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Fantasy Aetherspark IC

Aaliyah Sh'ahn

Aaliyah would let out a small 'woah!' of surprise at Helena's sudden flight, only to turn and form a smug, pleased smile at being thanked by the woman and praised by Warren. She nodded her acknowledgment back to the two of them, a soft blush on her cheeks. This was beginning to feel more like the adventure she'd been anticipating, with its gradually blossoming friendships and encouragement in the face of hardships.

Her thoroughly stroked ego would only be beaten out by her ceaseless amazement, as she couldn't stop herself from staring at Lena's flight.

"I did my best, Lady Helena." Aaliyah beamed back at the fay before heeding Warren's advice and making her way over to Korro and Denver after the wolf-man gave her permission. Returning his question of her ability with a firm nod.

"Anything short of... cut-off things, I can heal. Fatigue is a piece of kelp. Though I haven't tried magic on a non-sahagin before..." Aaliyah chirped back, timidly approaching the goat with her gentle demeanor. However, the smile on her face turned to a frown at the mix of depressing conversation topics—ones she'd rather not think about. Lost lives and in-fighting weighed heavily on her heart, making her grow meek once more

The 'machine' especially, as he would proclaim his eagerness for death, which was more than a little frightening to the sea princess, given that she saw lying as evil, albeit a necessary one for her safety in her current predicament. She couldn't help but freeze for a moment at the sternness of his threat, before reminding herself to keep making her way to Denver, her ears dropping a little lower in the shallow darkness of her cloak. She was sure her good deeds would more than make up for this small sin.

What would bring her to a true standstill was the hyena woman pointing out a bug—their current enemy. Aaliyah held off on her approach as her patient turned defensive, proclaiming his well-being. She made a confused look toward Korro once more, searching for instruction on what to do, given that he seemed to know the man well.

"... He is fine? I don't know your species' very well.."
MageMantis MageMantis Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu SilverFlight SilverFlight Gummy Worm Gummy Worm
Kanon stepped forward at the mention of the bug, but she held her hand towards the spartan. “Hold… If this one was like the others, it wouldn’t simply be perched on his shoulder, it would be attacking. I’m not sure what level of intelligence these bugs are capable of…” She looked at the mantis. “But if it’s smart enough to understand deception, then it’s smart enough to know it would not survive if it attacked while in the middle of us all. If it’s some…bizarre exception and seeks to help us, it could be invaluable.”

Adelynn had chosen to stay quiet thus far. She would have mentioned her limited healing magic, but she saw there were others who were more skilled at it than she was. Perhaps she could the fish girl to teach her. ‘Fish girl’ sounded offensive though, so she hoped to learn the actually name for what she was. She wished she could remember if she said it already.
((So wait, is Denver a sheep or a goat?))

"He is not fine." Korro assured the ocean maiden, though now Denver had his arms wrapped around the little insect protectively.
The wolf nodded as Kanon defended the thing from scrutiny by another fighter.
"You owe the creature your life. It told Denver of the acid flood trap our kind host planned for us." His tone was level, yet still he put himself purposefully between the Hyena woman and Denver. The ram would never let any harm come to the beast, so Korro would defend it too...if he had to.
"You touch it, I break your arm."

Not that he could without a great deal of pain, thanks to the sealing ring...but she didn't know that. He looked about the room as he said it, his eyes lingering on the warforged wizard, wondering if the machine would consider the bug evil. Apparently his threat went for all of them.

Noble Scion Noble Scion MageMantis MageMantis Gummy Worm Gummy Worm Fangs9090 Fangs9090
Fangs9090 Fangs9090 MageMantis MageMantis Noble Scion Noble Scion SilverFlight SilverFlight (hes a goat)

Denver looked ep surprised to see people come to his defence. he slowly sat up and looked around. the mantis climbing back into Denvers bag for safety as Dever sat up. "T-thank you" he said looking at the ones protecting him
( Gummy Worm Gummy Worm @LustrousFox HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion SilverFlight SilverFlight )

The Lizardfolk woman had squinted her yellow eyes at the canine as he trotted off to join the scouting team. She felt distrustful of the aristocrat, as every rich person she had ever known hoarded their wealth and only ever cared about getting richer. It was then that it was revealed that the Goat had brought a bug with him, but the bug had warned him of the impending flood. This perplexed the Lizardfolk woman, the idea that not every bug of the fortress was under the Entomancer’s command.

