Act 2 Scene 1b - Seven of one thing half a dozen of another [Broken Memories]

"Well" Sinastra looks over the bay infront of her, the sun dappling down and the waves gently lapping over the golden sand. "Yes this town isn't the city. As for what to do. No one is around, I guess we hunt the house and the town for supplies. We will have to eat sometime soon."

"Sure... let's go back into the house. You don't have a clue to where we are right now ?."

Going back to the house, Mark searched through the house for supplies, weapons, and information, he took his time, not letting any detail slip passed his senses, he strangely felt like this was a natural part of him.
"No clue what so ever..."

The search of the house shows it to be a reasonably sized terraced hose, the down stairs consists of the room the awoke in, a dining room with table and four chairs sideboard with plates of varing sizes and cutlery; a kitchen with double sink and drainer, working taps with hot and cold water, a bottle of 'fairy' on the side and a variety of green scrubbing pads and brushs in a pot by the taps. The kitchen also has a washing machine, dishwasher, fridge freezer (empty but very clean), and a number of cuboards containing a variety of bottles, tins and boxes labelled 'cif', 'mister muscle', 'Mr sheen' and 'flash' containing what you guess to be cleaning chemicals of some such, as besides them is stored a number of brushes, mop heads, and rags. The stairs lead up to a small landing with four doors leading off, three of the doors lead to bedrooms of varying sizes each contain a bed frame and matress, and a number of cupboards (all empty). The final upstairs room is a bathroom with large rolltop enamelled cast iron bath, sink and mirror and cupboard containing a number of tubes and foil sealed plastic trays of small pills all labelled with a variety of names.

Throughout the house the floor is wooden, dark stained and very smooth.
After a quick tour of inspection Mark came back to Sinastra and the others.

"So... we have no food for tonight, but the house is cozy. I suggest we take a look around the house to see if we can get some food, by whatever appropriate means, and come back here to rest for the night before going tomorrow morning to the town to learn a bit more about where we are..."
Jessica is still snuffling, but at Mark's words she rubs her eyes and nose.

"I can do that," she mumbles, before rising to her feet and moving out the door in search of anything edible.
Jessica steps out of the front door, down the steps and onto the pavement infront of the house. A slight wind has picked up that lightly moves the colections of sand on the road about, and shifts the sand on the beach. Jessica can see that the row of terrace houses winds down the road for about 300 yards until the terrace houses turn into taller three stories terraced buildings with signs infront of them, clearly marking them to be hotels. In front of where the hotels start the beach side pavement expands to a full size promenade with shuttered ice cream hut, and a pier further along. No visible shops or other food outlets can be seen from where she stands and again no sign of anyone can be seen.


sorry for the delay in repling weekends never very good for me to post on.. and left it a little long for other people to reply.
Jessica glances briefly up and down the street before returning indoors, and beginning her own search of the house, looking for anything they could eat without poisoning themselves.

To Mark she observes dourly, in passing, "We'd better hope this place has canned something-or-other. Otherwise, we'll have to turn burglars."

"Well... it's not like there is anyone to beg for food around here... so unless we find food over the 24 hours, we are all going to be thiner pretty soon."
Jessica's search of the house brings up nothing more than Mark's and definitely nothing edible.

"Well yes thinner, but we have hot and cold water. So they must be come from some where, it mean that the boiler in this house is powered in some way, that means there must be some other people around here someplace."

Sinastra moves over to the light switch and flicks it up the light turns on.

"Ok definitely power. I suggest we look around the town, because I'm not going to sit here on my arse not doing anything."

With thats she moves to the door and opens it. As she does both Mark and Jessica, who are in the room they woke up in, notice Aaron is asleep on one of the chairs they woke up in.

A large raiton circles the house a few times before a sound like a loud creaking door in need of oil and removal of rust and age clashed against the gentle sounds of the lapping waves. It flew ever closer to Sinastra seemingly curious about her and not swooping for an attack.

"Look a bird... I'm sure we can catch it and fry it !" said Mark excited at the sight of a edible lifeform.

Looking for anything he could use to throw at the bird, Mark finally found a small stone.

"Come here my little friend... come, closer, we have mouths to feed inside...".

He waited for the bird to come closer...

Jessica's upper lip curls back again, showing that too-large overbite.

"'re going to eat that? I'd rather try robbing the ice cream shack...!"

"Once you take off the feathers and cook the meat properly, I'm sure it's rather tasty..."

It soon began to plummet almost challenging the man to throw something, with intelligence in its avian eyes. And just as the man's muscles tensed at the moment of releasing the stone the large bird maneuvered around the attack effortlessly and dropped so quickly behind the young man before he suddenly heard a gruff, male voice say, "Raitons are bad eating. Fish would be so much better too"


Going for making an entrance. ;)

Surprised by the bird talking Mark nevertheless did not loose his composure:

"I would go fishing if I had a fishing pole... Sorry to have threaten your life little friend, but we need to eat... Perhaps you could help us find food if you know the place ?!"
As Fin, Jessica and Mark face each other they each recognise each other, they know each other well. They trust each other, they understand that they would place their lives in the others care. This is the same feeling that Fin shared with Kitty, Eric and Simon and Jessica and Mark shared with Aaron.

From behind Jessica Sinastra bustles forward at the sound of Fin's voice.

"Fin? Where's Brian?"

As Jessica said the word "robbing" her voice trailed off abruptly as she turned a most peculiar color.

Now she holds up her hands, which are shaking violently, and stares at them as if she does not recognize them.

"Oh, no..."

Her knees buckle as she crashes to the floor.

Fin shook his head at a triple take effect took him. First the familiarity, then Sinastra's question, and then the sudden collapse of the girl. For the time being he stuck with one thing he knew better: talking to SInastra. "I actually was following him to keep him from destroying things. That man can move and boy doe he love you.....desperately so."

He then took a moment to look about. "It was weird, I went through a tunnel under the cathedral, followed down to a pine forest, bypassing some smelly machine, and then took to the air to find you guys after getting this strange sensation in my gut."

Overwelmed by a serie of memories flashing before his eyes, Mark put a hand to his temp.

When the pain stopped, he saw Jessica, and picked her up. He knew from his memories that he knew her rather well, and that she was her friend.

"There you go, we are going to be okay, don't worry, breathe slowly, control the flow of emotions and let them slip softly." he said with a reassuring voice.

Then he turns to the raven:

"Fin it is huh ? Sorry for the desperate gesture... you seem to know Sinastra and other people like us... could you tell us more about this place ?"
Sinastra looks confused at Fin as he relates who he got here.

"But Rhone's house is beyond the forest, not this place. Where ever this place is."

"All I know is when I got close to what appeared to be some houses I suddenly ended up here seconds afterward."
"OK did you feel anything, a sense of disjointedness? or illness, something hitting you in the stomach? Did you pass through any zones?"

Sinastra walks up to Fin and gingerly touches him on the arm.

"Well you are there at least."

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