Addiction [Inactive]

Fabian grinned massively as Skyler turned to smirk at him and said he had Daddy problems. He laughed as he followed the older boy, "Aw man, is it that noticeable?" He gave the other a lopsided smirk and then looked ahead as Skyler started talking about what had happened to him. He fell silent the whole time as Skyler spoke and then as they turned the corner he whistled lowly, "Man that sucks. I can see why you started this place up." He said nothing more on the subject, offering no apologies or half-hearted attempts at comfort. He knew that shit did nothing for him and was borderline irritating sometimes, so he just left it at that.

Fabian followed Skyler into the cafe, spotting a few others milling around, but he only gave them a glance before looking up to see Skyler offering him a beer, having taken one himself, Fabian nodded with a small smirk, "Sure" He took the offered alcohol before cracking it open and taking a gulp of it, "You old enough to buy alcohol then? I usually just have to take some of Dad's stuff."
Riley didn't even flinch at Alex's tone, her little speech actually spurs another wave of anger in her. 'They do this to you everyday?' She quickly moved her hand away from Alex before she accidently caused her more pain by lashing out. She didn't realize how angry she was until her vision became tinted with red. A random thought crossed her mind and she looked at Alex with a puzzled face, "Don't you go to my school? I think I remember seeing you in a few of my classes."
Alex looked at Riley, thinking if she should do something, before a question was asked. She thinks back to all of her classes, taking notice of who was in what, before timidly nodding her head. "Yeah... I think so. Maybe only one or two classes together?" It came out more as a question rather than a statement but she was pretty sure Riley understood. "Hmm, I never noticed before." Alex let a small smile stretch across her face as she looked back over at the girl next to her. It was actually quite a relief, the fact that she had someone at school who she could actually talk to without it resulting in disaster. She was worried about the fact that if someone saw Riley talking with Alex then they could somehow use that to their advantage but as Riley had stated earlier in their conversation, she could handle a few bullies.
SorrowfulJoy said:
Fabian grinned massively as Skyler turned to smirk at him and said he had Daddy problems. He laughed as he followed the older boy, "Aw man, is it that noticeable?" He gave the other a lopsided smirk and then looked ahead as Skyler started talking about what had happened to him. He fell silent the whole time as Skyler spoke and then as they turned the corner he whistled lowly, "Man that sucks. I can see why you started this place up." He said nothing more on the subject, offering no apologies or half-hearted attempts at comfort. He knew that shit did nothing for him and was borderline irritating sometimes, so he just left it at that.
Fabian followed Skyler into the cafe, spotting a few others milling around, but he only gave them a glance before looking up to see Skyler offering him a beer, having taken one himself, Fabian nodded with a small smirk, "Sure" He took the offered alcohol before cracking it open and taking a gulp of it, "You old enough to buy alcohol then? I usually just have to take some of Dad's stuff."
Stiles flicked his eyes over to speculate over Fabian. There was no doubt he was attractive, lean frame, dark hair, pail skin...light eyes. Dåmn. His gaze narrowed in onto the small mole on Fabian's chin. He let a smirk mold over his lips as Fabian questioned the alcohol. His dark gaze flickered up to meet Fabian's blue. "I have my ways." He reached a hand behind him and dug around in his back pocket, his nose scrunching up slightly. He pulled out his wallet and pulled out a small plastic card. He flicked it over to Fabian with his fore finger and thumb. It had his picture on it and his date of birth..just..slightly altered. Say..3 years? "Just because I set this place up doesn't mean I follow the rules." He quirked an eyebrow and placed the bottle to his lips. He slowly slid the tip into his mouth and lifted the bottle, closing his eyes as the bitter liquid filled his mouth. His adam's apple rose and fell with his gulps. He pulled the bottle from his lips and rubbed his sleeve over his lips, giving Fabian his typical sh!teating grin.

He carefully lifted himself up onto the counter, his legs swinging back and forth slowly. He yawned and rubbed a long-fingered hand over his face. "So, you gonna be staying long?"

Ryla sighed as she laid on the floor of the bedroom she stayed in at the Red Room, she had noticed quit a few people around the building so instead of running into any of them she was chilling out in her room with My Chemical Romance playing through the speakers of the radio she had brought a month ago. Putting the joint in her mouth she noticed that Bibi was slithering around on the bed so with a shrug she smoked the beautifully rolled white owl that she preferred over a simple swisher. Standing up she continued to smoke just as she caught sight of herself in the body length mirror that hung on the door, with a tilt of her head she watched as her shoulder length blonde hair bounced with movement and her eyes were red from smoking. Ryla couldn't help the grin that formed on her face as she forgot the mistakes and disasters of life and felt light... more enjoyable.

"Let's dance Bibi!" Ryla laughed as she picked her snake up and began to do weird dances when the song changed to Shakira and luckily for Ryla she was to high to even care about if she looked like a fool dancing with her snake and smoking at the same time.
(Haha thanks xD I haven't actually watched suicide room yet, as apparently it's supposed to be very triggering, but I've read up all about it and that's how I found Dominik and wanted him to be Fabian's actor, I do really wanna watch it though. Heh also, if this RP was set in the UK Stiles would be old enough to buy alcohol legally already ^^)

Fabian noted Skyler subtly giving him a once over and a smirk graced his lips as he took a sip of his beer and decided to do his own observations. He had to admit that Skyler was pretty damn good looking, he basically fit the description of the sorta guys Fabian knew he was attracted to, lean, dark, slightly mussed up hair, hazel-brown eyes and around the same height as him. Fabian watched as Skyler smirked lightly. Yeah, he was definitely attracted to him.