Steel-Mage squinted his metal lenses at the Mantis in suspicion. The input from their unofficial leader convinced him for the most part that the bug likely wasn’t evil…or perhaps, so the Warforged pondered.

The Hyena-folk Spartan lowered her spear, flinching at Korro’s threat. “My apologies.” Expressed the humbled Spartan with guilt.

The Lizardfolk woman rogue looked to the other mercenaries. “Many of you may have heard of me before, I’m kind of a big deal where I come from…” Began she. She cartwheeled to Aayliah. “Phantom of the streets…” Told she as she raised her open hands for emphasis. The rogue then backflipped, spinning in the air before landing in front of Adelynn. “Bane of the corrupt…” She then cartwheeled to the gray Wolfman. “You would never see me coming…” Insisted she with a boop to Korro’s black nose to emphasize the word ‘you.’ She then cartwheeled to the center of the tunnel. “…For I am the fantastic Quickclaw!” Proclaimed she as she struck a theatrical pose, only to be met with the awkward sound of silence, and to the sight of confused and apathetic stares. Soon, her eyes darted across the tunnel to process the underwhelming reception before she dropped the pose. “Nothing?” Asked she. After more awkward seconds passed, she attempted some damage control, “I’m still working on the name…”

Meanwhile, in the tunnel the Rhinoceros Beetle had created, the scout team walked with steady, caution-filled steps. Upon noticing Jamie catch up to them, Tonnie’s lips curled into a smile. “Fancy seeing you here.” Spoke the green Witch. They would soon arrive at the cavernous corridor’s destination: A massive stone hallway, with a staircase going downwards to their right, and on their left, a towering pair of gate doors with ancient markings inscribed onto them. Behind the gates were the sounds of countless bugs scurrying, as if singing sermons to the psycho they would die for. The sounds from behind the gate shot into the hallways, the walls echoing with horrifying hisses and grotesque roars.

The Entomancer’s throne room.

“The throne room…” Whispered the humanoid walking-tree Samurai to the others. “I think we ought to turn back…” Whispered Tonnie as she swiftly spun on her heel and begun to tread back to the main tunnel. The scout team had now found the location of their main objective. One way or another, this mission was about to end.
Lena stood back, her eyes fixed intently on Korro as he wielded his sword with precision, crafting an impressive ice wall to shield their group from the encroaching threat. Once satisfied with his work, she unscrewed a small vial from her belt and poured the shimmering solution over the icy barrier. The ice transformed into a deep, vibrant hue, a clear sign that it would hold off their pursuers a little while longer. She would look at his sword a bit afterward.” Nice sword you got there.”

With the immediate danger temporarily averted, Lena turned her attention to the ruckus unfolding nearby. Denver was in a heated debate with some of the other mercenaries, all eyes glued to his peculiar little pet. To Lena, all this fuss was somewhat trivial; she couldn’t muster much concern unless they decided to take action against the creature. After all, she thought, its materials could be invaluable.

Just then, Kanon, the group leader, stepped in to restore order. Her calm authority echoed through the tension-filled air as she declared the creature could stay—for now. Lena felt a twinge of disappointment wash over her; she had hoped for an opportunity to collect something useful. But with a resigned sigh, she pushed the thought aside and steeled herself for whatever came next, ready for what would happen next by preparing a couple of different concoctions. “It's nice to see that that settled peacefully. We really don't need to be fighting with each other right now.”

As Warren felt the scouting team disappear from his range he could sense. Gave a quick applause for Quickclaw. Right before tension crackled in the air among those who remained. Voices rose, threatening to escalate over Denver and his strange little pet, but he kept his cool and focused on his task, confident that the capable members at his side could easily handle one small enemy threat. Just when it seemed the mercenaries might clash, their leader, Kanon, stepped in, her commanding presence calming the restless group. Warren felt a wave of relief wash over him; the potential for conflict had dissipated, at least for the moment. Warren would agree with Korro. If this little creature did for warn them, he felt it was worth having around until everything was settled.” Nice pet you have there little Denver.”

After a while, he broke the silence, his voice steady yet alert. “I think I hear something coming back—it might be the scouting team. But let’s stay sharp; a lot of footsteps could mean trouble in the tunnel ahead.” He said putting a little more focus on the dark passage and where Aaliyah was, ready for whatever was about to unfold.
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Adelynn watched display from Quickclaw, remembering some street performers she’d seen once. Were they really that similar to thieves? She’d never seen a thief before. Well, not one that was claiming to be a thief, anyway.

