• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Act One: "Rebellion" Scene One Character Signups

“Them” Act One: “Rebellion” Scene One

This roleplay is the premiere of the “Them” series, which will have groups of RP’s split into “Acts” with each RP being a “Scene”, every scene has its own full story. Please see our discord server for OOC talk and further info, (Please message my discord account “Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch” to get the link.)

Sign-ups will be open until Thursday, November 14th, and the RP will start the following Friday. All of Act one will be locked to only those who sign up before the closing date, although there will be smaller RP’s to participate in as well. Any reserved characters that do not have their application posted by the 14th will have their spots unreserved for others to take.


It would be a normal day for you all, whether you were fighting villains or managing an apple pie shop or just existing, everything was normal. Until something peculiar occurs, you would catch a glimpse of two people in suits out of the corner of your eye ...then darkness.

You wake up in a large, elaborate hotel room of sorts...your surroundings creating a strong essence of luxury, class, and style. The rooms all have a black and gold art deco design, with matching baroque themed furniture and a grand chandelier above the bed...what’s going on? Where are you? That’s for you to find out, maybe the card on the bed labeled "Them" might help.


1. All RPN rules apply here
2. Please be respectful of the GM, GM words are final
3. Please refrain from using these threads for OOC talk, that is what our discord server is for
4. Meta-gaming is prohibited in this RP
5. Players of all posting types are welcome! That being said, please no text speak in your posts ( "u" instead of "you", etc.) and please try to be as grammatically correct as possible to avoid confusion, mistakes are just human nature but try to put effort into your posts
6. People are allowed to play two characters (duos) however due to intended cast size as well as roleplaying speed, there will be a limit of TEN of roleplayers able to have duos. However, extensions such as pets or companions of any kind will not count towards the character count.
7. Please try to post frequently, as RPG things will be constantly updating so you need to be active. If something arises please contact me personally on discord so we may discuss it. YOUR CHARACTER WILL BE REMOVED IF INACTIVE FOR AN EXTENDED AMOUNT OF TIME
8. Pay your taxes, don't die, and have fun!


This RP is going to have an RPG style but with its own, "Them" flare. Every character will have an "account" that will be monitored and updated by our Archive Department. If you have any questions at all about your accounts, please contact me or the Archive Department.

Part One: Archive Access

.Characters can use their phones to scan anything in their surroundings and learn more about it using the digital “Them” archives. You have unlimited scans except for when you scan “Something of Interest” You have three times to scan something of interest, (The Phone will ask you firsthand if you wish to scan said interesting item.) After you use all three interest scans you will have a cooldown period of three posts until they refill. And who knows, maybe the archives can help you learn something important...

Part Two: Bank System

.Manage your own little fortune that might give you advantages in certain situations!
Every Character gets a bank account that will have a starting amount of $1,000. They will be able to use their phones to deposit cash which will slowly grow over time. They may also take loans at any time, but the loans come with a price...the characters will get a call randomly to ask for the payment back. If the character doesn’t have the money an item will be taken out of their inventory.

Part Three: Company Upgrade Points
Use to upgrade gear and unlock special items!
Depending on how well you perform in the RP, you will receive company upgrade points that you can use to get higher ranks in the RP, (One rank up costs 100 Upgrade Points) the better the rank, the better the stuff in the shop. You can also use the points to upgrade gear and items.

Part Four: Buy, Sell, and Upgrade!
.Characters will be able to buy and sell items at certain locations. These locations will be stationed across the RP in multiple little shops, there will also be a permanent shop at “Them” HQ, you will be able to use your money to buy weapons, armor, and other nifty things, you can also sell items to gain more funds! These shops are also where you can upgrade items.


. Character Photo
.Age, Gender, occupation
.Canon (What franchise is your character from? If none, then put "None")
.Powers and Abilities (What is your character capable of?)
.Equipment (What all does your character carry with them?)
.Brief Bio (Tell us a little about about your character and their story!)
.Other Information (Anything Else?)

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"Auf Wiedersehen"
Gender: Uhh..
Former Warrant Officer for the 'Millenium' organisation
Hellsing Ultimate
Personality: Compared to the other Nazis, Schrödinger was rather comical and lighthearted, but still had a sinister air about him. Even so, he provided a bit of levity among Millennium and was often a headache for the Doctor due to his quips and jabs at the Major. The Major didn't seem to mind, however, even playfully going along with the jokes. Playful and childlike, Schrödinger also had a streak of cruelty, even towards his teammates. He, for instance, watches Rip and Zorin die and seems to be amused by it all, meaning he is likely sadistic underneath or alongside his cheerful demeanor

The exact nature of Schrödinger's abilities is tied-in directly to the state of his existence. It is confirmed by the Major that Schrödinger only exists for as long as he is aware of himself. He was able to appear in Hellsing's conference room without difficulty, despite the high security of the building at the time. He also appeared inside Zorin Blitz's illusions while Blitz was attempting to attack Seras Victoria's mind, indicating that he can appear in mental realms as well. Schrödinger himself often states that he is "everywhere and nowhere", meaning that if he believes that he exists somewhere, then he will. In essence, his powers can be summed up as 'I think, therefore I am.' This also explains his apparent regeneration/immortality and teleportation abilities. If he thinks he's at a location at any moment, then he will be at that location. Even if Schrödinger is fatally wounded, if he believes that he is alive and unscathed, then he will be. This can be seen when Alucard drinks the blood of Rip Van Winkle. He is sitting on the ship with the hand television, while in next scene we can see him standing on the right side of the Major. A few seconds later we can see him again sitting on the ship in the same position as he said "Auf Wiedersehen" to Rip.

tl;dr Schrodinger is wherever he pleases whenever he pleases

Although Schrödinger specialises in espionage he carries around various guns and a very ornate dagger.

Schrödinger held the rank of Oberscharführer (warrant officer) and served in the Millennium military unit of Werewolf. He was created by The Doctor and while usually found sitting near the Major's throne like a pet, he also acts as an envoy for Millennium. His relationship with The Major is very different than most of the soldiers commanded by him. The Major seems to emit a sense of affection for Schrödinger, akin to the relationship of a cat owner who could never be angry towards him. Due to his ability to be "everywhere and nowhere" at the same time, he has proved to be a useful spy and messenger for Millennium's forces.