He watched curiously as Skyler pulled out his wallet and showed him a small plastic card; a fake ID. He found himself grinning as he noted that Skyler was 'apparently' 21 and he nodded in appreciation, "The only thing rules are good for is using them as excuses for not doing things," He didn't elaborate on his point, taking another gulp of the beer and letting his eyes wander back over to Skyler as he watched the older boy do the same. He watched Sky's adam apple rise and fall and held back a grin as he lowered the bottle from his lips. He could get used to this, chilling out and drinking somewhere where people weren't likely to start a fight with him and get him into a ton of sh*t with his Dad.

He grinned back at Skyler and watched as he hopped up onto the counter, shrugging at the question thrown at him, "Dunno, suppose I might as well, this place seems pretty cool already," He glanced around the building then, taking in the canteen before looking back to Skyler, "How'd you get this place anyway? Don't you ever get the cops or anyone checking up on you or anything?" He had to admit he was a little bit jealous, if he could get a place like this, even just a place of any sort, then he could move away from his Dad and at least not have to worry about the pretentious asshole getting on his case about every bad choice he makes.
Ana sat on the couch in the Red Room alone, fidgeting her foot and biting her nails. She felt so stupid being here. She wasn't a self harmed, she was barely anorexic! She thinks she's too fat to have an eating disorder. Her head was pounding and her eyes were swollen from purging. She couldn't go home now, she needed a place to calm down and get her shit together.

Whenever Ana came by the red room, she never talked to anybody. Or nobody talked to her. "Probably because I'm is so repulsive.." she said to herself. She dug through her black hole of a purse looking for something to eat. She needed something before she got behind the wheel. It had been days since she had a meal, she couldn't even remember. She found and granola bar and mints. She allowed 3 mints and crushed the bar in her hand. Before she knew what she was doing her nails were digging into the top of her hand and a tear fell down her cheek.
"Hey! I asked do you al-...."Seth had looked over to where the man was but he wasn't there anymore,looking around very confused he turned to Cole."Where'd he go?..."Seeing the expression on Cole's face he could already tell he had no idea."Great...Maybe this place has a dark secret and they capture those who come and use them for experiments."He said in a creepy tone aiming to freak Cole out,and of course it worked. Cole had slipped over next to Seth holding onto his arm with a slight nervous look on his face. Seth sighed,"Come on you big baby."Walking back the way they had came they went back down the stairs and down the hall. Cole kept a grip on Seth's shirt the whole time not liking the idea Seth had put in his head."Hey at least with that guy gone we don't have the hassle of showing him everywhere....and he won't be following us all the time..."Cole noticed it was much quieter now,not as many voices or footsteps could be heard.

Going back inside the kitchen Cole looked confused wondering why they came back here,yanking on Seth's shirt like a bell he wrote in his note pad and showed it to him.** Why are we back here?**Seth read it and shrugged,"Drink."with that he had gone to the fridge and looked through it to find something good.
trhymes7900 said:
The boy still looked down without saying anything. But he nicely helped her pick up the things she dropped. He looked up and said quietly," I need help -sniffles-",.
(Oh god, this may sound totally rude of me but can you not do the whole -sniffles- thing in the middle of your post.)
(Also guys, keep in mind the rules state that it has to be three lines or more. Try to keep to them, if you have writers block just let me know, but for now the rule still stands.) 
(@trhymes7900 I never accepted your character. You can't roleplay unless I accept it. If both you, and @Annie Neals could delete your posts revolving around Trent, because I never, and did not accept him that would be nice.)
Last edited by a moderator:
Sock said:
(Also guys, keep in mind the rules state that it has to be three lines or more. Try to keep to them, if you have writers block just let me know, but for now the rule still stands.) 
(@trhymes7900 I never accepted your character. You can't roleplay unless I accept it. If both you, and @Annie Neals could delete your posts revolving around Trent, because I never, and did not accept him that would be nice.)
(Okay, I'm so sorry!!)
trhymes7900 said:
Why do I have to delete it? I am not trying to be mean but, before we even started to rp, the last reply was posted days ago. And I don't think that this rp was getting any popular anyway...
Because I never approved your character, and I just looked over your character sheet and I didn't approve it. You have to delete it because 1. I can't, 2. Because I never approved it and 3. Because its my roleplay. This roleplay may not be very popular right now but that doesn't mean the rules don't still stand.
The Red Room. It's a place Ariel only heard of through whispers. It was a place for those addicted, addicted to who knew what, and the place that she desperately needed to go. It was there, she knew. She didn't exactly know what was there, but she knew something was there. Something - she couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something was there for her. Maybe it was more alcohol or some drugs (because she hasn't gotten her hands on those in such a long time), or maybe it was people. She needed people, and not those stupid ones she has no choice but to call her friends but real people. People who go through the same crap she does. People who are addicted. Those are her people whether she liked it or not.

Her feet carried her down the dark alley in a daze. Everything around her was blurry, and it kind of made her giggle. Okay, when she said she hasn't any drugs lately, it was a total piece of crap. She just came from a party and was definitely high on something. She wasn't sure what it was, but it felt so nice to just let go. And let go she did. She wasn't sure how long she was there - it could of been hours or a few minutes for all she knew, but she needed to find this Red Room. It was calling her. Yeah, calling her is the word. Right?

She burst into a whole new fit of giggles as her mind went in circles. She looked to her left and saw a door that looked oh so promising to her. She stumbled her way over there, her bare feet banging objects every so often. She giggled as she pushed on the door, crashing straight into a room she's never seen before. She saw people there, all of them looking at her.

She started to laugh again.
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