Kanon looked towards the tunnel where the scouts had gone. “It seems we’re about to move on, one way or another. Prepare yourselves.” She flipped her sword up to rest it on her shoulder. Normally she preferred to keep her blade sheathed when out of combat, but in here, combat could come at any time, so she had to stay ready.
Korro looked back at Denver as he thanked them and rubbed the back of his own head sheepishly. He clearly wasn't used to thanks.
The lizardfolk woman proceeed with her flashy introduction, when her clawed hand pressed into Korro's soft wolf nose he growled at the touch.
"See you, perhaps not, but I would certainly smell you." He grumbled under his breath.

As he thought about the little creature Denver protected, and the events that had lead them to still being alive, he had an idea.
"Denver, do you think you could ask that little thing if the entomancer has any weaknesses? Maybe how he communicates with all his insect legions and...if there is a way to sever that connection? Even for a moment?"
Korro still wasn't convinced the mantis wouldn't turn on them if subjected to the right influence from their enemy, still, it seemed free of his control now...Perhaps it would answer them and give them that sorely-needed edge.

Korro nodded as Lena praised his sword. "It's heavier than most, but now so familiar it feels like a part of me. The sword is not magic though, it is merely a channel for my power, such as it is."

At the signal that the scouts were returning Korro's eyes turned to the dead beetle. He withdrew his sword from the earth and walked over to the carcass, using his blade to hack off a piece of the creature's thick armour plating. The elytra, the casing protecting a leathery, segmented wing, was dry, and light, and with only a bit of leather from his sword strap, he had made a crude shield.

He raised his voice so all could hear: "These monsters are impervious to the acid they spit. I suggest we all take a piece of the beetle's shell and use it."
Korro proceeded to cut a small piece from the wing, bringing it over to a puddle of sizzling acid to test it's resilience too. A wing was much lighter and more flexible, if it could repel the acid, the members who needed lighter armour could also benefit.

"This entomancer is either more careless than I expected, or, this very well could be a trap..." he said in a low voice, "Either way, we should be careful."

Gummy Worm Gummy Worm MageMantis MageMantis Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu
Denver nodded to the wolf before taking off his bag and helping his friend out. "Hey little buddy" he said calmly "do you know anything about the man who used to control you?" he asked as the mantis looked around "I-I don't...Ive never seen him. All I know is he controls the others with...something...Mantis arent hostile so I don't know" he spoke to Denver, however all the others could hear was a small repeating noise

"He doesn't know," Dever said allowing the mantis back into his bag "I think the beetle shell is our best option, if we follow the stream we might end up at the entomancer's location" he said looking back. It seemed like the best possible option at the time.
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Aaliyah Sh'ahn

Glad to hear the bug was a friend, Aaliyah would decisively make her way over to Denver at the wolf-man's assurance, eager to give him aid after being interrupted from the task given that they were on a time-limit, judging from Warren's mention of returning footsteps and Kanon's second opinion, blissfully putting her safety in the more capable hands among their group.

Her walk would include awkwardly shuffling past the lizardfolk woman 'dancing' in front of her, giving her a sheepish nod of respect as she'd reach her destination, the white ram, hoping the woman wouldn't take it as her being rude, even if it was.

Reaching a hand to her waist, Aaliyah would pull out a small flask, clipping the lid off before pouring a small amount of ordinary water onto her hands before awkwardly clasping her hands around one of denver's own, concentrating as a faint blue glow would would filter through the water as before it would climb up his arm and seem to cover and soak into his body.

Like a balm, it would seem to cool everything it touched, perhaps tickling as it would trickle around his body, but he would immediately feel any aches or muscle fatigue fade with a soothing tingling sensation.

After a few moments of her concentrating, she would blush as she'd finish off her magic, her heart surprisingly anxious with the thought of someone recognising what was very much not traditional healing magic, though she planned as passing it off as unique to sahagins, which wasn't wrong, it was just also exclusive to the royal family.

"There, all better, yes?" the princess would smile at him before she'd let go, grabbing her flask once more to take several large gulps of the water, feeling a little dehydrated after exerting herself, then finally clasping it underneath her cloak once more.

MageMantis MageMantis Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu SilverFlight SilverFlight Gummy Worm Gummy Worm Fangs9090 Fangs9090
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( Gummy Worm Gummy Worm @LustrousFox HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion SilverFlight SilverFlight )

The wing was impervious to any damage from the acid. Barracuda could tell from the Demi-Titan and WarWolf’s introductions that they were hiding something, but for now, they had greater matters at-hand. With unnatural strength, the Hyena-folk Spartan woman begun ripping parts off of the beetle carcass to give to her allies as makeshift shields and armor plates.