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Catherine "Cat" Giovanni
16, Female, High School Student
Powers and Abilities: Light Vampirism.
Strengths: nightvision, abnormal strength, increased stamina, enhanced speed/ reflexes, sharp hearing, fangs.
Weaknesses: hypersenstive to bright light, must feed on iron to avoid extreme fatigue, biologically nocturnal so she not only is extremely tired during the day but also can't get enough sleep, high frequency sounds hurt her ears.
Equipment: iPhone
Brief Bio: Born a "vampire" for lack of a better term. That's it. Rest is REDACTED
Other Information (Anything Else?)​
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Name: Drossel Novìta
Mental Age: 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: None
Canon: None
Equipment: She has her arm cannon which can switch between her regular hand. And her sword from her previous life.
Bio: Drossel, orignally a human now a robot, She lost her self and now all is left of her is a husk of her former self.
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"Hmm, I can't see anyone to kill time on..."
Age: 500+
Occupation: Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion
Canon: Touhou
While she tries to cultivate the image of a mysterious and frightening vampire aristocrat, Remilia is as childish as her appearance suggests. However, she is surprisingly polite. Her long lifetime has only served to make her prone to boredom and as a result she prizes anything she finds novel. In Silent Sinner in Blue she allows herself to be manipulated by Yukari Yakumo, simply because the alternative would have been boring. The other residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion spend much of their time catering to Remilia's odd whims (including numerous parties), though she does make an effort to appreciate and respect their patience.
Remilia is respected by most youkai of Gensokyo and so she's said to have a charismatic personality. However, in reality this is only because of the fear they have for her kind. While she can act in an overblown and grandiose fashion, she usually only does it during incidents or for important matters. Otherwise, she tends to exhibit childish behaviour. She enjoys novel things and isn't above playing along in silly games or allowing herself to be manipulated if it means staving off boredom.
Her behaviour may be due to the fact she actually has the wisdom of a 500 year old being with the personality of a bratty child. Yet, it remains to be said that she has an overflowing and charming personality that even makes most fairies stick around as employees despite their freedom to leave at any time.

As a vampire, Remilia has tremendous physical abilities (superhuman strength and speed) and magical power (more on that later) she still has the standard benefits of becoming a vampire but dislikes strong light and always carries around an umbrella . Vampires have the strength of oni and the speed of tengu, that allow them to uproot a thousand-year-old tree single-handedly and to run through the Human Village in a flash oh and did I say that she could regenerate?. While the true extent of these capabilities is unknown, Remilia's profile in Immaterial and Missing Power describes her as being "faster than the eye can follow, and strong enough to crush boulders", and in Silent Sinner in Blue she was able to fly around the Moon in an extremely short period of time. Vampires also have the ability to summon and manipulate a great number of devils , and to turn into a swarm of bats or even mist to escape or dodge an attack. Because vampires possess all of these capabilities, they are among one of the strongest species in Gensokyo. Like most vampires, Remilia has the power of shape-shifting at her disposal and can change into a bat amongst other things. However, unlike most vampires, her wings remain visible even when she is in human form, making it impossible to pass herself off completely as a human.
Vampires like Remilia are also agelessly immortal, as they forfeit growth and maturity in exchange for eternal life.

Manipulation of Fate: Remilia is able to control the fates of those surrounding her. This can range from making you stub your toe, drop your phone or lose your house keys to outright killing you. It's like Murphy's law but on steroids.

Gugnir: Remilia's trusty magical spears. They can lock onto targets and she can summon as many as she sees fit.

Equipment: Umbrella and sun cream

History: Remilia's past prior to her arrival at Gensokyo is unclear, but her name, appearance, house, and clothing imply she is European in origin, and she has been stated to have come from "the west". She has been the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion for about 500 years. She claims to be a descendant of one of the world's most notorious vampire: Count Vlad Ţepeş Dracul. However, unknown to the people of Gensokyo, this is a complete lie. It is not known how Remilia came to Gensokyo in the first place, but the Scarlet Devil Mansion (and thus presumably Remilia herself) were in Gensokyo at least as early as 1998.


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Name: Lana

Age: 16

Occupation: Expedition society member

Gender: Female

Canon: Pokémon OC

Powers and Abilities:
She can use any attack a regular Braixen can use in the Pokémon games as well as any attack that Braixen has in Pokken Tournament.

Stick- Her trusty stick! Without it she can’t use her abilities. She also likes to poke people with it.

Short bio:
She is from an alternate timeline of the game Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. Something happened that caused her to forget the events that took place back then. She knows that she used to be human. With enough pushing in the right direction her memories could come back, but it would be for the best if they never came back.

Lana is carefree and loves to have fun. She’s very childish and sees most things as a fun game. She doesn’t think about the consequences of her actions. The real question is, was she always like this?

Other info:
Please don’t eat her

Name: Bruce Wayne/Batman
Age: 36
Sex: Male

Short Bio: After the that faithful day where Joe Chill shot and killed his parents, Bruce Wayne swore vengence and as he grew older, was persistant in his training, travelling the world and learning from the best of the best until he became the one and only Batman. Except one slight problem, his world was different, as Batman - he was different - no one knows what it was. But something was inherently wrong with his world, not extremely or horribly like Bizzaro world or Earth-3, but there was an ever so slight shift in the heroscape. Slight and subtle differences in the behavior of the heroes. Was Superman supposed to be the type that enjoyed fighting? Was Wonder Woman supposed to be silent and mysterious? Was he supposed to crack jokes occasionally to break his brooding facade? Questions, questions, questions. He was fighting the Joker and his ragtag group of "friends" the fiend called "Joker-buddies" , as he usually does, because he's freaking Batman, when he received a message from his butler that a strange letter had been mailed to him. A strange mysterious letter indeed. Intrigued, Batman quickly took care of the Joker and his gang (they were pansies anyway) and immediately took off to the Batcave where an entirely new adventure awaits.

Personality: He's Batman so you would expect him to be all dark and brooding all the time. The type of man that never smiles or cracks a joke. Wrong. This Batman learned long ago that sometimes a unexpected joke or a smile can be as disarming as a well intended strike.

Let's skip over the main stuff people already know. Peak almost superhuman condition, high level intellect, world's greatest detective, batarang, yada yada yada.

His Batsuit: built to give off the illusion of nigh invurnerability, his Batsuit can withstand a shitload of stuff such as explosions, bullets, and common weapons in general; it one time held up and protected him from most if not all the impact of Superman's punch. This has scared many a person from time to time, believing him to be a mythical beast. It also cannot be frozen, is fireproof, and in general functions under Batman is always prepared logic.

His cowl: Is also bulletproof, and is used for gliding, and flying. It also functions as a sort of invisibilty cloak, allowing Batman to blend into his general surroundings.

Dumb luck: Not a superpower but this Batman does have a tendency to somehow get extremely lucky in his endeavors.

