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Realistic or Modern Academy of Knowledge

miracle kami

New Member
"You've been cordially invited to attend Dantalion Academy, an academy deemed after the great and mighty duke of hell himself. It is one of the country's leading academies that excels in each and every subject, for our office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any. After much consideration you were explicitly chosen from an expansive list of esteemed individuals and are expected to arrive at the enclosed address within 72 hours upon receiving this letter. Failure to do the bidding will result in the expiration of your invitation.

"...Note that Dantalion Academy refrains from acknowledging any 'unfortunate' incidents occurred while on campus."
Under the luminescence of the moon Lucas was struggling to read the contents of the invitation gripped loosely in one hand. The torn edges of the letter fluttered violently against the cooling gust of wind, causing more tearing to the heavily wrinkled piece of paper. He knew very well it could easily slip from his grasp and ride its way into the melancholy reverie of the dark knight. Not that it would matter much anyway, he could recite the written message perfectly from memory. "Dantalion Academy". Lucas brushed his free hand across the rusted metal plaque in front of him as he matched the label. "That's that" was the one response he could muster after having confirmed the tag. Leaning his weight onto the fence, deteriorated as the plague, a weary sigh escaped despite his restraint and he forced himself to scan over the letter once more. 'Unfortunate incidents huh', he repeated the last bits in his mind and just as he interrogated it a scream of pure terror interrupted his thoughts. A horrific, piercing sound that stunned Lucas in a stupor of inaction. It was unnatural. Inhuman.
Kata walked up the path that led to Dantalion Academy. She had felt extremely confused at the invitation, as she had a record as a trouble maker. She had gotten into a lot of fights, broken a lot of rules, even humiliated the principle at her last school. She shrugged. She hadn't even wanted to go to this Academy but the orphanage decided to ship her off to it. She grit her teeth at the thought of the orphanage. "At least this place isn't that sack of worthless rubbish" she muttered to herself. She was almost to the gate when she heard the disturbing sound. She stiffened and goosebumps formed all along her skin.
Hikaru trusting his parents like he has done most of his life, looking up at the school and the background. He started to laugh nervously as he heard the scream. "Quite a welcome." he said his trust in his family faulting slightly. The scream ringing in his ear, and replaying like a broken record his mind unable to think of anything else. His red eyes looking around to see any other students who were there. Seeing one next to the plaque and a few others splattered around the area. Hikaru's optimistic side thinking It could be a sound effect, which would might explain for his nervous laughter if anyone commented on that. At the worst it was real and we are walking in a death trap. Frowning at his thoughts, hating his realistic and optimistic sides arguing with each other.

Lucas tightened his grip on the invitation, fighting back the urge to run as far away as possible. "Man, I so did not walk my bum out here for some haunted house setup", he muttered bitterly under his breath. He glanced around after a long minute of silence and distinguished silhouettes of others against the inky canopy of darkness. 'Most probably students... that or soon-to-be victims of who knows what.' Lucas searched for words as he propped his head up on the fence. "Any one of you suckers want to be the white mouse?" He motioned toward the tattered building with a slight nod but he was sure they could hardly see anything past their bare hands. Lifting his head, he gave the academy a brief once-over. Its bricks and cement had been eroded away and unkempt undergrowth replaced evergreen trees. The prevailing atmosphere seemed off-putting to him and quite frankly, uninviting. "Home sweet home."
Kata came up behind the boy who was at the fence. She slowly approached with narrowed eyes. She didn't get along with others and she heard his comment about a white mouse. She ruffled her hair so that it fell in front of half her face so that she could avoid as much eye contact as possible. "Hey..." she said softly behind him.

// @miracle kami //
Toru covered her ears as she heard the scream, she walked up to hikaru "do you know what that was..." she asked looking around
"A. Real scream B. A prank" Hikaru said a little nervously for two reasons, this was the first time speaking to another person who was not in his family. That would be normal. The second reason, it is more likely real mainly due to the letter saying there is multiple grade A courses, so the students should either be studying or Sleeping at this hour , "I'm hoping prank." He added, now (hesitantly) walking to the academy, trusting his family for bringing him here, looking at the ground hoping not to trip.
Immediately shifting his attention over to the approaching girl, Lucas blew out a long breath. Whatever energy he had before was drained from this sick joke. He looked up at black sky, then turned back to the girl who promptly stood before him a few lengths away in darkness. "Newcomer?" It was a silly question with a clear, obvious answer and although fully aware of this, Lucas couldn't come up with anything else at the spur-of-the-moment. The abrupt movement not far off caught his eyes, grabbed at his attention. He stared for a second before moving in the direction of the boy with the freakish-- but breathtaking red eyes. "Follow the leader it is", he said the last part with a strained smile. Midway his tread, he paused. Not bothering to throw a glance behind him as he waited for her. "You coming?"
The girl didn't even get a chance to answer his pointless question. She knew why he asked though, What do you say to a stranger after that? She saw the boy as well and stiffened up. She hated being around others but it might be better in this case. "Right behind you..." She spoke quietly, just loud enough for him to hear her.
For some reason the closer Hikaru walked toward the academy, the more intimating it became, Half expecting a skull as knocker, able to see a what seems to be a door shape. Looking behind him seeing the other students, counting them in his head, moonlight overhead the academy and the students.Trying to think positive, it is an big academy I suppose that would be nice..

