Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
It is a hot day outside, despit ethe early hour, but Leaping Tiger and Ivory Mole Hound are woken up by Jumping Rabbit, a junior shaman to participate in the usual morning prayers, giving thanks to the various gods that oversee the tribe's continued existence.
Ivory stepped out of the tend and stretched clad only in the minimal clothing required, after having hastily dressed remembering why he was being woken up.

He stretched his toes and felt the sand beneath them, between them, eventually after stepping away from the tent. He preferred to walk barefoot, to feel the earth beneath his feet. He was often teased by his mentor that for being such "not so spiritual" young man that the boy seemed to take a reverence from such a simple thing and his connection to the land and its animals.Ivory usually replied with "a nine-tailed mole hound cannot navigate the sands without feeling the earth all around him." It was a bit of a ritual for the too and a bit or a reminder to his mentor of why he had chosen the boy.

"Morning time already? If only I could wake and sleep as I willed it like the spirits do."
"I couldn't agree more."

Tiger emerges from his own tent a few meters away, pulling on a simple caftan over functional desert wear. His ebony hair is tousled from sleep, yet this somehow fails to detract from his sense of dignity. Pushing his fringe out of his eyes, he fixes Ivory with golden brown eyes and a slight smile.

"Imagining the sights and sounds of Harbourhead makes sleep a little distant, doesn't it?"

Glancing around for signs of others rising, he paces over, stifling a yawn. The brilliant light of the southlands lends a golden tone to his deep brown skin, picking out the angles of his sharp face.

“Still, I’m sure it’s not healthy to think such things. I dare say Rain Caller would disapprove of us.â€
"You know, I thought I would be excited about it, but there are so many people, it is very crowded, and well, I have never been the smooth talker like you. Either way you know I am there for you and the others."

Ivory had a tendency to be self-conscious as if lacking faith in himself, but for those that knew him well enough they knew it was more of a nervousness about being in his element. And with his tendency to prefer to feel his surroundings it might be likened to a herd of hoses suddenly stampeding around you.

Good thing Ivory was able to talk to horses, a rare gift for those in the tribe. Then again, it was said by a few people that he could call for, talk to, and command those of his namesake as well.

"Just you do the talking, and I can do the thinking and we should be ok.", he winked playfully toward Tiger knowing the boys reputation and for not always thinking things through.

It was no surprise to either of them that they were each others' confidantes for a reason. People had tried to get things out of Ivory, through intimidation usually despite the boy's barrel chest and broad shoulders, and he would never tell a single thing said, let along hint at anything having been ever said in the first place.
Tiger chuckled gently, brushing over the (not entirely unfair) comment regarding their relative intellects.

“Not to worry, there are plenty of us travelling. I’m sure you needn’t mingle too much if you don’t want to.†Running a hand over his chin thoughtfully, he continued. “Still, you’re right; I am looking forward to it. I do relish the chance to broaden my horizons a little.â€

Sighing slightly, he began pacing away from the cluster of tents, sniffing the air as he went.

“The heat’s very pressing for so early in the day, mind. It’ll be ht going...â€
He simply shrugged at the comment about the heat. It was a way of life there and not something out of the normal. Then again he always did prefer the challenge on occasion.

They eventually started to get where they were supposed to. "I have to admit feeling restless though and a little eager."
As you arrive to the are set aside for the shamans, you can see all of them gathered there around Rain Caller, who assigns you all to your respective places, to begin the morning rituals to appease the various gods.

The rituals are somewhat long and tedious, but today they seem to last longer than usual, and you're fairly certain it's been about an hour since you began, and the rituals are still underway.


Give me a Stamina + Resistance roll.
Summoning his not insignificant reserves of will, Tiger keeps his mind focused and performs his part with commitment and zeal.

Sta (2) +Res (2) against target 7 yields 2,7,5,0 for 3 total successes.
He groaned inwardly, more for irritation then anything else. He had never been all that good at staying still during the prolonged boredom. Nonetheless he didn't get as far as he did by just up and quitting.

(Sta 3 + Res 1; 6,4,8,2 (1 success) )
The two of you manage to pull through the extra long ceremony, though at one point it seems as if Ivory came close to falling off his feet.

Once the ceremony is done, Rain Caller goes back to his tent, but Streaming Feather, one of his close circle, is approaching you as you cool down, her pregnancy begining to show already, and says "I hope you two are not too tired, but I have a task for you both, There are some herbs I need you to gather for me, and also some water from a pond out to the north. I would be very grateful if you could bring them to me." And she lays her hands on you in manner that you know that while she asks politely this is more of a command than anything else.
Tiger got to his feet from the sitting position he had adopted since the end of the ceremony, and endeavoured not to look tired.