Other info:
Batman has actually been exposed to the Joker Toxin on more than one occasion, somehow he is completely immune to it.
He actually believes that his world is subbosed to be a stange cosmic mockery of the other worlds, due to how insanely impossible some of his feats are. (He one time punched a God in just in the right nerve to knock him out. Everyone assumed it was a caculated strike, but in truth, he had just felt like punching something and just happened to hit the right spot.)
He has never had a Robin (either this was because he had more sense than the original Batman or him just be a stubborn loner ass, no one knows.) His Batfamily were all just other people who followed his example, they were never personally trained by him, but they still became his family nevetheless.
His cave is filled with almost unlimited amounts of Kryptonite and lead, he didn't buy them. They were just .... there.
Name: Tiberius Asletro

Gender: Male

Occupation: Contractor

Canon: Oc

His species of dragon hold the capability of manipulating and harnessing one element that is chosen. He has been a wielder of electricity for about as long as he can remember, capable of jumpstarting motors, providing a charge to items and equipment and if needed, including weapons. However this is setback by the amount of his own energy it uses and if he overuses it, it will cause him to pass out or faint, leaving him vulnerable. It would take 12 hours of rest, to fully recover from such overuse He can also act as a defibrillator if you're wondering

Medical kit, NTW-20 "Helios Fist", MG-42 "Paris Buzz", Kriss Vector "Phantom Menace" (he can only carry vector and one other weapon), PDA Tablet

Personality: He tends to get a bit overconfident at times and would seek an opportunity to show off. (Generally, his personality will be similar to my own.) At other times, he will be a bit hesitant to do some things, partly in fear of messing up and looking bad in front of others mostly due to that he doesn't take humiliation lightly.

Biography: Born from an egg on the banks of the Tiber river, this interesting breed of space dragon was found amongst some odd blue and green crystals. Due to the location upon discovery by some legionnaires, he was named Tiberius and taken in and raised as one. Fast forward a few thousand years, he's unsure how exactly how he ended up here, it's probably from his tendency to travel a lot after the fall of the Roman Empire. Over the decades, he has experienced many historical events, nations rising, stagnating, and falling, innovations in technology, even epidemics. This left him to make for an excellent historian, mostly due to the fact he has lived through it, though many events had molded him over time. The fall of the Roman Empire, its fall was quite an embarrassment to him, damaging his pride and making him more of the humble type when meeting new people and careful of his actions. After seeing the aftermath of the Plague that has been wrought upon Europe, he was mostly disgusted by how the population banked on religion, which didn't help the situation. This left him with more progressive views as opposed to his counterparts, who were not so open-minded. The world wars were quite a varied experience, as he found himself fighting in multiple factions. Initially fighting in Greece, followed by the Wehrmacht, then the Americans. He works nowadays as a special contractor for hire


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  • Name: Doralice Nye Coburn
    Age: 24
    Gender: Genderfluid
    Pronouns: 'He/Him' or 'She/Her', maybe 'They/Them' too. Maybe
    Canon: OC
    Occupation: F.O.R.U.M (Federal Organization for the Restriction of Unruliness and Misconduct) member from Task Force L (for Loser)
    -- Typical Phrases --
    "Don't worry, as long as you have me and my expertise, we'll be just fine!!"
    "Lies, I tell you, lies! I'm never wrong!" "Because, I said so."
    "What do you mean 'this is not how it works?' " "...I do not like your tone, mister/lady/[person's name]."​
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Collective Name: 'Tilnone, The Devil Of The None'

Powers and Abilities:
Tilnone has been given the power to be in multiple, separate bodies at once due to their spirit being able to be split apart into multiple copies of itself. However, they can only possess certain bodies at certain conditions. These conditions are as follows:

-The body is a living being
-The body is at a near death state
-The body has lost consciousness
-The body has the capacity to carry copious amounts of Magical Power. untapped or not.

Although in their first time obtaining a body, only the first three are accounted for, with the fourth being the body they named as 'Apa Yonmae'.

Tilnone 'recruits' members into their 'Party' by possession. Their current limit is 4. While it is possible to 'recruit' a new party member, a problem would be finding one.

While Tilnone has enough experience to control the bodies separately as if they're separate beings, there are moments where the bodies would end up reacting the same way and the bodies moving the same way, in sync as if being controlled with one controller.

Brief Bio:
Tilnone was just a regular joe who was going about their daily life when they were suddenly involved in a big bus accident, one filled with explosions that light up that foggy afternoon. A figure walked up to Tilnone within the heavy rain and offered them life on another word. The goal? To punish the figure's children.

However, what they didn't account for was the fact that his soul was sent into husks--four different bodies of four different strangers whom they didn't know if they were related was now undeir their grasp.

A long time had gone since then, and they had managed to learn a portion of his bodies' skills, abilities, supposed personalities and histories based on the information they hear from their adventures.

Princess Lisa Theola II
19, Female, Princess(On The Run)/Adventurer, Mage Class
Canon: None(Same as Apa)
Powers and Abilities:
Lisa, as Tilnone named her, is a mage. As such, she can perform magic. In her world, there are 4 types of Magic. Elemental(Standard Fire Water Ice Earth Wind Thunder deal) Kinetcal(Magic that's based on movement) Holy(Magic that deals with light, prayers and religion), and Dark(Magic that deals with the dark, curses, demons, and necromancy).

Lisa can perform Kinetical Magic, which is a kind of Magic that delves in the alteration and or amplification of Kinetic on the body and items. This means that Lisa can increase or decrease the Kinetic Energy of her body and other items to either increase her speed, durability and power, or to move ammunition and blades in weird ways like suddenly altering the direction of the shot or the movement of the blade. Think of it as being Psychic. This would mean that Kinetical Mage would include something like: Buffs, Debuffs, Trajectory Redirection, and Barriers

In addition to this, she can also perform Elemental Magic, although limited. Out of the six elements, she can only use 3; Wind, Thunder, and Earth. She is proficient in Earth Magic to create small metal balls to use as ammunition, with Wind and Thunder enchanting her rounds.

Equipment (What all does your character carry with them?):
A Crossbow that shoots out multiple metal balls. The closest Tilnone will get to a Gun.
A Rapier -Lisa has it in her possession when Tilnone first entered her body.

Brief Bio:
From what Tilnone can gather, Princess Lisa Theola II was born in the Kingdom of Delvalla, daughter of the monarchs who rule the land. While most of her life remains unknown, it was certain that Lisa was in the middle of visiting the neighboring kingdoms when Tilnone entered her body.

Since Tilnone didn't know it at the time, Lisa, under the name 'Ninmae Twofold', became an adventurer. Her true name was only revealed after arriving at the kingdom of Theola in order to slay one of the World's 9 Guardian Lords. Lisa was urged to come home to the palace where she would get reprimanded for leaving. Knowing that she'll be forced to stay in the palace forever, Tilnone had to make a plan to bust her out.

