Across The Blood Red River *Human and Dragon War RP*


One Thousand Club
In a land uncharted by any man, dragons fly through the air and hunt the animals on the soil. They make dens, sleep in caves. Breathe fire and mark territory, living in peace among themselves. They are hiding from the rest of the world.

But, trouble stirs, for man have found their sanctuary. They want nothing more then to drive the dragons out and call it home. 100 years later, and nothing has changed. Blood has been spilled, on both sides. Swords of great heroes rust, thier wielders forgotten. Dragon scales shed and strewn everywhere, even worn by humans as trophies of valiant and bloody defeat.

Every few years or so, a young and foolish human beleives they can stop this terrible war and create peace. They either die....Or, they befriend a dragon. They fly into battle, strapped onto a dragon's back and try to create peace.

The dragon and human are punished.

Will you create peace? Will you be able to bond with a dragon? Can you keep the bond secret?

  • Rules
    Godmodding will not be tolerated at all. If you godmod, goodbye

    Cursing is fine, but keep it to a minimum please.

    This is a LITERATE RP, so please at least 4 sentences per post. If your post falls short, then try describing where you are, what your character is feeling. Things like this, if you do, you'll have a good size and quality peice

    Leave no one out. If you feel left out at all, then just jump in! That is what a role play is, and it is fun!

    Don't be mean to anyone. Your character can be as mean as can be, but YOU are to be respectful to each player, please

    I would appreciate if the picture you use for a dragon was painted by Ciruelo Cabral. He is an amazing artist, my favorite. Of course, this is not required. If you do use his work, give him some credit he really is amazing with a paintbrush. And, because of this, I can not say no to animated pictures for humans..Of course, I would prefer otherwise, but as long as there is a picture, I do not mind animated

    NO Perfect players. If anyone is beautiful, an amazing fighter, and can fight somebody and leave unscathed, good bye. I am sorry, I am so sick of perfection, each character has to have a flaw

    No pathetic players who are hurt all the time or feel unloved. I am sorry, this really on mine and many other people's nerves

    Oh, and with your forms...The last thingI want to see is "Will RP out" This is a literate RP, people! Thanks!

    Up to 3 characters each, please

    Don't bond with your own character. What fun is that? Just...just don't

This is a war role play. 3 bonds only, no exeptions unless the role play gets busier

Put "Cloudless Rain" on your form if you didn't read my rules

Human Form



Age (At least 16 please:


Sword (Picture:

Sword's Name:




Rank: (Warrior, Apprentice, Healer, Alchemist, etc...):

Dragon Form







Rank:(Warrior, Healer, Hunter, Loner etc....):


Element:(Fire, Ice, Water, Earth and Wind ONLY. Please have your color correspond with your element, I want NO red ice dragons):

Username: Jabberwocky19

Name: Amilia "Millie"

Age (At least 16 please: 17

Gender: female

Sword (Picture:

Sword's Name:


Headstrong and outspoken. She may be a lady, but doesn't always act it. She is rebellious, but her opinions are never acknowledged. Thsi girl wangts to change the world, but is far ahead of her time. She is a woman in a man-ruled world.

History: Came from a good, solid family. Nothing bad ever happened to them. She inspired a fascination with dragons at a young age, and never learned to hate them.

Rank: (Warrior, Apprentice, Healer, Alchemist, etc...):
Human Form

Username: madstunner

Name: C

Age (At least 16 please: 19

Gender: Female

Sword (Picture:
View attachment 721

Sword's Name: (no name)

View attachment 722

Personality: Secretive, manipulative. Will use whoever she can to get ahead and then stab them in the back when they're no longer needed.

History: Grew up in a poor family, her father gambled away the money he made as a fisherman, requiring her and her two brothers to steal, hustle, or do whatever they needed to make some gold.

Rank: (Warrior, Apprentice, Healer, Alchemist, etc...): Thief
Dragon Form

Username: WalkingDisaster

Name: Yale

Age: 150


(Minus chick..Painted by Ciruelo Cabral) Has a scar on his back leg

Personality: As hot headed as his breath, ferocious, but loves the dragons he shares his home with and will die for them, can be snappy, only because that is who he is. Yale is a very protective male, and is easily angered. Hates humans, and always has.

Rank:(Warrior, Healer, Hunter, Loner etc.... Warrior

History: Was born before the war, misses the old time but cant remember a lot, for he was very young.

