Academy for the Extramundane

Name:Verathael Ichimides

“’s Thael ok?”

Age: 17 (22/5)

School year: 11th

Gender: Male



Species: Angel (Seraphim)

Student or teacher: Student

Bio: Born to a long line of legendary heavenly warriors, Thael is representative of a growing problem among God’s servants. Years of insular education and familial tradition have caused some angels to become...proud, to put it mildly. Not so long ago, an angel of Thael’s calibre would have received the finest education from the Empyrian’s most notable tutors, taught everything he needed to become yet another soldier of light. The problem with this approach is that it leaves angels arrogant, disdainful, and convinced of their own superiority. While the Almighty himself has not yet seen the need to address this problem, his advisors have already decided it would be suitable to give their young a more...diverse education. And so, Thael is one of many young angels to have been sent away from Heaven to learn more about other races and other worlds.

Personality: Charming, honest, but arrogant, Thael doesn’t quite understand the reason he’s at Daisy Fele’s academy. In his mind, he’s here to witness firsthand the inferiority of other races, which is exactly the opposite of what his tutors had in mind. He respects power and authority, and is genuinely kind to those he respects, but can be openly cruel to those he doesn’t.

Powers/Abilities: Superhuman speed, strength, relfexes


Mastery of combat disciplines

Light-based powers

Likes: Light, authority, angels, truth, justice, honour, solemn oaths

Dislikes: Liars, demons, demon related things, darkness

Sexual Orientation: Straight as a question mark

(OOC note: I haven’t really decided, I’ll keep it open for now)

Hopes this works ok.
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Name: Jorah

Age: 17 9/27/110 B.C.

School year: Junior

Gender: Male

Appearance: Human and Anubian form,

Handful of scars scattered on his body but he hides a large scar on his chest.

Species: Anubian, van guard race.

Student or teacher?: Student

Bio: At a young age he was buried with a pharaoh to protect him. A team of salvage workers broke into the tome to steal the artifacts, after lifting the skull of the pharaoh, the spell Anubians are bound by to awaken, he slaughtered the diggers and anyone close enough to smell that posed threat. Now after a year of rampaging anything near his tome he has decided that his long dead master would want him to become stronger in every way.

Personality: Hostile towards most, he can't help it. Is nice if you get him to not want to kill you. Gets angry easily.

Powers/Abilities: Felines, Reptiles, and flying animals worship him as a god and it is instinctual to all that fall in the description to protect and serve him. Can raise other Anubians from sand of equal skill to his own. Heals fast, very fast and is super strong and has strong reflexes and senses.

Likes: Exotic fruits, meditation, listening, and practicing his skills.

Dislikes: Listening to strangers rant, being teased with meat. (Bad stuff happens when they eat meat)

Sexual Orientation: Doesn't know, all of his race are raised to fight and kill, they mimic the pharaoh they protect in many ways. He only spent little time with the pharaoh since his race was a dying one.

Extra: He can only turn into a human when it is night, or he eats an essence of night shade. (Carries a night shade plant with him.)

Carries an Anubian sword,
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How many can he raise? Make it a small amount (Since they are equal to his skill) and your accepted. Interesting character, love the mythology aspect, can't wait to see you in the RP :D
Federoff said:
How many can he raise? Make it a small amount (Since they are equal to his skill) and your accepted. Interesting character, love the mythology aspect, can't wait to see you in the RP :D
He at a maximum can raise 3 but it depends on the sand around him, he carries a handful with him.
Federoff said:
What do you mean by carry a few around with him?
He carries a leather purse full of sand, it is customary and smart to do so. Customary because it is a statement "Remember ones true home and loyalties." And smart because they use sand to raise brethren, temporarily.
I don't control you, it may just feel instinctual to be my friend and protect. Smarter the creature the less it is bound to its natural instinct to help Anubians.


My name is Zain. Zain Agathangelos.


I look 24 in human years but I'm 1000 years old and I was born...Its difficult to say what month I was born in and what year I was born in


Do I look like I have...I'm a man.