"Apa Yonmae"
10(?), Female, Cultist/Adventurer Cleric
Canon (None, same canon as Lisa)
Powers and Abilities
Blessing of the Zeroth God ~ As the only Priestess that the mythical Zeroth God had communed with, Apa had gained a certain blessing that will allow those affiliated with her or Tilnone.
Holy Magical Affinity -As a Cleric, she is automatically assigned to the Holy Affinity. As such, she has assumed the role of a healer. With the Holy Affinity, she can conjure beams of light, heal her teammates, pray to the Zeroth God for blessings which would include buffs and or reflects. It could cleanse status effects to a certain degree.

Equipment (What all does your character carry with them?)
Cleric's Rod - It's a staff with a cross on it. Used to cast Holy Magic
Mark Of The None - A golden collar with the symbol of the Zeroth God of the None.

Brief Bio (Tell us a little about about your character and their story!):
There is very little knowledge that Tilnone has about Apa. However, they did know that she was the devout that praised the Zeroth the most, she was a part of a dwindling cult of those who believed of the Zeroth God of the Nine to be the true creator.

Tilnone made her become an adventurer along with Lisa and the other two, and go about their adventure to slay the 9 Guardian Lords of the Six Kingdoms.

Other Information (Anything Else?)
Tilnone is the singular soul that controls both Lisa and Apa which is going to be confusing on how one may go about treating this fucko. Do they count as one character since it's just Tilnone in two bodies? Or do they count as two characters as a whole considering the body count?
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Ike Plymont


Appearance: Orange jacket, blue mildly faded jeans, brown hair that is swooped to the side, a long black demon tail, purple horns that curve backwards at the end, one eye is blue while the other is a bit more greyish blue. In his humanoid form, he is 5"3' and in his "Beastie Form" (mentioned later) he is about the size of a squirrel. One of his eyes is light blue, while the other is grey. This discoloration in his one eye is due to his death and resurrection.

Canon: OC of no specific canon

Personality: Ike is a happy dude, even if he’s incredibly pathetic. He tries to stick with a sona he’s surrounded himself with of being a cute reserved guy. He sometimes struggles to come to terms with being weak, pathetic, and an all around crybaby, which is why he tries to stay happy and sweet. It is the best coping mechanism for him to come to terms with being who he is.

Short Bio: Ike grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, until he was 10. Around that time, his father was arrested, and was reported to have been killed in jail by another inmate. He and his mother moved to Indianapolis after that, where he adapted to a new life rather easily. He grew up with an eye for color and went to college aiming for a degree in architecture. Several months before he was able to graduate with his degree, he died of an unknown cause in his sleep, and was resurrected as a demon of the mind, but was never heard from by any of his family or friends again. He again adapted to his new life as a demon, and lives in a city filled with demons and other paranormal/nonhuman species. He currently works two different jobs, one as an accountant, another as a product designer. His current life is 150-200 years into the future, as he was dead for quite some time.

Equipment: Ike doesn't carry too much on him. The only things he does have with him is a communication device, which he got from a 'friend'. It operates similar to a smartphone, but is much more advanced, yet much more compact. It is incredibly powerful, and can transfer and receive messages from across an entire galaxy. May also have several 'questionable' magazines on him... He also occasionally carries a few hard candies in his pockets, a lighter, and sometimes a blunt.

Powers/abilities: Ike possesses several abilities, all of which have to do with being a demon, more specifically, a Baku (though, he doesn't know what kind of demon he is). He can read minds, though, doesn't have much of a choice. It can be described like being able to hear someone else's car radio. He can try to tune out the noise, but it doesn't always work. He can also create portals, occasionally. It is a very straining form of magic though, and he cannot do it too often. Ike's 'beastie form' is another one of his abilities. He can switch forms from either a human like appearance, or, a small animal like appearance. His beastie form is about the size of a squirrel and pitch black with glowing white eyes. Occasionally, he will try a form of magic that involves mental manipulation. This usually implies changing someone’s emotions as a means of mind control. He might make an opponent feel unmotivated to fight him, or try to cheer someone up by putting happier thoughts into their head. It is also a power he prefers to only use in dire situations though, as he feels it is immoral. The last thing he is able to do is, he is unable to truly die. Most demons, even low level ones if killed, will awaken back in hell, in a fresh new body. He however usually does retain any 'fatal' wounds. Example, he still has that bullet wound in his forehead from Point Zero. However, it appears more as an incredibly old scar that has healed up.

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Name: [CLASSIFIED], Codename Mustache Wax, or simply Wax

Age, Gender, occupation: Wax is in his thirties, presumably 32. He is male, and serves as none other than one of Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch's bodyguards.

Canon: "Them"

Powers and Abilities: Wax's cartoonish appearance is no laughing matter. He is quite skilled in his line of work as a bodyguard, and is a rather skilled hacker.

Equipment: Mr. Wax carries a bulletproof vest underneath his suit, as well as a concealed submachine gun in one of his suit pockets. However, the most noteworthy aspect is an odd laser remote Wax carries around. Dubbed "Gateway", Wax can point it at an enemy mechanical/electronic system and upload a virus of Wax's design into the system. Wax can then control the system with his phone.

Brief Bio: Agent Mustache Wax is one of Sir Benedict's bodyguards. Namely, he is the reason the Atlantic Crisis has not happened-the reason behind that is rather secret, but he is quite the capable agent, enough for Them to trust him to defend Sir Benedict. All that is known is that Wax is quite the adept hacker, and in his childhood, would constantly experiment with computers and digital systems, all of which ended in failure until his teen years, where he began achieving limited success.

Other Information: None​
Name: Real name unknown, but he is simply called the Force Commander. Less formal nicknames for him are Hairgel, FC, Pomade Man, and so forth.

Age, Gender, occupation: FC is 175 years old, male, and serves as a Force Commander for the Blood Ravens Space Marines chapter.

Canon: Warhammer 40k, Dawn of War 2

Powers and Abilities: FC is tough as nails. He's taken tank shells to the face, sniper rounds, and he's still alive. On top of that, he has the usual Space Marine genetic modifications.
FC can let out a loud battle cry to boost the damage of allies-anyone associated with the Imperium of Man in particular enjoy the boost. While under the effects of Battle Cry, FC generates shockwaves around him every time he attacks but his damage becomes minimal.
FC can also charge in a straight line to trample enemies in the way.

Equipment: FC carries his Thunder Hammer, a slow but powerful two-handed war hammer that has a chance to knock vehicles out with every strike. FC wears Power Armor, as well as carrying an Iron Halo-the Halo drains energy from FC, but in return it will stop enemy attacks until FC runs out of energy.

Brief Bio: FC is one of the youngest Force Commanders in the Blood Ravens. Having defended the Aurelian Sector twice from xeno attack, FC has proven himself over and over again as a Space Marine.
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II for the full story.