Element:(Fire, Ice, Water, Earth and Wind ONLY. Please have your color correspond with your element, I want NO red ice dragons Fire

Human Form

Username: WalkingDisaster

Name: Gavin

Age (At least 16 please): 18

Sword (Picture):

Sword's Name: Caroc


Personality: Very cocky when it comes to a fight, but can be closed. He enjoys annoying people, it gives him great amusement. Although he is like this, he can be a very sweet guy, and only tries to prtect the ones he loves.

History: Grew up under pressure, his parents wanted him to be a part of a prophecy or to become a legend. His sword practices were never padded, he often practiced with no arms (armour) He has many battle scars, but treasures each one and claims that they are a mark of a true warrior

Rank: (Warrior, Apprentice, Healer, Alchemist, etc... Knight
((Room for an amateur in this? It's alright if not, but I figured this'd be a nice way to get into the swing of things.))

Name: Argust Thanatos

Age (At least 16 please}:20

Gender: male

Sword (Picture:

Sword's Name: Lilith


Personality: Argust is a energetic person, he is usually half cocked in his plans of assualt and is a wild fighter

History: After Angelus destroyed a small village that settled in her hunting ground she found a small child hiding in a field crying. This child was argust, son the a dragon hunter.Out of Angelus's curiosity she desided to take the child and raise it. 20 years later Angelus and Argust live in the plains

Rank: (Warrior, Apprentice, Healer, Alchemist, etc...): Paladin (just tell me if you want me to change this part)

Dragon Form




Gender: Female


Personality:Angelus is usualy calm and protective of Argust since she has formed a mothers love for him

RankWarrior, Healer, Hunter, Loner etc....) : hunter

History: Angelus has been around a very long time and injoyed the piecefull surounding of the sanctuary since she hatched. once the humans found the sanctuary her only concern was to protect her hunter grounds from the human invaders but one day she spotted a small incampment on the edge of her hunting grounds this made angelus blind with rage seeing the humans eat her prey and grow fields on her land so in a act of hatred she attacked the village burning everything she could. After she had time to calm down she found a small child and took him as her own raising him

ElementFire, Ice, Water, Earth and Wind ONLY. Please have your color correspond with your element, I want NO red ice dragons): Fire
(I like the dragon / dragon hunter story, but I don't know if this dodges around one of my rules, or violates. If they have not bonded, I'll allow it =))
Two questions.

Are lances and crossbows fine,instead of swords (Practicality,and whatnot),and is there still a slot available for a Dragonrider?
(No, it's okay. Fine how it is..As long as they are "friends" and not bonded, it's totally fine

Riddle, Anything works =)

And, yeah. Totally. PM the person whose dragon you want after you make the form, and we'll make something work =) THanks, y'all)
Username: Riddle78

Character Name: Saren Arterius

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Melee Weapon: Glaive. It's five feet longer than he is tall. Picture:

Glaive Name: Liberi

Ranged Weapon: Pump-Action Crossbow (He made it himself;there CAN be others around,but they're in very short supply due to their intricacy) Let me give you a wordy picture.

-Start with a basic crossbow frame,made of steel reinforced wood.

-Add a pump (reinforced wood) to the front,connected to a latch that grips the string.

-Near the trigger,there's a magazine. Holds 12 heavy ARROWS,not bolts. Springs,rails,and a platform move the arrows up.

-When the pump is drawn back full,it releases the string onto the trigger pin.

-Trigger pulled,drops pin (pin attached to trigger directly). Arrow flies.

-Above the receiver (the part that allows arrows out of the magazine) is a structure that keeps the arrows from flying out to the sides and above.

-Has a "guttersnipe sight" carved into the arrow cover.

On that note,he carries three reloads.

Crossbow Name: Fatali

Liberi has a custom made sling,as to avoid losing it. Switch times between these weapons,due to the sheer size of Liberi,are very long.

Personality: Saren was a tinkerer,before today,and a talented engineer. He has a head for mechanisms and how the physical world around him works. He cares for those who are close to him,but currently,that list is rather...Depopulated. Anyone else,he's neutral towards,and his enemies he shows no mercy. He's pragmatic,and is not above ANY battlefield tactic,so long as he targets armed personnell and their suppliers.

Furthermore,he has a short fuse,when the innocent are concerned (as in he will NOT tolerate people victimizing innocents).

