Academy for Supernatural Creatures

Neil tilted her head. "Oh i'm ok that happens a lot." Neil's voice let out a large sigh after that and it seemed that everyone was getting a class roster.
'Sure?' Rrkah asked, but his attention changed to a series of people who were progressing around, handing out sheets of paper. They seemed to have no trouble finding everyone, which surprised Rrkah as he had been under the impression that the pieces of paper had names on them. He shrugged, and closed his eyes, slipping into a half-sleep state.
Chanter took her roster and looked at it in amazement. She'd never taken classes like these in her life...

She continued to read off the names of the classes with and incredulous expression on her face.

{What kinds of classes does the school have?? i was gonna be more specific but I wasn't sure... :/ }
(Classes hahahahahahahahaahahahahah I guess you can make up you're own. since I have a hard time making classes lol))

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