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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

((*hugs Sky ** I'm Writer's grandmother but not really because I'm not old >_< I play characters Zac (whon may or may not still be Writer's boyfriend ) and his little sister Zoe ))

((Should I just right out and be like -yo, the siblings are back from yadda yadda and they don't know shit- or should I pretend they know about Writer's accident or whatever? ))
((I play Nick. He dies a lot. And if she's a grandma I'm a gdilf. Don't think about it too hard. Now where is Writer.))
Writer sits in the courtyard, trying to finish the picture of Zachary that she started. She kept moving around, trying to get comfortable, but it was impossible in that damn wheelchair. She sighed, giving up finding it impossible. She was debating on wether or not to get out of the wheelchair and sit in the grass or not. She decided against it, knowing if she saw something she'd probably get up and run and cause herself more pain. She had finally finished the face and mentally patted herself on the back. It was hard to try and perfect his face in a drawing. Especially when she hasn't seen him or Zoe for the past few days. She didn't get a goodbye or anything. She had been worrying too much and she hated it. She started to draw the body, and tried to clear her mind of all negative thoughts.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
(Grandma... What did u mean by Zac May or may not still be writers bf... WHAT ARE U GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Jasmine walked around the field again, as it got darker. She couldn't shake off that feeling that something bad was coming. She was becoming more and more worried. She wanted to tell someone, but who? If she did tell anyone, would they believe her? She sighed in frustration and found herself staring at the nearby woods. She got the shivers. Jasmine looked over and saw Writer, and it looked like she was drawing. She could tell her, she was the person Jasmine knew the longest. She started walking over to where Writer was. When she would tell her, what could they do?

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Nick woke up, looking around him. There was something wrong. Something definitely wrong. Here he was, but he wasn't sure where here was. There was definitely nothing underneath him. He looked around, still nothing. Wait, shit. No, there was supposed to be something under him. There was definitely supposed to be ground underneath him. That's when it hit him what was going on. He was falling. From a rather large height too. Shit. He looked underneath him, seeing the academy, knowing exactly what had happened. Before he hit the ground he yelled at the top of his lungs "Fucking respawn lag!" As his feet hit first, the sudden impact shattering his bones as the shock traveled through his body, breaking the entirety of his bone structure, his muscles being hit next. All of them bursting simultaneously as his blood made a fountain, it all being forced through his skull as his body lay in a crumpled mess then got back up immediately after this was done, looking around. "Fucking respawn lag. Piece of shit."
Jasmine finally approached Writer, and stood there nervously. She glanced at her drawing.

“Hey Writer..."

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Writer jumped a bit in surprise then, calmed down realizing who it was. "Oh hi Jasmine. What's up? Is everything okay?" She asked, turning the wheelchair so she could face Jasmine. She looked at the girls face seeing a look of worry on her face. She then, grew concerned.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Zachary and Zoe, as hopefully most students have noticed, have been gone for a few days now. It's not that the two suddenly vanished without reason. No, there was a reason. It seems their mother and father had kept up with their lives, for the most part, since the day they sent the children to live with extended family. Zoe was instantly excited and willing to do whatever she could for her parents, but Zac wasn't so willing. Unlike his sister, he was old enough to remember the couple. He remembers the sadness of his mother kissing him goodbye and telling him to take care of Zoe. He remembers growing up in one day.

However, the note was vague, and both siblings had questions they needed answered. The main question: Why?

But now, although children are taught to always love their parents, as parents are supposed to always love their children, the two are returning to the school they had left. It seems raising himself had formed a shell on Zac's heart, and he wasn't willing to open it up as easily as he has for Zoe and Writer. It seems fathers don't always love their daughters, and mothers don't always trust their sons. It seems the fairy-tale ending the younger Hallow had always dreamed of was not reality. Their parents just didn't seem the same.... The four decided they aren't meant to stay a family; it is too hard, now.

Zoe and Zac, as usually, walk together, hand-in-hand. The sister cluthes one bag with her other arm, but her brother carries all the other luggage. They thought they we're leaving; if not forever, at least for several months. They thought so many positive changes would arrive, but, alas, they are back... right outside the campus.

Zac chews on his lip, busting the skin, despite his effort not to, and smiles weakly at his sister. What would everyone think of them?! They were supposed to return with wonderful excuses, but now, they want to pretend they never left. Something impossible to accomplish with Writer around. Writer.... She was the only reason he wanted to return. He didn't want to run from the good things the academy had brought him... The male clears his throat, as though he is going to speak, but he doesn't. He then stops on the sidewalk and places everything on the ground.


Zoe, although still upset over recent events, is treating this moment as a returning-home party. She is wearing her favorite pink dress, which is bordered with black lace, as well as her fancy lavender tights and small black sandals. Her hair is curled, something extremely odd. She had paid for someone to rid her plain appearance of tangles, and she even had lipgloss on her lips. The female smiles and follows her brother's lead, thrilled to see her friends again. She is disappointed Zac only wore a T-shirt and jeans, but she doesn't question it, knowing the parent meeting was worse for him than her. Which is odd, considering her own father had slapped her in the face. Mommy and Daddy think she is a disgrace...no vampire should avoid a direct kill.

((Long post to make up for my absence xD *quiet cheers for me*))
Nightmare was running into the courtyard while holding a cat but a special cat. "WRITER WRITER WRITER I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" she yelled happily with a grin while the grim reaper and mary follow behide.

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“I... Don't know actually. This might seem weird and pointless, but, I feel like something bad is going to happen," She said, a hint of scared in her voice. She looked at the now night sky, and saw the crescent moon. Also glancing at the woods, she spoke again. “And... I don't know what to do about it..."

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(I love how nick dies randomly and people don't even care anymore xD )

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(Lmfao no one gives a shit... Well writer doesn't because she knows he's okay.. xD )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
((What about Jas's character? She saw someone fall from the sky, have his blood get everywhere. Then stand back up like nothing is wrong.))

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