If Warren used his seismic senses again, he would detect something daunting: An umpteen amount of narrow tunnels traveling to their location. As they all prepared, Klythren noticed how the stress of the situation was once again amplifying. Hoping to temporarily distract them all from the horror of their current situation, the bard ran to the center of the room to perform. “Ladies, gentlemen, everyone in-between and beyond, as we prepare to make our final stand, I present to you: An Exotic Bunch.” The bard cleared his throat before promptly strumming his lute, producing an elegant and relaxing tune.

An Exotic Bunch scrambles within a fortress of death
With laughable features, that shine like a crest
Such as I, with a chin too fat for my face
And Korro with a big nose on his beastly grace”
Sung the bard as he then turned from Korro to Aayliah.
And then Aayliah, a Sahagin, fish far from the sea
Practically begging to be mugged, ignorantly
And here we have Denver, smaller then a fly
Next we have Barracuda…likely not a nice guy”
Mocked he, as Barracuda remained cleaning his equipment, apathetic to the bard’s performance
On his face, he dons a delicate mask
But I must be honest, it looks like-“

The bard tripped on a rock, before immediately leaping back to his feet to keep performing the song,
There stands our leader, an edgy sellsword
Her demeanor screams patience, but inside, she’s torn”
The bard guessed about her before turning his head towards Chandak,
This one’s too colorful, likely too hasty
If she isn’t too careful, bugs will find her tasty”
Klythren trotted over towards Helena,

You look like an Elf” Stated he, that being the best line of jest he could conjure for the Fae,
And the Engallian, with a snobbish look, gods, I thought he was just here
If he survives, he will likely boast of this for years
But despite all of our flaws, and strange little quirks
Something tells me will we make this team work
Such as Korro, with his big-nose and beastly grace
Has to got to possess the greatest mountain-moving strength, that my eyes had ever embraced
Aayliah, you may not just quite fit in
But I believe that your warm kindness is far from a sin
And Goat, as tiny as you might be
I cannot help but bow to your angelic empathy
And Gunslinger, your aim could pin flies to walls
Now onto our leader, her edge on her sleeve,
But wise and cunning, she is most certainly no sheep
And the snow leopard, yes, may definitely look naive
Her bravery and spirit must reach levels unseen
And the Fae, possesses an intellect that rivals the gods, her concoctions and potions will better our odds
And the aristocrat, he may resemble a bloke
But his elegance and prowess are absolutely no joke
As we soar towards the maw of Akenians’ wretch. The most I fear, is honestly his bad breath”
Deceived he, hoping to mock the Entomancer to lighten the mood.
As we scheme and do battle, I just have a hunch:
This shan’t be the last tale of an Exotic Bunch!”
Performed the Bard, in what could be his final performance
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Jamie flashed his own grin at Tonnie, letting out a quiet chuckle as he continued down the tunnel with the others. He would've been with them earlier had it not been for that lizardfolk lady rudely mouthing off at him. She picked quite the bad time to start issues with people. However, all thoughts of the confrontation melted away as they reach the end of the tunnel, coming face to face with the throne room of the dreaded Entomancer.

The horrible sounds of bugs buzzing and scurrying around, echoing throughout the tunnel reminded him of a time back in the war when he had to lay siege to a city. The sounds of panic and chaos were comparable to the sounds here in a way. It sure as hell made him want to turn around and walk back to where they came from, which was quite uncharacteristic of the canine. Had he finally met his match? Most definitely.

"We must inform the others of our find. We mustn't dilly dally, lest those creatures discover out whereabouts." He nods toward the rest of the group before beginning to power walk back the way they came. They needed to tell the others before they decided to walk the other way, which presumably led further away from their objective.
Kanon stayed quiet and just raised an eyebrow at the bard's performance, though it was admittedly entertaining. And his comment on her was more accurate than he knew. She wouldn't mention it now, but Kanon hadn't ever led a group before now. Her training had included meditation to calm her nerves and keep her enemy from being able to read her moves, so that was probably the only reason she could hide just how nervous she was about leading these people, likely to their deaths. Granted, she wouldn't let her nerves keep her from doing the best she could.

