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Fantasy Adventuring Misfits CS


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I apologize in advance for it being so bland, I suck at coding.
Like, really >_>


Unusual Marks:
Armour: (IF the character has one)
Skills: (What are you good at?)
Weaknesses: (Where are your shortcomings?)
Goal?: (Why are you in the adventuring business? Gold? Glory? etc.)
Brief Bio/History:

Name: Devyn Rutsson
Nickname: Some people like to call her "Explorer"
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: A short girl with a thin but fit build. She's got baby pink hair cut into a long bob with bangs sweeping to the side. Her skin is fair, though she doesn't sunburn too easily. Her eyes are DARK BROWN- I just got bored and drew them as red don't kill me.
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: 115 lbs
Unusual Marks: N/A

Personality Type: ENFP
Personality: Devyn is a curious little girl with a huge imagination that she can't help but spill out by talking. When she gets started, she can ramble and ramble on about her ideas and dreams... And although Devyn can come up with amazing ideas, she usually needs a push to follow through with them.

She's energetic and enthusiastic, with an unquenchable curiosity that pairs well with her ability to notice and observe practically anything (doesn't mean she's smart enough to analyze what she notices). Although she's energetic and super chatty, she knows when to chill out and relax. Her energy and enthusiasm come in bursts that could take anyone by surprise. She knows how to adapt, and is generally a friendly person with an approachable air to her.

Sometimes she can get distracted and it's hard for her to focus. She's social, but she's also highly independent and hates being restrained. She'll go off on her own and do whatever she wants, and sometimes that breaks rules... and Devyn hates rules. Devyn gets stressed pretty easily, and although her emotional bursts are a good point of hers, they can turn against her at times.

All around, Devyn is a friendly girl with a lot of curiosity that she'll go off to satisfy on her own.

- Food (who doesn't?)
- Adventure and exploring
- Anything fun!
- Condescending folks
- Rules
- Crafting (she can make weapons and cool engineering things... but she can't sew. At all.)
- Pretty good gunner
- Pretty good at throwing
- Snowboarding
- Cooking
Goal?: "An adventure is a journey with no destination!"

History: In a small village in the northern mountains of Daggertop was a young, nameless girl, abandoned at around 4. She could hardly remember her biological parents, much less why they abandoned her. The young girl had wandered for weeks in the cold, and almost died freezing had a man named Rut found her. Rut was a weapon-smith and a man who excelled at making cool things you'd find an Engineer in an RPG making. He named the girl Devyn and raised her as a son... daughter? Well, he liked thinking of her as a daughter who had the same rights as a son. Her father trained her in his craft, while her new mother, a scholar and collector books named Lisa, taught her knowledge.

Devyn spent much of her childhood quenching her thirst for knowledge, and exploring new places. Sometimes she'd get lost, and it would take hours to find her. When Devyn grew older, she packed her things and got ready to explore the world.


Nothing to see~
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Altmann Gundof
Name/Nickname: Altmann/Alt
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6'2
Weight: 216lbs
Clothing: Often seen in short sleeved shirts when not in battle. Wears dark leather pants and gloves.
Armour: Consists of a chest plate made of iron. Otherwise, not much.
Weapon: Broadsword
  • Brute strength
  • Has some interest in geology, so he's good at identifying rocks and some plants
  • Some skill in mapmaking
  • Swordfighting
  • Strategy
  • Cannot fight/harm women or children
  • Overly sensitive to weather
  • Deathly afraid of spiders
Alt is an upright man, with strong morals and a strong sense of justice. Thanks to the aforementioned reason, he can be seen as a bit of chauvinist. And while he isn't consciously aware of it, Alt also regards women as inherently weaker as compared to men and dislikes seeing them on the battlefield.

