Addiction [Inactive]

'What a pain...this place is so big and theirs no one here to show us the way. Did they fucking expect me to know my way around?' Kurt thought as he turned a corner, he was still on the first floor of the building and he was trying to locate his own room. But he wasn't so good with directions and right now it seemed like he would never find his room, more likely he would sleep on the floor but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. As he walked down another hall he heard some commotion coming from a room and decided to head that way to meet who ever was here.

As he entered the room he realized it was a kitchen and the commotion was coming from two kids who were making sandwiches, he guessed it was kids who cut themselves since there seemed to be alot these days. The two looked like they knew there way around so Kurt had no other choice than to ask, he walked up behind the two and slipped his hands into his pockets as he sighed softly. "Hey, do you guys know where the rooms are? I've been trying to locate which one i'm suppose to stay in but no one seems to be here to show us the way." Kurt had come to the Red room to control his drinking problem by his own will, most others came forcefully and he couldn't help but wonder a bit what the other two had come here for or if they came by their own choice.
Fabian watched carefully as Skyler turned to face him, he shrugged in response to the other guy's first question, "'S'not like I have anything else to do anyway" When Skyler turned to face him Fabian let his eyes drop momentarily to take in the scars littering Skyler's arm, there was no judgement in his gaze as he looked back up and he actually laughed as Skyler gave his own guess on Fabian's story, "Something like that, more like he lost someone he cared about so he just stopped caring" He gave Skyler a lopsided grin at that; he had also noticed how defensive Skyler was being but it really didn't faze him in the slightest.

As Skyler laughed and said he was going to get some food Fabian just nodded, "Alright." It was when Skyler paused at the door that Fabian payed attention and he listened silently as Skyler summed up his story.

Skyler then left and Fabian shrugged to himself before quickly catching up and walking alongside him. There was a moment of silence as Fabian looked at Skyler before talking, "Little sister died of cancer, Parents spilt and Mum got an asshole of a boyfriend who thought it was fun to use me as a punching bag, Dad's a pretentious d*ck who cares more about his job than his son but he's better to live with out of the two." He shrugged at he end of his sentence as if everything he just said didn't matter to him at all.
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Neither of the two had noticed the man till he spoke,Cole had freaked out and hid behind Seth before even looking at the guy. Seth on the other hand looked at Kurt with a blank expression and sighed."Dang...guess we couldn't stay away from everyone."He huffed eating his sandwich,staring at Kurt for a moment he tilted his head slightly."Well you don't seem all that bad I guess...But expecting anything in this place is a lost cause...It took us a while to get this whole place down...But why would we help you?..."Cole whacked Seth on the head with his book and pouted holding a page up**Help him...**,with another sigh Seth nodded."Alright we'll help....."He growled."Just follow us,okay?...."He said grabbing Cole's book he flipped through the pages to a sketch of the place,it was a pretty easy map to read so Seth figured this shouldn't take long to get this done."Come on..."He walked on out of the room figuring the guy was at least smart enough to understand,Cole had stayed and pushed Kurt on just in case and stayed behind to keep and eye on this man who they obviously didn't trust.
[QUOTE="Muffin~Tyrant]Oscar was still wondering why the boy next to him hadn't left yet. The guy was nice but the problem was he was to casual and nice, Oscar would of loved to hang out with more people like Scottie as he grew up but sadly he chose a different crowd. "Yeah the place is huge...I got tired of turning around a corner and finding another long hallway so that's why I'm just sitting here." Oscar turned his head to looked over at the blonde boy. "I didn't really find my room either...I kinda just picked a room that seemed to be vacant." Oscar shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Though the rooms really. make you feel gloomy. After staring at the walls for awhile bored out of your mind the rooms remind you that your weird and kinda a loner." Oscar rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down the hall again. The room he had been in really did make him feel that way which was his main reason for getting out of there in the first place.