Adelynn, on the hand, rather enjoyed the little song and show. She offered a small applause at the conclusion, even if no one else would.
Denver shuddered at the magic, he was stunned, she hardly look phased from the spell. Denver could hardly heal a headache without getting dizzy. It was clear she was far above the simplicity of a mage. "Thank you" he said to Aaliyah as he stood up and smiled before smiling a little and stretching. while his mana wasn't quite restored his body could move without fatigue. The goat would assist the rest in dismantling the beetle humming a bit as they formed their makeshift armor and rafts. Dever found himself humming along with the bard even if his song was a bit of a contrast to the mood

Noble Scion Noble Scion MageMantis MageMantis
“That’s a good plan “Following Korro's suggestion about this, matching the large beetle for parts Lena was especially happier about it. She took a bit of pleasure in ripping apart of large creature for its armor. She would start working on something in her small homemade kit as soon as she got a piece of its armor and go gather some of the acid into a vail while she was doing this she lowered herself and attached a rope on Warren's shoulder. He was used to this because she would always do this, whenever she got invested in one of her projects, and didn’t feel like being left behind by him on their travels. “ You know the routine.”

Lena would find entertainment in the song that the bard was singing. Giving her a small bit of music while she was working. She only stopped briefly to give him a small applause once he had finished his song before going back to her work.

As Warren was still focused on the ground, he felt other presences through the ground that did not belong to the incoming scouting party. He will then get up and walk over to Aaliyah with Lena being dragged behind him like a balloon. He would once again call out to the rest of the group.” It seems that we have enemies on the way here everyone. I don’t know who will get here first the scouting party or them so I just we get ready”. Looking over to Kanon.“ Over to you Boss.” he said to the lady she had been doing good as the leader, so he could not complain about anything.

Turning his attention to Aaliyah seeing her a little bit winded. “Are you OK? I’m not sure if you’re good at fighting but I will make sure you are safe either way. ” He placed his hand on the ground, one more time to see how much time they would have, and gave it the information to everyone so they could prepare in their own way.

MageMantis MageMantis Noble Scion Noble Scion SilverFlight SilverFlight Fangs9090 Fangs9090
Kanon chose to mount her share of beetle shell on her back, over her sword’s sheath. Her fighting style didn’t work with a shield, but she could use it to cover her back, at least. Hearing that they had enemies incoming, Kanon gave nod. “Let’s hold our ground until the scouts arrive. Anyone who can’t fight should stay close to someone who can.”

Adelynn took that as her cue to get up and head over, standing near Kanon with her shield.
The repeated noise Denver’s Mantis made sounded like he was saying “Mimm” multiple times. Quickclaw skipped over to Denver, “What’s his name? Can I pet him?” Eagerly asked the Lizardfolk woman. Based on speed the tunnels were forming, Warren’s seismic sense would detect that the bugs would likely be here in one minute.

Klythren responded to the applause with multiple bows. “Thank you, thank you…” Spoke he. “I will be here until…” He paused. “I am not anymore.” With a flick of his hand, a glow erupted from his fingertips before flowers exploded around him in bursts of brightly-colored petals.

Soon, the scout team returned from their trek, entering the main tunnel. “We found the entrance to the Entomancer’s throne room. It is time for a confrontation.” Explained the humanoid walking-tree Samurai. Upon seeing Denver’s Mantis on his shoulder in the open, and the other mercenaries appearing to not mind the insect, Blestare smiled as his large tail wagged behind him. Meanwhile, Tonnie was puzzled. “Not all of their lot are hostile?” Asked she, referring to the cat-sized Praying Mantis perched on Denver’s shoulder.

Simultaneously, the acid outside of the ice wall was now beginning its ascent once more. It made contact with the ice wall, beginning to process of melting through it as it rose. A dreadful sizzling shot through the air from the ice wall as the mercenaries prepares for the next round of chaos. The Hyena-folk Spartan woman finished equipping a beetle-shell shield. She walked to the center of the tunnel. “I am Rymora. I am from a tribe in the Nor...” The Hyena’s voice trailed off as her gaze landed on Korro. Her heart rate greatly accelerated as recognition flooded her brain.

It was him.

She cleared her throat before resuming her introduction. “I am from a tribe in the north, I hope to prove my worth.” Afterwards, she then marched to Korro, whispering to the wolf.

“Glory to the Great Wolf. My undying loyalty is yours, my lord.” She then went to sharpen her spear, her snout scarred from the retaliation of her victims.

Valios, hoping nobody would notice, begun to sneak towards the right tunnel, planning to abandon the battle all together. To him, after all he had seen, this felt like nothing more than a death wish. Besides, he had a deal with an ancient being to uphold. If he perished now, his next destination was somewhere beyond hope.

