
Name: Hershel Avad
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Adventurer and cleric
Canon: None
Powers and abilities: Hershel is basically a human cleric with a dash of a fighter in between. In other words, he has the ability to use holy magic that is available to a level 6 cleric in dnd5e while also having the ability to use any martial weapon with easy along being a tricky close quarters opponent due to his training as a war master. He has a preference for a rapier along with a shield bearing the symbol of his religion. He also has the ability to seamlessly cast spells in the heat of battle due to training he has previously done.
Equipment: Food rations along 2 waterskins, rope, a rapier, a shield, his trusty breastplate, a crossbow and bolts
Bio: An orphaned child at a very young age, he was basically raised at a religious temple where he learned most of his clerical abilities. His life was a bit of a difficult one in said temple and his only solace was the closes thing he had to a father figure, an adventurer that visited from time to time. That adventurer shaped Hershel into the person he became at his core: a realistic optimist with good intentions but also desiring to do the practical, pragmatic thing to the best solution for everyone. By this point, he has been adventuring for just about 5 years and has learned many tough lessons and many many things, maturing along the way as someone who is a nice person, dependable, very practical while also well-intentioned.