon covered her from head to toe, almost seeming happy at the familiar sensation of being covered in liquid, a sight that would've driven the royal advisors into shock.

MageMantis MageMantis Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu
Korro caught the vials, giving Lena an approving nod after he'd seen the violent damage she had wrought. There was even the ghost of a smile on his lupine features.
"You. You, I like." The wolf said.
He decided to keep hold of the potions. They may be well needed where they were running to. Korro only hoped that she survived this.

The jingle of keys was becoming familiar. Korro paused for only a moment as Denver came up behind him, healing the slash in his arm. The fatigue it caused the goat was visible, and Korro bared his fangs. What should have been a "thank you", began with Korro grabbing for Denver's wrist roughly to pull him close.

"Are you so intent on harming yourself?!" He snapped. Denver's cough made something flash in his eyes...was it worry?
Either way, his voice gentled again. It was uncharacteristic.
"Save your spells for fatal wounds. I will not die from a cut on the arm."
Movement caught his eye and in one motion Korro pulled Denver behind him and brought his sword down on the head of another centipede.
"Stay behind the shields." He advised, readying for the next attack.

Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Gummy Worm Gummy Worm
going through all the items even if they weren't weapons from the dead bodies and carelessly thrown into a pile that he dubbed "useless to me so I don't care" until finding something that actually went stabby stab with a spear and a shield levitating it before handing over to the snow leopard that he was well aware with on his back, dipping his ears for a moment Chandak considered if he should listen to the demons in his head that are beginning to talk to him in real life, taking the spear in her mouth as they replied "okay demon whispering in my head!" with Julian simply replying "call me whatever you want, angel or devil, I really don't care..."

before running off and running away with the kitties carefully not be enough to puncture him while holding, on simply wagging her tail while purring because you know it's just every tuesday to see anthropomorphic snow up just floating in the air, simply following a group as his instincts told them that they were affected by the curse which he already knew but he used it in this case to actually follow along and find them while running, the sound of hoof being heard clopping on the ground even though he was quite literally running on air with a floating snow leopard.
(( Gummy Worm Gummy Worm LustrousFox LustrousFox HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion SilverFlight SilverFlight )

Tonnie received the two bottles of the blue liquid and the pink liquid from Helena. She had watched her display of unleashing the pink concoction she had crafted onto their enemies, which turned their own acid against their innards. She had been marvelously impressed with the performance, with plans to ask the Fae how she brewed the potions so swiftly under such pressure, if they survived. She requested two more of each so that she could give a pink one to Blestare so that he may coat his segmented blade with the potent substance. Upon receiving the potion, the potion slipped from the white wolf’s hand, as he briefly juggled the bottle, desperately trying to catch it before it eluded his paws and shattered all over the ground.

“Oh no.” Exclaimed Blestare, his face frozen in shock. Tonnie stared at the mess on the floor with a panicked look as she briefly paused amidst the chaos. She then turned to her friend,

“All good, mate!” Assured she in a friendly fashion, with an albeit nervous smile. Meanwhile, Ko did basically nothing as he stayed hidden amongst the stronger mercenaries, scrambling to stay alive. Utilizing his wooden wand-hand, with deadly precision Steel-Mage rapidly blasted centipedes with beams of fire.

“Hiya!” Screamed Blestare as he lunged forward and cleaved a jumping centipede in half with his blade, then blasting another into the ceiling with a stream of lightning from his open paw. The humanoid walking-tree Samurai twirled his katana as he seamlessly sliced through multiple centipedes, before a few of their brethren peaked their heads from the ceiling and spat down a continuous waterfall of acid down upon the armored tree. The Redwood Ronin raised his beetle-shield to block the acid, struggling before a centipede quickly bit through his ankle and slithered away. The ronin screamed as he dropped the shield and succumbed to the acid, yelling in agony as the waterfall of acid from the centipedes above reduced his bark-body into a melted pile of steaming twigs, burning any and all seeds within that pile, resulting in no hope for the warrior to have a successor.

Barracuda poured a bit of the pink vial into the open pouches on his belt that contained Wyrmsteel bolts. He then poured some on both of his boomerangs, hoping to capitalize on every advantage at their disposal. He then noticed that Chandak was riding upon what seemed to be an invisible mount, which he presumed had to be the Unicorn Centaur from earlier. He then caught glimpse of a centipede’s antennas slowly lower from a narrow hole in the ceiling, near where the snow leopard looked like he was hovering.