It may sound strange but I'm a were-dragon, crystal were-dragon.

Student or teacher?:

Well, I'm a teacher. I do hope you like me teaching


Everyone has a past they don't want to talk about, either good or bad. I just rather not tell.


I'm calm, a tad overly curious for my own good, and kind but I have a tendency to get embarrassed quite easily.


Ah powers and abilities

I can control and create crystals but I have to have a crystal on me at all times. The crystals can reflect many elemental properties when their injected with said element. I may seem weak in terms of others but would someone really want to mess me when I can use a lot of elements and crystals?


I love nature and playing my flute when I have time. I also write when I have time or draw. I like helping but I do have a tad bit of a temper.


I deplore any student that is arrogant or ignorant. I dislike being interrupted when playing my flute but it doesn't hurt to ask for help.

Sexual Orientation:

Is this something that everyone has to know?... I'm...gods so embarrassing...Straight

While I do post in first, I'm readily able to switch to 3rd. I just like to use the first person for my characters, to give people a sense that the character is talking to them
Thank you for understanding, RP's just flow easier in 3rd. You do not need to change your CS though

-Headmaster Daisy


Nesirin iris Origin


16(he looks sixteen but no one knows his age, no one knows his origin either)

School year:

Tenth, or sophomore.




Human mode:


Aether/Nether mode:




Student or teacher?:



Neserin was born in a simple family and he though that his family was his real family, he believed this for about fifteen years until he was proven elsewise. on his fifteenth birthday he was shown that he was not human, he was taken from his life he had structured together so perfectly. What he was shown he has yet to tell anyone. but it includes the death of his family and the rebirth of a weopon that was crafted at the beginning of time. ok let's do a little recap! Neserin was never told when he was born, he never wet to school and was always homeschooled, anytime he went outside people would stay away from him and his family for some strange reason. animals would always linger around him even if his parents tried to shoo the animals off, they would always find a way back to him. water and fire acted strangley around him and whenever he touched another human there skin would start to burn. all of this contributes to him but....i will tell you how it corralates later.


He is very laid back but shy and slightly hotheaded, he can't help but to be nice to people in trouble but always walks away before they say thanks, he trys not to get into many conversations unless he knows the person and this includes if he has only met them once, he is very forgetful and sometimes won't remember people's names and faces. so if he doesn't remember you don't feel offended. When he gets mad he goes all out, his though on fighting is that each fight is to the death so give it your all. that can lead to complication though as he thinks alot of things are gonna lead to fights and he instantly trys to diffuse them or end them.




the right at the point of the sun rising


when the sun sets

people when they talkt to much.

Sexual Orientation:Straight

Sorry for the late response, I was busy doing some stuff: now onto your application. The powers are a little overboard, I'm going to have to ask you to limit his powers/ uses for both of them, or have him only master 1 of those two.

-Headmaster Daisy

(@neverin )
Name: Amon Ilister

Age: 17 (February 17th)

School year: Junior

Gender: Male


Species: Plant Elemental

Student or teacher?: Student

Bio: Amon was born or created within the ground where the roots of a great willow and Sakura blossom tree. When he finally saw the day of lights he crawled onto land and was adopted by a lovely family of bears of some sort. He grew with them and his brothers and it wasn't that he left until his brothers grew and left. Finally he met his first human, a girl. He followed he for awhile until she found him hiding in the flowers. She smiled and offered him her hand as she guided him to her home. This is where he lived most his teen life until one day he came home from a walk to find his new family dead and someone thieving their home. Anger intensified within him and he tackled him choking him to death with vines. Amon laid with his dead family, tears in his eyes. Until Academy staff found him and took him away.

Personality: Usually naturally kind and caring and doesn't talk much. However if the force of nature is forced it will speak. He likes almost everyone and would harm a blade of grass.

Powers/Abilities: Plant Embodiment,creation and Manipulation. Photosynthesis

Likes: Fruits, vegetables, flowers and sunshine.

Dislikes: Meat, fire, and extreme cold.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

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