Appearance: (Since I can NEVER find a good pic,I'll explain) Six foot eight inches. Fair skin. Black hair,brown eyes. Bony face,well tone muscle structure. Wears chain mail under his plated armour,which consists of a breastplate (plus codpiece),pauldrons which completely obscure the neck from the sides,gauntlets,boots,and thigh guards. Has a goatee,and his hair is kept in a tied back ponytail.

Background: Growing up,Saren was a tinkerer. He always wanted to build thing,and so he did. When he was a young man,he became the apprentice to the locan engineer. When he was truly a man,he opened a workshop. He developed many wonderous,if complex mechanisms,and worked on a pump action crossbow for the longest time,as a side project. Then,upon it's completion,Saren...Got an urge. An urge to bring peace to his war-torn world. His urge brought him to many places,obtaining Liberi,and his armour. He wasn't a soldier,but he learned quickly.

By the end,Saren reached the lands known only as the "Dragon Utopia"...It may no longer be a paradise...But it was breathtaking. There he waited,and when the dragons came,he welcomed them with open arms,hands empty. The words he spoke were plain, "I will fight in your stead!" And so,the majestic dragons allow Saren to represent them,and ride one of them. They are kin,and only the eternal repose of death will seperate them.

Class: Cavalier/Marksman/Engineer/Dragonrider (quite the mishmash,eh?)

Notes: As earlier mentioned...Saren takes a very long time to switch weapons. So,he has to chose wisely,before engagement. Furthermore,he's an engineer first. He had no formal trainer. He may be self taught,but his skill is below that of an actual trained soldier. Finally...He will heedlessly rush to the aid of innocents. Regardless of risk.
((One question... How do the dargons communicate with humans? Is it just typical animal fashion?))

Dragon Form

Username: The New Kid

Name: Wrath

Age: 200

Gender: Male


Personality: Wrath tends to be a distrusting individual, particularly of humans. This is hardly suprising, considering what they've done. As such, he will show reluctantancy to becoming friends with practically anyone, and will often attempt to just walk away without a second thought. Failing that, should he be cornered, and/or provoked, his aggressive side will show. As he's quick to snap, it's hardly surprising he's been given the boot from many an area, creating a state of lonliness. This continues/gets worse when he rejects someone, making him feel more lonely, and the vicious cycle continues. In the unlikely event of gaining his faith in you, one will find he becomes more "cuddly" than most reptillian tyrants, though this isn't good if you're a human. What is good though, is that he will throw his own life on the line for those he feels particularly attached to, such is his loyalty.

Rank: Disgraced Wanderer. You know, the whole "temper" thing.

History: Wrath began life like most other fire dragons native to the volcanic regions, hatched from an egg. Incubated by the lava's heat. He got on well enough, playing gleefully, hunting insects, then larger animals... Then, when he was larger, other dragons. See, he had a lot of pent-up rage, being the runt of the litter(?). And he quickly proved that rage + fire dragon = powerful beast indeed. So, when enough was enough, a unanimois decision was passed: send him out of the tribe. This basically continued over and over again for a while, with different dragons. So, in the end, he just decided to go it alone, and hopefully practise containing his rage a little better.

Element: Fire. Note that although he can't breathe a continuous fire stream, he's capable of launching fireballs of high power. Sort of like how a shotgun would compare to an SMG. His tail also contains a weak poison, suitable only for bringing weak animals down. For humans, it just hurts a bit.

((Was I supposed to do human as well, or was it human and/or dragon?))
(Both accepted. Great forms, guys =)

Riddle, Yes. Typical animal fashion, such as, whistles and trills, like a bird. Growling when mad or threatened like a dog. Hunting style like cats, and so on. When bonded with a human, they do this as well, but it translates itself in their mind, if that makes sense. It is basically just a regular conversation - with a dragon. Hope this makes sense, thanks for asking =)

And, no. One dragon is fine, but a human is good too =))

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Whoever wants to start can. I will reply - or start, if no one has yet - when I come back =) Thanks, y'all, sorry I can't start now...)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Gavin sheathed his sword and tied it around his waist, completing the heavy armor. With a sigh, he walked to his horse, his chain mail rattling and clanking with each step he took. Xander, the tall Friesan stallion waiting to mount, was used to the sound and stood still, swinging his tail or dancing in place every now and again as his owner readied himself. The fair haired knight put a foot in the stirrup and grabbed a handful of Xander's mane and the reins, and swung himself up and in. Ugh, will these scouting assignments never end? With a click of his tongue and a kick in the barrel from his rider, Xander took off at a swift gallop. Gavin rode out of the camp, and into teh woods to scout for signs of dragons, wounded men, or a possible battle. Oh, dear Lord, if he got into a fight he'd be in trouble...Again.