At the same moment, he noticed another centipede rear its entire visceral visage from the ceiling on the left and prepare to rain acid down upon Sir Jamie. Seeing as how Chandak was likely in a closer vicinity to retaliate to his slower centipede opponent with his spear, he turned his attention to the aristocrat. Jamie’s centipede opponent, eager to end another bloodline, fired down a stream of eager acid towards the veteran. The Gunslinger aimed, before reeling his arm back and hurling his vial of blue fluid at the downpour of deadly acid. The vial exploded at about the tip of the downpour before any of it could nick Jamie, freezing the fatal substance in mid-air in ice as the cold embrace then crawled through the acid and to its arthropod origin at the ceiling, freezing it solid. The immediate consequence of the blast was some frost spraying upon the Rottweiler’s esteemed outfit. Barracuda walked to Jamie, wiping the frost off of his uniform,

“Engallian, I like your outfit.” Commented he. Barracuda then repositioned back into the fray as nearby Jamie, Quickclaw slung her throwing knives into the bodies of countless bugs. Jamie would soon notice a centipede spring from the wall and snatch Quickclaw by her scaly tail and begun to pull her inside of the hole. Quickclaw let out a scream, knowing very well that if no one took notice of her strife: That hole in the wall would become her grave.

Madrias fought near Kanon, intent on protecting Adelynn as the thought of losing another close ally was too much to bear. Akila speedily sliced through every bug she saw, reveling in the violence. Ko the Kobold Rogue climbed onto Julian’s back, riding behind Chandak as the little lizard reached for Chandak’s pockets, chuckling softly.

Soon, the tunnel would take the mercenaries to the hallway where the towering closed gates to the Entomancer’s throne room sat before them. By the time this reached this point, the man-sized centipedes that they had fought would be dead, and they would have one last chance to prepare if they needed it before they faced the Entomancer in the flesh.

This time however, the bug screeching behind the gates to the throne room would be…rhythmic, like an eerie choir that invited all of them to the gates of Hell.
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Sensing that something was looming near with not so friendly intentions as Julian quickly flicked his ears before jetting his blue glowing eyes that were the only thing that shine in the rest of the black void the inside of his eyes were, finally deciding to become visible again carefully and gently floating the snow leopard back on the ground as Julian close his eyes with his horn suddenly being developing a much more brighter shine, without hesitation putting his palm together as his hands were flat out as a noticeable shining twinkle star appeared hovering under both palms of his hands.

Two rings suddenly appearing under him as he landed back on the ground gracefully with the same star pattern in the middle of two circles that glow a mix in between of soft and bright, with the star he was holding suddenly shattering to envelope him in a white bright light with his silhouette inside glowing a very bright blue with the silhouette shape-shifting physically into a medium-sized rooster with ease, the white light shattering to reveal his new form he took.

The underneath cheek frills and head crest that was a little bit more larger and spiker than a normal one being the same color and the same pattern he had on his horn still retaining it being inside hard and solid like a proper horn, the eyes being identical as they were before when it came to the solid black inside and the glowing pupil with the twinkling star pattern under his eyes but the loss of his freckles, their neck feathers being the same color as the base of their fur with their light being wrapped around his neck like a necklace with two separate ones then one.

The rest of the body including the first layers of wings being the color of his shirt with the second layer being the color of his crystal necklace with the final layer of the wings being the same color as his horn but without the pattern, their legs being the same color as their hoof but with the white claws that was actually the reflection of light even though weirdly even with placed without light and especially instead of having a shade of black, it was always a shade of white, with the second necklace instead coming a leg band with the silver diamond in the middle.

Finally the long tail feathers mean the same color as his horn but also had the pattern on at this time, suddenly one of his wings as the final third layer suddenly shine a very bright light of energy as their feathers became more sharper, before suddenly gracefully swing his wing that was now behind him causing these energy feathers to fly acting like small little daggers but in the shape of a feather, directly aimed towards the hole where the antenna was held as some pierce the cave walls with four Feathers heading straight into the hole with the antenna being the target in sight roughly as he couldn't dictate where the feather went but he could dictate with angle depending on what angle he was standing.

tucking his wings in as he only stared at the hole barely making any movement or noise, Chandak finally spitting out the spear to hold it in her second available arm only whispering under their breast loud enough it could be heard of the simple words "Demon rooster~!" only glancing over when he felt the I stare at him of the person that they teamed up together with, giving a happy wave with his tail due to both of his hands being unavailable.
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As Lena moved through the chaotic battlefield, she eagerly handed out her potent concoctions to anyone who asked, adding a bit more for those who looked particularly in need. With a fierce determination, she launched her supply into the enemy ranks, watching sparked happiness in her seeing so many people use her potions. hearing Korro say that he likes her made. her feel even better she love to praise for her work. “I like me too. I hope you survived this too.” The flickering light at the end of the tunnel grew brighter, guiding her forward. “We’re almost there!” she called out, her voice ringing with optimism. The tide was turning, and they could feel victory within reach.

