Act 1, Scene 1: In the last remaining light [Alliance of the Renewal]

Shine of the Blade of Tomorrow

Just as Bladeshine decided he had had enough of hostility and rudeness - and was going to reply with a little verbal hostility of her own - the man dressed as a ranger dropped in and kept her from doing anything rash. Well well, not everyone here has forgot their good manners. And this is quite the cute one too.

"Since we seem to at least agree that we want to stay together and fight... whatever we have to fight... Let's just forget our differences and stick together, at least for a while. " she said, still smiling. She then raised her voice and spoke to Jonas: "That would include you, Jonas Windson of the Dawn... Wouldn't you care to discuss this together with us?"

And to Lonely Crane, she added: "Venerable Crane, maybe you are right in saying that only the future matters, but what's in my past has... troubled me, to say the least... That's something I'd like to discuss when time and place are more appropriate."
Adamant Kestrel

Watching the two women arguing, somewhat bemused, it seemed that giving a little in order to get a lot seemed the order of the evening. Fate seemed to have brought them together, and somehow placed Lonely Crane in their path to provide them a direction. These were not portents easy to ignore. On the other hand he wasn't reckless enough to get in between two women and was glad that Arelean had.

This is beginning to look pre-ordained. Is this why I was chosen, to be in this place and to accompany these people? Well. Perhaps I might find the answers I seek in their company. And it's no fun being alone in a crowd.

"If you'll have me, I would like to join you. My name is Adamant Kestrel. I'm bring the Unconquered Sun's justice to the dark places. I'm new, and I've a lot of questions, but I'm capable."
The old man yawns and stretches his cracking bones.

"I'll give you no answers tonight friends, I'm tired and going to bed now.

If you have questions, you can always ask'em tomorrow, 't's not like we're going anywhere..."

And he slowly walks towards his tent a dozen yards away, still mumbling. The campfire still burns.
Honest Blossom's eyes flashed with anger but she pressed her lips together and remained silent. When the stranger had walked off into the darkness, she stood, wiping dust off her robes fastidiously. "We were monsters then," she said harshly to the bird-rider, "And that time is gone. Best focus on surviving now."

Talismans glittered as she turned around and stalked into the darkness. Arrogant or idealistic fools, all of them; what would she do with a Circle like this?

Far from his camp Jonas was kneeling upon the bare earth. "The earth still holds so many mysteries. I only hope I am worthy of such gifts and honors." He then stood, War's Bounty within his grasp and flashing through the air rapidly in a series of forms as if he had been practicing the whole time. Its current form, that of the great Khopesh whirled like the desert heat which it was attuned to, Season of Fire. He knew very well that Calibration would come and then after that its shape would shift yet again and he would adapt to it as well. For now fire moved through his veins and the upcoming battle would be a raging inferno for his enemies.
::Having left the river not long ago the ship was moving at surprising speeds even for a sailing vessel on land, the earth and trees rushing out of it's way and then back again left none the worse for wear, when it's lookout shouted down that it had sighted the clustered campfires of the caravan.

The vessel's captain, the Dawn caste sailor known as Captain Spider, called out; "All right....Drop the sails and let us coast to a stop, I think I'll walk the rest of the way...No sense spooking the landlubbers..."

A moment later as the ship slowed he shouted "Right, Weigh anchor...!" he gives a chuckle and a grin to his first mate as they all hear the resounding thud of the mass of metal hitting the earth below...


A few moments later the captain enters the clearing where the caravan had stopped for the night......Apparently unarmed except for the javelin he used like a walking stick, he wore his great black hat with it's red feather and a grey cloak, his goggles, so useful for keeping the glare of the sun out of his eyes at sea, were perched on his forehead giving him the akward look of some four eyed thing. Striga, his tree-singer, sat on his shoulder, looking like some elven monkey. The Captain makes his way towards the nearest campfire.

"Ahoy, there....Is this the caravan, recently hailing from Nexus...?" The captain asks the first man or woman he runs across...that didn't seem to be busy or sleeping...
The man seems surprised:

"Uh yeah, that seems... pretty obvious... unless you were looking for hundreds of people and animals go camping..."
Honest Blossom had been wandering the camp, too troubled by her encounters with Lonely Crane and Bladeshine to rest. When she came across the stranger with the red-feathered hat and grey cloak, a tree singer on his shoulder, she was diverted enough from her own problems to approach him and the man he was talking to.

A lithe, olive-skinned woman with vivid blue eyes and short, neatly-trimmed black hair, she wore talismans of silver and crystal around her neck and wrists, and a black linen robe with a clerical cut to it over a thinner cotton one of the same colour, both rumpled and a little dusty. "It seems to be a night for strange sights," she observed softly. "I'm Honest Blossom."