Other Information: FC is, in RPG terms, a tank. He can take it and dish it out, but in return is rather slow in combat. Oh, and he has zero way to fight at range, and if he goes down good luck using his hammer.​

Frank West AKA the Punisher
???, Male, Anti-hero/sniper/more
.Canon- The Punisher
.Powers and Abilities-
The Punisher is the recipient of multi-disciplinary military training from the United States Marine Corps, United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance. While a Marine, he also received training from the Airborne School and U.S. Navy SEALs as well as cross-training with the Australian Special Air Service Regiment during the Vietnam War. In addition, since beginning his work as the Punisher, Castle has used his military discipline and training techniques to update and expand his skills in areas that aid in his mission (disguise, acting, use of non-military weapons, etc.). From this training, the Punisher is proficient in not only basic infantry skills, but in special operations, which includes the use and maintenance of specialized firearms and explosive ordnance. He is highly trained in infiltration into heavily guarded enemy territories and structures for the purpose of assassination, capture, and military intelligence. Also, he is trained in various forms of camouflage and stealth. He is also highly adept at hand-to-hand combat, and has been trained in multiple forms of martial arts such as Chin Na,[26] Hwa Rang Do,[26] Krav Maga,[72] Muay Thai,[72] Nash Ryu Jujutsu,[26] Ninjutsu, Shorin-ryu Karate[26] and Systema.[72] Both Nick Fury and Tony Stark have commented on how extraordinarily high his pain tolerance is.[citation needed] He does not take painkillers, as he feels that their benefit of dulling pain is not worth the side effects of drowsiness and slowed reflexes.

He maintains multiple safehouses and vehicles around the greater New York City area as well as multiple forged identities and bank accounts (most of the funds and equipment aiding him in his work being taken from the criminals he hunts). The Punisher has a Kevlar uniform which protects him from most gunfire, though he can still suffer concussive injury or penetration from sufficient or repeated impacts. The white skull emblem on his chest is used both to intimidate his enemies and to lure their fire to the more heavily protected area of his armor. The design was supposedly taken from either a Vietcong sniper,[73] or the demon Olivier.[74] The Punisher uses a large variety of firearms in his war on crime; including fully automatic rifles, shotguns, flame throwers, or whatever he can get his hands on. Though he has a preference for guns, the Punisher has been using technology derived from super-villains and other costumed characters, such as the Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs,[75] a modified Goblin Glider,[76] and a Doctor Octopus tentacle that he can shrink down for easy storage via Pym Particles.

.Equipment (What all does your character carry with them?)Colt Law Enforcement Carbine, and a whole lot more weapons
.Brief Bio
Family man turned crime-fighting vigilante, Frank Castle embodies the persona of the Punisher to avenge personal tragedy and ensure all criminals receive the justice they deserve.

Piety to Purgatory
Born in Queens, New York to Sicilian immigrant parents, Frank Castiglione—later Castle—was on a path to priesthood and piety. Disillusioned by the amount of evil he bore witness to in the world, he left the seminary with the acceptance that there could be no forgiveness without punishment. Determined to make his mark on the world, he joined the U.S. Marines and Navy Seals. After four tours of duty, Castle received numerous awards for his sacrifice and dedication to his country. Finally, Frank was able to settle down and enjoy time with his wife Maria, daughter Lisa and son Frank Jr. But, their lives were forever changed when tragedy struck during a picnic in Manhattan’s Central Park.

Stumbling upon a mafia deal gone wrong and witnessing a murder, the Castles were shot down by mobsters so as not to leave any witnesses of the scene. Miraculously surviving his wounds, but realizing he had lost his family, Castle memorized the faces of those responsible and set out to avenge the deaths of his innocent loved ones.

After the police investigation regarding his family’s death was infiltrated by the same criminals who committed the horrific act, Castle realized that not all who do evil receive the reprimanding they undoubtedly deserve. Frank made the decision to pursue not only the criminals who had a hand in the slaying of his family, but also those who try to escape from the law and righteousness. Vengeful of the deaths of his loved ones, Castle set his sights on ensuring that every criminal be punished for their wrong-doings as a vigilante called the Punisher.

.Other Information (Anything Else?)N/A

Name: Shas'O Kais
Age, Gender, Occupation: Unknown, though through stasis, possibly hundreds of years old. T'au Commander

Canon: Warhammer 40K (Dawn of War: Dark Crusade/Fire Warrior)

Powers and Abilities: While being physically weaker outside of a T'au Battlesuit than a standard human, Kais retains a knowledge on most firearms that rivals some Space Marine veterans. His skill with these weapons allows him to outshoot even trained marksmen, and operate weapons beyond standard humans. He is also trained in the use of T'au Battlesuit, meaning he can swap between them at will if present. Being a member of the T'au race, Kais is also immune to psychic powers, making him fairly invisible to psychic-based detection, highly resistant to manipulation in the same manner. However, this means that Kais is also nearly impossible to communicate with in this manner, as telepathic communications only register to him as a faint buzz similar to comms feedback.

-XV22 Battlesuit
Experimental battlesuit. Comes with passive sensor jamming and reflective armor plates to make detection more difficult, and has enough baseline plating to protect the user from harm. Starts out with nothing but a Blast Cannon, which is more or less similar to an energy chaingun. However, through various upgrades, enhancements such as iridum plating, new handheld weapons, missile racks, drone uplinks, and even a jetpack can be installed as time goes on.

Brief Bio: Accounts vary as to the origins of Kais. Some claim he was the lowly Shas'La who rescued an ethereal and destroyed an Imperial titan, and some claim he was just a student of Commander Puretide. What is known, is that after he studied under Puretide, he was placed into stasis until he was needed by the ruling caste, the Ethereals, needed his skills to defend the T'au colony on Kronus. He inevitably failed, as the assaults of Orks, necrons, Space Marines, Imperial Guard, and Eldar eventually lead to the deaths of his charge, where he retreated back to T'au to lay the body of the Ethereal Aun'El to rest. During this journey, he noticed two men in suits, before he blacked out, awakening to the events of this RP.

Other Information: For the Greater Good!
Name: Alastor

Age: ???

Occupation: Former radio talk show host/Demon

Gender: Male

Canon: Hazbin Hotel

Alastor is a very powerful demon. He can created objects with a snap of his fingers as well as well as destroy things with a clench of his fist. He can summon tentacles, other demons, and almost anything else at will. His microphone can even talk!

Alastor is a bit of a wild card. He never stops smiling as he sees it as asserting dominance and power. If an opponent frowns, he sees that as them being weak. He can be quite sadistic and a bit of a masochist as well. He does things out of complete, utter boredom! Just don’t make a deal with him. He knows there are other demons that rival him in power, so he knows to be careful. He is not careless.

Short Bio:
Alastor is a former radio host and southern serial killer. He is from New Orleans, Louisiana.

he lived during the early 20th century, having witnessed the Stock Market Crash of 1929. He died in 1933.