Altmann has a hard time concealing his emotions. This goes for not only his previous personality traits but also hiding his rather sensitive nature. He is quick to any either, whether it be anger, sadness or happiness.
  • Food, preferably meat
  • Justice
  • Rocks, gems and metals
  • Extreme weather
  • Aggressive women
  • Cruelty
Goal?: Altmann would be one of those in it for the adventure and the glory. He wants people to know his name as a mighty warrior.
Brief Bio/History: Born a low birth to a poor farmer, Altmann has never been a stranger to manual labor. Amongst his three brothers, he was regarded as the strongest and the dumbest. But it was Altmann that took matters into his own hands when the drought came. He joined the military in order to save his farm, his brothers following him afterward. However when the drought ended, his brothers returned and Altmann stayed and began his journey.
Nepheline Frostgaar
Nepheline Frostgaar, or Nephie for short
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Sexuality: Undecided
Appearance: Nephie
Weight: 147 lbs
Unusual Marks: Nepheline's hair is stark white
Nephie wears a plain, white cotton tunic with the sleeves shorn off under a vest of boiled, dark brown leather. Armour plates cover her upper arms, but leave her forearms bare. Her upper legs are covered, to the knee, by the thick, dark brown leather flaps of a battle-skirt. A thick, high-collared, hooded polar-bear-skin cloak hangs about her shoulders, it's slightly tattered end dangling little more than a foot off the ground. There are large golden beads in her hair, holding her braids in place, and she beads her family's crest in gold relief on a leather cord around her neck. Her boots, the same leather as her armour, rise to the middle of her ankle, and are lined with white rabbits fur.
Equipment: Flint and steel, compass, rope (50ft), 3x Torch, bedroll, pack, 3x iron rations, whetstone, spare bowstring, casual clothes, needle and thread, a few other tools and necessities.
Armour: See clothing, Nephie wears boiled leather armour as part of her regular attire
Weapon: A viking short-sword, a shortbow, and a hunting knife
Skills: Wayfaring, Survivalism, Crafting, Tracking and Scouting, Hunting
Weaknesses: Nephie isn't very good with a sword yet, and she can overestimate herself at times. Her bravado hides a lack of confidence, and though she's ready to jump into things headlong, she's quick to defeat herself.
Enthusiastic, bold, headstrong, honest, loyal, straightforward, Nephie would make a fine cleric if she weren't set on swordplay. She likes hunting and tracking, spending her days in the woods, climbing trees and chasing deer. She hates inaction, indecision, and procrastination, but isn't impatient. She's naive and hopeful, but keen, and intuitive.
Likes: Wide open spaces, nature, working with her hands, learning swordplay, mulled wine, the snow.
Dislikes: Crowds, baking, sitting around, proper dresses, when people catch her singing.
Goal?: Nephie wants to become a great swordswoman.
Brief Bio/History: Born in the high northern reaches of the Daggertop mountains, Nepheline is the youngest of five children. Born to a guard captain and a huntress turned housewife, she was always encouraged to embrace traditionally feminine roles. While her brothers went out with her father to hunt and train with their swords, she was left at home with their mother to clean and mind the house, cook and weave. Having once been a great huntress, her mother could empathize with the girl's growing sense of wanderlust.

It was her fourteenth birthday, shortly after her father and brothers left for the hunt, when her mother brought her into the kitchen and sat her down. On the table was an old, dark wooden bow, already strung. Confused, Nephie's mother never once explained, she simply slung a heavy cloak around the girl's shoulders and ushered her out the door. From that day forward her mother trained her, at least, to hunt. She took to it like a duck to water, and by the time she was sixteen she was savvy enough to head out on her own, on the solemn promise that she finish her share of the housework before leaving.

Each day, as the sun sank toward the horizon, she would return, sneaking inside before her father's return. It was a happy life, even if she had to live it in secret. It wasn't until she turned nineteen that everything started to fall apart.

