Act 1, Scene 1: In the last remaining light [Alliance of the Renewal]

Arelean Kethesar

Yawning, Arelean smiles to his newfound companions as he prepares to leave.

"Well, I think it's settled them. If you'll excuse me all, I'll be retiring back to my camp. I've got to be up early to perform my duties as a setinel, and I'm sure Eleclaethil will wish to hunt. Good night."
The Captain's brow furrows slightly once more at the glances exchanged betwixt his new (and old?) allies, "Aye then, a good night to you all" He starts to turn, then pauses... "Oh....By the by.....The Web is Moored to the north, just deep enough in the trees to be out of sight of any casual wanderers from the caravan. My men will also keep watch. Should anything occur before morn, a fire or any 'bright light' can be seen easily from the crow's nest...."

With a final nod, he too departs.....The treesinger on his shoulder waving behind him....
Adamant Kestrel

With retiring for the evening on the agenda, Kestrel decides to follow suit.

It looks like I've encountered an adventure, like it or not, and instead of wondering where I'll find more of my kind I'm suddenly hip deep in them. This had turned out to be an interesting night. Now. If the women can keep from knifing each other in the dark, tomorrow promises to be no less dull.

To his new companions he waves.

"Then I, too, shall retire for the evening. Until tomorrow, I wish you a good night's sleep."

He looked from the Captain to the others once he realized that the Captain was serious. Did he just say amongst the trees? His eyes looking from each member questioningly. "Trees? Don't you mean.....river." HIs question ending up more of a statement in confusion as he didn't remember any nearby rivers large enough for a ship to move through.
The Captain, already on his way, seemingly does not hear

....An accute ear however might pick up a slight chuckle on the wind....
The night is quiet, though the announced deaths of all those mortals might have troubled your sleep, the warm and comforting thought of having found your peers lightens your fears and you get some rest.

The morning comes, and the caravan leaves the province of Nexus going southeast, in a month it will reach its first significant stop, the kingdom of Balsa, who knows what will happen on the way... but the Lawgivers will see that these people have a safe travel.


1st scene's closed, 4x4 =16xp for everyone.

See OOC thread for next scene.

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