Scottie smirked"Yeah.Guess curiosity gets you lost ha.."he said and sighed"Oh we that's pretty cool that we can just pick assigned ones or anything like that at all.Pretty awesome.."he added.He listened to Oscar talk about the rooms"I kinda expected them to feel that way.The good thing is I know how to pant.Just need a few things and it won't look or feel like that anymore."he said and got up"Well...I'm off to find some room somewhere.."he said"Nice meeting you again."he added with a smile and picked up his bags then walked away from Oscar and faded into the shadows.Scottie had finally came across a couple of rooms after he wandered for what seemed like hours and hours.He knocked on the door softly and saw that it was open
Must be vacant...he said and turned the knob then walked in"Hello...?"he asked."No one..."he said to himself and walked in completely then turned on the lights"Well....he was right about gloomy."he stated before pulling his luggage in and closing the door behind him.Scottie began to unpack his things and put them away then pulled out a bright pink stuffed heart and hugged it before putting it onto his bed.With that he continued to put away his clothes in the drawers and closets that were provided.
A soft sigh escaped her lips as soon as the last piece had been removed and dropped into the small trashcan that now had a metallic scent. She raised her arm and was surprised like always at the rate that she could heal. The wounds had already stopped bleeding for the most part. She quickly wrapped her arm and reached both hands to Kai. The little ferret squirmed out of Alex's grip and happily leapt into Riley's arms. After Kai settled down around her neck she looked at Alex with a grateful expression, "Thank you Alex and sorry for asking you to hold him for me."
Alex let the ferret squirm out of her arms and watched as it jumped to Riley. She shook her head and responded to Riley. "No need to thank me and it was more than alright, I love animals anyways." She looks around for one second before she sits down on the same couch as Riley, a foot or two away from her just in case she liked space. She glanced at the girl's bandaged hand before looking away, taking in the interior of the Red Room. Since she hasn't been here for very long she didn't know where anything was and figured that a room would be mandatory soon, but that could wait until she actual brought some stuff to keep around.
The silence was a little weird for Riley but she wasn't sure of what to say. How do you have a normal conversation with someone that just watched you pick shards of glass out of your arm like it was normal? This question raced through her head while she tried to come up with an answer for it. One answer had come to her but she wasn't sure if it was...'appropriate.' It wasn't like the question was completely random anyway. "Um, so why are you in the Red Room?"
Kurt looked at the two boys, one of them seemed nice but the other had an attitude problem. Well thats how kids worked these days, they didn't care about anyone but themselves and that was probably the case with Seth. Then again he seemed to listen to Cole so maybe he wasn't as cold hearted as he looked, sibling relationships was a big deal. After the two were done talking among each other, they agreed to help Kurt out. "I appreciate it." He said this to the other two but Seth had already passed by to show him the way. The kids sure weren't patient, Kurt got the feeling that he might be a bother to the two but he didn't bring it up. As he followed Seth he remembered that Cole was behind him, he took a glance at the boy and sighed softly.

He wanted to know why they were here, in this place and who exactly brought them here but he didn't know how to bring up the subject. Kurt lightly ruffled his own hair and looked forward once again.
"So are you two brothers?" After thinking about what he said, he realized how stupid the question was, they looked similar enough to be brothers anyway.
Alex was surprised when the silence was broken but didn't show any sign of it, listening to the question that was being asked. She was happy, as odd as that is, that the question was asked because she wanted to ask Riley the same thing without seeming nosy. "I doubt it's as important as anyone else's problems," She shrugs her shoulders, her voice soft and indifferent, "but it's just a buildup of bullies, family problems and self-harm." She didn't really feel the need to specify 'self-harm' considering the fact that she just watched another person pulling out shards of glass from their hand without batting an eye. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you in here?"
Looking back to the man Seth looked as if he was about to say something but stopped once he noticed the glare he got from his brother,Cole knew all to well what Seth would say and knew it wouldn't be nice.With a sigh Seth turned forward again,"yes,we are...."Cole smiled happy that Seth understood."...who are you exactly?..."Seth asked wanting to know just who they were showing around,they both knew weirdos were always around this place but this guy wasn't all that weird. Stupid or an air head seemed to describe this one better,but not weird. Though the fact that they haven't seen the real deal behind this guy yet,they really didn't plan to but Seth slightly showing interest in the man was a good sign.