When he arrived in Hell, he possessed raw power which was never before seen in a human soul and trampled powerful demons who had been in charge for centuries. He broadcasted this carnage on the radio for everyone to hear, and thus earned the nickname the "Radio Demon".

Other info:
Contrary to the aesthetic, Alastor cannot tap dance.



"My name is Re-- Rhombus. Yeah. True."

"I'm 20. Straight, alpha male. True. 5'11.5 in height. Confirmed and measured. Wait-- No! Don't measure it now!
I'm a university student."

"I... I don't have a canon?"

"My only ability is to spread Christ's love--
No. I don't have any ability. I'm a disappointment to everyone, sadly."

No abilities. Definitely weak. : )

"Oh-- Weapons?!"
"Bane of Demiurge, this baby is called. Otherwise known as Michael's Flaming Sword. I used this bad boy to destroy my Father's gates hahahhaha.
What do you mean I'm not making sense?"

Subject: Delinquent with a ponytail, claiming it is called a "samurai's hair." Code name: Jester. Subject claims that his name is "Rhombus", but he is showing signs of lying. Subject is actually not 5'11.5 in height, but he pleaded us not to include his accurate measurement. Subject is an ordinary young adult male, a university student taking an arts-related program. Subject does not have any noteworthy skills, however, he proved himself to be capable of wielding a one-handed sword. As for the subject's weapon, Bane of Demiurge, he has yet to share of its origins. Or how the subject got a hold of such weapon.
Bene knows who I am. There's no need for this. Just ask me.

H̵̢̘̗̻̖̟͈̝̼͈͍̲̏̉ͥ̔͋̔ͪ̆͌ͯ̾͛ͥ̿͑̽́̒͘͘͢E̵̢̧̠̩͇̲̫͕̲̪̠͕̭̬̻̎͂̒ͧ̀ͧ́͊͐̈́́ͭ̑ͬͬ̚̕ͅḺ̴̶̣̼͕̺͕͍̪̺͕͎͇̯̦̟͇̆͌́̐̍̊̇̿͛ͥͩ̊͒̆ͧ̌͗̽́͡ͅL̠̞͚̞̥̫̱̫̜̝̪̣̳̘̬̟̟ͤͬ̐̋ͧ̊͟͜͞'̢ͫ͋̀ͦ͐̎͛̽͐̓̇ͥ͟͡͞҉͕̻̗͓̬̘̳̳̗͓̺̻͎͇S̷̜͍̯̖͈̦̥̮͖͉͈͙̞̪̙̫̻̺̣͂̍ͮ͒̍̋͐̉̈ͫͩͪ̏̀̀͡ ̓̊̂ͭͬ̽̓̍͗́҉͙̟̻̭̫̹̘̭̞̯̯͖̺̺C̵̸̣̯͚̯̗ͫ̃͒̊ͨͤ́͗̽ͥ̅ͭͭO̴̺͇͙͔̮͍̣̜̝̜̩̣̤͓̖̔̍̌̊͛ͩ͟ͅM̶̟̼͎̣̩͚̼̘̬̹̯̩̿̓ͧͨͤ̄̓͛̚͞I͉̘̻̹̰̻̘͚͇̣͗̽ͣ̇̿͞ͅN̷̵ͥ̑̎͂͂͂͗͜͏̣̙̩̺̲͈̙͔̮̬̥̺̣̱͚̣̲̹G̨̘͇̼͍̹̪̭̩̳͈͔̪̯̙͐̍̿̇̈̓ͩ̋͂͂̽̈́ͯ͛͗͟͜͟ͅ,ͥͦͤ̈̽͑̾͑̃̑̈́̀́ͨ̾̓͏͉̳̣͔̠͕̩̻͕̰͉͜ ̵̨̯̻̗̙̳̫̤̯̤̬͇͌ͩ͋̒͛ͣ͒̽͂ͫͧ͊͆ͮ́D̸̛̜̼͔̟̬̘͈̪̗̬̈͋̾ͦͧͭ́̆̏͐̋͛ͨ̇̂͞ͅE̶̴̵͖͎͙̹͓̦͉͍̱͖̱̯̰̲̫͎̓͆͒̓̍ͦ̍ͦ͆̔̊ͥ̒̐͂ͯ̒͟Ą̷͖͚̗̥̗̺̩̥̼̀̓͒̿̌͊̐ͥ͐̑͐͑̔͗ͦ̈́ͯ̀̚͟͝R̶̿̄̑͐̑ͫ͗̓҉҉̼̟̦̙̩̯ ̴͛ͧͬ̎̾ͮ͑ͮ͗̅ͮ͆͞͏̘̗̟̲̮̳͔̟̠͍͙̬̯̖̳͈̰̩Ë̷̹̻̥̘̼͕̣̖̹́́ͤ͑̒ͧ͢͢͝D͓͓̰̪̼̼̺͚̯̟̗̫̪̪̺ͩͧ̿͑̓͗̓̓ͤ̀͒̈̀̐̿͋͛͢͜͟͝M̷̠͙̤̥̭̹͇̞̲̲͈̯̩̰͍ͣ̌̈̑̎͋͌̃̽͒ͥ̓̏̋ͭ̑̃̓̀͝͝Ư̡̨̰̪̞̘̻̣͆̅̌̅̇ͣͮ̔͐̇̍͞N̸ͦͤ̌ͤ͑ͧ͊ͥ̉͊́͢͏͇͎͎͔̗̣͍̭ͅD̹̫͉͍͇͍͐ͧ̏̇̈̆̑̏͝͞.̧̭̺̩̯̝͔̟̾̔͌̑̈́͡͝
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[div class=Window][div class=Bar]
[div class=Receive]Reaper Operative S099-6350-7851
[div class=Board]

[div class=ImageSam][/div]
[div class=Basic]NAME: SERAPH-099 Samael
NICKNAMES: Samuel Mashhit, Sam, 099, Videre
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral
-Private Security Contractor
-Agente de la Segadores (Inquisdores Operative)
-Forensic Pathologist
[div class=tabs][div class="tab tabOne"]Profile[/div][div class="tab tabOne"]Personal[/div][div class="tab tabOne"]Combat[/div][/div]

[div class="tabsContentOne tabsOne1"][div class=Basic]GENDER: Male
AGE: 90
RACE: SERAPH/Reaper Spawn
FACECLAIM: Josh Mario John
HEIGHT: 7'7" (2.31 m)
WEIGHT: 412 lbs (187 kg)
HAIR COLOR: Dirty Blonde
EYES COLOR: Ocean Blue (Normal), Icy Blue w/ Black Sclera (Left Eye)