"Of course, Feather." He replied politely. "I'm sure we can manage that."

Without making it obvious to Feather, he does cast a concerned look at Ivory, who had clearly found the rituals no less taxing than he himself had.

"Tell me of the herbs you need."
Unlike Feather Ivory was to the point, although not usually rudely so. Then again he was good with helping others and had a great respect for his elders.

"It was tiresome, and long, but now you're asking me to do something that gets me moving again.", he said with a playful smile. That and he was a HUGE flirt, well-mannered at heart with a bit of a edge that could make almost any woman blush and some guys laugh at to offer the boy a drink and a seat by the fire.
Streaming Feather gives you both one of her flashing smiles, which really shows her beauty, before she begins to recite to you the names of some 7 herbs. "Take with you also one of those covered buckets we have, to bring water from the pond. Be careful with those water, for that pond is special. The water in it are not for bathing or other mundane stuff. It is located inside a cave next to the Ivory Spear you can see due north, but the entrance is cleverly hidden, so make sure you memorize my directions." She then proceeds to tell you how to find the entrance.

The Ivory Spear is a landmark you're well familiar with. It's a huge needle of what looks like ivory set on a small hill about 5 miles away from your current location. Up until now you have always been warned against going there.
Smiling a little at his friend’s trademark attitude, Tiger stretched slightly, and made a mental note of the details Feather had given.

“Well, best get a move on then. It’ll take an hour or two to reach the Spear.â€

Pausing only briefly to collect a bucket, Tiger prepared himself to set out for the distant landmark.
His memory being what it was, combined with his great understanding of the land and its ways he simply smiled, even more so when being told they get to move to a sacred place originally barred from them.

He simply nodded, took a moment to be daring and look her a compliment of course, and then rushed off to catch up with Tiger, whispering to him. "The Ivory Needle, can you believe it?"
Tiger gave a conspiratorial glance about and grinned sidelong at Ivory.

“Hardly.†He replied quietly. “I’ve barely heard a word spoken of it before. Know much about it, you being the brains of this outfit?†Tiger’s grin broadened roguishly for a moment, before he made a point of checking his drinking water skin.
He simply smirked at the other boy after being teased about his brain and supposedly knowing everything. "Nope, afraid not. Being smart does nothing for you when those that have the info are as silent as the desert when it comes to its secrets."

He enjoyed the walk, and was definitely more excited about this errand compared to the upcoming trip to Harborhead.
"Ah, speaking of that silent desert, let us go and greet it, shall we? I'm as anxious as you to learn what we have been kept from all this time..."

Tiger quickened his pace slightly, a purposeful look in his eyes.
Neither one wished to waste any time discovering this mystery and excitedly moved to do so, although Ivory made a quick mental note to actually walk back when it came to having the water....
It takes you close to an hour till you get close to the Needle to see the circle of red stones marking the limit on how close yout tribesmen should get to it. The Needle itself is magnificent in the morning light. The sun's light is reflected off it as if it's been polished to perfection by it's maker's hands.

The Needle is situated on a fairly large hill, with a series of progressively smaller hills all around it. Whatever the power of the Needle is, you can clearly see that beyond the area marked by the red stones, there's barely any plant life. Not that the desert is teeming with much plant life, but even so, it has a lot more plants that the Needle.

It is at this point that you need to perform a small ritual in order to go in, having been admonished severely by Streaming Feather that if you fail to do so she is not responsible for the consequences.


Gimmie an Int + Occult roll (Ivory Mole Hound can roll it for both of you)
Not having been trained to lead rituals, Tiger simply gives Ivory a nod, affirming his faith in his friend. He proceeds to follow any directions given.
OOC: Ivory Mole Hound rolls 8 dice to Leading a ritual (used willpower) 5,5,10,10,7, 4,7,10 (9 successes) Woo Hoo!!!
The ritual goes smoothly, and as you complete it, a pathway that was hidden can be seen among the red stones, marking the way in which you should tread, a way to go inside the area where the Ivory Needle looms. A place that is now open before you to explore.
He grinned from ear to ear and looked to his companion excitedly. "Ok, you have to admit..that was impressive to see."
Tiger laughed.

"Yes, that, obviously, is the reason I have never needed to learn to lead rituals myself. You have no need of my help." He gestured to the path ahead. "After you then, oh wise and powerful shaman."

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