"I have the most wonderful news!" Her father began. Nephie had hoped to hear that he would allow her to learn the way of the sword, or that word had reached him, somehow, of her prowess as a hunter ... nothing of the sort would be said.
"I have found you a husband, my dear. Grolden Hearthfire has asked for your hand!"
She spent the next week pleading with an angry father, begging to be allowed to choose her own fate. At the end of the week, when it seemed she had no other option, Nephie gathered what provisions she could muster in the dead of night and snuck away. It wasn't until the next morning she found the care package of dried meat and fruit her other had sent along, and the note encouraging her to find her own way.
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Aisha Katrva

  • f0soew.jpg




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Sedna Arnaqi

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 169 lb
Hair Colour: Light Grey
Eye Colour: Grey-Blue
Unusual Marks: Her right eye is missing, and large scars cover the right side of her face. She has many tiny scars all over her body.

Clothing: In accordance with her upbringing, Sedna wears her armour every day. On the rare occasion she does not, she opts for a simple tunic, skirt and boots, nothing fancy. She does, however, keep her missing eye and scars covered at almost all times with a cloth wrap. She also wears an armband on which runes of luck and protection are carved. It's more a good luck charm than anything with great inherent magical properties. She also rubs black nightwhale oil across her one remaining eye, as is tradition in her hometown.
Equipment: Sedna carries a simple pull-string bag containing her supplies:
  • Needle and thick thread
  • Flint and steel
  • A whetstone
  • A small knife
  • 30ft length of rope
  • Simple bedroll
  • A compass
  • A small whale-oil lamp
  • A small pot of nightwhale oil
  • Casual tunic, skirt and boots
  • A small bone idol of Usqna, goddess of water and fishing

Armour: Her armour is boiled hide and leather, allowing her the freedom of movement and agility she needs for her hunting. It consists of a bodice, a pauldron that covers her right shoulder, belt and skirt, and boots with knee guards. It is form-fitting and practical, rather than showy, as it is the traditional fishing armour from her village and is meant to be used daily.

  • Squtul - a large harpoon-spear, the traditional fishing and hunting weapon of her people. At over five feet in length, it is meant to be weilded like a spear rather than thrown, and the smaller barbed tip ensures that a stuck prey will not break free without injury.
  • Greathooks - two massive fishing hooks, large enough to be weilded like a scimitar. Another weapon of her village, a rope can be attached to the end of a greathook to create a weapon with greater range.
  • Net - while not technically a weapon, it is an important part of Sedna's arsenal. Used to ensnare beast and man alike, this net's weighted edges make escape troublesome for the unlucky victim.
  • Swimming, sailing and fishing - these come naturally to Sedna after spending her life fishing and hunting on and around the water, and she has no qualms about getting wet or being around bad smells. If there's a river, a coast or a boat, she can get food. She is also fine around bad weather, and relishes a good, heavy rainstorm.
  • Hunting large creatures - her village is renowned for fishing unfishable waters, and for good reason. Most of the creatures she has had to stave off and kill to protect her home and fishing boats have been large, and she has grown adept at taking them down. Anything the size of a man and larger is her domain of expertise.
  • Wayfaring and navigating - her time at sea has taught Sedna to read natural signs like the stars as well as a compass and map. She has translated those skills to traversing the land as well, using natural features and her own in-built sense of direction when all else fails her. She finds navigating the land unchallenging when compared to the vast, featureless ocean.
  • Stabbing things - well, I mean... she's very good at stabbing things. Yeah.
  • Hunting small creatures - since most of her fighting has been against larger beasts, she has little experience with smaller foes. Her weapons and fighting style are not well suited to diminutive beings, her best bet being to get them with her net and then stomp on them.
  • Sophisticated life - life in her village is tough, and there is no room for the excessive niceties of sophisticated society. She is baffled by the lifestyles of dukes, ladies, and barons, and is often considered brash and uncouth in court settings. Even in idillic country farmtowns she can be a bit rough around the edges for the townfolk. Which brings us to...
  • People skills - oh dear. The people of Sedna's village are to-the-point and abrupt, as their way of life has determined they must be. They are not uncaring, but they do not show such things openly, keeping personal affections a private matter for the home. This means she isn't great around other people, often coming off as dispassionate and uncaring or rude.
  • Magic - Sedna has little experience with magic, and does not know how to deal with spells and incantations. Her straightforward "stab it until it dies" method of fighting doesn't always do well against magical opposition.
  • Extremely dry weather - Sedna's entire life revolves around water, and so if she finds herself in an environment where water is scarce, she suffers. She is pretty much useless in a desert, as the heat disagrees with her and she has no idea how to find water or survive in such a place.