She held out her hand to the stranger.
Arelean Kethesar

Watching some of the other Solars vanish into the night, Arelean still felt much awake. Though he was slightly shaken by the disturbing comments made by both Crane and Blossom about their pasts, he didn't allow this reaction to be visible. As the others all introduced themselves, he decided it would be best if he follow suit.

"You can count me in. My name's Arelean Kethesar, pleased to meet you," he said warmly to all present, offering each his hand. When he reached Shine of the Blade of Tomorrow, he brought her hand to his lips. After all, his father did teach him well, and she was just so gorgeous.

"Milady," he continues afterward with a roguish wink. "Shine of the Blade of Tomorrow? That's an awfully long name. How about something shorter, maybe Shine? Or maybe Tomorrow? Hmmm..."
Shine of the Blade of Tomorrow

Bladeshine laughed at the attentions of Arelean, as she could see he was smitten with her. As expected, of course. "Those close to me, and the mortals I have sworn to protect, call me Bladeshine", she replied. "Of course, you all are invited to call me that too." she added, replying to Aerelan's grin with an open and warm gaze.

Despite her cheerful demeanor, she was still a little upset about her verbal exchange with Honest Blossom, and even about Jonas Windson walking away even after being called back by her. At least, I am now in more pleasant and well-mannered company she thought, turning towards the last member of the small group.

"Adamant Kestrel, it's a pleasure to meet you too. Don't worry about the questions, we'll try to get as many answers as we can from Crane... And don't worry about being capable either; since you were Chosen just like me, we're already assured that you're much more than capable" she said smiling gently.
The stranger gives the man a grin, "A fair point, I was told I was needed...I'm looking for..." He pauses a moment with the lady's approach giving a half bow to one of an apparently holy persuasion "oh, evening, Miss.." He says, taking the offered hand and giving it a polite shake, the grip indicating a natural tendency towards a hand-kissing maneuver of some sort, though he seemed to reconsider it../ not , many a priestess would take offense, and you have a mission/ are his thoughts as he releases the slim hand with a twinge of regret, the little primate on his shoulder regarding the lady curiously...

"I'm Cap....err...Spider, and as I was about to say to your fellow traveller here.....I'm looking for a group friends of mine....traveling with the caravan...." He seems to think a half moment.... "About 5 or 6 of them..."


Temperence roll, 1x(D10+0): 10 to keep on the mission
Honest Blossom raised both eyebrows as her lips twitched in a smile. "Oh, I think you must be another friend of Lonely Crane's," she said softly, offering her arm to the man. "I know him and can catch you up on the gossip."

She looked over at him with vivid blue eyes. "I serve the Sun," she said simply - which wasn't necessarily an identifier as Anathema, as there were mortal priests of Sol Invictus. But if the sense of familiarity was right, this man was another Solar, and it might soothe him a little.
Adamant Kestrel

Kestrel smiles politely, bowing a little in regards to Bladeshine. He'd never been an officer, much less any kind of gentleman, but manners were manners and he'd learned those well enough. A little formal, mostly just polite and friendly, he turned his attention to the lady.

"I've had some small success in my endeavours to date, and I flatter myself enough to consider that my skills may be of no small benefit. Truth be told, however, I've more questions than answers and only a few of those relate to Master Crane and his enigmatic words. Answers perhaps that some of you have already come to on your own. I hope that, once things are less urgent, I might prevail on those with more experience and find my answers. Right now, things are more pressing."

And, to the newcomer, he bobs his head politely, in greeting.

"Well met, friend. My name is Adamant Kestrel."

His great blade moved with unerring grace and simplicity in its motions. It was amazing to see such a vicious looking weapon move with the fluidity and poise of a dagger or slashing sword despite its bulk and build. It soon came to sudden and surprising stop, never a sign that he had moved the fine blade from his back the whole while before turning to watch the approach of the strange man.He didn't trust him, too many coincidences for his liking. And yet he kept watch the whole time thinking this may be the supposed doom of the caravan.
The dawn caste sailor furrow's his brow and gives his head a little shake, "No, Lonely Crane doesn't ring any bells...." He starts to deny, only to stop at the mention of the sun, "...But who am I to turn down the company of a lovely lady..." He finishes, taking the offered arm and allowing himself to be led away from the random caravan man, for a moment picturing the dark haired beauty as a blonde, hair flowing golden like the sun at noon.

As the sea-going solar is led back into the camp, he finds himself led to a campfire, six or seven folks mill about it....some far enough away so as to be only partialy seen in the dark, others greeting the newcomer....All bearing the same odd similarities to remembered folks he had never met....

He nods to the one that calls greeting and carefully doesn't notice the one half hidden in the dark, warily watchful...

"Evening, I'm Spider,....I...was told by a strange old man, that some folks......I think you guys....would need a rapid departure shortly.....Something about escaping fate...."


