Across The Blood Red River *Human and Dragon War RP*

Saren heard the roar,and looked around. It seemed to have come from up ahead,to their left. He gestured for Gavin to stop,and he dismounted,looping the reins around a stubby branch. "Flank right. Gather as much information as you can. Only engage if retreat is impossible." I hope it isn't that one...

Saren stuck the point of Liberi into the ground near his horse,and flanked left,holding Fatali at the ready. He didn't know if he'd take the shot or not;dragons,as majestic as they are,are incredibly dangerous foes. And intelligent. If worst came to worst,he knew at least Gavin or himself would die,if not both.

Saren walked around the left side of the forest clearing,examining the dragon. It was...Dark gray,like volcanic stone. He paid special note to the thing's tail;it had a vicious point to it,and was dripping something,and it wasn't blood. At least it isn't that one... Saren kept his crossbow at the ready. He taken a bead on the dragon's eye,the weakest point visible to him. If he had to fight...So be it.
Gavin heard the roar and started, but otherwise kept calm. Xander flinched and, listening to Gavin listen to Saren, stopped. Gavin dismounted and tied Xander to a tree branch, using a slip knot, should he be startled. He drew his sword and followed Saren, not saying a word. He crept up next to Saren, behind the dragon, and scowled. As young as he may be, he had enough experiance to recognize the poison dripping from its tail. He wondered if he should risk telling Saren this, or maybe he was smart enough to know that. Setting his jaw, Gavin looked at the cattle it was devouring, then back at it. Hmm...

(Crap post, so sorry....>.<)
Wrath grunted, sniffing the air for any of the people he'd detected. He looked around, tail swinging with every movement, and attempted to seek out the person he had smelt in the near vicinity. He had a rough idea of the location, but that was all it was. A rough guess. Deciding to take his chances, Wrath launched a searing fireball in a random direction. Knowing better than to set the forest on fire, the attack was instead launched just above the top of it, skimming the trees closest to Wrath, singing some of the leaves. He knew they were there, but the smell of the cattle and poison migled too much with the human's secnt. Slamming his tail to the floor in frustration, he turned ninety degrees to hisleft, tail only just skimming the other tow, and view only just not wide enough to see them,
(Please, don't start until I accept you.

Add more detail to your form, and you're in =))

Gavin clenched his teeth so hard, his jaw started to hurt. The dragon was way too close with its aim for his comfort. He looked at Saren, hoping he was okay. This was way too reckless. They should not be so close. As reckless and cocky as Gavin can be, he knew when he was facing something far too great, even for him. Ugh, but he’d have to admit that before Saren would think about it. But, Gavin knew Saren was smarter then he gave credit for. Maybe it was just way too big, and Gavin was underestimating himself. He’s fought dragons before and - although he has never walked away without bad injuries and burns - won. Ugh, stupid poison tail..


(Terrible post, so sorry….)

After a bit of examining,Saren waved for Gavin to fall back. He whispered,as quietly as he could to Gav, "Report back to camp. I'll try to track it. Do not follow me;we can't afford to lose someone as promising as you." He looked again at the dragon,and up. It was intelligent alright. It knew to keep the dense forest in one piece,so it intentionaly lobbed it's infernal breath upwards,in an attempt to scare them.

To be honest,Saren was shaken. He would've panicked if this happened before this chapter of his life. But now...He was hardened. He whispered,so quietly,Gavin couldn't hear, "May my hand forget it's skill."
Gavin set his jaw. "I appreciate the potential compliment, but there is no way I am letting you do that. Come on Saren, where's your head?" he whispered. This was crazy, why would saren want to track that thing? Is he insane? The dragon was clearly very smart, and teh poison in its tail did not look like it couldn't cause lots of damage. gavin would gladly go with Saren, but wasn't gonna let him go alone.
"What would the Crown rather lose? An over-the-hill militiaman,or a young knight filled with promise? Where's your head?" He spun Gavin around,and lightly pushed him back to the horses. "I know you're looking out for me...But I'm three and a half decades old. I've lived past the soldier's life expectancy by five years." With a sigh,Saren said,simply, "It's my time. Go. Be a hero."
Dragon Form


Name:Thorned Rose (Rose)

Age: 170 years old


Looks: Rose is a deep hunter green with golden brown eyes. Her eyes are like a cats with the thin slit down the middle. Her talons are a creamy white the same as her teeth.

Personality:She is quiet and keeps to herself most of the time. She likes to avoid conflict but she can hold her own in a fight. The few times she has encountered others dragons she did not find their company all that pleasing and left.

Rank:(Warrior, Healer, Hunter, Loner etc....):Loner

History: Her father was a famous but harsh Earth dragon who bitterly hated humans while her mother, also an earth dragon, brought out his calmer side. Her father was first die. He was fighting in the war and no one really knows all the details but they say he died with honor. Her mother was later killed by humans while she was hunting. Since than Rose has learned how to take care of herself and being alone suits her just fine. Despite both her parents being killed by humans she is still curious about them and she is not sure that she hates them.