  • Fishing and sailing
  • The seas and oceans
  • Rain
  • Hunting
  • Quiet moments of peace

  • Magic and those who use it
  • Enclosed spaces
  • Dry environments
  • Upper-class life
Personality: A product of her village and its harsh lifestyle, Sedna is to-the-point and straightforward. She has no time for niceties or not saying what you mean, which has lead many people to take offense to her forthright comments. She has a strong sense of duty and justice, and believes greatly in paying for one's misdeeds, although her methods can be quite... severe.

While she may seem utterly stoic and uncaring, she is passionate and lively within. She relishes her lifestyle and takes great pleasure in hunting and in protecting others, and she loves water, whether she's sailing its surface or standing in the rain. She has great confidence in herself, which can lead to her getting very frustrated if something eludes or vexes her. Her confidence can also get her into a range of situations, from awkward to dangerous.

Goal: Sedna started adventuring to help others, and to prove to herself that she is strong and noble. The gold is nice, but she would rather one day return to her village and live there again.

Brief Bio/History:
Sedna's ancestors decided, for whatever reason, to start a fishing village next to unfishable waters. Maybe they heard the locals saying, "Oh, you'll never fish there, there's monsters in them-thar waters!" and they responded with a resounding, "Up yours, we'll settle there AND MAKE THE BEST VILLAGE EVER!" and then they highfived and rode away on horses made of lightning. The true story is lost to time, but it might have gone like that.

Whatever originally happened, the village of Jjoldunbryndt has stood as a testament to human stubbornness and determination for years. While the waters and rivers are infested with gargantuan beasts, the people of Jjoldunbryndt are living lives as fisherfolk. Sedna was born to a small, loving family and was quickly raised to sail and swim from a young age with her older brother and sisters.

She was taught the ways of hunting the creatures that plagued the waters around them, just as her parents their forebears learned before them.When she came of age, she was gifted her own squtul and she started her life as a proper Jjoldunbryndt fisher, working on many boats during her time in the village. It was during this time that she lost her eye, fending off a particularly nasty creature of many tentacles, claws and fangs.

As she neared her thirties, Sedna started to think about the outside world. Her brother and one of her sisters had left to go adventuring, and they had done well for themselves out of it. The sister that left had since returned, and told stories of her exploits to Sedna and her other sister who had stayed. It sounded liek the greatest challenge of a lifetime, rife with danger and excitement, and Sedna soon informed her parents and family of her desire to leave and go adventuring.

After a brief farewell and a small, but very personal, family meal, Sedna left her home for the wide world beyond, eager to prove herself to herself.
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Here's a work in progress character for now... (I grew bored and made one.)


Heinrich von Wolfwood
Name/Nickname: Heinrich von Wolfwood, though commonly called just Wolfwood
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: A tall, thin man of slightly larger then average height. He is usually seen wearing a long cloak made out of some sort of leather, as well as pants to go along with the cloak. His eyes are of a golden yellow shade, which due to the blank stare he tends to have, makes him usually appear to be glaring at people.
Height: 6 foot 11 inches
Weight: 167lb.
Unusual Marks: A large tattoo of a Fleur-de-lis on his back.
Clothing: A large leather overcoat with fur lined along the hood, and leather pants.
Equipment: A wooden walking staff carved from an oak tree.
Armour: N/A
Weapon: A short sword
Skills: Basic understanding of horticulture.
Weaknesses: Tends to become narrow-minded quickly, focusing solely on a single task to obsession.
Personality: Usually calm and collected, he is quick to anger, despite his generally docile behavior. He tends to avoid crowds, or hanging out in heavily populated areas.
Likes: The forests of his home town.
Dislikes: Large Cities
Goal?: Knowledge.
Brief Bio/History: Born from a family of druids, he spent most of his youth in seclusion learning about the forest and the rewards it can give to those who live in harmony with it. Because of this, he holds the forests in high regard, and looks on with disdain at anyone who uses them with out care, be it for the trees or the animals with in the forests.