As the acid withered away at the ice, and legions of angry arthropods burrowed towards their tunnel, which had become a temporary sanctuary of peace and unity, it may have been a good idea for their forces to rush to the Entomancer’s doorstep compared to remaining here. The Entomancer did not plan on giving them anymore breaks.
Korro tried not to look too disappointed, "something" wasn't enough information to stop it.
Once the wing material passed his acid test, Korro began working with it, cutting it in places, using the Velcro-like trailing edge to adhere some of it together.
Korro sat nearby as Aliyah worked to restore Denver. He didn't speak when she drew back, but his eyes held the gratitude he did not say.

As he worked, the bard struck up his song, and if Korro was being honest, he found it rather impressive that the minstrel invented verse after verse right on the spot.
As it was going on he gave the ceiling an exasperated look. "I think I preferred the acid..."
Still, when it was done he offered a few, slow claps, if only for the effort made at improving the dour mood.

Lena's workings on some of the beetle's carapace sparked his curiosity, enough to ask: "What is it you are doing there?"

Warren's warning made him rise, he inspected his handiwork with the creature's wing: it had produced a fine, draping cloak, shimmering with the windowed segments, it was almost beautiful. This new garment he brought to Denver, holding it out so the billy could put it on. "Take it." Korro insisted, "If you get hit with an acid blast, you probably won't die."

He was only idly listening to the others introduce themselves, when suddenly his eyes locked with the hyena woman and the cold shock of recognition entered her eyes.
She came up to him and whispered her words, and he replied in a low voice. "There is no Great Wolf here, but, if you are willing to follow, we will fight our way out of this."
He stood tall and called out. "Anyone bearing a shield before them follow my lead! Take point, protect the mages, those with long range weapons stand by a shield bearer, watch their backs! Form up!"
His experience as a military leader began to bear its teeth. Korro did not like being cornered, he would show this entomancer what it was like to tangle with the Demon Wolf.

"Remember! Our foe is only one! Cut him down and this nightmare ends!" He barked, trying to raise morale in his own way.
With that, he took up his shield, and took up position, waiting on Kanon to give the word.

Gummy Worm Gummy Worm MageMantis MageMantis Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Noble Scion Noble Scion Fangs9090 Fangs9090
Kanon gave a nod at Korro's words. "It's time we put an end to this, so no more suffer like what we've seen today. The more we delay, the more he prepares, so let's move out." Giving the group a look over to make sure they were all ready, Kanon began heading for the tunnel. She had been compelled to add 'to victory, or an honorable death,' but she figured most here would be discouraged by that. Outside her homeland, honor in death was far less common.

Adelynn followed after Kanon, taking her shield by the strap to hold it properly. She could only hope using it was as simple as holding it up when an enemy came at you. That's how it looked, anyway.
Denver put on the garments that Korro handed him. After they were properly equipped Denver smiled as the Lizrd lady asked to pet his friend "Im not sure what his name is yet" he said as he looked at him "But yeah you can pet him if he'll let you" he said with a smile as the green bug glanced over at her, his wings fluttering a bit while looking at her.
Aaliyah Sh'ahn

Aaliyah would scowl at the bard and his words, thinking colourfully unpleasant thoughts about it for the majority of his ballad until he'd win back her heart with his second part, her ego sufficiently stroked as she'd let out a soft, haughty "hmph~" instead of making any complaints. She did hope his optimism came true though and that her first adventure wouldn't be her last.

Denver thanking her would make her clasp her hands together, tilting her head cutely in response as her hood would slip back a bit to reveal a little more of her smiling merwoman face. Her pride obvious in her voice as she'd chirp back to him as Korro's silent appreciation would catch her eye "You're welcome~"
Beginning to make her way back to Warren, she'd find him already by her side, which would make her heart thump at his thoughtfulness as he'd tell the group of danger, before he'd ask if she was alright. She didn't really have the heart to give him a definitive answer, royalty had to keep a strong facade, after all, but even then, she couldn't hide her trembling hands and the spark of fear in her glimmering eyes hidden by the hood.

".. I'll be ok." Aaliyah would hum after a pause, a little hurt by his assumption that she couldn't fight, even if it was true. His protection, however, would put her mind at a little more ease, even if it made her feel a little guilty.

Like a switch being flipped, the group would seem to get back on the move as the scout party returned, some adventurers equipping themselves with parts of the beetle while she would decide to stick close to Warren and Lena, timidly sticking behind the geomancer assistant and the fae as Kanon would lead the charge, adrenaline already beginning to circulate through her system once more.