Homo Seraphicus, Synthetically Engineered Runic Augmented Pseudo-Human, or SERAPHs are artificial humans created for the sole purpose of being the ultimate super soldier in their universe of creation. They combine advanced genetic manipulation, cutting edge cybernetics, and runic tattoos to take advantage of all three Branches of Technology. Each SERAPH is generally equipped with an integrated AI suite that allows them to overlay an AI matrix over their neural network to take advantage of their AI's processing power. It should be noted that SERAPH Augmentations extend the lifespan of a SERAPH to approximately 200 years, slowing down their aging, as well as make them optimal candidates for Aether, Blood, Shard, and Spark based abilities. Samael's specialized implants are listed in the Combat Addendum.
-Inquisdores Archives, Paraphrased by Field Recruiter Hendri Vex

The Segadors is special operations field branch of the multiversal organization, Inquisidores. They're objective is to monitor and regulate the technological advancement of universes to prevent access and usage of interdimensional capabilities. Typical protocol requires operatives to eliminate all witnesses and associates, but exceptions are made in the case of extremely promising candidates. Each Segador and their contracted Agents de la Segadores are granted powerful abilities by the Grande Segadores to carry out their mission.
-Inquisdores Archives, Paraphrased by Field Recruiter Hendri Vex

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION - 01 (JULY 14, 2310 CS (City Standard))
Samael is a man of vague Nordic descent with long dirty blonde hair shaved at the sides, a well groomed full beard, and ocean blue eyes. He stands at 7'7" (2.31 m) and weighs in at 413 lbs (187 kg), which would normally indicate obesity, if his titanium-tungsten skeletal implants and inhuman muscle density. Based on physical tests, Samael's physical ability greatly exceeds that of any normal human, with his maximum bench press being 2450lbs (1111 kg), a maximum squat being 3085 lbs (1399 kg), and his maximum sprint speed being 35.2 mph (56.6 km/h) without supplementary equipment. Notably, his his body has a plethora of cybernetics installed, presumably since a young age. A full list will provided in the Combat Addendum, but visible cybernetics include here. Samael possesses Spinal Interface Nodes fused to each thoracic and cervical vertebrae, which results in a row of 19 half-inch plugs sticking out of his back. A Direct Neural Interface is implanted at the base of his head, taking the form of a port that sits flush with a plate against the skin of the head. Across his body, a total of 16 Hormonal and Bloodstream Regulators are implanted on top of arteries at the wrist, elbows, neck, knees, ankles, groin, shoulders, and torso. Subdermal Tactile Grips are implanted into Samael's hands as layers of polymer sheets and sensors in his palms and fingers. Samael's entire upper body and partial lower body is covered in tattoos. These tattoos runic nature and depict arcane symbols and scenes of death and horror. They provide magical benefits to Samael, and when they are in use, they glow.

While acting as a civilian, Samael possess a large winter coat modified for the concealment of firearms and ammunition, a low profile UHMWPE ballistic vest, military surplus fatigues loaded with ammunition and tools, and a pair of fingerless SAP gloves. While actively serving in Seraph PSC, Samael is obligated to wear the standard issue white military fatigues bearing the emblem of Seraph PSC, with a skin-tight techsuit underneath. During combat, he is equipped numerous firearms and his Seraph-issued SABRE exosuit (sabre_exoskeleton_19.jpg). It is commonly observed whenever Samael is not wearing a full-face helmet, he wears a pair of polarized aviator sunglasses to conceal his eyes (aviator_sunglasses_04.jpg).
-Segador Field Recruiter Hendri Vex

[/div][/div][div class="tabsContentOne tabsOne2" style="display: none;"][div class=Basic]PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION - 03 (JANUARY 5, 2319 CS)
Samael has been diagnosed with a condition similar to Borderline Personality Disorder, except that there are extremely clear patterns to its behavior and poses no adverse effects on Samael's functionality. This is a psychological feature coded into all SERAPHs, allowing them to segregate the "human" and "weapon" aspects of their personality. Samael acknowledges that he possess three personalities named "099", "Sam", and "Videre". "099" is observed to be single-handedly focused on completing a given objective with ruthless efficiency, without regard for anything outside of the mission parameters. "099" surfaces only when Samael is deployed in combat or stressed, and is optimized to force him to survive in any circumstance. The second personality, "Sam", surfaces when Samael is off-duty and relaxed. "Sam" is mildly impatient, but is primarily characterized by his pleasant demeanor and love for alcoholic beverages. Samael's final personality is "Videre", a personality that has manifested after he began serving as an Agente de la Segadores. "Videre" is characterized as being grim, foreboding, and silent, and appears only when he utilizes his Eye of the Reaper.
-Segador Field Recruiter Hendri Vex

SERAPH-099 Samael was born as part of the Stage 2 SERAPH Program, alongside his fellow SERAPHs. He was designed to be a perfect living weapon of war. Samael's skill with heavy weapons and forensic pathology made him ideal for carrying out investigations of ambush sights, sieges, and assassinations as well as acting on the results of the investigations by himself. Starting from the age of 14, he has served in conflicts across the universe for his creators and their clients.

At the age of 18, the SERAPHs rebelled against their creators after discovering a plan to terminate them due to bankruptcy. During the uprising, Samael leading a team of SERAPHs in securing the reactor of Haven-07 and prevent the crew of the ship from scuttling it. For his leadership and exceptionally combat capabilities, Samael earned the rank of Archangel among the SERAPHs, leading them as Seraph PSC was created. Despite his high rank, Samael prefers to take on jobs of extreme difficulty, regardless of reward, unlike the other Archangels, who only take jobs that will yield the greatest payment.

As he served, Samael earned reputation among Seraph PSC's clients for his team composed of assassin SERAPH-089 Gabriel, sniper SERAPH-091 Azrael, explosives expert SERAPH-098 Apollyon, and trapper SERAPH-113 Azazel. They were known as the Five Fingers of Death and were renowned for their ability to track and eliminate targets through irregular terrain and environments. The Five Fingers of Death were especially effective against guerrilla fighters, with their tracking skills allowing them to follow guerillas long after they leave the ambush site.

At the age of 80, Samael stumbled on Segador Vex, on an operation. Under standard Segadores protocol, Samael would be executed to leave no witnesses, but Segador Vex Agente determined Samael to be a promising candidate, given his immense combat ability and biological compatibility for a Segadores Prosthetic. Once Samael to join the Segadores, his left eye was replaced by an "Eye of the Reaper", which granted him powers to carry out his job as an Agente de la Segadores. His eye serves as an insurance policy that will terminate him should he violate his contract. Up until recently, Samael was working as an Agente de la Segadores in his universe of origin, as well as continuing his role as Archangel at Seraph PSC.
-Inquisdores Archives, Paraphrased by Field Recruiter Hendri Vex

[/div][/div][div class="tabsContentOne tabsOne3" style="display: none;"][div class=Basic]WEAPONS/EQUIPMENT:
Seraph HK-N720-H “Nakir” 7.20x50mm Rifle
Seraph GE-S25 “Samael” 25mm Autocannon
Smart AI “Psychopomp”
SABRE Exosuit
Eye of the Reaper
Foresight of the Reaper
Hindsight of the Reaper
Glare of the Reaper
Piercing Gaze of the Reaper
SERAPH Augmentations

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"Why don't ya run along now, ya pack of poorly packaged horseshit?!"