Radiver Redwing
Name/Nickname: Radiver/Red
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 154 lbs
Unusual Marks: He has a large burn on most of his right leg.
Clothing: Because of the unusual nature of his upbringing, Radiver does not have many sets of clothing and almost always wears his armor. The clothes he does occasionally wear are mismatching and are of various quality. One of the more common examples is a pair of green Elf made shoes, brown peasant trousers, a noble mans blue shirt, and a black smith's blackened overcoat.

Equipment: Radiver's pouch contains:
  • Waterskin
  • A bundle of Harpy feathers
  • Branch of a Spirit Tree
  • Flint and Steel
  • Whetstone
  • A Torch
  • Twigs from an Ent
  • A Rag
  • Mismatched clothing
  • Small pot of Armor Oil
  • A Knife
  • A Stuffed Wyvern Named Spookers
Armour: Radiver has a set Mildian Steel-Plate Knight Armor. It offers great protection against small arms, swords and arrows, while also being quite maneuverable. Underneath the armor is a set of chain mail protecting the more exposed extremities. This hands are also covered in a set of heavy leather gloves. Upon close inspection, one can see that the armor has been slightly dented and warped to fit a smaller frame.

Weapon: Radiver's weapon of choice is a Norland Longsword. While not the greatest of swords, it offers a good balance between length and weight and is very well crafted. It can be used to slash and stab, and can be wielded half-sworded for taking on armored opponents. It also features a trick pommel that, when pressed down and turned, disconnects from the sword and can be used to End Them Rightly.

  • Forest Survival Skills: Having been raised deep in the Mylomar Forest, Radiver knows how to track, set traps, forage, pathfind, and climb like a squirrel with its tail on fire. In addition, he knows several rituals that are said to grant safe passage through dangerous woodland.
  • Communicating with Creatures: Radiver's upbringing in an area rich with usually non-hostile magical creatures has taught him how to communicate with Spirits, Nymphs, and some animals, though that one requires a ritual. In addition, he can speak both Entish and Western Harpy.
  • Armored Combat: Radiver's adoptive father, with the knowledge that Radiver would one day have to leave the forest, trained him first with the sword, and then, when his adoptive mother brought back a set of knight armor stolen off a corpse, he taught Radiver all the knowledge he had on armored combat. While he has not had real armor to armor combat yet, Radiver does know what he is doing.
  • People Skills: Radiver has never really lived in a town, and was never raised by human parents. Thus, he never gained many of interpersonal skills most people have. Gestures are often hard for him to understand, the finer points of making conversation are lost to him, and he does not know many of the taboos of society. It took him by surprise that you actually have to buy items in markets and couldn't just take them.
  • Slight Agoraphobia: Being that he has almost always had a tree that he could climb up nearby and has never lived in a place with no cover whatsoever, Radiver feels out of place in very exposed areas. He is out of his element when he does not have some form of tall object around, whether is be a tree, large rock, or building.
  • Relics/Ruins: The Mylomar forest is one of the few places that has nary a ruin or relic to its name. As such, Radiver has no idea of the dangers or nature of relics and ruins, not even hearing the tales mothers tell their children to frighten from messing with such things. Thus, he is likely to fall for traps.
  • Ranged Combat: Other than throwing rocks from the top of a tree, Radiver has no way to fight at long distances. If a foe can keep him at a distance, his armor will eventually become compromised and let a fatal shot in.
Personality: Due to the unusual nature of his childhood, Radiver himself is rather unusual. He is often joyfully believes that everyone has good in them, but that is mostly because he is naive about human nature and the atrocities they commit against one another, thus he will always seek to help those in need, even if they should not receive help. He is energetic and excited about meeting other humans, but he is often quiet and seems reserved as he does not know how to start up a conversation. If he gets to know a person, he will completely switch gears and become extremely talkative and somewhat clingy.