Turning a corner Seth started up the stairs,he got up them pretty fast and waited at the top for the other two. Waiting for the man to go since Cole stayed behind him,he huffed and crossed his arms not liking the fact that Seth just went up to wait and didn't just stay with them.
After Alex's little explanation she nodded her head, "I understand the last 2 but I've never had trouble with bullies. My short-temper kept them away, hell they were probably waiting for me to snap and kill everybody. That's one of the reasons why I'm here and if I stayed home all the time I would do something that I'd regret." She unconsciously clenched her fist and began to bite her lip. Her head began to pound as she visualized all the things that she wanted to do to her mother. "I'm also here because my self-harm has sent me to the hospital 6 times and my friends were worried," she managed to grunt out.
Max nodded her head thoughtfully, taking in what Riley had said. She too did think of things that would end up in regret, everyone probably has, but she didn't have a short temper. 'Although doing something about those bullies would be nice...' "I wanna say I understand how you feel but I'm pretty sure we both know how much of a lie that is. At least I can sort of relate." She leans back into the couch, her body still protesting. "Crap." She mumbles more to herself than anything, regretting the fact that she left her house without taking something to help her out. 'Well it's not anything that I haven't dealt with before.' She chews on her lip, pondering the thought, before facing Riley once again. She wanted to say something that would make the female focus away from the anger but couldn't think of anything so she stuck to asking something simple. "So why did you get your pet, Kai, anyways?"
A soft smile came onto her face and she suddenly started to laugh. She knew that she must seem crazy to Alex and decided to explain why she was acting like this. "When I was younger I wanted to be a ferret because I thought that they were the best things ever. That's when my love of them began but it was only recently that I bought my first, Kai. He was the only one in the container that came up to me through the glass so I chose him. That's why I have Kai now." Riley pet Kai gently, she was happy to have a loyal friend like him.
Alex smiled, listening to the summarized story. "He sure does seem like I good pet." She paused before continuing. "I once had a ferret, her name was Maylen. Adorable little thing but my parents made me give her away after some time because they said she smelled awful... and also the fact that she kept stealing their keys whenever they wanted to go somewhere." She shook her head, a fond smile on her face. "Maylen never really did like them but I guess I could never really blame her." Alex let out a breathe of air, unconsciously pulling her sweatshirt sleeves farther down her arms until they were to her hands. She didn't want the silence to become awkward in any way so she strikes up another question that in her opinion wasn't too nosy or inappropriate. "Do you come here, to the Red Room, often?"
SorrowfulJoy said:
Fabian watched carefully as Skyler turned to face him, he shrugged in response to the other guy's first question, "'S'not like I have anything else to do anyway" When Skyler turned to face him Fabian let his eyes drop momentarily to take in the scars littering Skyler's arm, there was no judgement in his gaze as he looked back up and he actually laughed as Skyler gave his own guess on Fabian's story, "Something like that, more like he lost someone he cared about so he just stopped caring" He gave Skyler a lopsided grin at that; he had also noticed how defensive Skyler was being but it really didn't faze him in the slightest.
As Skyler laughed and said he was going to get some food Fabian just nodded, "Alright." It was when Skyler paused at the door that Fabian payed attention and he listened silently as Skyler summed up his story.

