Noble Scion
Crow, seeker of shiny things
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Aaliyah Sh'ahn
Aaliyah would let out a small 'woah!' of surprise at Helena's sudden flight, only to turn and form a smug, pleased smile at being thanked by the woman and praised by Warren. She nodded her acknowledgment back to the two of them, a soft blush on her cheeks. This was beginning to feel more like the adventure she'd been anticipating, with its gradually blossoming friendships and encouragement in the face of hardships.
Her thoroughly stroked ego would only be beaten out by her ceaseless amazement, as she couldn't stop herself from staring at Lena's flight.
"I did my best, Lady Helena." Aaliyah beamed back at the fay before heeding Warren's advice and making her way over to Korro and Denver after the wolf-man gave her permission. Returning his question of her ability with a firm nod.
"Anything short of... cut-off things, I can heal. Fatigue is a piece of kelp. Though I haven't tried magic on a non-sahagin before..." Aaliyah chirped back, timidly approaching the goat with her gentle demeanor. However, the smile on her face turned to a frown at the mix of depressing conversation topics—ones she'd rather not think about. Lost lives and in-fighting weighed heavily on her heart, making her grow meek once more
The 'machine' especially, as he would proclaim his eagerness for death, which was more than a little frightening to the sea princess, given that she saw lying as evil, albeit a necessary one for her safety in her current predicament. She couldn't help but freeze for a moment at the sternness of his threat, before reminding herself to keep making her way to Denver, her ears dropping a little lower in the shallow darkness of her cloak. She was sure her good deeds would more than make up for this small sin.
What would bring her to a true standstill was the hyena woman pointing out a bug—their current enemy. Aaliyah held off on her approach as her patient turned defensive, proclaiming his well-being. She made a confused look toward Korro once more, searching for instruction on what to do, given that he seemed to know the man well.
"... He is fine? I don't know your species' very well.."