  • Forests
  • Trees
  • Spirits
  • Nymphs
  • Acorn and Leek Salad
  • Western Harpies
  • Ents
  • Knights
  • Stars
  • Hunting
  • Foraging
  • Spookers
  • Exposed Areas
  • Wildfires
  • A Specific Nymph
  • Rabid Wolves
  • Eastern Harpies
  • Storms
Goal?: Radiver began adventuring because he could no longer stay in the Mylomar Forests. He hopes to be able to connect with his fellow humans, and one day be able to find a way to return to his home.

Brief Bio/History: Radiver was born to a poor family in a poor town on the edge of the Mylomar Forest. At two months of age, the village was attacked by a large group of bandits who looted the town, killed everyone there, and burned the buildings. Radiver would have died there, consumed by the raging fires, if the Ent Rootis hadn't been watching. Rootis, in an unusually proactive action for an Ent, decided to save the young boy, leaving the only damage done to Radiver being a burned leg. The Ent, not really knowing how to raise a child, sought help from a Harpy, Featherfall. Together, they became the adoptive parents of Radiver.

When naming the child, the adoptive parents got into an argument.
"We will not have him be called Redwing. That is no name for a human boy." "Why not? You already gave him Radiver, why can't I give him his last name." "Because Radiver is a sophisticated name that has class. Yours is the color of his hair plus feather. It's primitive." "At least Redwing tells people something about him. What does Radiver say about him? That he is a stuck up classy person with no fun in their life?" "It means that he can be respected, unlike you." "Your face can't be respected." And this continued for quite some time until Rootis finally gave up and conceded that Redwing would be a somewhat acceptable last name.

As Radiver grew, Rootis and Featherfall knew that he would one day have to leave the forest. Humans were forbidden, and he would surely be forced out by the magic of the forest when he came of age. Together, they agreed to train him to be as prepared as possible for when he would find himself alone. Rootis taught him the art of armored combat, while Featherfall scavenged what she could from corpses and unsuspecting shopkeepers. Many of the spirits and creatures of the forest also helped, as Radiver was the only human they had ever known, and taught him many secrets and rituals to help him survive. Eventually, the day came, and Radiver awoke to find himself and his supplies outside the forest without even being able to say goodbye.
Malifus Thundershield
Age: 100
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Sexuality: Dwarf female
Appearance:Short and Stout, with rippling muscles. Eye patch on right eye.
Height: 4ft
Weight: 135 lb
Unusual Marks:Scar right eyelid
Clothing:Brown and grey underclothing. Red tabard with a dwarven full helm on it (helmet with beard attachment) on it
Equipment:Shield with same emblem on it.
Armour: Chain Mail chest place everything else
Weapon: one handed axe
Skills: Mining, fighting, getting hit, drowning, falling, appraisal.
Weaknesses: Bad at swimming, fights too much, always falls, has a big mouth, gets hit too much.
Personality: Charismatic
Likes: Pork, Dwarves, humans are alright, good ale, good wine,
Dislikes: Elves, Demons, Undead, bad ale, bad wine, chicken
Goal?: Business
Brief Bio/History: Malifus Thundershield was a child of a poor family. Not only were his parents blacksmiths, but they were also the worst blacksmiths in the city he grew up in. He vowed that when he grew up, that he would be wealthy beyond belief. That is why he always carries around a set of fine clothing and a beard trimmer. He has refined himself and wishes to be a merchant, but money is hard to come by to start a business. Adventuring called to him in the form of stories telling of riches and GOLD! He is clumsy and doesn't like leaving the ground, but he is very charismatic and knows how to appraise high value items... for a cut of the item. Hearing the call for adventure he spent his last amount of gold on a good set of armor and shield... he also forgot about the axe so yea that was a hand-me-down.