This is the only action Hana had in mind.

The eerie scream echoed through the campus, and at the time, she was was ordering some high calorie extra buttered popcorn from the beloved vending machine.

once the scream traveled everyone's ears, she felt it.

It was a dreadful, scream of fear and torture .One that forced goosebumps to grow and cause the hair on your body to stand on end.

She smiled in curiosity and ripped the seal off her bag of popcorn.

But turning around, she heard a whistle of a knife slash at her.

Surprised by the silent attack, she jumped back with reflex and saw as tiny bits of dyed hair fell to the floor

"What the-"

As she faced her opponent, her eyes grew in alert. The boy in front of her was tall, muscular, and gripped a pocket knife with one big fist. his eyes illuminated with green and glowered at her like she needed to be eliminated.

"Woah, what the hell did I do", she commented on the side. Usually people were out to beat her up for mainly jealousy or hate, but this kid, she had never seen before.

Once again his green eyes narrowed and lunged at her with the pocket knife.

Jumping back, Hana twisted her foot and roundhouse kicked up to the height of his thrusted arm, shooting the knife out of his grip.

"Y'know, I would love to stay but", she said with a glance at her watch-less wrist, "I have somewhere to be".

And with that, she kneed him in the family jewels and punched him square in the nose.

the boy dropped to the floor with a hand on his groin and hand cupping his nose, which erupted a volcanoe of blood.

However, she still found something wrong with the boy. his eyes glowed green and he his face was practically a statue when they fought.

he was somewhat a threat to her and his vibe was making her a bit sick.

As Hana was about to leave, she saw the boy get up with ease and glare at her with despise. And it wasn't his face that showed it. it was his eyes.

"Uhh, its about time I get going", she said in a rush.

Running past the door, she heard the footsteps of the guy tailing her. "Shit, what do I do about this weirdo?", she thought in annoyance. As she headed outside, her vision flashed and all of a sudden she saw the moon coated with wisps of gray clouds and the nighttime sky enveloped with stars.

Her sneakers brushed passed the light bristles of grass, tipped with dew and headed for the black fence pronged with sharp spears.

"Well, either he makes it over the fence with me or I go over it and run to the main entrance on the other side", she murmered.

she ran at the fence and gripped on each spike. when her feet fit through the space between the spears, she jumped and landed to the ground with ease.

whipping her head to see if the weirdo was able to make it through, she watched him grip the spikes of the fence and saw in horror as his feet started leaving the ground.

She cursed at the abnormal weirdo and began to run like never ran before. Twigs snapped at her feet, the wind whispered violently through the evergreen trees, and her short bob started flying in every direction.

"Why is a green eyed weirdo trying to kill me" she whined.

As she ran she realized her hands were empty. Flashes of her bag of popcorn invaded her thoughts and she smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"Aw man I left my popcorn", she cried miserably

Slowly the plaque of Dantalion grew closer and closer until she was able to grip on the cool metal and catch her breathe.

But she realized she was not alone here. A splatter of kids were surrounding the inky fence next to the plaque and suddenly their heads whipped towards her.

Like a deer stuck in headlights all she could hope was

1) the green eyed creep didn't catch up

2) these other kids weren't out to kill her as well

3) and that her popcorn was okay
'What in the world?' Lucas jerked his body around just in time to catch sight of some crazed lunatic leaping over the fence. He hesitated, swallowed before proceeding to join the maniac by the plaque. The place lapsed into silence. Lucas knew he should be terrified but instead, he was more absorbed in finding out what had caused the disruption. He stood there for a full minute, staring at the mad girl. 'I must attract psychopaths.' He looked over at the other students and backed a couple of steps then, "Would it be too late to sign up for this ongoing murder spree?"
"Murder spree?! " Was this boy part of a murder spree? The green eyed weirdo flashed in her memory. Slowly she started to feel suffocated for some reason. Was this guy and the green eyed weirdo out on a killing spree? To kill HER?! She had to make sure.

