Act 2 Scene 1b - Seven of one thing half a dozen of another [Broken Memories]

"Sounds like a zone transferal to me, but then again I'm not really that knowledgable. Brian would know for sure." Sinastra shakes her head slightly.

"So did you find your friends? and this by the way is Mark and Jessica. Awakes like yourself and your friends, memoryless like them as well."

"Hi, my name is Mark, and this is Jessica, we've awaken a few hours ago in a city and took a cafe where Sinastra was working, then some men arrived and we got a black out, we awoke again in a huge house just over there" Mark said, pointing at the house " We have no food, no clue as to where when or who we are and this place looks like a ghost town... nice to meet you anyway !" he added raising an opened hand.

He nodded to Sinastra, having a very vague recollection of what she was talking about even though he was still clueless about it all.

Turning to Mark he shook the proffered hand in his large, meaty mitt. "Nice to meet you both. And assuming there is food in the water we can get food."
Still huddled in Mark's arms, Jessica lets out a low moan.

"Not...memoryless. Oh gods..."

She raises her head, her eyes huge dark holes in her white face.

"I know what I am."

"Indeed, she does that sometimes... relax Jessica, nothing bad's going to come up from this...

What did you mean food in the water ?" asked Mark a little intrigued

He shook it off and then looked to Mark with a look of you're kidding right?, "Haven't you ever been fishing?"

Mark chuckled:

"... not that I can remember no... and not without fishing pole anyway. I thought you meant there was food in the running water..."

"Well that will have to change. And no, nothing in the running water except for water." He chuckled.

He began to head towards the beach and walked to the edge of the water. Looking back to Mark he smiled and asked, "How hungry are you guys?"
"Well I just cooked him a full breakfast. She had a cup of tea. I've just nibbled here and there this morning."

Sinastra shrugs.

Mark laughed on his own, a sinister cynical laugh for about ten seconds then he caught his breath back:

"I just remembered a saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day"... the guy who invented that had no idea how right he was !"
"Except I hate fish."

As Jessica detaches herself from Mark's protective embrace, she mutters something that might have been either thanks or an apology.

"There are other houses. There are hotels down the street. Can't we just...I don't know...get stuff from there? It doesn't look like there's anybody around."

"Mostly I'd rather find a way to get you guys out of here. I really do not want to let Brian continue to have to look for Sinastra here. That would be a very bad thing."

He looked pointedly at Sinastra, " Are you familiar with what happened to us, with the strange feeling of crossing a border or something?"
Sinastra looks worried and ever so slightly pained.

"We are in trouble if you are relying on me for information. I'm just a cook, sure Brian tells me stuff but is no different to me talking to the cats outside my Cafe with some of the stuff he goes on about with layered realities, functional conscious alterations and other stuff like it. From my laywoman's knowledge it sounds like you crossed over a zone, but Rhone's house lies beyond the Cathdral, yes beyond a zone, but as far as I know its a no tech zone not what ever happened to you."

Sinastra sighs heavily and shakes her head before flouncing off down the road towards the town.


anyone still here in this thread?

anything you need to know? you have a town to explore, a sea, a lunar and lots of new memories.. cyl and Arynne can you post your character sheets in the relevant threads.. cheers

Jessica looks around at the others impatiently. "Well? Are we going to just stand here looking like idiots? I'm hungry...and if I am some kind of wretched shadow creature, I might as well get some good out of it. I bet..." she frowns, "no, I know you feel the same way."

"We need to scout the buildings for food before we starve... let's go." he added walking towards the town.
Those that set off can see that the row of terrace houses winds down the road for about 300 yards until the terrace houses turn into taller three stories terraced buildings with signs infront of them, 'Bridge Hotel', 'GlenAcres', 'Tombermory', 'The Sea Shell' clearly marking them to be hotels. In front of where the hotels start the beach side pavement expands to a full size promenade with shuttered ice cream hut complete with pictured sign displaying an image of an icecream in cone, on a stick or tub and what you guess is a price The Brand sold is proclaimed to be Cadwaladers. The pier juts out into the sea a fair way and is covered by a large wooden building.

No body else is in sight.

"Nobody seems to be around... let's break in and grab what we need." said "Mark" going straight towards the closest hotel.

"Does anybody know something about what happened to this place ? People can't just disappear like that..."


I assume there are no lights on, no sign of activity whatsoever, and definitely no signs of life in the vincity. How abandoned are the hotel ? I mean were they used until recently, or is the façade revealing a short/long term lack of maintenance ?

per + awareness / investigation ? :)
Looking over the hotel, 'Dun Romen', no obvious signs can be seen of life. The curtains are pulled shut, the windows and door are shut and no obvious lighting can be seen to be turned on. The hotel itself, as are the surrounding hotels, is in a good state of repair, newish lick of paint, no broken windows, weeds are absent etc..



Mark - or was it Malak now ?! it wouldn't matter if he died of starvation anyway - searched the surroundings with great care, and focused his senses on the perception of a potential threat for him or his new friends.


Activating Prior Warning : by the way, how are we remembering things ? I have a charm liniking a lesser spirit to me (secretary), I'd like to use it for the fun of it ^^

otherwise: using 1WP for +1 suxx

6xD10: 5 8 9 2 6 4: 2+1 3 suxx.

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