Skyler then left and Fabian shrugged to himself before quickly catching up and walking alongside him. There was a moment of silence as Fabian looked at Skyler before talking, "Little sister died of cancer, Parents spilt and Mum got an asshole of a boyfriend who thought it was fun to use me as a punching bag, Dad's a pretentious d*ck who cares more about his job than his son but he's better to live with out of the two." He shrugged at he end of his sentence as if everything he just said didn't matter to him at all.
Skyler nodded slowly and turned to face Fabian, giving him a little quirky smirk. "I had a feeling it was Daddy problems." He gave a small chuckle at that and rose a hand to comb his fingers through his hair-a habit of his. As well as chewing his nails. His finger nails were short on his fingers, obviously bitten but not small to the point of pain, or irritation. "Mom left me, my brother and my older mentally incapable sister with my alcoholic, druggie father. Got physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused. Mom finally came back into our lives because she got sick, almost died. I had to raise my older sister, who's autistic, by the way at 7. Started cutting at 11. Mom married a jerk, left with him and my sister-who's terrified of me- on my and my brothers 18th, brother killed himself a week later."

Skyler shrugged and silently turned the corner, pushing open the door to the small cafe'. He hummed under his breath as he walked in, grabbing a banana and a beer from the counter. "Want one?" He muttered, motioning vaguely at the beer with his head.
The question Seth gave was a bit odd to Kurt, i mean no one could exactly say who they are for all that matters is there Addiction right? Kurt turned a corner and waited at the bottom of the steps with one hand on his hips as he tried to answer the question. "Well I'm an

alcoholic. Does that answer your question?"
He then smiled slightly as he began to head up the stairs and as he passed the other male, he lightly ruffled his hair then continued down a hall. "So are we almost there or what? I'm really tired of walking and drove all night to get to this stupid place." He stopped and looked back at the other two, he waited on them to catch up to him. "Its only polite if you return the information, you know. So exactly what did you two do to get stuck here?" He leaned against a wall as he waited for the other two to reply. He doubted that they did anything seriously damaging but then again if they didn't they wouldn't be here.

((Did not get Notifications D:))
"Alcoholic?...."Seth watched him pass growling when he was touched,"I was more aiming for 'who you are',but a alcoholic....little on the weak side no?"He looked to Cole,who nodded at the question.Both had hurried to follow the man and like before Seth got in front of him."Gees you got talkative.....we're at the rooms."he pointed down the hall with many doors down it."And we are not stuck here,we're here of our own will....Everyone out there,we didn't like them. But if your looking for an answer like yours we might as well say all the above...."He looked to the doors."By the way have you picked a room yet?"