(I didn't draw mine because stick figures don't look like dwarves)

Guild's Silver Tongue

Aerika stand rather tall with a rather athletic frame, toned from adventuring most of her adult life. Her hair's a dark brown, almost black and kept stubbly-short on her sides with braids reaching back to her ponytail. Her eyes are of chestnut color.

5 feet 10
150 lbs
Unusual Marks:
She has a small scar below her right eye
Her Tattoo stretches across her left side, reaching from her neck to her shoulder, arm and some parts of her collarbone
Black in color with runes across the drake's body

Aerika usually wears white or orange tunics and a pair of brown riding trousers. Her boots are made of hardened leather and she's always seen wearing her guild leather vest.
Additionally she keeps a bright red handkerchief around her neck as well as a pair of leather gloves
-Maps and spare parchment/ink
-Flask (usually filled with everything BUT water)
-First aid kit (bandages, potions, herbs, etc.)
-Runes and scrolls bound imbued with crude spells
Aerika wears a hardened leather jacket with scale-plates reinforcements on her shoulders and back.
Sometimes she adds a few plates of steel to her torso and limbs if she's got time to prepare for battle
-Longsword, her preferred form of weapon together with her dagger
-Small battle-ax
-Combat runes:
Runestones imbued with basic spells like firestorms, she's unable to control them but she can unleash them, pretty basic magic
Aerika can adapt to almost every situation, be it by changing her combat style, her approach to a problem or simply by trying to find a loophole. This means that she'll always be able to contribute to her adventuring party, even if she isn't exactly a specialist

Adventuring "training":
Having grown up amongst adventurers Aerika is well versed in the craft of exploring dungeons and slaying fiends, having a broad knowledge of dungeons and the beasts that dwell with them.

Survival expert:
Her broad array of skills helps Aerika survive in harsh environments and get by simply with her wit and knowledge.

Aerika is a very charismatic person with a silver tongue, knowing how to get more out of contracts and getting information easily.
She knows how people tick and can apply it to her work

-No real speciality
Aerika is a jack of all trades, a master of none. Despite a wide array of strengths she doesn't excel at something specific, often not being the Ideal person for the job

-Pushes her luck/Overzealous at times

-Doesn't like taking orders and doesn't always stick to the main objective


Aerika is a Charmer and actively seeks the company of other people. She knows that connections and "people" are what makes the world go round and thus knows exactly which buttons to press to get the desired reaction. She's somewhat of a tease and never passes up an opportunity for a snarky remark, rich in sarcasm and highly cynical.
She likes to spin tall tales of her deeds and is somewhat of a show-off at times, taking a lot of pride in her achievements, even going as far as to record them in the winding body of the snake adorning her body. Despite this she's very appreciative of other people, always seeking other, like-minded, individuals to share in her adventures.

-Enjoying a few cool drinks in the local tavern
-Sharing the stories of her adventures with others
-Adventuring, exploring unknown regions and finding new secrets in a vast world
-Messing around with her friends
-Making a name for herself
-Showing off
-Hot weather
-Undead and curses she cannot understand
-People who assert their authority
-People who exploit others

Following her parent's footsteps, achieve a greater rank in the guild (even having disproportionate dreams of eventually becoming Guildmaster) But mainly just having fun and living her life traveling and adventuring
Brief Bio/History:


Sterling Mortlock
Name/Nickname: Sterling Mortlock.

Age: 23.

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.


He has brown eyes, and a strong if not athletic body.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 175 lbs.