Scratching her head and smiling nervously she asked, "Um... What do you mean.. ?"
He laughed, such an unexpected sound that Lucas thought he'd become completely and utterly insane. "Well, I don't know. How else would you explain the parrot screech earlier?" He eyed the girl for a drawn-out moment and readied for a charge or the flash of a blade, he certainly wasn't stupid enough to trust her. Not yet anyway. His gaze snapped to the group of kids gathered at a distance off, he gestured for them to scurry their little pretty bottoms over, then returned his attention to the girl. "Talk."
Kata had stayed back Watching the whole thing. She sensed something was up and that this school was super weird. Her red eyes glared at anybody who got too close she was already on edge. Staring at the jumpy girl and the boy she had met just a little bit ago she couldn't help but blurt out "What is wrong with this place?"
Okay, so he isn't planning to kill her. That's good.

She remembered his unexpected laughter, his eyes even rolled back and it quickly went from a bitter humor to a irritated tone.

Hana looked down at her wet, wood covered shoes and stifled a smirk. If all these kids are new she'd be obliged to make this guy's life a living hell. He must be mocking her, huh.

With an internal scoff, she opened her mouth to speak "W-"

Suddenly a girl blurted, "What is wrong with this place?"

Hana's head whipped towards the girl with the red eyes. Her eyebrows were knitted with confusion.

Looking from left to right, Hana saw everyone avert their dubious glaces towards her.

"I-I don't really know",Hana said sheepishly. "I've been staying at Dantalion for a month, but I'm sure that scream was just a fluke", she assured with a fidgeddy smile.
Kata raised an eyebrow and scoffed "Some fluke for a school. It's freaky here." She didn't seem too disturbed by the idea. She looked over at the other girl and returned her smile with a half smirk. Kata wasn't known to be friendly or anything like that.
Hana blinked a few times and scanned through the likes of these silly little newcomers. If a little scream was all they were freaked about, they should see what else this academy had in store for them. "Please don't mind that", Hana responded softly. " I-I came here thinking the same thinking, but soon I realized how... ",she thought for a moment, "fascinating this academy really was". Hana broke out in a soft giggle and swept a short curl of hair behind her ear. Under her soft tone she was eager to see how their lives would end here...
Kata narrowed her eyes. She didn't trust this girl at all despite acting so sweet and quiet. She didn't trust anybody but she knew this place was extremely untrustworthy. She huffed in annoyance and tossed her hair over her shoulder while standing up straighter. "Where are we supposed to go anyways? The office or something?"
How annoying could this day get? First she was almost killed by weirdo, interrogated by a couple newcomers and was now their apparent tourist guide for Dantalion.

The mass of freshman glared at her then, as if they were indirectly saying, "You better show us around you short little mushroom looking fucker" while cracking every bone in their body and shooting daggers with their eyes. Those two cocky students earlier, the girl with the red eyes and the guy with the sarcasm- they were basically leading the whole crowd.

Hana certainly didn't want to babysit a bunch of cheeky little bastards. But if she did, it would be easier to use them as human shields, in case the weirdo came back to kill her off...

"I could direct you guys to the library. Everyone's asleep now so you won't see much at this time of night."

She almost turned around and jumped over the gates after the suggestion. The habit never died. But this time she had to make herself seem approachable.

After fiddling with her cardigan, she found her ID and scanned her card by the entrance of the school.

The lock clicked and the metallic door began to croak and rattle as it moved.

Looking over her shoulder Hana smirked and introduced herself, "By the way, I'm Dantalion's midnight librarian: Hana Kurosawa. Glad to meet you all"
Kata nodded at Hana "I'm Kata Suzuki. Librarian? You read a lot?" Kata had a strong love of books and usually had at least two in her backpack at all times. She especially liked horror novels and she felt a school like this carried a lot of those.
Hikaru looks around the school, his white hair covering top of his vision, he walks over to the group with the girl who threw herself over the fence, the libarian stepping on the smooth floor. He paused as he looks around, the scream could have come from Hana, however if it was not it could have been inside the school. He walks in the darkness, the moonlight a guide to figure out where it came from.
"Oh? ", thought Hana, "a book lover. These newbies might not be so bad after all"

"Yes", Hana beamed at Kata. "They aren't many people who come to the library at night, so I read alot when there's nothing to do"

She motioned her hand for everyone to follow her. As they walked through the moonlit campus of Dantalion Academy, her curiosity grew as to how the rest of the night would turn out.
Kata smiled at the idea of books, And the thought that there was a time she could go to avoid people. She didn't sleep much anyways so she might as well occupy the library at night. "What type of books dorder the library have? Is it big?" Kata looked around and thought she could anger her own question on the size. The whole academy seemed to scream big.

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