(Oh that's fine xD )
While Alex was talking about her time with her ferret, Riley had been secretly studying her. She noticed the little details that meant much more to someone that's experienced the same thing. The way that Alex flinched when she leaned back into the couch was a big indicator that something was wrong. "It probably wasn't self-inflicted, must be the bullies she was talking about earlier, " she muttered quietly to herself. Riley was happy to see her relax a little when she was talking about Maylen. When Alex asked her if she came here often she focused her attention. "Not really but during the times that I do come I stay for awhile until everything calms down." She looked into Alex's gray eyes and decided to ask the question that was on her mind. "Are you okay? You look like you're in pain."
Alex nodded her head as Riley answered her but was caught off guard at the question she asked. She didn't want to lie and say she was fine but also didn't want to make a big deal out of it so she just shrugged her shoulders. "It's nothing that I haven't handled before." A wary smile grew across her face and she looked down at her pants, picking at the loose pieces of fabric. She shrugged her shoulders again, slightly nervous. No one had ever taken note of her... current problem at school and asked how she was okay so of course she always had to handle it by herself. "But to answer your question I'd say I'd manage just fine." It wasn't a lie because she didn't say she was alright but it wasn't exactly the truth because in all honesty the pain was getting to the point of it being pretty uncomfortable. But if she said that then Riley would probably try and help her in some way and Alex didn't want anyone to go to that unnecessary length.
Riley's eyes narrowed at the lie while they took on a cold edge despite the light gray. She watched as Alex picked at her pants, another indication of lying or unease. Riley wasn't becoming a psychologist for nothing and was glad that her knowledge was coming in handy. She got an idea of what she could do to make Alex admit that she was hurting but it may make things worse. It would help her in the long run to see if anything was broken. After thinking it over she reached out and gently touch Alex's face with her left hand, "I'm sorry." She took her right hand and lightly pressed her fingers into Alex's side while moving them down.
Alex was surprised whenever Riley reached over and said she was sorry. 'Why would she say something like that?' She was about to ask whenever something pressed against her side and started moving down, making her gasp. As soon as the light touch made contact, pain blossomed throughout her body and she bit down on her bottom lip to make sure no noise came out. 'Oh, so that's what the sorry was for.' She screwed her eyes shut and whispered back to Riley through gritted teeth. "So it might of been worse than I thought..." A short burst of laughter escaped her lips after saying that. 'Yes because having body part covered in bruises means it won't hurt at all.' The pain slowly turned down a notch. "But at least you somewhat warned me."
"That's why I warned you Alex. Most injuries are worse then we think they are." Riley knew all of this from experience. She would often come home from school with victory scars that gradually became worse. While she was looking at Alex, Kai climbed up her back with his front paws and head laying on Riley's. Kai's tail was laying on her shoulder as he drifted off to sleep. Riley realized what she would have to causing her to blush, it was the only way to see if anything was broken. "Alex would you mind taking your shirt off? I swear that I'm not a pervert," she said quickly.
Alex was, once again, surprised at the next question that came out of Riley's mouth. A blush crept up her face as she studied the girl before another sigh escaped her. "I guess I don't have much of a choice." She pushed away her insecurities, just for now, and scanned the area quickly. 'Well it doesn't look as if anyone was going to come around anytime soon.' She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and slowly tugged upwards, her face flaming even more. She let out a small breath of air once the shirt was off and placed it in her lap, trying not to look at the bruises.

Her stomach was the worst of it, the colors ranging from a deep purple to a sickly greenish yellow, and they covered practically every inch of the skin. She wouldn't be surprised if a few ribs were cracked too. The next thing in line was her arms which had a few big bruises scattered around them, some in the shape of fingers where she was held up. They couldn't of been spotted before because of the long sleeve shirt she had been wearing. Alex's bullies were being a bit harsher on her recently, more so than usual, because they thought she had told someone about her predicament. She internally scoffed at that. 'As if.'

Alex stared at her plain T-Shirt that was in her lap, not wanting to see Riley's reaction. 'Probably thinks I'm pathetic.' Her eyes pinched together at the thought, making her dread the reaction even more than before. She thought of her own previous words before speaking up once more. "Okay so it is worse than I initially thought."
The way that the color of the bruises contrasted with Alex's natural skin tone was beautiful in a weird way. Her interest in it was soon wiped away by her rage. Who in the world could hurt a defenseless girl like Alex. She took in a shuddering breath and placed her fingers on one of the splotches gently. After running her fingers across all of them including the ones on her arm she let her hand rest against Alex's side. "The good thing is that your ribs are just bruised which is the cause of your discomfort and the others should heal as long as you take it easy. You can't let this go for much longer Alex."
Alex winced every now and then as Riley's hand glided across her skin, checking for any internal injuries. She let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding when she was told that the ribs were only bruised. She took a chance to look and stared at Riley as she continued to talk, nodding her head to confirm that she was going to take it easy. Alex barked out a sardonic laugh after Riley said she couldn't let this go on.

"Well what can I do about it? This," she pointed at the bruises painted across her skin, "was what happened when they only assumed that I had told someone about it. If I actually do tell someone or try to fight back imagine what would happen then..." Her sentence trailed off, a shiver making it's way down her back at the thought. "And it's not just certain people who use me as a personal punching bag, it's practically the whole school. Even if it is more of the 'popular' people who use me than anyone else." Alex puts quotes around the word popular, rolling her eyes as she does. She huffs out a breath of air before speaking once more. "And don't you think that if I could end this in some way, without it causing me more pain, I would?"

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