The rattled his scales and scratched the dirt as he sniffed the air. There should be a herd of deer around here, somewhere. He smelt it. With a flick of his long, scaled tail, he flexed hsi wings and flapped twice, hovering from the ground. With one more powerful flap, followed by another..and another...He was in the air, floating just feet from hsi hunting grounds. Time to eat.
Saren taken stock,for the twentieth time in as many minutes,of his kit. He was paranoid,for some reason. He was sent with that young,cocky buck,Gavin. Gavin rode a stallion,but used a sword. Saren tutted. He had Liberi slung across his back,but walking was still VERY difficult,since his walking space was so inflated. He used a barrel to mount his steed. It was assigned to him by the Crown. It was bred for war,which was good. With a crack of the reigns,and a "Kyah!",he took off after Gavin.

As Saren's steed pulled up beside Gavin's,he called over, "Kid! Stay behind me! You're not equipped for mounted war!" Saren drew his crossbow,Fatali. He braced the stock against his side with one hand,expertly shifted his grip with the one hand,and pumped the weapon,then adjusted his grip again,so he was holding the crossbow,braced against his side,ready to fire at an enemy.

He picked his crossbow,because his glaive would simply be too large for use in these dense woods. "Keep alert!"
Gavin snorted, but listened. He knew better then to argue with his senior. With a small tug on the riens, Xander whinnied and shortened his stride, falling in step behind Saren's horse. "You know," Gavin called over the wind, "I can easily fight in the saddle. A knight with no horse is nothing. And, we are scouting, Saren. Not charging for battle," he pointed out. Xander whinnied again, wanting to be infront of the other horse. Why shouldn't he lead? He was bigger...probably faster...leaner....built better...Gavin tugged the riens back again as Xander began to pick up his stride once more. Ridiculas horse, he was, sometiimes. Xander snorted and threw his head, his ears flicking back.
Saren called behind him, "Tactics,boy! Swords are simply too short for horseback use! That's why they invented glaives! Furthermore,I have a ranged weapon!" He inhaled,then said, "It always pays off to be prepared. I'd rather not be caught with my weapon slung. Scouting can easily turn into open conflict,if we stumble upon the enemy blindly." He gazed over his shoulder. "And we likely will" Saren reaffixed his eyes ahead. He will not be caught off guard.
"It's happened to me before, mind you," Gavin informed, fighting Xander while he tried to get ahead. Stallions....Remembering he was on a scouting mission, he collected teh reins and forced Xander into a collected canter, and looked around. Better to fall back then to miss something important, right? It was good Xander was so tall, his stride was long and canter fast. "Mmmh...." gavin pressed hsi feet down further inton the stirrups as his eyes drank in everything around him. If they were jumped by a theif - or worse, attacked by a dragon - Gavin wanted to know first. He and his horse shared the same problem - their pride was to big to swallow.
Millie sliced the ginger root into thin strips, then got to work mincing to make a sort of paste. She still had to prepare the tarro root and red moss for this mixture...Amelia really hated red moss, and only used it when she absolutely had to. This was one of those dreaded times. When the paste was finally done she gentally smoothed it on to the man's burned back. The man groaned in pain as she did this, but this didn't last long and he started to relax. When she was finished with spredding the pasted on the man's back, she started to mix a potion for the man to ease the pain. She mixed up a variety of herbs, it would taste awfull, but it would help. She held it up to the poor man's mouth. Millie could tell he was trying not to spit it out.
Wrath feasted on the corpse of a recently slaughterd cow, an inhabitant of the region that was unfortunate enough to stumble across a hungry dragon. The volcano-born reptillian furrowed his brow at the mild bitterness the poison had created in the meat, but knew it would hardly be deadly. Indeed, even in a male human adolescent, the most it would cause was a sore stomach and various degrees of rashes. So, it stood to reason, that the soldiers wouldn't even flinch at his poison-secreting tail, though this particuular herbivore had somehow been brought down by it. Nevertheless, the cadaver was being thoroughly devoured, stripped of everything even vaguely edible. The meal was interrupted by shouting though, presumably humans, and possibly horses. Wrath gave a roar to define his authority, though in most other times, there would've been a twinge of nervousness to it, as if he was unsure about doing it.

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