As Warren was carrying Aaliyah he was surprised to see how well she was using the makeshift weapon he made.” You’re better with that than I thought you would be. That loves. You could deal with something you’re good with.”He would witness the other mercenaries using the potions that Lena had made watching their effect on the creatures. Though it did seem like some of them did not need them but having something that should help never hurt anybody. Warren would pocket the ones you received for later. Seems like they were about to reach the end of the tunnel. Warren cast a swift glance over his shoulder, assessing how many of their group remained amidst the relentless onslaught of monstrous, man-sized centipedes. His heart raced as he spotted the formidable Quickclaw, struggling against one of the grotesque creatures that had seized her. In a moment of desperation, Warren hurled Aaliyah toward Lena, shouting for her to catch.”Hey Lena, heads up.”

Lena hesitated for a heartbeat, surprise flickering in her eyes, but instinct kicked in, and she lunged forward to snatch Aaliyah from the air. As she soared down from her lofty height, she couldn't help but grumble about the unexpected weight, “Can’t you throw lighter things?”

When she finally touched down in the dim hallway, the landing was precarious; she nearly stumbled as she secured Aaliyah. Breathless, she shot a glance back at Warren, exasperation etched on her face. “Next time, maybe warn me before you toss heavy stuff my way!”

Warren quickly made his way back to who was still in the middle of being dragged away by a giant man-size centipede Quickclaw, pulling out a couple of the daggers that she brought to some of the other centipedes before charging them with lightning and throwing them at its head, releasing her from its grip. “We can’t have the story of the Great Quickclaw ending like this can we.” He said lizardfolk before hiking her over his shoulder handing her the rest of her daggers he had and dashing over to the rest of the group and the hallway.

MageMantis MageMantis SilverFlight SilverFlight Noble Scion Noble Scion
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She felt bad about Warren going out of his way to carry her, even blushing slightly at being handled in such a way, not that she would be able to enjoy it for very long given their current circumstances. Which was to say, when he tossed her, she couldn't help but let out a yelp like an injured puppy at finding herself sailing through the air, only to be caught by Lena, her complaint wounding Aaliyah's pride as she'd call her 'heavy'.

She couldn't help but feel a little downtrodden by the fact. She was actually quite light-weight by sahagin standards as a result of all that dieting and exercise her father had her go through, after all, he'd prided his daughter more than his own kingdom, and making sure she was the jewel of the ocean was his way of showing his love, even if it had been hard for her, a different kind of struggle from the strife of commoners, but a struggle none-the-less.

"I-I'm not fat.." Aaliyah couldn't help but mumble back, sheepish at being carried by someone other than Warren, though if Warren trusted them, then she decided she would trust them too. Though she didn't have the heart to thank her after the double 'insult', instead slipping a hand against the alchemist's neck as she'd gasp for air and repeating the process she'd done for Denver as a small trickle of water would seem to expand and encompass her body, relieving fatigue.

The incoming rhythm of bug percussion would steadily wear on the back of Aaliyah's mind. She'd all but forgotten why they were even there at this point, having signed up for the first adventure that had come her way. It had been easy considering that little 'accepting all applicants' clause, but she had long ago figured out why it had been there.

She wasn't even sure what the reward was, though that was the last thing on her mind as her eyes would continue flickering around for any of the gnashing insects that would charge her or Lena's way, at the ready to swing her stone club.

Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu MageMantis MageMantis
(( Gummy Worm Gummy Worm LustrousFox LustrousFox HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion SilverFlight SilverFlight )

When the invisible mount became visible, and glowed and started to transform, Ko ceased his pickpocket attempt on Chandak and leapt off of Julian’s back. The Kobold landed on all-fours before scrambling like a rat to reach safety. The Lyrenian Knight, who had just finished slamming his beetle-shell shield onto a centipede’s head repeatedly to ensure it stayed dead and to manage his brewing rage, briefly stopped to witness Julian’s radiant transformation into giant gleaming rooster with awe. It reminded the knight of a Lyrenian god from legend that some of his people believed in and worshipped. As he gazed upon the glowing rooster, he effortlessly caught a centipede leaping towards him by its neck, before snapping it with his same hand as he then swung around to block a stream of acid from above with his scarab shield.

The lethally sharp feathers Julian had launched into the hole in the ceiling with the descending centipede found their target, a screech of agony erupting from above as dark green blood splashed down from the hole. This was followed by the centipede’s lifeless body tumbling from the hole to the ground nearby Julian, where its muscles twitched spontaneously.

Quickclaw took the knives Warren handed to her as she hitched a ride on the Geomancer’s back. Had the mighty magician been a second too late, she surely would have shared the same fate as the Human bard. She opened her mouth to speak, her green and yellow scaly face frozen in a warm smile, “Agreed.” Responded she. “Wouldn’t have been a cool way to die.” She added, mixing some humor into her honest thoughts as a way of coping with the near-death experience.

The mercenaries soon arrived at the giant hallway that lead to the towering gates to the Entomancer’s throne room. The eerie rhythmic chanting of bugs could be heard behind the doors, having replaced the once chaotic and unorganized screeches their scout team had witnessed. With the centipedes all dead by now, they now had one final chance to prepare. They would also need to find a way to pry the doors open.

Elixen walked to the Red Knight with a look of trust, the quadrupedal Cheetah’s eyes now glowing brightly as her sclera became a ghastly purple and her pupils a vibrant neon blue. Demi-Titan magic from her eyes would temporarily bind to the soul of the Red Knight, as Kanon’s entire body would suddenly glow in a strange manner that almost made the samurai seem unrecognizable to the untrained eye, each of the colors on her figure becoming the opposite of what they once were (basically if a negative-filter were put on Kanon, that’s kind of how she appears now). Elixen, guessing of his military history from his uniform and performance thus far, turned her head to Jamie and cast the same effect onto the dog-folk, who glowed in colors opposite of himself.

Kanon and Jamie would feel potent Magic surge through their bodies from tail-to-ears, as the flexibility of their minds would feel polished. So long as this effect was upon them, the two beastkin could selectively conjure intangible but detailed negative-colored three-dimensional constructs to better communicate with the rest of the group, and provide visual input, in addition to the ability to sense emotions with a touch and telepathically communicate with the other who had been casted with this effect and Elixen.

“Red Knight, Engallian, what shall our next course of action entail?” Asked the Cheetah. Jamie and Kanon could sense the new powers they temporarily had with this effect on their bodies, and if either of them spoke, their voices would sound distorted, but still coherent, like that of an otherworldly being’s.

“The Panda that swore her allegiance to some peassssssant girl is really deserving of the title of leader?” Akila berated, cackling sinisterly. “HILARIOUS! Should she fall, what next? Should the goat and his filthy vermin be our leader? If he perishes, then who should follow after that?” Akila turned her malicious gaze to Aayliah and her acquaintance, Warren, slithering over. The snakefolk mummy saw the princess as an easy target who she could harass to distract herself from her own fear, and she felt venomous jealousy of Warren, who had received an ample amount of positive standing for his potent contributions. “Bubbles and her little bodyguard, a filthy half-breed? HAH!” Akila let out gleeful laughter as she slithered away from the two with smug look.

A few moments later, as the mercenaries stood in front of the gates to the Entomancer’s throne room, another cat-sized Praying Mantis similar to Denver’s could be spotted in front of the staircase that lead downwards. This one however, had a bright green exoskeleton with light blue markings instead of orange ones. Given that his mother spun a large egg sac that gave existence to hundreds of Mantis nymphs, Denver’s mantis had hundreds of siblings. It was inevitable that Denver’s mantis wouldn’t have grown to know even a quarter of them during his time growing up in their den, and that he likely wouldn’t recognize this one. The other cat-sized Mantis flew in front of the mercenary group before any of them could react, but didn’t seem to attack them.