Past Lives,

1x(D10+0): 1

1x(D10+0): 10

1x(D10+0): 7

3 succ

(Actually not entirely certain this is a rolled background/merit but it seemed appropriate. )
Blossom's nostrils flared at the mention of escaping fate, but the Zenith remained silent on that subject. On others, however... "I'm a Zenith," she admitted softly. "What was your Caste again, Spider?"
The sailor allows himself a wide grin, "Yes, I believe this might be the group....." he says, striking a slight pose... "I'm Pelep Spiga and folks call me Spider, Captain of The Web, one time Lt. of the Realm's House Pelep's fleets, Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, and Sword of heaven...." As he spoke the wind shifted and picked up slightly, blowing at just the angle to blow his cape behind him, his feather bobbing for just a moment before the winds died down. He chuckles to show that the theatrics were mostly in jest.... "heh...or to answer in short, Dawn."

"So...When do we leave...? I left my ship just a little ways over that-a-way" he says pointing towards the woods and not towards any nearby rivers....


Wind Jewel- used for slight theatrics, no roll
Arelean Kethesar

The young Eclipse shook his head 'no' in reply to the newcomer's question.

"I'm sorry friend, but I think we've all decided to stay instead. I hope you'll join us."

Arelean paused for a moment, as if in thought, before suddenly speaking once more.

"I'm sorry, I must have misplaced my manners. I'm Arelean Kethesar," he said with a smile, extending his hand to Spider.
He accepts the hand with a smile..... "Pleasure to meet you, Arelean" he says looking over the young man.

"So, why aren't we departing as the mysterious old man that brought us together suggested...?" asks the dawn, curious. Though in light of his "circle's" so far unanimous vote, he was already fairly certain where he would be when Fate came to call
Adamant Kestrel

"It may be inevitable."admits Kestrel, rubbing at one side of his nose in a thoughtful manner, "I don't care for the idea, mind, but I don't pretend to have the power to set aside fate. I do, on the other hand, have the power to bring vengeance if it's needed. Remember, friend Blossom, that we were never told what would bring destruction to this caravan. It may not be wholesale slaughter. An accident, a sickness that the likes of we can survive while the others perish, infighting and any manner of things that not even the Sun-touched can set aside."

He shrugs simply.

"If we can prevent it I stand with you, make no mistake there. But while I have powers that, frankly, frighten me at times I don't pretend to have the skill, or power, to change a man's fate. Deliver it, yes. By all means. I've done it many times. Change it, no. If muscle and power can prevail you will not find me wanting, but I ask that you at least be open to the idea that some things are out of even our hands. I, of all people, know that when a light shines, a shadow must in turn be cast."
Shine of the Blade of Tomorrow

Bowing to Captain Spider of the Web, Bladeshine said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Shine of the Blade of Tomorrow, daughter of Shield of a Different Day of the Three of Great Forks. But we've already settled on calling me simply Bladeshine. And as my newfound acquaintances already pointed out... I think no one of us is interested in your offer of an escape route." She smiled "That was very considerate nonetheless... You have my thanks."

Then' hearing Kestrel speaking, she turned and said him, "Maybe you're right in saying there's some things we cannot fight or prevent... But we're a group of Solar Exalted, maybe even a Circle, and I hope that if we are fully confident and resolute little that Fate could throw at us is actually out of our league."

"And as for now... I suggest we retire to our camps. It is getting late, and if we really are called to fighting we need to be fully rested in any moment... Aerelan, maybe tomorrow me or you could look for Jonas. He left early and barely said a word, I'd like to know if he'd rather work with us or alone."
Jonas He approached the ragtag group of Solars, looked plainly to the Captain, "My name is Jonas." He offered his hand to the strapping man. "Fellow Dawn and ready to whoop on anyone ready to hurt those that can't help themselves. You?" He asked out of curiosity.
The solar looks surprised by the zenith's words, apparently the first he had heard of this part.

He listens on, pensively, to the shadow cloaked one called Adamant Kestral brows furrowed as he stroked his beard, seeing wisdom but not liking it. About to speak, he instead finds himself nodding at the Lady Bladeshine's comments, a roguish grin showing through his facial hair..

"Heh, truly what can stand before the gathered chosen of the sun...? Yeah...I'm in....." The elven monkey on his shoulder gives a near musical screech and holds it's arms up in parody of a human celebrating victory as he speaks...

Jovially rebellious mood still there as his fellow dawn approaches, he takes the offered hand "A pleasure Jonas, and I'm always happy to give a bully what-for, heh..."

With that said, he looks to the gathered group, about to head their seperate ways for the night, "Think the Caravaner's will get spooked if my ship joined the herd...? I've just been claiming to be a god-blood whenever it came up in the past..."
Honest Blossom glowered at Bladeshine; there was clearly no love lost between the two women. But for the sake of her... Circle... she shut up. For now.

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