Element:(Fire, Ice, Water, Earth and Wind ONLY. Please have your color correspond with your element, I want NO red ice dragons): Earth

Amelia started to notice that Saren and that cocky knight he was babysitting were gone a while. She set her jaw and put teh jars of oils and herbs away, then gathered her skirts and grabbed her dagger, walking to the woods with no horse. Maybe they were hurt and needed help? What if they ran into a dragon, or a rogue? Yup, they definately needed her. After wondering a while, she found dragon tracks. A smell lingered in the air, the smell of dead cattle and something else, something bitter. She wrinkled her nose and kept going, far more careful.
(Accepted =) Thanks)

Gavin set his jaw and turned back around. He hated being told what to do, especially when that person was trying to play hero, when really, they were just looking for what they thought was a noble way to die. "I'll go, and I'll take your horse with me, after you tell me what this accomplishes, Saren," he whispered. What was he doing? "And, being a hero doesn't mean risking your life because you feel like a has-been. Saren. Think a little.”


Yale Smelled something....Not cattle, not deer...Human. He purred to himself, a sort of grainy, rolling sound. He folded his wings and flew lower, listening to his nose to found the humans. His nose found another dragon. Yale growled, annoyed, when he caught teh scent of a lone human....Perfect. he landed behind it, a scrawny female with a tiny thorn in her hand. Ooh, so easy....

(Grah, terrible....Where is my muse?!)
Saren stated,simply, "I've been called." He retrieved his glaive,Liberi,and returned to his place at the clearing. "It's not about being a martyr,Gav." He looked into Gavin's eyes. "It's about making a difference." With a short nod,Saren turned around,slowly approaching the clearing's perimeter. "Fates,deliver me good fortunes,and may my hand forget it's skill..."

Saren had muttered this under his breath.
Rose soared over the tree tops her emerald wings pushed her higher and higher into the sky. SHe glanced up at the sun her eyes glinting and wondered if she could fly high enough to reach the sun. She shook her head at her own foolishness. sRose pushed herself to fly faster as if she could escape the foolish thought.
Millie sesnsed that something was behind her, but she kept walking. Slowly she reached for her dagger, she knew she was in danger and didn't want to take any chances. She started to walk a little faster, scared that she didn't know what it was.

(Sorry, huge writer's block)
Wrath, against even his own expectations, managed to just about hear the murmurings of the humans near to him. With an irriated growl, the volcano-born fire dragon turned to face the warriors, dark grey smoke billowing from his nostrils in great puffs. The stench of flesh, fire, and mild toxins lingered on his breath, but there was no more than a disgruntled look in his eyes. The foolish would run, fight, or just flail stupidly. Whereas those with an iota of inteeligence woul back away slowly, not prompting any attacks, not making the mistake of making sudden movements. To make sure his point was made, a deep and continuous growl was let loose, while his bloodstained teeth were displayed. And not all of it was the cow's.
Rose was startled by the harsh growl she heard to her right. She began to fly lower her tail almost touching the treetops. She located the other dragon growling at the warrior and flew a little lower so she could get a better look at what was going on. The red dragon seemed to be seething with anger and very close to roasting the human in front of him.
Gavin clenched his jaw tighter. There was no way Saren could expect him to leave now. Withoit his permission, his hand found the hilt of his sword. Two dragons. Two dragons. One attracted the other, and gavin was certain he heard teh flap of wings nearby.


Yale growled, a low sound ripping up from his throat. He crept a bit closer, his black claws scraping the dirt. He wanted the girl to see him, almost. He maybe even wanted someone to save her, give him a challenge. Stupid humans. They were far too easy to be fun....
As Rose got closer to the human and the red dragon she realized that another dragon was approaching. Rose swooped even lower her wings clipped the trees. SHe decided to land nearby so she could get a better idea of what was going on. She landed in a nearby field and than she tensed. Rose was not as close to the dragons as she thought and she could smell a different human nearby.

(sorry for the crappy post)
Millie sucked in her breath and turned around. She surpressed a loud gasp at the sight of a huge red dragon, growling behind her. She backed up a bit, but the dragon mimicked every move. She let out a scream, hoping that if Gavin or saren were nearby, they'd help her. How was it that she stumbled upon a dragon?
Yale hissed and came closer, now only a few feet from the girl. He wanted her to run. He wanted a challenge. Humans are awful, he wanted them to drown in fear before he killed them. That, at least, would give hm dark satisfaction.

(Trying to revive, awful post)
Rose crept closer to the point where the dragons were located. The sunlight richeted off her scales shining hundreds of small lights into the shadows. The human scent was a little to her left and she looked around cautiously.

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