“MIMM, MIMM, MIMM, MIMM, MIMM, MIMM, MIMM!” It angrily chirped with its arms spread out, screaming at seemingly Denver’s mantis. While it sounded like a series of angry “mimms” to the mercenaries, to Denver’s mantis, it sounded more like this:

“Brethren, what are you partaking in!? If you try to kill the master with his invaders, we may no longer have protection from his congregation! It is why mother spawned us here. Without master’s congregation, we would be…” He paused and raised his arms wider. “…Vulnerable.” Finished he, dragging out each syllable in the word in a strange pattern of speech. “Get off of the shoulder of that Albino Badger, and let us return home.”

The chanting behind the throne room slowly started to grow louder, as if the Entomancer and his brood were growing impatient.
Feeling memorizing eye stare at him glorifying them in silent jetting his blue glowing pupil speedily, seeing his carnage in the background as it was clear that this was a highly aggressive warrior yet simply looking at him seemed to filled them with calmness with no hint of aggression in sight, causing him not to see a deadly creature going right for his neck to tear a chunk out, causing the peaceful creature to suddenly turn into aggressive tyrant once more directly towards him as he simply ducked at first to dodge, only to hear the aggressive tearing beside him as the creature was showing no mercy towards the creature.

Only to hear the running of liquid heading right towards them with no emotion as acid came right towards them, preparing to put up a temporary magical shield around them and everyone near, not expecting the same critter to use its shield to protect them all as julian slowly looked over to look deeply into there's eyes, ignoring the dying lifeless bug that was twitching in agonizing pain, suddenly materializing a perfect little necklace that was light but sturdy string with a glowing light that matching the ones on his neck down hanging below on the front.

gently putting it around the creature's neck, speaking out loud calmly "Your reward, that light there will always make sure you have peaceful dreams and banish any nightmares away, the bulb is also unbreakable, between you and me I'm a demigod." towards the critter while bringing themselves in to make sure to whisper the last part before feeling a not so fun liquid splash his back with it dripping down his feathers, causing him to look down and let out a long sigh follow up with a not so hidden "screw the mortal world!"

not even aware that they were being stolen attempt as they simply watched a little dragon run away, Chandak proceeded to skidder under the large tail feathers lightly shaking with their ears back while flicking their tail back and forth, shifting around they eyes fast as they weren't very good or a big fan with these kinds of things, they could perfectly fight for themselves but didn't like doing it.
Kanon huffed as they reached the end of the tunnel. Her attention had been divided between Adelynn and the path ahead, so it was only now that she could take count of who else they had lost. She didn’t want to lose any part of this group, but she was particularly saddened to see the other samurai hadn’t made it. He was as close to a kindred spirit as she had found here. As she was spontaneously granted new power, she looked at her hand curiously. So much for Red Knight. “What is this-?” She was distracted by the snake’s commentary, which had her pointing her blade. “Watch your tongue or you will lose it.”

Adelynn glanced at Kanon. “She’s not wrong though…”

Kanon just sighed put her sword back on her shoulder. “Right, we need a plan. I doubt we’ll be allowed to examine the forces ahead once the door has been opened. I am open to suggestions.” She looked to Akila. “Since you seem so quick to speak, do you have any input that could see us through? Or is slander all you can muster?”

Adelynn gave a little sigh. Kanon was always level-headed, but one thing that got her worked up was people bad mouthing Adelynn. Adelynn herself wasn’t too bothered, since those people were usually right, but Kanon was determined to protect her, even if she didn’t have a reputation yet.
Denver looked to his friend then back at the blue mantis. on one hand he could let his friend go back but then he could be killed during battle. Denver sighed a bit. his mutual understanding spell was going strong so he decided to try and negotiate "W-wait!" he said to the other mantis "What if you help us? If we work together then you'll be safe!" he said with a smile "This whole palace can be yours if you help us kill the man who lives here." Denver knew this was long shot but it didn't hurt to try.

The goat glanced back at the others hoping they wouldn't attack. "My name is Denver," he said offering his hand "And I promise I'll protect you, wether you decide to join us or not" he said as his mantis friend fluttered his wings a bit "Hes quite good at protecting I've learned" he said as the two looked hopefully to the blue one
LustrousFox LustrousFox SilverFlight SilverFlight Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Gummy Worm Gummy Worm
HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz
Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu

About 30 seconds ago, when the mercenaries had been fighting the centipedes in the tunnel, during a brief moment of less centipedes attempting to kill him, the Lyrenian Knight had turned to the Unicorn Centaur as the Centaur had bestowed upon him a necklace. “Oh, um, thank you.” Spoke the Lyrenian Knight. He wasn’t entirely sure why he was receiving this, but he didn’t want to reject a gift. He didn’t personally believe and worship the Lyrenian rooster god of legend that Julian’s rooster form had resembled, but he knew a few people back home did.