Unusual Marks: Burn scars on the palm of his left hand.
Clothing: Sterling usually wears a tunic and overpants made of heavy brown elkhide in colder weather with a red hooded cloak. In warmer weather, Sterling wears his linen undershirt and pants, also with the red cloak. He wears the sturdy boots of a peasant.

x1 Cloth, leather-strapped rucksack.
x1 Sleeping furs.
x1 Set of small blades and tweezers wrapped in oilcloth.
x8 Corked glass vials kept in a leather case.
x1 Gourd canteen carried on belt.
x1 Flint and steel.
x1 Whetstone.
x1 Set of elkhide clothes.
x2 Sets of linen clothes.
x1 Red cloak with hood and steel clasp.
x1 Pair of leather boots.
x1 Needle and thread.
x1 Steel dagger and scabbard, worn on belt.
x1 Rawhide belt.
x1 Leather bound book with steel clasp.
x1 Ten inches by two feet scroll.
x1 Writing quill.
x1 Inkwell.
x1 Stick of charcoal.

Armour: Elkhide shirt and pants.

Weapon: Pine staff with inlaid quartz crystal.

Geology: Can identify most minerals and rocks, as well as their properties.

Botany: Can identify and provide information on most plants.

Zoology: Knows about most discovered animals and there behaviors.

Potion-brewing: Is knowledgeable enough in the process by which potions are made, magical or otherwise, that he can design and brew potions himself.

Linguistics: Sterling has a basic understanding of the more common languages spoken by humans, dwarves, and elves. Additionally, he's fully capable of reading and writing most common written languages, and some uncommon ones of ancient origin.

Medical Aid: Sterling is trained to administer basic medical aid, such as stitches, setting bones, and disinfecting wounds.

Magic: Sterling possesses an innate atunement for manipulating and sensing magic, allowing him to learn new spells and rituals as well as cast magic without assistance from runes. However, he's only capable of basic magic currently as he doesn't know any actual spells.

Here's what he's capable of at the moment: detecting great magical energies, creating a candle sized flame at one of his fingertips, causing the crystal of his staff to glow like a torch, levitating and moving an object not exceeding the size and weight of the average pebble, or stopping the bleeding from a single wound. He can only do one at a time, and it requires continuous concentration.

Martial Ineptitude: Sterling has no training in combat of any sort, or strategy in combat. Altogether, he's no better a fighter than the average man.

Ignorance: Besides his natural talent, Sterling has very little actual knowledge of magic and it's principles.

Inexperience: Sterling actually has little knowledge of most of the basic survival skills of an adventurer. He doesn't know about sharpening a blade, making camp, or even fair pay. He can read a map, but can't determine the cardinal directions. He can start a fire, but not safely, and he doesn't know how to keep it going.

Demons: Panics in the presence of demons. There are far too many stories where a mage is possessed.
Personality: Sterling is an easygoing guy. He's friendly and considerate enough that most townsfolk warm up quickly to him after initial suspicions. Being a mage, some of his behavior can seem quite strange. That being said, he's also trusting to the point of being gullible. He's an idealist and kinda naive, but he's also one of the most steadfast people you'll ever meet. And one of the easiest to trick.

Likes: Potion-brewing, reading, being appreciated, new friends, new spells, mages.

Dislikes: Failed potions, not knowing a language, suspicious people, being overlooked, demons, mages who give magic a bad reputation.

Goal?: Magical knowledge and wealth.

Brief Bio/History: Sterling was born to the Mortlock lineage, a family known for one thing. Farming. As far as can be traced, the Mortlocks have farmed the land, in war, famine, plague, and revolution. Sterling, the youngest of seven, was raised amongst his siblings to continue the family tradition. It came as a surprise to everyone when Sterling's abilities first manifested. After the initial shock, it was decided that Sterling should remain a farmer, albeit one with unusual talents. It wasn't until he severely burned his left hand trying to create a fireball that his parents decided that some training might be in order. Sterling studied on his own about anything even vaguely relating to magic as much as he could, but there weren't many resources he could rely on in the village. He learned of language and history, plants and animals, and even potion-brewing from the local alchemist, but next to nothing about magic itself! Finally, he decided that there was little left for him in the village of his birth, and bid his family farewell to seek arcane knowledge in faraway lands.
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