MageMantis MageMantis Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu SilverFlight SilverFlight Gummy Worm Gummy Worm Fangs9090 Fangs9090
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Mercenaries hurried into the formation, the ones in the lead clinging to beetle-shell shields as they prepared for havoc to knock on their doors at any minute. The Human paladin moved near Adelynn and Kanon, his legs like slime gel as they could not stop shaking. “Adelynn, my name is Madrias.” Introduced he, having been too scared to introduce himself in front of everybody earlier. “If you are okay with me inquiring: Where did you obtain your mask from?” Asked the Human.

Barracuda stayed in the back so he could cover the shield-bearers as he wore a beetle-shell chest plate. Blestare stood in the front, holding a bug-shield as Tonnie walked behind him, planning to provide him cover with her acid magic. While the bugs were immune to their own acid, their lot succumbed to foreign acid, a taste of their own medicine in a way. She adorned beetle-shell armor plates strapped to her person.

As the group hurried down the silent tunnel, tension filled the air. Akila whispered to Aayliah, a devilish grimace upon her face. “Ssssssscared?” Projected the mummy snakefolk woman, who wasn’t invincible despite her undead status. One of them could die at any moment, and they all knew it.

“I would just like to say…” loudly Whispered the Lyrenia knight. “For mercenaries, your bunch are more organized than I have given you credit for. You also aren’t a complete pain to work with.” Admitted he.

As they walked, having noticed her pretentiousness, Klythren decided to make fun of Akila. He silently hummed a tune,
A mummy so far removed from her tomb
Yet she underneath all that wrapping
Her flesh is rotting, I’d rather see crapping
Than gaze at the cretin with an ego the size of the moon”
Mocked he, earning a scowl from Akila as Quickclaw and Madrias stifled laughter.

“Ma’am, I have performed a head count.” Spoke the Warforged to Kanon. “There are 25 of us-“ Without warning, a man-sized centipede burst from the ground under Klythren as he let out a short-scream, dropping his lute near Aayliah as he was pulled under. Only a mere two seconds later, Human blood burst from the dark and narrow hole he had been pulled into like a fountain, spraying all over everyone who had been close to the bard. Steel-Mage turned back to the Red Panda. “-24 of us present.” Corrected he, as blood continued to shoot continuously from the hole like a geyser.

“I only wish I had done it myself…” Smugly Remarked Akila, before being tackled by a man-sized centipede who leapt from a wall and pinned her to the ground as she struggled.

More man-sized centipedes burst from the walls, leaping from the walls to bite at the mercenaries with deadly pincers. At the same moment, a centipede peaked its head from the ceiling, and sprayed acid down upon Rymora, the Spartan hyena-woman caught off-guard and letting out gurgling screams as she was melted into a sizzling pile meat on the ground. Mercenaries fought against the centipedes fiercely as they hurried down the tunnel.

After biting the head off of a centipede, Elixen shouted with a bloody mouth, “EVERYONE, TO THE THRONE ROOM!” Screamed the quadrupedal Cheetah. It became more apparent that the longer they stayed here, the more likely they would all be another number added to the Entomancer’s killcount.
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Adelynn blinked as she looked at Madrias, now catching on that he wasn’t joking. “Oh. Um, I’m not wearing a mask, that’s just my fur.” She rubbed the fur around her eyes to show that it was indeed just black fur. “They’re natural markings. My mother had them, too.” The moment of cultural exchange didn’t last long before chaos erupted around them, prompting Adelynn to duck behind her shield.

Kanon sidestepped an emerging centipede before bring her blade down on it to sever its head. “Grab whoever’s near you and move!”
Korro could feel the ground move as they headed into the tunnel. Warren had warned them, but precisely what would come for them was anyone's guess, when they did come, Korro did not like the answer.

Centipedes. Too many legs. There was absolutely no reason in the world for anything to need that many legs.
They began picking off their number from all sides, fool was he that even entertained the thought that their enemy did not know exactly where they were.
The choked screams of the hyena reached his ears.

"Dammit!" Korro yelled, and a split second later he was at her side, the ruined mess of her body was all that was left.
Korro's eyes flashed red, he leapt up, grabbing the centipede that had killed her. Bracing both feet against the ceiling he ripped the unfortunate creature out of it's hole, landing on it on all fours. With a livid roar he tore the creature's head from it's many-segmented body with his clawed hands, leaving the thing to thrash about in the wake of their group.