Fast forward to the present, the mercenaries were gathered in front of the gates to the Entomancer’s throne room.

The green cat-sized mantis with the blue markings looked at his brethren upon Denver’s shoulder and then Denver himself. Possessing eyelids, the blue mantis squinted his eyes. “I suppose I can get behind that…but I demand food!” Screamed the mantis, his words sounding like a series of “mimms” to everybody else but Denver and Denver’s mantis. The blue mantis’s gaze then met Korro as he paused, mesmerized by his fluffy mane. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but it made him feel…safe. The blue mantis crawled up the body of Korro before rubbing his triangular head against the wolf man’s neck. “Mimm, mimm, mimm…” Droned the mantis as he rubbed his head against his neck like a cat.

Akila snapped her head to Kanon. “Why, I thought you would never assssssk Panda. Since the filthy half-breed wishes to flaunt his power so much…” Spitefully begun she as she shot a glare at Warren. “:..Why not he put that power to good use and carve a little tunnel to the throne room so the goat’s little vermin can scout ahead? If the Entomancer is unprotected, then perhaps the half-breed can create another tunnel to the throne room so that our resident nobleman and putrid Human gunslinger can execute the cretin from afar.” Suggested Akila. The Lyrenian Knight glared at the undead snake woman, resisting the urge to punch her in her incessant mouth.
Kanon had that same urge. “Hm… Much as I loathe to say it, that may be a good idea.” She looked over at Warren. “Can you manage that? Ideally without making it obvious.”
Korro snorted, glaring at the snake woman. He had had just about enough of her.
"We could also toss the snake in first." He suggested, only half-jokingly.

The little mantis that blocked their way squeaked in a strange way, and it was hard to tell with the creature's multi-faceted eyes, but it seemed to be looking at the one Denver had on his shoulder. He watched the goat for any clue as to what the thing was saying. The two insects and Denver seemed to be carrying on a conversation as the new creature inched closer. Korro resisted the urge to step on it.
Then it made a beeline for them. Korro assumed the blue-striped little beast would crawl up to join its comrade on Denver, but to his surprise--and horror--it jumped at him.

"Uegh!" He exclaimed as its prickly little feet brushed the skin under his fur. The insect circled his neck once and nestled into his hackles. Korro's nose wrinkled in pure disgust, but he did not make an effort to dislodge the beast, instead he glared at Denver. "Really? What in the nine Hells did you tell it?"

Korro rolled his shoulders and hefted his shield and sword. Whatever came, he would face it.
"It is hard plan for the unknown," he had a feeling Denver wouldn't be happy sending the little things into danger, however, it might be the best idea they had to stay alive.
"Hey, thing." Korro addressed his new involuntary companion. "Can you understand common? Or do you just speak...whatever that is." He gestured to the creature vaguely, indicating its unintelligible 'mimm's.

MageMantis MageMantis Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Gummy Worm Gummy Worm
Lena would look at annoyed, knowing Warren would more than likely agree to the plan made by Alika. She then would check her bag or something once she made sure it was in there she closed it and let it be. Thinking to herself that if it ended like last time it would be Lena to the rescue again.” Watch yourself.” is all she said to him.

“Oh, come on I do even notice when I was carrying her “.As Warren settled down to catch his breath, he turned his attention to the intriguing plan proposed by Lady Akila and Kanon who asked him if he could do it. After a moment of contemplation, he made his way over to Lena, who shot him an exasperated look that made him chuckle. “You got it, boss lady! Just give me a sec,” he replied with a grin.

Warren then approached Denver and his pet, studying the creature for a moment as if weighing its potential. “Alright, I think I’ve got it,” he declared confidently. With that, he lowered his hand to the ground, his fingers dancing through the earth before he unearthed a hefty chunk of stone, carefully placing it down. The tunnel was just big enough for the creature to fit into it.

After his successful dig, he wandered over to a nearby wall, leaning back against it as he settled onto the cool ground. “The first tunnel is done. Just let me know if we need the next one.” He sat there it seems was reaching his limit, but he simply played it off. The only one who would know about it is Lena, who just walked over to him and stood by why him while he was sitting down.

MageMantis MageMantis Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Noble Scion Noble Scion Gummy Worm Gummy Worm

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