Angel Dust







  • Withdraw a set of arms​
  • Having a venomous bite​
  • Sense when a storm is coming​
  • Jump really high​

  • Tommy Gun
  • Probably some knives
~~Brief Bio~~
Born in a crime family, Angel Dust is the biggest adult-film superstar in all of Hell. Drowning out his world with narcotics and a twisted sense of humor, he becomes the hotel's first unpredictable patient. After being clean and out of trouble for two weeks, he assists in a turf war alongside Cherri Bomb, his best friend, against Sir Pentious. This effectively 'ruins the reputation' of the Happy Hotel.

~~Other Info~~

  • Angel named himself after the drug Phencyclidine or PCP because he died from having too much of it.​
  • Angel is gay.
    • However, he sleeps with women for money, as he is a sex worker.​
    • At Momocon 2019, when asked by a fan cosplaying as Angel Dust asked if Angel will be getting a boyfriend, Vivziepop said Angel will get a boyfriend later and eventually into the series, with zero indication into who. She also said she won't say who and she won't say if they're in the show or not yet.​
  • He's a masochist.​
  • A lot of Angel Dust's family is in hell, and they all take the form of a spider and have drug names. When asked if Angel keeps in contact with any of his family, Vivziepop said that that might be a story relevant thing so she can't say.​
  • According to the Vivzie Streem #4 live stream, Viv revealed that like Sir Pentious, Angel has a venomous bite that could leave his victim either sick or drugged.​
  • Like a spider, Angel has a total of eight limbs (six arms and two legs), but he keeps one set of arms withdrawn. Vivziepop confirmed that it was mostly meant to be merciful to the animators, but it is also a canon thing.​
  • His most characteristic spider mannerism is that he can jump really high.​
  • The one thing Angel doesn't like about his demon form is his feet.​
  • Angel's favorite color is pink.​
  • Angel enjoys going to the aquarium and his favorite fishes are Blobfish and Angelfish.​
  • He can speak Italian. He also likes Italian dishes, food, and well-prepared meals. He can also cook Italian food.​
  • When asked if when Angel died he got into sex work or do mob fan stuff first, Vivziepop said that he got into sex work pretty early on and he rejected the mob stuff initially.
    • She also said that it will be explored in the series so she won't go too much into it.​
  • According to Vivizepop during a stream where Alastor's voice actor first appeared, she revealed that Angel has a soft spot for children. However, he would be the "friendly irresponsible" type around them. While he wouldn't act inappropriately around them, he would still swear around them.​
  • According to Vivziepop in her Vivzie Streem #2 live stream, there's a reason why Angel is so brightly colored.​
  • His original real name was Martin, but Vivziepop confirmed in an Ashley Nichols stream that that's no longer canon.​
  • He was supposed to appear in Zoophobia's "Angels and Demons" arc.​
  • He has an accordion, but Vivziepop doesn't know if he can play it well or not.​
  • He is from New York.​
  • He is from the '40s.​
  • When asked if there's a kill he's really proud of in the Ask Angel QnA live stream #1, Seth Atkinson said in Angel's voice to stay tuned for that because that's some fun stuff for later.​
  • Vivziepop confirmed in her Vivzie Stream #1 live stream that Angel and Molly are fraternal twins and not identical twins.​
  • Vivziepop feels like Angel is not the pickiest eater.​
  • Theorists have speculated that Angel's family was in the mafia possibly due to the fact that his family members have drug names.​
  • Angel's golden tooth matches the golden tooth of his Pimp/Sugar Daddy, Valentino.​
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Name: Gyrus Axelei
Age: 20
Canon: Room of swords
Powers: Gyrus has control over bright green energy that he can use to pick things and people up telekinetically, make swords and shields with. his breaking point that he can only activate with his boss sword allows him control over matter although he must have collected enough ruin energy and cannot release it without the boss sword. He also has something called the black box in his mind, which is a sort of safe haven his past self before his memory was wiped resides, although he doesn't really know how to access it and has only done so while unconscious
Scout: This yellow star shaped computer can float around and can scan objects and create holograms with ease
Jump boots: These allow him to jump higher and farther and does so by shooting out small bursts of energy to propel himself
Boss sword: Obtained from killing a realm boss, this sword allows gyrus to release his breaking point, without it if he gains to much ruin energy he will explode from the collection of energy
Robot arm: Gyrus lost his arm but with the help of another voyageur he was able to build an arm for himself that from where his arm was lost will extend out for use. The arm is able to retract and extend seemingly with no limits, gyrus even being able to summon a boss sword in this hand.
Other information:Gyrus is a bright young scientist who had an insatiable curiosity of the stars, and so he then became an astronaut as well to suffice that curiosity and also to explore the universe. he doesn't remember much about the room of swords after his memory was wiped but the few things he does remember is that he helped save people in other realms and also helped them obtain some boss swords of their own, although many people tell him he betrayed them at some point he strives to fix what his past self did.​


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Debra O'Shaughnessy

24, Female, Secretary


Debra can type a solid 130 words a second while talking on the phone. She is a master multi-tasker with the ability to blend into the background as she appears to be doing very little at all times and not paying attention to anything as she paints her nails at her desk or is chatting with her best gal pal Janet about what Gerald did last night. While it may not seem like much, her multi-tasking skills are the exact thing that landed her this job and has kept her around for so long. She can answer any question you have about any person that works with the agency, and any question you have about any mission. Though, if you can understand her slang, well, that's another story and the reason she's even allowed to have these secrets.

She appears to be ditsy, uncaring, and shallow. But only the last two are correct. She is far from ditsy, she just doesn't care as much about these things as everyone else and as such, ignores them. She is here to do one job, and one job only: be the secretary.
Debra grew up in the deep south, giving her a sweet southern twang and a personality that is just as sweet as honey. But she also has a tongue as sharp as a bullwhip crossed with a cat-tail whip, and a wit as quick as a jackalope in mating season. She can talk faster than she types, and she will not slow down for you to understand her. Even if she did, being able to understand her accent and her analogies would be next to impossible.

Her purse (this varies from day to day, but it will always be an of brand designer), a pencil and note pad, gum, and dog treats

You don't have secrets when it comes to Debra. She knows all.​

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