The moment Rymora had sworn fealty to him, she had become his soldier, in his eyes. Nobody killed Korro's men and lived. The entomancer...Korro hadn't given a rat's ass about him before coming here, but now...now it was personal.

From then on Korro fought with energy, he targeted the bugs, taking heads with his heavy sword. One was about to come down atop Kanon and Korro caught it with the spike on his blade, hurling it into the opposite wall in the same swing. Another came for him and he sidestepped, slashing upwards and opening it down it's long middle.
"Careful! Even headless they can still bite!"

One blindsided him and tore into his furred arm with his mandibles. Korro drove his sword spike into the top of its head, wrenching it free. Blood spattered the earth at his feet.
"Keep moving!" He bellowed, his eyes scanning for his next target.

MageMantis MageMantis Fangs9090 Fangs9090
As Lena was caught up in her experiment as Lena gripped the fragment of the giant beetle's shell, a surge of excitement coursed through her veins. Barely aware of her surroundings, she floated behind Warren, who was dutifully carrying her like a buoyant balloon, propelling them all through the dimly lit tunnel. Suddenly, Korro’s voice cut through her reverie, questioning her motivations.

With a mischievous glint in her eye and a puff of colorful smoke spiraling around her, Lena burst into wild laughter. “I’m doing something amazing!” she exclaimed, brandishing the piece of shell that now sported curious holes. But words were fleeting; her experiment was about to take center stage. Cutting herself off from Warren.

Just then, chaos erupted—the mercenaries were under attack. Man-sized centipedes slithered from the shadows, fierce and intimidating. One of the creatures unleashed a violent of acid, spraying it toward the group. In an instant, Lena sprang into action. She hurled a vial of shimmering blue liquid, sparkling like diamonds in the dim light.

The moment the two collided, a dazzling display unfolded. The blue liquid swiftly enveloped the acid, freezing it in mid-air and encasing the centipede in a crystal-like prison. She then threw a pink one into the mouth of another one that was attacking them. Soon after you get to choke and gag, right after the acid that was in its stomach, starts to eat through its own insides. A manic laugh escaped Lena’s lips as she reveled in her success.

With her heart racing, she edged closer to Warren, laughing confidently in this chaos, knowing he would be one of the few who'd celebrate her unexpected triumph. He simply gave her a few quick praises for her work before moving on. In excitement she danced in the air to avoid attacks she continued moving forward. “I am a genius! I have made more of these. As well as another one that can make the stuff they're spitting harmful to them”.Pulling out a pink vial of liquid holding up the two together proclaimed loudly. “I would like to make more of the blue one, but I used pretty much all I had with me to make with what I have right now. And I don't have don't have a big enough water source to do that. It could do something about that river of acid, but I think it would be better suited to coat what's left of us weapons with it. don't mix them, though very volatile result.” Tossing Korro one pink and blue. She, then again, handing out one of each to what was left of the group if they did not have a weapon they got both.

When everyone was taking parts from the beetle's shell Warren, made sure to take some too before making a makeshift umbrella of earth with the shell parts on top. “This should help “As they made their way up the tunnel, he made sure to keep close to Aaliyah to make sure she was safe. And he was happy he did when the bard was the first one to be taken out by the man-sized centipedes slithered from the shadows right next to them almost showering them with his blood Warren would deploy the umbrella covering her from the shower.

With the relentless assault of the man-sized centipedes closing in, he quickly switched tactics, wielding his umbrella like a shield. With fierce determination, he held it aloft to fend off the creature's acid attacks while charging in at them, touching them and channeling arcs of lightning through their writhing bodies using with the use of martial arts. He did not want to use geomancy to make a sudden change in the path to cause someone to fall. He was a whirlwind of energy, fierce yet protective, all the while ensuring when he wasn't fighting to keep Aaliyah remained safe amidst the chaos. Each strike of lightning illuminated the dark, as he and the others fought to overcome the monstrous tide as the group moved forward. Occasionally taking a couple of scratches and cuts along the way. Looking at Aaliyah when boss lady Kanon gave the order he would pick her up and start to move faster. “Things are getting out of hand try to stick close. Also, it may be a little hard but use this.Just a little bit of magic and it will open”. He handed her the umbrella and switched to kicking more after this. They were getting closer and closer to the Entomancer and ending all of this.

MageMantis MageMantis SilverFlight SilverFlight Fangs9090 Fangs9090 Noble Scion Noble Scion Gummy Worm Gummy Worm
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